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Interestingly since the army mobilization all burmese posters gone underground in the forum. I have feeling that those are actually paid mole by the burmese army.
well they may be busy.
Avoiding any confrontation with Myanmar is in best interest of Bangladesh because they whatever fellows Bengalis are used to calling them are still more prepared for war then Bangladesh.

Terrified residents were fleeing northern Myanmar on Friday, thousands leaving on foot and others airlifted out by helicopter, as troops hunted through torched villages for those behind attacks on police that have raised fears Rakhine state could again be torn apart.

Local officials believe hundreds of people from the area, home to many from the persecuted Muslim Rohingya minority, spent months planning attacks on police posts along the Bangladesh border that sparked the crisis this week.

Dozens of people have died in an ensuing military lockdown, sparking fears of a repeat of 2012 when sectarian clashes ripped through Rakhine leaving more than 100 dead and driving tens of thousands into displacement camps.

Troops and police have repelled multiple onslaughts on a security office by 50 "violent attackers" and captured a fifth suspect, state media reported on Friday.

Meanwhile families have streamed down the roads around Maungdaw town on foot, their worldly possessions stuffed into carrier bags and plastic buckets or strapped to the front of bicycle rickshaws.

Around 180 teachers, workers and residents were also airlifted out of the region at the epicentre of the crisis, while hundreds of government staff have poured into the state capital Sittwe.

On the ground in Maungdaw, an AFP journalist reported seeing clouds of smoke billowing from a village Thursday near charred remains of two dozen bamboo houses that the military said "terrorists" had torched the previous day.

Troops have killed 26 people since deadly raids on border posts Sunday, according to state media. Nine police died that night, and four more soldiers have lost their lives in ensuing clashes.

Witnesses say troops used Sunday's attacks as an excuse for a crackdown against them, gunning down unarmed Muslim civilians in the street. The military say they have been defending themselves from armed attackers.

Most residents in northern Rakhine are Rohingya, a stateless minority branded illegal immigrants from Bangladesh by many from Myanmar's Buddhist majority.

Killings, burnings, arbitrary arrests

The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation issued a statement calling for calm, after receiving "disturbing reports of extra-judicial killings of Rohingya Muslims, burning of houses, and arbitrary arrests by security forces".

Rakhine state government spokesman Min Aung said the border post assailants had spent months plotting the raids, which were originally intended to hit as many as seven targets.

"There are about 200 to 300 currently in the group," he told reporters in Sittwe, declining to explain how he knew.

"According to our interrogations of those we have arrested, they initially planned to attack six or seven locations."

Authorities have given scant details of who was behind the assaults, though officials have publicly pointed the finger at Rohingya insurgents and privately blamed Bangladeshi groups across the border.

The military said late Thursday troops had captured a fifth suspect, along with a gun, ammunition and flags featuring the logo of the RSO, a Rohingya militant group founded in the 80s and long considered defunct.

The RSO vigorously denied the accusations in a message to AFP. Attempts to contact the sender went unanswered.

Videos showing armed men speaking the Rohingya language calling for jihad that have been circulating on social media -- which analysts said appeared to be genuine -- have raised concerns a new local militant group may have emerged.

The escalating unrest in Rakhine poses a major challenge for the country's new elected government, led by democracy champion Aung San Suu Kyi.

The Nobel laureate has faced international criticism for not doing more to help the Rohingya, and on Wednesday she vowed to follow the rule of law when investigating the border guard attacks.


@alaungphaya @Aung Zaya
Be merciless against them and their supporters.
yes..!! operation is already started..!! :D

I can see why you do not consider them Burmese to being with.

Please wipe out these terrorist foreigners thanks....and don't be afraid in pursuing to destroy their sanctuaries outside your borders. India can aid you in this.

that's.. bro we will kick them into BOB...
well they may be busy.
Avoiding any confrontation with Myanmar is in best interest of Bangladesh because they whatever fellows Bengalis are used to calling them are still more prepared for war then Bangladesh.

You sure? They don't even have submarines or any SAM system on their so called "Mighty Stealth Frigates" except MANPADS rofl.They have some 3rd hand rusty MiG-29s which USSR gave to Belsarus,but they decided to retire it since its no longer fly worthy,but Myanmar decided to buy obselete 3rd hand aircrafts.Their army still consists of child soldiers and alot of soldiers don't even have boots or equipment.
They are heavily militiarized compared to their economy,and they would not have a strong economy to back them long enough during a possible war...Also they are ravaged by a bloody civil war for decades,and 28 factions are fighting against each other and the Myanmar Army.
well they may be busy.
Avoiding any confrontation with Myanmar is in best interest of Bangladesh because they whatever fellows Bengalis are used to calling them are still more prepared for war then Bangladesh.
In that case it's like saying Myanmar army can take on Pakistan more than Pakistan is capable of. Why? There equipments are out of date, training is short due to lack of resources and the moral of the army is low due to employment of child soldiers, unfit physically etc.
@Aung Zaya

@Aung Zaya are you guys going to invade BD.
nope.. bro we dont interested in BD... :D

There equipments are out of date, training is short due to lack of resources and the moral of the army is low due to employment of child soldiers, unfit physically etc.
at least Myanmar army is not grass cutter army... :D

real game will be if they move airforce also
Actually airforce is already there.. more than 8 of MIG29s in based in Ann..
In any case of war.. we can make fast attack to BD major port ,Chittagaung which is earning around 80% of BD's income.. Chittagaung is vulnerable in any conflict with Myanmar.. it's very close to border and more than half of BD economy.. if we get something like conventional weapons like WS-32/WS-33 which are we can get from China.., we can destroy it even within our side... plus BD havent significant AD system though there is a rumour of procuring LY-80E that is not comfirmed yet.. :D
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You sure? They don't even have submarines or any SAM system on their so called "Mighty Stealth Frigates" except MANPADS rofl.They have some 3rd hand rusty MiG-29s which USSR gave to Belsarus,but they decided to retire it since its no longer fly worthy,but Myanmar decided to buy obselete 3rd hand aircrafts.Their army still consists of child soldiers and alot of soldiers don't even have boots or equipment.
They are heavily militiarized compared to their economy,and they would not have a strong economy to back them long enough during a possible war...Also they are ravaged by a bloody civil war for decades,and 28 factions are fighting against each other and the Myanmar Army.
They have one of Best AD system in SE Asia,Number of rusty migs is around 30.
The situation has massively deteriorated now. Myanmar is set to witness a new wave of communal and ethnic tensions which is not good for its economic growth.
The situation has massively deteriorated now. Myanmar is set to witness a new wave of communal and ethnic tensions which is not good for its economic growth.

Burmese could had solved the problem easily for their own good. But donkeys never drink clean water, they will mud it first anyways.
Burmese could had solved the problem easily for their own good. But donkeys never drink clean water, they will mud it first anyways.

Myanmar should realize that all these years they have chosen military measures which haven't been effective. Now they should try to solve the issue peacefully.
nope.. bro we dont interested in BD... :D

at least Myanmar army is not grass cutter army... :D

Actually airforce is already there.. more than 8 of MIG29s in based in Ann..
In any case of war.. we can make fast attack to BD major port ,Chittagaung which is earning around 80% of BD's income.. Chittagaung is vulnerable in any conflict with Myanmar.. it's very close to border and more than half of BD economy.. if we get something like conventional weapons like WS-32/WS-33 which are we can get from China.., we can destroy it even within our side... plus BD havent significant AD system though there is a rumour of procuring LY-80E that is not comfirmed yet.. :D
Cutting grass is a skill that you need in order to do. You guys don't even have that. Lel

No but seriously... the port is the last thing you guys should think of. Bd is not stupid that among all the things it will keep its port unprotected in case of a conflict. Besides last time Myanmar mig 29 got into Bangladesh... our fighters were scrambled in five minutes... we are prepared... just don't want a conflict.

They have one of Best AD system in SE Asia,Number of rusty migs is around 30.
Less than 16 reported in working condition back in 2012... numbers have gone down since then I bet. They haven't sent any for overhaul yet
As of today 31 are in service according to flight global.They will soon start receiving JFT's from china,here is global fire power comparison.

Well they do have some good fighter but their geography in Arakan will make it very difficult for them to mobilize. They are sandwiched between Arakan mountain in the east and Bay of Bengal in the West. We have the edge in Navy. BD also have plans for big toys in the sky like SU-30s.
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