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Role reversal: India offers US fighter jet trainer in 1st major defence sales pitch

But can USN take it NLCA as LIFT with Israeli/French avionics etc etc
Yes it can, they are allies.
Nigeria and Myanmar all rejected the Tejas for being low tech...
Was never offered to them by the way
This thread needs to be moved to the comic section. HAL has made a mockery of itself by making this sales pitch. A good sales man should know what when where and who to sell. When was the last time USA bought a Plane from another country?
USA buys equipments from other countries regularly and its HAL that responded to the RFI issued by US Navy to 4 companies and HAL responded to their RFI with LCA LIFT which has serious chances of winning.
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Advantages of LCA LIFT over its contenders in US Navy’s trainer competition.

1. It can mimic any aircraft while other 3 in competition can’t.
2. It has a single screen multifunctional wide area display while others have 3 screened MFD.

3. It is carrier capable while other 3 are not carrier ready.
4. It can be armed and used like a normal LCA Tejas and used in war like scenarios while other 3 trainers don’t have such facility or will need modifications for it.

5. Its engine is American (All 4 have American engines), but Italian offer might be rejected due to the fact that Italian offering is a Russian aircraft Yak-130 made in Italy. The South Korean, Swedish and Indian offers same GEF404 but Indian Tejas uses American made F404s with higher Thrust while South Korean T-50 uses licensed locally made F404s with lower thrust. While Indian LIFT and Swedish T-7A both use same F404s. Hence I have a strong feeling that India’s LIFT might be selected.

6. NLCA has a working carrier borne aircraft and LIFT simulators are ready.

7. LCA’s Crash free flying record for 20 years (Can’t say the same about others if they do have same record or not).

The only disadvantage is the fact that LCA LIFT is the most expensive offering among the 4 contenders hence HAL should lower the price of it to make its chances of winning increase a lot. Because we do have offered our LCA to Malaysia as well and will increase the reputation of LCA program.
Advantages of LCA LIFT over its contenders in US Navy’s trainer competition.

1. It can mimic any aircraft while other 3 in competition can’t.
2. It has a single screen multifunctional wide area display while others have 3 screened MFD.

3. It is carrier capable while other 3 are not carrier ready.
4. It can be armed and used like a normal LCA Tejas and used in war like scenarios while other 3 trainers don’t have such facility or will need modifications for it.

5. Its engine is American (All 4 have American engines), but Italian offer might be rejected due to the fact that Italian offering is a Russian aircraft Yak-130 made in Italy. The South Korean, Swedish and Indian offers same GEF404 but Indian Tejas uses American made F404s with higher Thrust while South Korean T-50 uses licensed locally made F404s with lower thrust. While Indian LIFT and Swedish T-7A both use same F404s. Hence I have a strong feeling that India’s LIFT might be selected.

6. NLCA has a working carrier borne aircraft and LIFT simulators are ready.

7. LCA’s Crash free flying record for 20 years (Can’t say the same about others if they do have same record or not).

The only disadvantage is the fact that LCA LIFT is the most expensive offering among the 4 contenders hence HAL should lower the price of it to make its chances of winning increase a lot. Because we do have offered our LCA to Malaysia as well and will increase the reputation of LCA program.

Nice rant. Just name me one, just one, of the above US cannot do without India, I'll wait....
Advantages of LCA LIFT over its contenders in US Navy’s trainer competition.

1. It can mimic any aircraft while other 3 in competition can’t.
2. It has a single screen multifunctional wide area display while others have 3 screened MFD.

3. It is carrier capable while other 3 are not carrier ready.
4. It can be armed and used like a normal LCA Tejas and used in war like scenarios while other 3 trainers don’t have such facility or will need modifications for it.

5. Its engine is American (All 4 have American engines), but Italian offer might be rejected due to the fact that Italian offering is a Russian aircraft Yak-130 made in Italy. The South Korean, Swedish and Indian offers same GEF404 but Indian Tejas uses American made F404s with higher Thrust while South Korean T-50 uses licensed locally made F404s with lower thrust. While Indian LIFT and Swedish T-7A both use same F404s. Hence I have a strong feeling that India’s LIFT might be selected.

6. NLCA has a working carrier borne aircraft and LIFT simulators are ready.

7. LCA’s Crash free flying record for 20 years (Can’t say the same about others if they do have same record or not).

The only disadvantage is the fact that LCA LIFT is the most expensive offering among the 4 contenders hence HAL should lower the price of it to make its chances of winning increase a lot. Because we do have offered our LCA to Malaysia as well and will increase the reputation of LCA program.
All your points are ridiculous and absurd all other contenders also mimic almost all fighter jets just like NLCA


Your third is also moot converting land based LIFT for Navy will be no problem for USN and need a minor modifications they did the same thing to converting British hawk into goosehawk

Your number 4 point is also ridiculous do you know what is the meaning of LIFT
To train pilots with real war scenario which means all contenders will also able to carry weapons for training without any modifications (although not carry as much as ANLCA can carry)

Most probably T7a Red Hawks with modifications chose by USN to put the cost down for the project

Its not a problem for USN they build simulators in no time ever heard LT CORPORATION MASTER OF BUILDING VARIOUS SIMULATORS FROM AEGIS SHIPS TO B2 BOMBER

Crash free flying record for 20 years
It will be hard to compete with US company, even KAI Korea with T 50 Golden Eagle has lost despite the program is jointly developed with US company, Lockheed Martin.

This Boeing TX program will likely to win as well in this tender as they beat South Korean for previous Air Force tender.

It will be hard to compete with US company, even KAI Korea with T 50 Golden Eagle has lost despite the program is jointly developed with US company, Lockheed Martin.

This Boeing TX program will likely to win as well in this tender as they beat South Korean for previous Air Force tender.

View attachment 695394
But T-X doesn’t have a carrier based version as of now.
Nice rant. Just name me one, just one, of the above US cannot do without India, I'll wait....
C-130 Super Hercules’s majority of the parts are made in Hyderabad (more than 80%) and are then supplied to Lockheed Martin in USA for assembly of the aircraft does it mean that USA can’t make those parts? Similarly the Fuselages of AH-64E Apache helicopters is made in Hyderabad and then supplied to USA does that mean they can’t make it? Except the service rifle of US Armed forces most of the small arms USA uses are foreign does that mean that USA can’t make decent small arms by themselves? The Gun bay doors of F/A-18E Super Hornet are made by HAL in Bangalore. Sometimes it all comes to cost and time. Americans in past have purchased many aircrafts from foreign vendors and for T-X program USA Shortlisted India’s Private defence firm, Dynamatic has been awarded a contract for the delivery of tools for the Static and Fatigue Testing of the control surfaces of the Boeing-Saab T-7A Red Hawk Program, does that mean USA can’t make it? Its all about cost and time and every country does that and thats called tendering and selecting.
But T-X doesn’t have a carrier based version as of now.

They will develop one I believe, I think they just need to make a modification in wings and landing gear. Does Teja already have a carrier based version ?
But why they have their own avionics industries and last you should INDUCT LCA in numbers to your Air Force and Navy than think for exports
Problem is with the lack of production lines which we have and the existing ones are not producing LCAs quickly.
They will develop one I believe, I think they just need to make a modification in wings and landing gear. Does Teja already have a carrier based version ?
Yes it has, Tejas has a working prototype of Naval-LCA and it has been tested on ground based ski jumps and tested on aircraft carrier as well.

Ground based ski jump trial and arrested recovery

Aircraft carrier trials
1. landing

2. Takeoff
But T-X doesn’t have a carrier based version as of now.
It easier to modify it for Navy rather than buy whole new LIFT for USN
Problem is with the lack of production lines which we have and the existing ones are not producing LCAs quickly.

Yes it has, Tejas has a working prototype of Naval-LCA and it has been tested on ground based ski jumps and tested on aircraft carrier as well.

Ground based ski jump trial and arrested recovery

Aircraft carrier trials
1. landing

2. Takeoff
And what are you trying to prove that you're stupid USN doesn't USE ski jump and arrested landing carriers so you have further modify your NLCA for USN that's nullify its advantage over other competitors and do research before you bark here
Pakistanis actually believe they designed the jf-17 :lol: just a low end piece that the country who designed it doesn't want to induct, meant for exporting to bottom tier economies
OK let assume pakistanis did nothing
The jf17 is fighting fir and on block 3.
Where is tejas after 40 + years
Your airforce forced to buy it
Navy doesn't want it and

you are talking. Shame on you
Problem is with the lack of production lines which we have and the existing ones are not producing LCAs quickly.

Yes it has, Tejas has a working prototype of Naval-LCA and it has been tested on ground based ski jumps and tested on aircraft carrier as well.

Ground based ski jump trial and arrested recovery

Aircraft carrier trials
1. landing

2. Takeoff
I already told you that you have all bogus points in your post number 182, you have no LOGIC and commonsense in that post im sorry to say retard
Problem is with the lack of production lines which we have and the existing ones are not producing LCAs quickly.
The main question is that who is the main customer of NLCA USN or IN please tell us

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