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Row erupts as Rahul Gandhi equates banned terror outfit with pro-Hindu body


Apr 8, 2007
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From R. Vasudevan—Reporting from New Delhi
New Delhi , 07 October (Asiantribune.com) :

Congress General Secretary Rahul Gandhi on Wednesday equated the banned terror outfit Students’ Islamic Movement of India (SIMI) with the Hindutva body Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) sparking a verbal clash between the BJP which hit out at the youth leader and the Congress which saw nothing wrong in the comparison.

Rahul Gandhi while talking to the media in Bhopal said he felt there was not much difference between the SIMI and RSS as both were "fanatical" and held "fundamentalist" views. When a reporter told him he had made a controversial statement equating the two groups in Tikamgarh, the young MP said he failed to see any controversy in it. Bhopal is in Madhya Pradesh which is ruled by the BJP.

When pointed out that the radical SIMI was a proscribed outfit, which was not the case with the RSS, the Nagpur-headquartered right-wing group, Rahul Gandhi stated that this did not matter much for him. "I know only that both SIMI and the RSS were fanatical and held fundamentalist views," he asserted.

There can be no place for people with fanatical views in the Youth Congress, said Gandhi, who is in-charge of youth wings of the Congress. Rahul is on a tour of BJP-ruled state.

On the Ayodhya case, Rahul said the verdict neither condones the demolition of the Babri Masjid nor the large-scale violence that followed the December 6, 1992 event. The Amethi MP said his view on the September 30 verdict by the Allahabad high court was similar to the one given by Congress leaders.

The Congress had said the judgment in "no way condones the demolition of the Babri Masjid which was a shameful and criminal act for which the perpetrators must be brought to justice". The aggrieved parties are free to approach the Supreme Court against the decree, which calls for three-way division of the disputed site, if they so desired.

Furious over being equated with the banned SIMI by Rahul Gandhi, the RSS hit out at the Congress leader saying he needs to learn more about the country before making such "meaningless" statements. "He should brush up his knowledge before making meaningless statements. He should know the difference between RSS and banned outfits and know the history of Congress party, which has been accused of fundamentalism in the last six decades," RSS spokesperson Ram Madhav said. "Rahul has a long way to go in politics, He should have better knowledge of India. He should learn more before making such statements," he said.

Reacting strongly to Rahul Gandhi's remarks, the BJP said the young leader seems to have lost his mental balance and shown political immaturity by his comments. "Only a sick mind can do it (compare RSS to SIMI). He seems to have lost his mental balance. RSS is an institution of nationalist thought while SIMI has been banned by their (Congress) government as it was banned by us when we were in power," BJP spokesperson Prakash Javadekar pointed out.

Meanwhile, in New Delhi, the Congress today stepped up attack on RSS for its remarks against Rahul Gandhi saying the right-wing outfit is a "master in spreading rumours" and that its statements should not be given any significance.

"What Rahul Gandhi has said is correct. RSS has no answer to what Gandhi has said. Congress does not have to learn history and culture with RSS. They are known masters in spreading rumour," AICC general secretary Digvijay Singh told reporters.

The Congress leader charged RSS has a large number of organisations including Bajrant Dal, Vishwa Hindu Parishad and Abhinav Bharat "who are involved in various kinds of activities".He claimed that a number of persons belonging to these organisations have been found to be involved in terror incidents and dared the RSS to deny their association with it.

Row erupts as Rahul Gandhi equates banned terror outfit with pro-Hindu body | Asian Tribune
Good, kick all these terrorist scum out! Rahul did the right thing.

Ohh shut up. How the hell is RSS equal to a banned terrorist outfit. The RSS might have some extreme views on certain issues yes but they have contributed so much to the country even before independence.

Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Just read this and you'll know how much this very organisation you just ridiculed has contributed for the country.:angry:

Liberation of Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Goa

Role during the 1962 Sino-Indian War

Movement for the restoration of democracy

Participation in land reforms
Rahul Baba is a brainwashed idiot who likes to hang out with pinko liberals and commies.
So it seems we got some RSS terrorist supporters on this forum as well.
Rahul doesn't know the history of RSS otherwise he wouldn't say it.
they are hardcore nationalist while SIMI is an terrorist organisation.
Rahul got his post/position in congress just because of his family background.

It was an immature (political) statement Rahul Gandhi/Raul Vinchi(?).
This is just posturing .. pre election & post Babri verdict.

Rahul is too wet behind the ears to know the diff.
^^^ Yup. Agree with the immature comments by RG.
BTW, FYI, RSS was banned thrice - for Gandhi's assassination, post emergency and post Babri masjid demolition.

Except for some of their extreme political and ideological views, they are too rightwing for my comfort, they do have a good track record of social service - atleast from what I have seen.

ps: Before anyone jumps the gun and starts comparisons, RSS doesnt call for killing or murdering people.
Its an election stunt to portray BJP and RSS as fanatics to canvas the moderate population
Its an election stunt to portray BJP and RSS as fanatics to canvas the moderate population

Very possible, the way the Congress high command is supporting Rahul. I get what he was trying to say- that fundamentalists all over are similar, but a bit excessive to actually equate the RSS and SIMI. The RSS has actually done a lot of good work over the years. They are hardcore nationalists, not religious fundamentalists.
Another vote-bank consolidating posturing by the Yuvraj/Rahul Gandhi/Raul Vinci. :angry:

BTW these are some of the comments by readers of IBNLIVE to Yuvraj Rahul's comments and you can see how many educated Indians buy his crap

from sagang at 22:55, Oct 06, 2010
My reaction would be from the Holy Bible: Father forgive him; for he does not know what he is saying.

from maheshwar_v at 22:40, Oct 06, 2010
Better to throw this guy out of the borders...my biggest concern is that the dirty Indian media is showcasing him as the future PM!! God save India...

from yogeshdadke@in.com at 22:40, Oct 06, 2010
Strongly condemn Rahul's statements , I guess he need to read some books and enhance the mind spectrum before uttering the words.

from appvenkat at 22:35, Oct 06, 2010
Last year AP witnessed worst possible flood that occur once in 120 years. When the govt couldn't reach many villages, RSS has sent more than 10,000 volunteers to remote areas to help the people. This is just one example. Rahul has done nothing to India till date and making pathetic comments

from ritakurian at 22:15, Oct 06, 2010
@Ramakrishnan Nagarajan You are right, RSS should not be compared with SIMI...it is degrading the standard of RSS...It should be compared with Al Qaeda or Taliban lol....

from rammeshbabu at 10:14 PM, Oct 06, 2010
I think Rahul needs to know the history before he talks politics. he is too immatured for politics. people of india should not take him serious. certainly he needs a medical intervention.

from anantpradhan200 at 09:46 PM, Oct 06, 2010
Exactly abaks , i feel the same, thanks for ur great comment

from kapilatp at 09:38 PM, Oct 06, 2010
Organizationally congress is in no way compete with RSS. So Rahul baba started criticizing RSS. It only exposes his foolishness and immature leadership.

from bhaigiri at 09:36 PM, Oct 06, 2010
Now Rahul, you made a fool out of yourself by doing that. That was one dumb statement. Are you trying to hide your mafia and drug dealing roots and connections?

from nayosa at 09:30 PM, Oct 06, 2010
@ksndcl or money laundering from colombian drug lords?

from dewy_2006 at 09:30 PM, Oct 06, 2010
Comparing RSS with SIMI ? Totally uncalled for.

from keere at 09:28 PM, Oct 06, 2010
Exactly. About time someone said the truth. Just because they have the backing of a major political party and a bunch of nut-bags who do anything for them doesn't absolve the RSS of all its wrong doings. It is worse than SIMI because they give organizations like SIMI all over the world a reason to attack India.

from nayosa at 09:27 PM, Oct 06, 2010
Difference between two R is that Rahul enjoyes money from Indiara gandhi Nehru and Bofors pay out other R RSS works for welfare of Hindu community

from abaks at 08:53 PM, Oct 06, 2010
i think he needs medical intervention....

from ksndcl at 08:45 PM, Oct 06, 2010
I only hope his Colombian ( or Spanish is it? ) gal is not maintained at Indian tax payers expense

from Muruga Jayanandan at 08:23 PM, Oct 06, 2010
The RSS is the largest voluntary organization in India. Its work for the uplift of society and its patriotism is undisputed. Can u point out any other group still surviving after been accused of killing the Mahatma, links with terror etc..but here it still exists, with support of the common man.

from Ramakrishnan Nagarajan at 08:21 PM, Oct 06, 2010
I thought rahul gandhi was different. He is also following the same old path of criticizing other organization for political gains, rather than focusing on development.... Criticizing an organization such as the RSS as a terrorist outfit is absolutely wrong, and I totally disagree with it!

from anantpradhan200 at 08:17 PM, Oct 06, 2010
Imature comments ,, I think Rahul doesnt know what is RSS. This is one the greatest organisation in India which teaches and unite us as Bharat Mata , nothing else. What is wrong to favour Hindutwa ... This is the oldest hindutwa organisation in the World since very long , Better Rahul shoud not give immature comments. Rahul should read indian history .

from gurrrr009 at 08:14 PM, Oct 06, 2010
heights of vote bank politics, better go to columbia otherwise he will have to follow his dad.

from cooldude7808 at 07:37 PM, Oct 06, 2010
congress had a alliance with Muslim League , PDP in kerala etc ......

from stier at 07:28 PM, Oct 06, 2010
This has become a constant feature now. The scion passing statements and the party spokesperson defending him. Let him know the history of RSS and the history of SIMI. I believe youth congress is more similar to SIMI than RSS

from onecreator at 07:27 PM, Oct 06, 2010
What he said is absolutely correct and the majority of Indians support him and want him to be our PM.

from Anand Kafaltiya at 07:20 PM, Oct 06, 2010
Campairing RSS with the SIMMI is a wrong vision to know India. Rastriya Swayang Sangh is a patriotic organization, this fact is held correct by an earlier Supreme Court Judgment when RSS itself was legally challenged. Mr. Rahul Gandhi must clear his mistake and should not make such statements again.

from manoj.cs at 07:19 PM, Oct 06, 2010

It's only logical that he feels hostile towards India and it's culture. He is a cross breed and he'll feel more secure about his roots in culture-less environments.

from csrcaesar at 07:14 PM, Oct 06, 2010
Rahul..yet again proves his naivety and lack of political knowledge. if you can't comment with deftness and diplomacy better shut-up. Shame that such low IQ candidates may end up being our leaders in the vote bank politics. I say read SunTzu's Art of war. There is so much talk about war, but there is hardly any mention of violence....that is diplomacy, strategy. These are not punch-lines Sonia's pappu...they are what you are expected to live by..!!

from anantpradhan200 at 07:12 PM, Oct 06, 2010
Did Rahul knows what it Sangh Parivar , unnecessary how come he is blaming RSS and saying unmanned comments. He is not aware of RSS ideology. Let him read about RSS and be matured

from hangared at 07:10 PM, Oct 06, 2010
And they say this dude this gonna lead our country in future.... Someone who does not have knowledge of what's the difference between RSS and SIMI is a dumb ***.

from srikantiah at 07:10 PM, Oct 06, 2010
The RSS needs no advice from this baccha Gandhi who is politically immature.His Nehru was responsible for creation of Pakistan.He belongs to a family which partitioned India.Does RSS need lectures on patriotism from such a Gandhi family?. Srikantiah.

from desiadmi at 07:01 PM, Oct 06, 2010
Rahul Gandhi and his "Advisor" Dig-Vijay-Singh are well known for Anti-RSS comments. Nothing New of them, RSS need not kiss their dirty mouth.

from filtercoffee at 06:43 PM, Oct 06, 2010
Truly speaking Rahul mother is christian. Hence in Rahul DNA his hatredness to Hindu sentiments is imbedded. Moreover he is not married and a frustrated young old man. It is time to feel pity for him.

from shanthanu4640 at 06:42 PM, Oct 06, 2010
It is better for Congress if they brief their Bachha properly before issuing controversial and illogical statements.
Well, anyone who thought that Rahul Gandhi represented the new India and because of his youth, he will usher in a new era of politics etc, should have got over their daydreaming.

Yes, he is young and he will be slightly different from the older leadership, but don't expect any radical changes. The vote-bank politics will go on. So, we will have the Congress, CPM, etc trying to corner the Muslim vote-bank while the BJP, Shive Sena etc will try to corner the right-wing Hindu vote-bank.

Oh! And everyone will try to corner the caste vote-banks, of course! :tdown:
RSS trained Narendra Modi mutilated 2000 Muslim bodies - I'm very terrified of someone who can do that - that makes him and the RSS a terrorist outfit.
RSS trained Narendra Modi mutilated 2000 Muslim bodies - I'm very terrified of someone who can do that - that makes him and the RSS a terrorist outfit.

Modi is the biggest enemy of RSS in BJP-RSS circle. At least that is what newspapers say.
RSS trained Narendra Modi mutilated 2000 Muslim bodies - I'm very terrified of someone who can do that - that makes him and the RSS a terrorist outfit.

:what:Can you please post a neutral news source that will make this sentence sound a little less ridiculous?
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