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Romania cancelled 1.2bn$ French Gowind-class corvettes deal

French should have saw it coming. If you go against the US UK bloc, you are getting the worst in return. Moreover, when it is about domination in the region or to have influence over an ally to through 7nder the bus, like France shouldn't have crossed US in Indian defence market. French will have to work more and more now. Shots are fired.
someone need lots of tissue papers . its not same country barking us in FATF few months ago ohhh wow . its seems they are cursed now . whom go behind india will go to drain :rofl:

Ehenj hay tay fer ehenj ee sahi. Karma
Frenchi getting shafted.

There is a different phrase fitting well with situation and parties.......but some other time.
This news is speculative guess work at best and not confirmed - however we should all keep our fingers crossed that it becomes true ( as well as the Greek deal for ships !!!! ).

The UK has had enough of French behaviour over the last 36months and wants to take a few strips out of the French - the UK has far more leverage to be able to do this than the French.
America is just showing its wanna be rebellious kid who the actual boss is.

France pissed off America big time for wanting to have their own European Nato with French being the boss.
French will never take such a radical step all by themselves, in order to do that they will have to get most of the EU nations on board.
I imagine they'll go nuts if we don't buy the Belharra in the end and they end up losing contracts with Morocco.

Imagine if they leave NATO and go full pro-Russian.
Now Russia have choices between Germany n France (for Russia both are evils)
America is just showing its wanna be rebellious kid who the actual boss is.

France pissed off America big time for wanting to have their own European Nato with French being the boss.
Bro the question is did we make the union to be a European Union or to have the Americans tell us what to do and where to fight? That's what France is against. And not just France,others too.

In fact the Russians and the French were allies often in the past.
Yes but like a Greek military site and magazine pointed out,the Russians "forgot" why their deal was cancelled. It was because that year they took Crimea.

For me Crimea is Russian and they did nothing wrong,but for the Western world and most of Europe and the Americans,that was an "invasion".
next indian doesnt want Rafale full refund for 36 aircraft

French getting banged left right and centre
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