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Royal Navy's Deadly New £1 Billion Supersub!

Come and post your reply when India DOES get F-35. For the time being it is a bit far fetched.
And why should India go for the shitty F-35 which costs the earth and has a dozen problems besetting it since the past so many years that they have not been able to sort out so far? From malfunctioning HMDs to pressurization failures, this toy is not worth the money. It's just not cost effective. And we're getting the T-50 PAK FA or FGFA which is far more reliable and sturdy and far cheaper than the F-35.

Even landing on the flight deck in VTOL mode is turning out to be a nightmare due to stabilization issues etc. :azn:
I joined this forum in 2009 and since then have been hearing about the MMRCA. So how is that going? India has not even finalised the deal yet and you are talking about F35? You know that F-35's actual service date is 2017?

MMRCA is not a order of Idli Wada...MMRCA is going to change the face of Indian defense Industry...So it is taking time....I cannot make you understand about F-35.... You are talking like a BURBAK.
Nah we should ask them to give it free as defence aid

You give away yourself away when you talk like this...we know who gets free military equipment as aid

Alert to all Indian members: @BLACKGOLD is not an Indian
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You give away yourself away when you talk like this...we know who gets free military equipment as aid

Alert to all Indian members: @BLACKGOLD is not an Indian
It was a joke,my mother once told me faltu lokanchya nadhi lagayche nahi.
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That may be so, but I am not sure how accurate or consistent a sonar signature can be in different water temperature and sea conditions which can be quite extreme. Despite the fact that sound travels farther in water as compared to the air, there must be a lot of distortion over long distances specially when there are many more sources spread across the travel path of sound waves. Anyways if they do have such tech to track vessels across thousands of miles and exactly identify the vessel then I am impressed.
And that's why this beauty costs a whopping £1 Billion!! That's almost Rs 8000 crores INR or Rs 16,000 crores PKR!! :woot: And that's about a third of Pakistan's entire defense budget!!! :blink:
And why should India go for the shitty F-35 which costs the earth and has a dozen problems besetting it since the past so many years that they have not been able to sort out so far? From malfunctioning HMDs to pressurization failures, this toy is not worth the money. It's just not cost effective. And we're getting the T-50 PAK FA or FGFA which is far more reliable and sturdy and far cheaper than the F-35.

Even landing on the flight deck in VTOL mode is turning out to be a nightmare due to stabilization issues etc. :azn:

T-50 is far more reliable? Said who? The plane is not even in full production yet.....and you are making bogus claims.

MMRCA is not a order of Idli Wada...MMRCA is going to change the face of Indian defense Industry...So it is taking time....I cannot make you understand about F-35.... You are talking like a BURBAK.

Are you somehow related to Stormforce?
T-50 is far more reliable? Said who? The plane is not even in full production yet.....and you are making bogus claims.
Bogus claims? Heck, there are huge problems being faced by the F-35 as compared to the T-50. With more than 20 partners and subcontractors all over Europe, the US, Australia, Canada, Denmark, Israel, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Norway, Republic Of Korea, Turkey and the United Kingdom it's become a veritable nightmare to get things sorted out. The T-50 doesn't have any such problem of multiple vendors. Just HAL, India.

Here's more about the F-35 and these problems ain't 'bogus' as you say....

> The helmet-mounted display system still does not work properly.
> The fuel dump subsystem poses a fire hazard.
> The Integrated Power Package is unreliable and difficult to service.
> The F-35C's arresting hook does not work.
> Classified "survivability issues", which have been speculated to be about stealth.[170]
> The wing buffet is worse than previously reported.
> The airframe is unlikely to last through the required lifespan.
> The flight test program has yet to explore the most challenging areas.
> The software development is behind schedule.
> The aircraft is in danger of going overweight or, for the F-35B, not properly balanced for VTOL operations.
> There are multiple thermal management problems. The air conditioner fails to keep the pilot and controls cool enough, the roll posts on the F-35B overheat, and using the afterburner damages the aircraft.
> The automated logistics information system is partially developed.
> The lightning protection on the F-35 is uncertified, with areas of concern.

And more from the pilots themselves.....

> Current aircraft software is inadequate for even basic pilot training.
> Ejection seat may fail causing pilot fatality.
> Several pilot-vehicle interface issues, including lack of feedback on touch screen controls.
> The radar performs poorly, if at all.
> Engine replacement takes an average of 52 hours, instead of the two hours specified.
> And the maintenance tools do not work!

Want more? You got the gist anyway - hopefully. The T-50 doesn't have any such problems!
T-50 is far more reliable? Said who? The plane is not even in full production yet.....and you are making bogus claims.

Are you somehow related to Stormforce?

Stormforce....???...Ooo Ka Hota hai Bhai...??...Tanik Hamka Samjhao...?
Bogus claims? Heck, there are huge problems being faced by the F-35 as compared to the T-50. With more than 20 partners and subcontractors all over Europe, the US, Australia, Canada, Denmark, Israel, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Norway, Republic Of Korea, Turkey and the United Kingdom it's become a veritable nightmare to get things sorted out. The T-50 doesn't have any such problem of multiple vendors. Just HAL, India.

Here's more about the F-35 and these problems ain't 'bogus' as you say....

> The helmet-mounted display system still does not work properly.
> The fuel dump subsystem poses a fire hazard.
> The Integrated Power Package is unreliable and difficult to service.
> The F-35C's arresting hook does not work.
> Classified "survivability issues", which have been speculated to be about stealth.[170]
> The wing buffet is worse than previously reported.
> The airframe is unlikely to last through the required lifespan.
> The flight test program has yet to explore the most challenging areas.
> The software development is behind schedule.
> The aircraft is in danger of going overweight or, for the F-35B, not properly balanced for VTOL operations.
> There are multiple thermal management problems. The air conditioner fails to keep the pilot and controls cool enough, the roll posts on the F-35B overheat, and using the afterburner damages the aircraft.
> The automated logistics information system is partially developed.
> The lightning protection on the F-35 is uncertified, with areas of concern.

And more from the pilots themselves.....

> Current aircraft software is inadequate for even basic pilot training.
> Ejection seat may fail causing pilot fatality.
> Several pilot-vehicle interface issues, including lack of feedback on touch screen controls.
> The radar performs poorly, if at all.
> Engine replacement takes an average of 52 hours, instead of the two hours specified.
> And the maintenance tools do not work!

Want more? You got the gist anyway - hopefully. The T-50 doesn't have any such problems!

I meant bogus in regard to T-50.

You completed your usual parroting post by saying 'Hopefully' T-50 won't have such problems. Like did it come from some other place than Earth? Every project has hurdles. USAF found that after having F-35 in production. T-50 is not even there yet and you are making tall claims that it will not have hurdles. Like seriously, which defense program in India has not been delayed. Arjun? Brahmos? LCA or the Aircraft carrier that Russia could hardly refit and deliver on time.

> Engine replacement takes an average of 52 hours, instead of the two hours specified.!

I could go into how much b.s most of that was. However as an Aerospace Engineer Officer (albeit in training) I can assure you that at least this part is certainly not true.
Every project has hurdles. USAF found that after having F-35 in production. T-50 is not even there yet and you are making tall claims that it will not have hurdles. Duh!
Are you even aware that the F-35 is far from series production?? And that is still a long off. The USAF announced last week that it will proceed with upgrades of probably more than three hundred F-16 fighter jets to compensate for an expected two year delay in combat readiness of the F-35A Joint Strike Fighter due to glitches galore. Of the Air Force’s two thousand fighter jets, less than two hundred F-22 Raptors are on the cutting edge of aviation technology. All thanks to the F-35 screw-ups.

And to add to the misery, the US Department of Defense disclosed that the entire program had exceeded its original cost estimate by more than 50 percent with a mind boggling $160 million a piece! By the time this toy is introduced it would probably cost $200 million a piece! You call that cost effective? The T-50 in contrast will cost just $80-90 million a piece with better and more reliable cutting edge technology. Now that I would say, is cost effective.

The F-35A, the conventional takeoff and landing version isn’t expected by the Air Force to enter service until 2018. The Marine Corps anticipates that the F-35B VTOL variant will enter service late 2015 or in 2016.

And that my friend is when the T-50 is slated to enter service with the Russian Air Force. India will get the birds into its fleet by 2020/21.
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