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Romania cancelled 1.2bn$ French Gowind-class corvettes deal

Doubt it, they know China will copy them and make their own and export it to other countries that are customers of France.
They already have long running joint ventures on the helicopters, pretty much all of China’s Helicopters are Airbus/Eurocopter designs.
I imagine they'll go nuts if we don't buy the Belharra in the end and they end up losing contracts with Morocco.

Imagine if they leave NATO and go full pro-Russian.
It happen before so would not be surprised over it.
Europeans have no illusions about Russia. they can look at Ukraine for themselves. China is a different story
Does anyone really believe Russia is going to sweep through Europe? The country that can conquer Europe is called the Soviet Union, not Russia. Americans and Europeans really need to get over their childhoods. The Soviet Union is dead.
The EU is a waste. The real European power is the Alliance of Russia, France and Germany.
It is a tweet and there is a character limit but none of us forgot Crimea. We remember.

It doesn't take away that this trend of cancelling deals years later is a self-inflicted wound France enabled and now French are on the receiving end.

All these deal cancellations, whether Australian or Russian, are a net loss for Europe. This is the point to ponder.
Who's "we"? I'm confused
And France starts selling weapons to China
Corporation on some front, ok, but off the shelf sales? No, we are not Indian, shouting out for "game changer" on any foreign equipments.
Does anyone really believe Russia is going to sweep through Europe? The country that can conquer Europe is called the Soviet Union, not Russia. Americans and Europeans really need to get over their childhoods. The Soviet Union is dead.
The EU is a waste. The real European power is the Alliance of Russia, France and Germany.
Germany ain't in that alliance,especially when it helps Ukraine and the Baltics against Russia and also has a rivalry with France.
Bad times for France. Pakistan should buy some if it fits the need! Haha..
next indian doesnt want Rafale full refund for 36 aircraft

French getting banged left right and centre
Actually Indians were the first one to reduce their order from 120 jets to 36. If it wasn’t for the Feb 27th spanking by the PAF, they might have restarted the tender.
1, With the deepening of China's investment in Africa, the contradiction between China and France cannot be solved for the time being.

2, In the EU, France is the Anti China force. Germany, Hungary, Italy and Greece are the forces responsible for being friendly to China. The EU has always done so, and there is a good division of labor within them.

3, The USA and Britain are forcing France to join Taiwan's submarine program. I think we will see that this year.
Does anyone really believe Russia is going to sweep through Europe? The country that can conquer Europe is called the Soviet Union, not Russia. Americans and Europeans really need to get over their childhoods. The Soviet Union is dead.
The EU is a waste. The real European power is the Alliance of Russia, France and Germany.

Western Europe (France & Germany) believes in liberal democracy. Putin is at best an autocrat. At the worst Russia has thousands of nukes with a grudge
Russian actions in Ukraine are a red line for the Europeans
Bad times for France. Pakistan should buy some if it fits the need! Haha..

You need money for that :pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:
Yesterday Macron actually called Modi for phullsaapport after getting shafted here and there. He knows only India can be fooled by their over priced military stuff.

It sounds like France wants to give French submarine nuclear tech to India or setup some new France/India "strategic partnership".
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