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Rohingya Ethnic Cleansing - Updates & Discussions

No sooner loan approved, mishap in Myanmar happen close to same area where rail line will connect with Myanmar. Is this coincidence, absolutely not. Myanmar does not gain anything from this, neither does Bangladesh. In fact Myanmar guards were in contact with Bangladeshi forces at the time of attack. So who is to gain from such mishap when Bangladesh - Myanmar rail line construction about to underway? it is india which had been obstructing Bangladesh connectivity with Myanmar, Nepal, Bhutan and China. Main reason, once Bangladesh establish connectivity indian $15-20 billion captive market in Bangladesh will largely disappear.

It is time for Myanmar to investigate indian infiltration within ethnic groups that staring internal crisis and blocking development. india used same terror scheme in SriLanka (using tamils), in Bangladesh (using chakma tribal terrorist) and in Nepal (using madeshi indians).

Myanmar will not do that. These bunch of people are filled with hatred and inferiority complex and they want to throw the Rohingyas out of their country. They are scared of overrun by muslims. The only solution is to ship those Rohingyas to China or India with your diplomatic niceties. I hope you can help us out in this.
@alaungphaya @Aung Zaya
Less than 16 reported in working condition back in 2012... numbers have gone down since then I bet. They haven't sent any for overhaul yet
Lol give me that report.. :D as far as i know from air force personels , all are in great condition and taking the regular training and exercise... :D

It is only 23 km frontline and very difficult to replenish from inner Burma through the mountain. We have no problem in resupply we have no natural barrier.

check the map... which one have more hill and mountain in it region... east or west..? We already successfully made the supply chain for our troops in eastern conflict... we dont care..!!

Then why are Myanmarnese pages in FB saying that they want Bangladesh,especially the Chittagong region.
that's fake.. not official LOL.. made by kids for fun... u take it serious...? :blink::blink:

IHS Jane's 360 said that less than half of them are fly-worthy though...I'm confused.
BAF would buy most probably 10 squadrons of Su-30s and MiG-35s combined by 2030.
then give us that Jane's link..? LOL :D
Myanmar blames Islamist group for attacks in Rohingya Muslim region
>> Reuters

Published: 2016-10-15 11:32:43.0 BdST Updated: 2016-10-15 11:34:00.0 BdST

  • Myanmar-Maungdaw.jpg

    Police forces prepare to patrol in Maungdaw township at Rakhine state, northeast Myanmar, Oct 12, 2016. Reuters
Myanmar's government said on Friday a group inspired by Islamist militants was behind attacks on police border posts in its ethnically riven northwest, as officials said they feared a new insurgency by members of the Rohingya Muslim minority.

The sudden escalation of violence in Rakhine state poses a serious challenge to the six-month-old government led by Aung San Suu Kyi, who was swept to power in an election last year but has faced criticism abroad for failing to tackle rights abuses against the Rohingya and other Muslims.

A statement from the office of Myanmar's President Htin Kyaw blamed the little-known "Aqa Mul Mujahidin" for recent attacks around Maungdaw Township, a mainly Muslim area near the frontier with Bangladesh.

It said interrogations with suspects captured after the attacks had revealed links with militants in Pakistan.

The ringleader was a 45-year-old who has lived in Bangladesh and spent six months training with the Pakistani Taliban, it said.

"They persuade the young people using religious extremism, and they have financial support from outside," said the Burmese language statement.

"They are broadcasting their videos on the Internet like ISIS, Taliban and al Qaeda. They now have 400 insurgents fighting in Maungdaw region."

Several videos showing armed men speaking the language of the mostly stateless Rohingya have circulated online this week. Reuters has not been able to verify the authenticity of the videos, but government officials say they believe they show the perpetrators of the attacks that began on Oct 9.

The 1.1 million Rohingya living in Rakhine state face discrimination, severe restrictions on their movements and access to services, especially since inter-communal violence in 2012 that displaced 125,000 people.

The Rohingya are not among the 135 ethnic groups officially recognised in Myanmar, where many in the Buddhist majority regard them as illegal immigrants from Bangladesh.

Suu Kyi, who is barred from the presidency by the constitution but leads Myanmar's first democratically elected government in decades as "State Counsellor", has appointed former United Nations chief Kofi Annan to head a panel to propose solutions to Rakhine state's problems.

New kind of conflict

Information Minister Pe Myint, who visited Maungdaw Township this week, said the dramatic escalation in violence "may affect the work we've been doing for Rakhine State".

"Previously there has been riots and conflict between the communities. Now there is armed conflict," he told reporters in the state capital, Sittwe, on Friday. "The nature of the conflict has changed."

Officials have said hundreds of men - some armed with automatic weapons and others with sticks and swords - launched coordinated assaults against three border posts in the early hours of Oct. 9, killing nine police officers and wounding five.

In response, the military has poured troops into northern Rakhine State to search for attackers, who made off with dozens of weapons and more than 10,000 rounds of ammunition.

Suu Kyi has told security forces to use caution and follow the law in their response. Her civilian administration does not have oversight over the powerful military, which has designated the area an "operation zone".

At least 26 people have been killed by security forces in what state media described as skirmishes with armed attackers and in which four soldiers were also killed.

Human rights groups say they have evidence that extrajudicial killings may have taken place.

Researchers and aid workers in Rakhine State have consistently reported that the vast majority of Rohingya have no interest in resorting to violence.

"We don't appreciate terrorism. It's not the solution," said Kyaw Hla Aung, a Rohingya community leader in Sittwe.

Militant links

The statement from the Myanmar president's office said interrogations with suspects captured after the attacks had revealed links with militants in Pakistan.

The ringleader was a 45-year-old who has lived in Bangladesh and spent six months training with the Pakistani Taliban, it said.

The statement added that the Aqa Mul Mujahidin - the name of which could not be found in any previous news reports online - was linked to the Rohingya Solidarity Organisation (RSO), an armed group that has long been assumed defunct.

The military-run newspaper Myawady had earlier said soldiers had recovered "RSO flags and RSO badges" in Maungdaw.

In one of the videos posted online, a man dressed in black calls for "the Rohingya Muslims in Rakhine to all come out and join the jihad", according to Reuters' translation.

In a second video, the same man appears to reference the Myanmar military's helicopters, which have been hunting the attackers, as he encourages the armed men surrounding him to welcome martyrdom.

A third video shows a long column of men armed with swords and rifles marching in damp, rugged terrain.

The weapons in the videos match those taken from border police, officials said.

The possible emergence of an insurgency involving Rohingyas has already been seized upon by Buddhist nationalists.

Wirathu, a Buddhist monk known for his anti-Muslim preaching, has posted graphic images of the slain police on Facebook.
Where does Bangladesh stand on Myanmar's handling of Rohingya people?
I remember how they declined the poor and helpless Rohingya from asylum / refuse...really cheap and stone-hearted SOBs
The most unfortunate people in today's modern world are Rohangiya and Bihari Muslims who were actually Pakistani stranded in Bangladesh even they can't go anywhere since they don't have any identity card or passport. Bangladesh Govt denied them every thing and believe me they are in really bad condition nearly all of them malnutrition dying of hunger and diseases, We should bring them to Pakistan because Bangladesh Govt and people still punishing them for their help and support to Pakistan army.

they call for Jihad against us.. recruiting even children.. can be seen in 2nd video..
then we will wipe out the whole terrorist group.. this is NOT attacking to Islam or Muslim including so called Rohingya bangali.. We're attacking terrorists who attacked 1st our police station and killed 9 polices..

It is easy to target anything on muslims these days
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We're attacking terrorists who attacked 1st our police station and killed 9 police.
This just didnt happen overnight. How conveniently you have ignore the Rohingya Massacre. YOur Junta mIlitary has wonderful record whoch Ann su ki knows and which is why your country is blacklisted
The most unfortunate people in today's modern world are Rohangiya and Bihari Muslims who were actually Pakistani stranded in Bangladesh even they can't go anywhere since they don't have any identity card or passport. Bangladesh Govt denied them every thing and believe me they are in really bad condition nearly all of them malnutrition dying of hunger and diseases, We should bring them to Pakistan because Bangladesh Govt and people still punishing them for their help and support to Pakistan army.
So it is bad on our part too that we left them stranded there.
So it is bad on our part too that we left them stranded there.
Yes but our Govt tried their best but provinces like Sindh and Punjab protested against Govt decision arguing it will change economy and demography of the province above all we are hosting huge number of Afghans already so Govt already lacking in resources.
they call for Jihad against us.. recruiting even children.. can be seen in 2nd video..
then we will wipe out the whole terrorist group.. this is NOT attacking to Islam or Muslim including so called Rohingya bangali.. We're attacking terrorists who attacked 1st our police station and killed 9 polices..

The Rohingyas have every right to save their lives, properties and religion. They have been persecuted by the GoM since 1947 and again from 1971. Arakan has been their adopted country since 1430. Arakan was a part of Presidency of Bengal until 1937, when it was given to Burmese Union for easy administration.

The Arakanese are the natives of Arakan and Burmese are outsiders. But, Burma has been expelling them from their own motherland since after 1947. This is how the issue has finally ripen to a stage that the the Rohingya/Arakanese have been radicalized that will destabilize Myanmar to a state that it will be divided into pieces. All your States are now against the central government of Burmese Union.
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