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Rohingya insurgency declares ‘open war’ in Myanmar

World will at least have sympathy for a peaceful protestors. This looks more likely to become another terrorist outfit. Then the response from the world will be different. It will be just clubbed with global jihad.
Myanmar will justify that they are fighting extremist forces.

Time to treat this like Bosnia
Bosnia happened not bcos US had sympathy for the victims but bcos it was a rival country which was supporting russia. World will not support jihadi extremist forces.
Do you think europe will now support another kosovo? Right wing elements will have a field day in europe.
Bosnia happened not bcos US had sympathy for the victims but bcos it was a rival country which was supporting russia. World will not support jihadi extremist forces.
Bosnia had OTHER players as well do read into that
Hinduism means peace too ,have you seen Hindus talking about arming the Hindus in BD and Pakistan who are oppressed,we just say come to India if they want to,because it's about people.
But why do you guys always talk about arming them instead of helping them ,is Islam not a religion of peace.
hindus in Pakistan are not oppressed they are fine.A whole PIA plane filled with muslims was stopped for a hindu.
Meanwhile india is running out of hindus and rss must save them with ghar wapsi.:rofl:

You guys openly support terrorists like bla,ttp. You gloat in violence against random muslims. You are not peaceful and you never will be.You act innocent but all your neighbors hate you for a reason.

They helped them enough and it's about time they teach them to help themselves that is all he was saying.
lol they admit their news are wrong by themselves in twitter. believe it or not is ur part.
I already told you when you Burmese faggots claim something come with neutral source. And you came with social site source...

lol who killed whom..?
even still now many rakhine villages are being attacked by these Rohingya terrorists.
View attachment 422705 View attachment 422706
u guys should stop them not to do it again. not by fueling hatred . or the situation will only lead worsen.
Source or never happened...

Erdoğan continues telephone diplomacy on Myanmar crisis
In phone conversations, Erdoğan presses leaders of Kazakhstan, Senegal, and Nigeria on crisis of Myanmar's Rohingya Muslims
09:04 September 03, 2017 Anadolu Agency

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
In holiday greetings to his Kazakh, Senegalese, and Nigerian counterparts, Turkey’s president on Saturday stressed the importance of working together to solve the humanitarian crisis in Myanmar, according to presidential sources.

The sources, who asked not to be named due to restrictions on talking to the media, said President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan gave Eid-al Adha greetings in telephone calls to Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev, Senegal’s President Macky Sall, and Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari.

Earlier this week, Erdoğan also discussed the crisis in Myanmar on the phone with the leaders of Pakistan, Iran, Mauritania, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Azerbaijan, and Bangladesh.

Nigeria and Turkey

Speaking with Buhari, Erdoğan also wished the best for the Nigerian leader’s health following his recent treatment in London for an undisclosed ailment.

“The Turkish leader also exchanged Eid greetings with President Buhari. Both leaders wished each other good health and success in their endeavours and extended their greetings and good wishes to the citizens of their friendly countries,” according to a statement released by Buhari’s spokesman Garba Shehu.

“The two leaders also discussed at length, the forthcoming 9th Summit of the D8, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation, at the end of October in Istanbul,” the statement added.

It said Erdoğan also encouraged Buhari’s participation.

Persecution of the Rohingya
Violence erupted in Myanmar’s Rakhine state on Aug. 25 when the country’s security forces launched an operation against the Rohingya Muslim community. It triggered a fresh influx of refugees towards neighboring Bangladesh, though the country sealed off its border to the refugees.

Media reports said Myanmar security forces have used disproportionate force, displacing thousands of Rohingya villagers and destroying their homes with mortars and machine guns.

The region has seen simmering tension between its Buddhist and Muslim populations since communal violence broke out in 2012.

A crackdown launched last October in Maungdaw, where Rohingya make up the majority, led to a UN report on human rights violations and crimes against humanity by security forces.

The UN documented mass gang rape, killings -- including infants and young children -- brutal beatings, and disappearances. Rohingya representatives have said approximately 400 people have been slain in the crackdown.
Death to Burma and Suu Ki terrorists b@st@rds! Burn in hell.

We should all Muslims
Curse the Burmese army and bhuddhist that are doing this. That is the least we can do living wherever we are.

And make dua the ARSA grows, and wins it's freedom. Go ARSA! InshAllah you will win your rights, against the brmese corrupt inhumane military that only knows how to kill defenceless unarmed innocent villagers!

Woe to you Myanmar! May Allah curse you! May May Allah destroy you once for all. And Suu Ki rott in hell, you silent devil. Ameen!
hindus in Pakistan are not oppressed they are fine.A whole PIA plane filled with muslims was stopped for a hindu.
Meanwhile india is running out of hindus and rss must save them with ghar wapsi.:rofl:

You guys openly support terrorists like bla,ttp. You gloat in violence against random muslims. You are not peaceful and you never will be.You act innocent but all your neighbors hate you for a reason.

They helped them enough and it's about time they teach them to help themselves that is all he was saying.
You guys really believe what you wrote ,do you have the stomach if I show you Pakistanies telling you how the minorites are being suppressed,you don't give them equal rights as per your Constitution ,abducting young Hindu women and converting them .

Yeah support terrorists openly but somehow all the top most wanted terrorists are found in Pakistan.when you guys travel on your Pakistani passport your get a second glance there is a reason for that.

Why is that Muslims always talk about arming fellow Muslims and don't take them in to their country ,since you guys say your religion of peace then why this path of killing others by arming them
You guys really believe what you wrote
whatever she wrote is 100% true

,do you have the stomach if I show you Pakistanies telling you how the minorities are being suppressed,
I can also show you Indians how RSS thugs sitting in parliaments are ill treating minorities in India how women are stripped naked in streets and then beaten to death
how you goons invade villages and kill everyone there how you rape 100s of women in communal violence
how a necrophile become your Chief Minister and Butcher of Gujarat is your Prime Minister
how Indians are planning to make India 100% hindu country till 2021 through ghar wapsi
abducting young Hindu women and converting them .
this is happening in India and its called ghar wapsi a govt backed a campaign to make India 100% Hindu

Yeah support terrorists openly but somehow all the top most wanted terrorists are found in Pakistan.when you guys travel on your Pakistani passport your get a second glance there is a reason for that.
read my signature

Why is that Muslims always talk about arming fellow Muslims and don't take them in to their country ,since you guys say your religion of peace then why this path of killing others by arming them
armed insurgency is best way to fight tyranny
Why is that Muslims always talk about arming fellow Muslims and don't take them in to their country ,since you guys say your religion of peace then why this p
Because, tyranny can only be fought with weapons. NOT with peace. ;)
Shoot them and use iron hands. Dont let terrorists get scott free.
I'm sure Burmese armies need some coolies to carry their gears in the operation iron hand. Why don't you join your fellow coolies in mm .
You guys are better at that. Ask Bangladeshi immigrants.:haha:

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