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Roadside bomb Martyrs 2 Pakistani soldiers near Afghan border

Jan 11, 2020
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Roadside bomb kills 2 Pakistani soldiers near Afghan border
April 10, 2020 at 1:02 am
The Associated Press

QUETTA, Pakistan (AP) — A roadside bomb exploded near a Pakistani paramilitary vehicle in restive southwestern Baluchistan province Friday, killing two soldiers who were clearing the area for fencing the border with Afghanistan, two intelligence officials said.

Two other soldiers were also wounded in the blast near the Chaman border, said the officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity as they were not authorized to speak to media on the record.

No group immediately claimed responsibility.

Army and other government officials were also not immediately available for comment. However, such attacks are common in various parts of the country bordering Afghanistan, where troops have been fencing the border for the past several years.

Pakistan says it is fencing the border to stop the movement of militants.

Pakistan and Afghanistan are divided by the 2,400-kilometer (1,500-mile) Durand Line, drawn by British rulers in 1896. Kabul does not recognize it as an international border, causing friction between the two neighbors.

Baluchistan province has also been the scene of a low-level insurgency by small separatists groups who have been demanding more autonomy and a greater share in the region’s natural resources, such as gas and oil.

Allah (swt) bless the shaheeds.

Continue fencing. Remain extra vigilant on the western border as it always heats up with RAW assets when Indian Army pigs get skewered in Kashmir. This is sadly the only way these cowards fight back when their own soldiers are not brave enough, their artillery is not accurate enough, and their jets are not piloted well enough.
Feel bad for FC BLN, especially South Div - have to suffer regular casualties cuz the high command is too broke to conduct an operation, and target cross-border sanctuaries (latter done by limited covert ops, but our great leaders don't have the spine to go overt in current posture - peace n sh*t).
إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعونَ
Roadside bomb kills 2 Pakistani soldiers near Afghan border
April 10, 2020 at 1:02 am
The Associated Press

QUETTA, Pakistan (AP) — A roadside bomb exploded near a Pakistani paramilitary vehicle in restive southwestern Baluchistan province Friday, killing two soldiers who were clearing the area for fencing the border with Afghanistan, two intelligence officials said.

Two other soldiers were also wounded in the blast near the Chaman border, said the officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity as they were not authorized to speak to media on the record.

No group immediately claimed responsibility.

Army and other government officials were also not immediately available for comment. However, such attacks are common in various parts of the country bordering Afghanistan, where troops have been fencing the border for the past several years.

Pakistan says it is fencing the border to stop the movement of militants.

Pakistan and Afghanistan are divided by the 2,400-kilometer (1,500-mile) Durand Line, drawn by British rulers in 1896. Kabul does not recognize it as an international border, causing friction between the two neighbors.

Baluchistan province has also been the scene of a low-level insurgency by small separatists groups who have been demanding more autonomy and a greater share in the region’s natural resources, such as gas and oil.

RIP to the brave soldiers- May GOD give their family the strength- Brave sons of the soil.
Balochistan needs Xarb e Azb type operation.
The people of some areas of Balochistan and FATA are addiccted to Haraam money of smuggling and drugs.
Any presence of state is a threat to their business and hence this constant cycle of killing our soldiers.
State should provide better support to the soldiers and soldiers should shoot to kill.
Forget about what out sold out judiciary says about "Missing persons".
No news in local media

Sources Seattle times is using is probably ptm social media cells sitting in US

Wait for confirmation
IED blasts and ambushes by Baloch terrorists organizations against FC and army is bit common in Balochistan. Sadly, in majority of cases, the loss of life happens on our side. RIP.
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