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‘Risk of conflict is real’ – NATO chief


Were you supporting the Ghani regime? 😲
Were you supporting the Ghani regime? 😲

I do not support anything. This meme that has been circulating on social media lately, humorously sums up the USA's relationship style and concept of friendship.
I understand the Chinese claim on Taiwan from security perspective but economic wise any war even if won by China will result in severe economic sanctions.

Hence my question is Does China care more about Security or Economy. Which one will China choose?

Economic sanctions seems a bit to far fatched don't you think so
1, China has 57 million veterans and reservists. According to Chinese law, the govt has the right to re recruit these people into the army..

You sure about this? The numbers seem little bit on the high end
What about the militia?
Retired soldiers under the age of 28 are standing militias, and all male citizens aged 18 to 35 are non standby militias. I can't find the exact number of both.
In China, when recruits are first recruited, they are usually 18 years old. If a soldier is not promoted to sergeant, he will retire after two years of service. If a veteran is willing to join the militia, he can stay in the militia until the age of 28.
There is no way China would get involved in military conflict in European theatre even if China has 10 times the military size it has today. It is counter to its strategic thinking and mode of operations. China wants as much to maintain good relations with Russia as it wishes to create better working relations with Europe.

Those kinds of conflicts are entirely Russian and European to work out within itself. China's even contributing words to such internal conflicts would only be a destabilizing force with no purpose for the conflict resolution or for China's interests. China didn't even involve itself with middle eastern conflicts even when interests are directly threatened or even harmed for example with Lebanon's instability now.
The Pla to Europe is a delusional dream it’s like committing suicide.
The US, NATO clearly states once a certain terrain is overrun by enemy they will activate nuclear weapons.
There is an automatism.
During the Cold War the terrain was defined along certain areas west of Germany.
If not nuclear weapons where we all will die, Russia will never sustain a conventional war.
The economy of Russia is about that of Italy or even lower.
1, China has 57 million veterans and reservists. According to Chinese law, the govt has the right to re recruit these people into the army.

2, What can we get if we help Russia defeat Europe? A stronger neighbor than the USA?

3, Will the Russians allow millions of foreign troops to fight on their own land? If Chinese, we would not agree.

Yes communist countries have plenty of men throw to their deaths for "motherland"

because communist dont value life

UK on the other hand does and thats why we train our PROFESSIONAL soldiers to fight rather than pull up old veterans to die for nothing

thats difference between a free and fair nation and communism

and we all know communism doesnt work
Yes communist countries have plenty of men throw to their deaths for "motherland"

because communist dont value life

UK on the other hand does and thats why we train our PROFESSIONAL soldiers to fight rather than pull up old veterans to die for nothing

thats difference between a free and fair nation and communism

and we all know communism doesnt work

Supa-puwa UK strikes back:lol:
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because communist dont value life
How many people died in UK during the COVID epidemic?
How does UK deal with the elderly who have chronic diseases and cannot be vaccinated?

Communist China does not abandon anyone who cannot be vaccinated. We choose to implement the strictest "return to zero policy". Although the per capita GDP of the USA is five times that of China, our per capita life expectancy is higher than that of the USA.

The Anglo Saxon country cherishes only the lives of the rich. As for those who have no money:
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The Pla to Europe is a delusional dream it’s like committing suicide.
The US, NATO clearly states once a certain terrain is overrun by enemy they will activate nuclear weapons.
There is an automatism.
During the Cold War the terrain was defined along certain areas west of Germany.
If not nuclear weapons where we all will die, Russia will never sustain a conventional war.
The economy of Russia is about that of Italy or even lower.

Lower then Italy? Is that not a bit exaggeration
The Pla to Europe is a delusional dream it’s like committing suicide.
The US, NATO clearly states once a certain terrain is overrun by enemy they will activate nuclear weapons.
There is an automatism.
During the Cold War the terrain was defined along certain areas west of Germany.
If not nuclear weapons where we all will die, Russia will never sustain a conventional war.
The economy of Russia is about that of Italy or even lower.
Lower then Italy? Is that not a bit exaggeration

A common sense:
For a country as widely sanctioned as Russia, we should estimate its economic strength through PPP, not GDP.

In 2021, Russia's PPP ranked fifth in the world, second only to China, USA, Japan and India.
Yes communist countries have plenty of men throw to their deaths for "motherland"

because communist dont value life

UK on the other hand does and thats why we train our PROFESSIONAL soldiers to fight rather than pull up old veterans to die for nothing

thats difference between a free and fair nation and communism

and we all know communism doesnt work

Since the 1980s, how many US/UK state mercenaries died in overseas military actions (overt-covert) and how many of China?

Adding to the insult, UK pulled with tail between legs. Why in the earth did they invade in the first place?

I guess even in Afghanistan, UK lost more soldiers than China did in the past 50 years (probably all UN missions or anti-narco operations)?

Talking about the value of life...

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