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Rising US & Nato Casualties

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Nov 1, 2010
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United States
Al reported US and Nato casualties here:

iCasualties: Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom Casualties
(I know this site is not accurate but okay to have some rough idea)


Reported by Zabihullah Mujahid and Qari Yousuf Ahmadi (Afghan Taliban Spokespersons)

1. KAPISA, May 20 – In the provincial capital of Kapisa province, the military base of the French invaders came under attack by Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate with heavy and small arms fire later last night but the full scale of the losses is not apparent yet.

2. WARDAG, May 20 – A roadside bomb blast in Wardag’s Julga province hit the enemy’s vehicle leaving it wrecked as it blown to pieces killing 2 puppets travelling in the vehicle on Thursday.

3. KUNAR, May 20 – Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate attacked Kandi district of Kunar province with heavy arms small arms fire on Thursday, the report said but give no specific figures on the death and injury.

4. PARWAN, May 20 – At least 7 missiles were fired at the at the Bagram Air base, largest base of the US-NATO invaders across the county, all which struck the target but no losses of life and injury have been reported yet.

5. WARDAG, May 20 – Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate, in an attack on the combat patrol of the invading forces, killed and wounding three US cowardly troops in Syedabad, Wardag province.

6. LOGAR, May 20 – At least 4 US invaders were killed and 3 more got badly wounded with two of their tanks being shot and destroyed in a clash with Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate in Logar’s Muhammad Agha district on Thursday.

7. GHAZNI, May 20 – At least four security forces of the puppets were killed or wounded with two their supply and military vehicles destroyed as the US supply convoy came under Mujahideen attack on Thursday.

8. GHAZNI, May 20 – At least 21 including 10 drivers, 9 security guards and two puppets of ANA were killed with 15 of the US invaders supply trucks destroyed in Wednesday’s attack that unfolded in Andar district of Ghazni province.

9. LOGAR, May 20 – On later Thursday, some four US invaders were killed on the outskirts of the capital of Logar province when Mujahideen had their tank blown to pieces using IED.

10. GHAZNI, May 20 – At least 6 invading American troops were left killed and 10 more wounded when Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate attacked the PRT base of the US invaders in Andar district of Ghazni province on Thursday evening. While, four Mujahideen became martyrs due to heavy airstrikes shortly after the fighting was over.

11. ZABUL, May. 20 – A US tank was blown up by an IED at 09:00 pm last night, killing and wounding all inside in Shahr-e-Safa district’s Jaldak area.

12. KANDAHAR, May. 20 – Reports from Maiwand district say that 3 American tanks were destroyed in Loe Karez area at 05:00 am, 07:00 am and 08:00 am this morning. All invaders inside the tanks were killed and wounded but their numbers are not known.

13. HELMAND, May. 20 – 2 puppet police were killed and 3 wounded in Nawzad’s Salam bazaar area when Mujahideen attacked the puppets vehicle at 05:00 pm yesterday.

14. HELMAND, May. 20 – In Qaisar’s Taiman area, a land mine obliterated an ISAF invaders tank at 05:00 pm yesterday, instantly killing all 5 invaders inside.

15. KANDAHAR, May. 20 – Mujahideen from Maiwand’s Loe Karez area state that US invaders fourth tank was destroyed by an IED at 08:30 am. All invaders inside were killed and wounded.

16. HELMAND, May. 20 – 2 US outposts in Nad Ali were attacked at 05:30 pm yesterday by Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate as a result, 2 invaders were killed and 2 others seriously wounded.

17. HELMAND, May. 20 – A little girl was Martyred by barbaric US invaders last night after the terrorists near Daisho district center raided Haji Deen Aka house, who was later taken away by the invaders.

18. HELMAND, May. 20 – At 08:00 am this morning in Lashkargah city, a police foot patrol was hit by a bomb attack, killing 2 minions.

19. HELMAND, May. 20 – Fighting erupted this morning and is still ongoing when Mujahideen attacked NATO logistical convoy passing through Sarkar area near Lashkargah city.

20. HELMAND, May. 20 – An ANA puppet was killed and 2 more wounded in Babaji’s Kofki area when an IED detonated on the puppets foot patrol at 11:00 pm last night

21. HELMAND, May. 20 – Reports arriving from Nad Ali district say that cowardly American invaders in Si Waik Gharbi’s Washirano village abandoned their base last night after which the outpost was bombed.

22. KANDAHAR, May. 20 – A roadside bomb in Mullah Sa’adat Ghwandi area near Kandahar main prison (Sarpoza) hit a foot patrol of joint US-Afghan enemy forces at 11:00 am today, leaving 2 enemy dead and 2 others fatally wounded.

23. HELMAND, May. 20 – At least 4 puppet police were wounded in a remote-controlled mine attack on their vehicle in Marjah’s Saffeen area at around 09:00 pm last night.

24. HELMAND, May. 20 – Mujahideen from Nawzad district say that they carried out a large scale attack on US outposts located in and around the district center, which lasted till morning time, causing the invaders deadly casualties and damages.

Reports say that mines also detonated on the invaders when they came out of their outposts to take up positions during the fighting, causing further fatal losses. 2 Mujahideen were also injured in the all night armed assault.

25. BADGHIS, May. 20 – US invaders carried out a night time raid on innocent villagers’ homes in Daraboom’s Laki Surkh area during which, their doors were brought down by grenades, after which they randomly shot at innocent civilians, Martyring 3 before taking 3 others as detainees.

26. HELMAND, May. 20 – 2 ANA puppets standing in front of their base in Malgir’s Spin Masjid area were sniped by a Mujahid of Islamic Emirate at 12:00 pm local time.

27. ZHIRI, May. 20 – Heavy armed attacks and 4 blasts hit caused those US invaders which had landed by helicopters in Zhiri’s Pashmool area 3 days earlier fatal casualties and forced them to flee the area this afternoon however 4 Mujahideen also embraced Martyrdom (may Allah accept them) while 2 others were injured in the clashes.

28. KANDAHAR, May. 20 – Fifth tank from the US convoy travelling through Maiwand’s Loe Karez area was destroyed later this afternoon time, forcing the convoy to come to a halt.

Mujahideen say that 4 tanks were destroyed earlier today, killing and wounding about 20 invaders.

Read more: Operation Badar: May 20, 2011 Operation Badar: May 20, 2011
Deadly blast hits Kabul Military Hospital, 6 killed

A powerful blast ripped through a military hospital in Kabul Saturday, killing at least six medical students and wounding many others, the Afghan Defence Ministry said. The blast took place in a tent used as a dining room by students at the city centre hospital, one of the biggest and best-equipped in Afghanistan. The hospital is not used by NATO forces, though it is thought that foreign medics are frequently stationed there to train their Afghan counterparts. "There was a suicide attack at a tent used as a dining facility by medical students inside the hospital," said defence ministry spokesman General Mohammad Zahir Azimi. "The blast killed six people and wounded 23 others and all of them are medical students."
6 US helicopters eliminated in Shurab Airfield

Saturday, 21 May 2011 23:30 Qari Yousuf Ahmadi

HELMAND, May. 21 – Latest reports arriving about the Helmand offensive which carried out by Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate in the entire district 2 days earlier as a part of ‘Operation Badar’ say that those 20 missiles which slammed into Shurab airfield, considered as the enemies largest base in the province had destroyed 6 US helicopters after hitting their shelter besides causing the enemy deadly casualties.
Videos of Afghan Taliban offensive in Helmand
Friday, 20 May 2011 13:40 T.G

Since last night, Afghans have been carrying out offensive operation in Helmand’s Gerishk, Sangin, Marjah, Nad Ali, Nawa, Musa Kala, Kajaki district’s as well as the provincial capital Lashkargah city and the various other areas, the attacks in some are still continuing.

helmand : hemand today : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive

helmand 1 : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive

The enemy, as per their habit and due to their immense losses and damages sustained, has blocked all information coming out of the province as told by some journalists to Alemarah website, adding that the American and Afghan officials have put restrictions on them and have banned them from publishing any report about the events hence no reports have emerged in any of the national and international media outlets.
These are all snippets generated by the Taliban propaganda arm. The language makes this very obvious.

25. BADGHIS, May. 20 – US invaders carried out a night time raid on innocent villagers’ homes in Daraboom’s Laki Surkh area during which, their doors were brought down by grenades, after which they randomly shot at innocent civilians, Martyring 3 before taking 3 others as detainees.

12. KANDAHAR, May. 20 – Reports from Maiwand district say that 3 American tanks were destroyed in Loe Karez area at 05:00 am, 07:00 am and 08:00 am this morning. All invaders inside the tanks were killed and wounded but their numbers are not known.

We haven't had three tanks destroyed simultaneously even in pitched tank battles with Iraqi Republican Guard forces.

A simple google search will bring up a large number of these:

Taliban Propaganda watch

Some real beauties:
Thursday, 07 April 2011 18:07 Qari Yousuf Ahmadi
KANDAHAR, Apr. 07 – Earlier today in Maiwand Zone, located near Qashla Jadeed area in the east of Kandahar city, which was also used as a police recruitment center and housed NDS agents and foreign troops was stormed by 4 Martyrdom seeking lions of Islamic Emirate (Sayed Muhammad, Hafiz Abdullah, Abu Bakr and Zalmai) as a result twenty seven puppet and invaders were killed and wounded. It is said that 4 NDS officers were also amongst the dead. Firstly Sayed Muhammad, a resident of Helmand detonated his explosive laden vehicle at the front gate of the center and then 2 other martyrdom seeking Mujahideen (Hafiz Abdullah and Abu Bakr) attacked and killed the puppet and foreign troops stationed in the bridges on the compound walls. The Mujahideen than took over the enemy positions and started firing RPG and heavy machine gun rounds on the enemy soldiers in the barracks underneath. Reports say that after 4 hours, the 2 Mujahideen carried out their Martyrdom operations one after the other. A car bomb in the compound parking lot was detonated an hour later which destroyed most of the vehicles. Reports add that the last Mujahid (Zalmai), who was also a resident of this city carried out his martyrdom operation after detonating his explosive laden ambulance in the midst of the enemy who were busy helping their dead and wounded, causing more deadly casualties and damages.
These are all snippets generated by the Taliban propaganda arm. The language makes this very obvious.

We haven't had three tanks destroyed simultaneously even in pitched tank battles with Iraqi Republican Guard forces.

A simple google search will bring up a large number of these:

Taliban Propaganda watch

Some real beauties:


This is not google search or propaganda but unfortunately this is fact, bypassing any media or information US/NATO casualties are twice & thrice from figures usually available for general reading.
this is still not enough

i want to see 1millions percent RISE in these casualties

invaders should only be killed and with zero mercy
Reported by Zabihullah Mujahid and Qari Yousuf Ahmadi | Afghan Taliban Spokespersons

1. FARAH, May. 21 –Mujahideen detonated a remote-controlled roadside bomb on an American tank at 03:00 pm yesterday, instantly killing all 4 invaders onboard in Bakwa’s Ghaziabad area.

2. KANDAHAR, May. 21 – As many as 4 police minions lost their lives in Dand district’s Pazki area when their vehicle was blown to bits by a land mine at around 04:00 pm yesterday.

3. ZABUL, May. 21 – A US Special Forces military convoy travelling on Kabul-Kandahar main highway through Matizo area near Qalat city was hit by land mines, eliminating 2 Land Cruiser 4WD vehicles and killing all invaders inside.

4. KANDAHAR, May. 21 – At around 05:00 pm yesterday in Dand’s Pazki area, 3 police puppets including their commander were killed and 4 others seriously wounded in bombing which destroyed their vehicle.

5. ZABUL, May. 21 – An ebony skinned American terrorist who had come out of his outpost at 07:00 am local time was shot dead by Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate in Shomolzo’s Qala Rasheed area.

6. ZABUL, May. 21 – 5 innocent civilians were detained and taken back to their bases by barbaric US invaders in Shomolzo’s Pie Khelo area after raided their homes last night.

7. ZABUL, May. 21 – A border police vehicle in Shomolzo’s Haji Ajab Khan Nawrhi area was obliterated by an IED at around 05:00 pm yesterday, killing all 4 puppets onboard.

8. ZABUL, May. 21 – As many as 7 police minions lost their lives or were severely wounded when their vehicle was annihilated by an IED in Nawrak area located near Qalat city at 09:00 am this morning.

9. KABUL, May 21 – As many as 51 military doctors and other officials of the NATO and local puppets got killed and dozens more were wounded on Saturday noon local time in twin martyr attacks that rocked the Charsad Bestar (400-bed) hospital, the largest military hospital in the country located in the heart of Kabul city, the capital of the country, Zabihullah Mujahid, the spokesman for Al-Emarah reported from.

Both Mujahids have embraced martyrdom with an interval of an hour after fighting bravely in the military section of the hospital before detonating their explosivs belts, Mujahid added.

10. HELMAND, May. 21 – At least 2 US invaders were killed and 3 fatally wounded in an IED attack on their foot patrol in Nad Ali’s Si Waik Gharbi area at 02:00 pm yesterday while walking in front of their outpost.

11. FARYAB, May. 21 – An ISAF tank in Khwaja Namusa district’s Ghra Taifa area was destroyed earlier this morning by a land mine, killing 2 invaders and seriously wounding 3 others onboard.

12. HELMAND, May. 21 – Heavy fighting is taking place in Nawa district since earlier this afternoon when Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate, as part of operation ‘Badar’ carried out an armed assault on the invaders outposts located in Tangano Godar area.

13. KANDAHAR, May. 21 – Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate from Zhiri district say that the US tank, which the invaders used to park in Sarkili area to ambush Mujahideen everyday, was shot this afternoon by 82mm canon round, destroying the tank and killing all enemy personnel inside.

14. ZABUL, May. 21 – An anti-tank mine planted by Mujahideen on the main road to Shomolzo near Shinki district center tore through an American armored tank at 09:00 am this morning, killing and wounding all invaders inside.

15. HELMAND, May. 21 – Latest reports arriving about the Helmand offensive which carried out by Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate in the entire district 2 days earlier as a part of ‘Operation Badar’ say that those 20 missiles which slammed into Shurab airfield, considered as the enemies largest base in the province had destroyed 6 US helicopters after hitting their shelter besides causing the enemy deadly casualties.

Read more: Operation Badar: May 21, 2011 Operation Badar: May 21, 2011
Operation Badar: May 22, 2011

Reported by Zabihullah Mujahid and Qari Yousuf Ahmadi | Afghan Taliban Spokespersons

1. KAPISA, May 22 – At least 5 soldiers of the French invading forces got killed and 6 more wounded in a powerful blast that torn the enemy tank apart blowing it into pieces in the provincial capita of Kapisa province on Saturday night.

2. PAKTIKA, May 22 – The chief of police of the district Yahiya Khel, Garandai, was killed as he was nipped and killed by a Mujahid in was a guerrilla attack that occurred in the center of this district.

3. KABUL, May 22 – On Saturday, at least three missiles fired by Mujahideen landed at Kabul International Airport last night but no losses of life and injury have been confirmed.

4. BALKH, May 22 - Some two policemen are said to have been killed and some others wounded in a mortar attack on their check post that occurred in Chamtal district of Balkh province on Sunday.

5. PAKTIKA, May 22 – Commander Azizullah long with 10 of his bodyguards got killed and several more injured in an attack that prompted a half-hour long fighting in Barmal district of Paktika province on Sunday morning.

6. GHAZNI, May 22 – On Sunday Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate attacked the PRT base of the invaders located in Gilan district of Ghazni province with missiles but no losses of life and injury have been confirmed yet.

9. KHOST, May 22 – Heavy fighting is reported to have been underway with the Mujahideen resisting firmly with high moral during the battle fighting back with hand grenades and heavy and light arms causing the enemy deadly losses, while moral among the enemy seems to be eroding at the moment.

Six US-NATO and four puppets have been killed in the hand grenade attacks causing the enemy to retreat, whereas stern firefight is going on.

10. BAGHLAN, May 22 – Poli Hisar district of Baghlan province in Andarab valley came under siege by Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate heavy fighting is reported to have been going on. Separately, on Saturday, at least four puppets were killed and their vehicle destroyed in Mujahideen attack in the same district.

11. KHOST, May 22 – As many as 55 US-NATO invaders were killed and 43 killed with 19 of the enemy’s tanks and vehicles destroyed in Sunday’s operation in the capital of Khost province.

As per details the operation on the traffic building and the police headquarter was launched last night at about 2:30 in the heart of the capital of Khost province by three brave Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate Qari Shoaib, from Ghazni province, Qari Tayyib from Kunduz province and Haji Izatullah coming from Khost province, who have fought with indomitable courage laying their life embracing martyrdom in the cross-fire.

12. HELMAND, May. 22 – 1 ANA puppet was killed, 1 wounded and another taken alive along with his motorcycle and rifle this afternoon when Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate attacked them upon entering Mujahideen controlled territory in Nahr Siraj’s Popalzo area, Gerishk district.

13. PAKTIA, May 22 – Several missiles mortar rounds were fired by Mujahideen at the US invaders base located on the outskirts of the provincial capital on Sunday without determining the losses caused to the enemy.

14. NOORISTAN, May 22 – Three puppets were killed scores wounded as Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate overrun a military outpost of the puppets in Nooristan’s Do Ab district on Sunday.

15. BLAKH, May 22 – Later on Sunday night, at 1:00 am local time, three invading American were killed in Chamat district of northern Balkh province of Afghanistan as Mujahideen got their tank blown up using IED which left the tank fully wrecked.

16. PARWAN, May 22 - In Charikar city, the capital of Parwan province, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate attacked the Korean army base with missiles the report said, adding that the full scale of the losses is not apparent so far.

17. NOORISTAN, May 22 – On Sunday, according to a report from Nooristan province, 6 soldiers of the ANA including their commander surrendered themselves handing their weapons over to Mujahideen.

18. KABUL, May 22 – At least five minions of ANA were killed while in a vehicle shot by Mujahideen with rocket grenades in Deh Sabz district of Kabul province on Sunday morning.

19. KABUL, May 22 – On Sunday noon 12:00 pm, local time, Mujahideen opened fire on the vehicle of NDS ( a local spy agency) outside the Presidential Palace , killing two top-level employees of NDS and two foreign officials who are said to been a kind advisors amid ‘Operation Badar’.

The shootout took place in the heart of Kabul city, the capital of the country, the most heavily-secured and fortified place across the country where the puppets and their masters have been taking extra care to maintain security measures.

The incident comes a day after the Mujahideen carried a successful operation against the military hospital, Charsad Bestar (400-bed) in the hub of Kabul city, killing dozens of the military medical officials.

20. HERAT, May. 22 – Reports from Adarsang district’s Khwaja Awurya area say that at around 10:00 am this morning, a convoy of foreign nationals hit 2 land mines in the mentioned area, destroying 2 vehicles besides killing 5 foreigners.

21. HELMAND, May. 22 – Mujahideen from Kajaki district state that deadly fighting broke put this morning against US invaders in Zamindawar area when the invaders tried to carry out an operation during which, 2 US tanks were destroyed by land mines, killing and wounding all invaders inside.

22. KANDAHAR, May. 22 – Some 4 puppet police were killed with several others wounded in Kandahar city’s Darwaza area this afternoon when an IED inside an enemy check post detonated and then immediately came under Mujahideen armed assault.

Another report from the city adds that a cowardly police was captured alive by Mujahideen early this morning.

23. KANDAHAR, May. 22 – A US foot patrol came under Mujahideen hand grenade attack last night in Kandahar city’s Dar ul Mateen area as a result 4 invaders including their puppet translator were killed and wounded.

24. HERAT, May. 22 – Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate detonated a remote-control mine on Khair Muhammad and Abdul Baseer, officials of the stooge Kabul regime at 10:20 am this morning in Awba’s Chismai area.

25. FARAH, May. 22 – An American armored tank was destroyed by a land mine Bakwa district, killing and wounding all inside at 12:00 pm local time.

26. HELMAND, May. 22 – Deadly fighting erupted at 04:30 pm today and is still ongoing in Nawa’s Khasrabad area when Mujahideen attacked an ANA patrol. More details will be updated later.

This is not google search or propaganda but unfortunately this is fact, bypassing any media or information US/NATO casualties are twice & thrice from figures usually available for general reading.

A simple google search will bring up a large number of these:

Taliban Propaganda watch

From Western website...latest.
US must be helped.

Afghanistan: eight US troops killed in roadside bomb

Eight U.S. troops were killed by a roadside bomb in southern Afghanistan on Thursday in the deadliest single attack on foreign forces in a month, the U.S. military said.

Afghan violence has surged in recent weeks as Taliban-led insurgents ramped up their long-expected "spring offensive."

U.S. commanders had warned a surge in violence was likely, with militants hitting back after Nato-led forces claimed parts of the insurgency's southern stronghold over the last year.

Thursday's bomb was the worst individual attack on foreign troops since eight U.S. service personnel and a U.S. contractor were shot dead by an Afghan air force pilot at a military airport in Kabul on April 27.

The Pentagon and Nato-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan initially said seven troops were killed on Thursday, but later added that an eighth died.

Separately, another ISAF service member was killed earlier on Thursday when a helicopter crashed in eastern Afghanistan, the coalition said. The cause of that crash was under investigation.

Troops reclaim Afghan district, 28 rebels dead 25 May 2011

Britain to pay £7m for Afghan bank probe 24 May 2011

Special forces commando took on Taliban single-handedly 24 May 2011

The nearly decade-old war in Afghanistan is increasingly unpopular in the United States.

Of the roughly 2,480 foreign troops killed in Afghanistan since 2001, more than 1,580 have been U.S. nationals.

News of the latest killings came as lawmakers in Congress narrowly lost a vote that would have required U.S. President Barack Obama to start planning for an accelerated withdrawal.

Foreign troops are preparing to start a gradual reduction in forces from July, handing over lead security responsibility to Afghan forces by the end of 2014.

Civilian and military casualties reached record levels in 2010, the worst year of the war since U.S.-backed Afghan forces toppled the Taliban in 2001.
A total of 711 foreign troops were killed last year and 2011 is expected to follow a similar pattern, with casualty tolls rising during the spring and summer.
Almost 200 foreign troops have been killed in Afghanistan so far in 2011.


1. PAKTIA, May 23 – Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate fought an intense battle with US invading forces in the province’s Zurmat district on Sunday evening at around 7:00 pm, local time, lasting for an hour that resulted in killing five US invaders and wounded three others as well as destroying tanks being shot with rackets, the report states

The US invaders bombed the battlefield heavy soon afterwards with causing an harm to Mujahideen.

2. PAKTIA, May 13 – mujahedeen of the Islamic Emirate attacked the US military baser in Chamkani district of Paktia province the other day storming at least 18 missiles and 31 mortar rounds in which 8 US invaders were killed and 5 wounded with 9 of their military and supply trucks got destroyed.

3. BAGHLAN, May 23 – Mujahideen were locked in stern fighting with US invaders as they raided Mujahideen stronghold in Talbarfak district of Baghlan province at midnight, 2:00 am local time the report indicated, adding at least 6 US invaders were killed and a dozen were wounded, whereas 6 Mujahideen embraced martyrdom during the exchange of fire.

4. KUNAR, May 23 – On Monday, as many as 33 puppets were killed and scores more wounded in Mangi district of Kunar province during a fighting which is still going on.

5. LAGHMAN May 23 – At least four important commander of the militia puppets, a newly-established group of local thugs and some others, set up by Gen Patreaus in what was conspiracy to let the militias get in the way of Mujahideen so as to reduce US-NATO’s fatalities and casualties at the hands of Mujahideen and to stop Mujahideen from targeting the US-NATO invaders, were killed and 14 more wounded in a martyrdom attacked carried out by a lone Mujahid of the Islamic Emirate, Abdul Wali on the enemy guest house while the militias and the police were holding a meeting in Alishang district of Laghman province.

6. KANDAHAR, May. 23 – Mujahideen detonated a remote-controlled mine on a US tank, killing and wounding all invaders onboard near Shafa village of Dand district at 08:00 am this morning.

7. FARYAB, May. 23 – Tor Commander, a local police commander was killed today in a guerilla attack carried out by Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate in Almaar’s Qara Ghoi area while Commander Sakhi was killed near the previous attack site in an IED attack on their foot patrol which also killed 2 of his bodyguards.

8. HELMAND, May. 23 – Mujahideen seized 2 motorbikes, rifles and equipment of 2 local police at 08:00 am local time after shooting both the puppets dead in Sistani’s Bawrhi area, Marjah district.

9. HELMAND, May. 23 – Reports from Nawzad district say that 2 more US tanks have been destroyed in Karez Safid area at 01:00 pm and 03:00 pm, killing and wounding all 10 invaders inside as the invaders military convoy was passing through the mentioned area. It should be mentioned that 2 tanks of the same convoy were also destroyed today in the same area.

10. HERAT, May. 23 – Reports from Rabat-e-Sangi district say that at 01:00 pm in Tor Ghawndi area torched an enemy fuel tank, killing both the puppets onboard in an attack on a NATO logistical convoy.

11. FARAH, May. 23 – US invaders suffered fatal losses and damages at around 10:00 pm last night when 4 missiles slammed onto the invaders outpost in Shiwan area of Bala Bolak district.

12. NIMROZ, May. 23 – At around 11:30 am today, as many as 7 ANA puppets got killed in Burahi area near Delaram district center when their vehicle was blown to bits by an IED attack.

13. HELMAND, May. 23 – Latest reports from Kajaki’s Zamindawar region state that 4 US tanks were destroyed by land mines throughout today, killing and wounding all invaders inside when the enemy forces tried to enter Aabdar area.

Reports add that the fighting against US invaders which had landed by helicopters and took shelter in civilian homes in Azan Nawa area is still ongoing and so far 3 Mujahideen have embraced Martyrdom (may Allah accept their sacrifices) while 3 others are injured in the battle which broke out yesterday and is still continuing.

14. HELMAND, May. 23 – A US attack helicopter bombing Mujahideen trenches in Zamindawar’s Aabdar area, Kajaki district was shot down by a Mujahid with rockets after which it crashed onto the ground, killing all invaders onboard at 07:00 pm local time.

It should be mentioned that the battle in the mentioned region is still ongoing after erupting on Saturday (May. 21).

15. KANDAHAR, May. 23 – An ANA minion standing guard in front of his outpost in Khak-e-Safid’s Nangabad area was shot dead by a Mujahid sniper at 01:00 pm today.

16. LOGAR, May 23 – Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate Monday, attacked the enemy checkpoint in Logar’s Khushi district, overrunning the post and killing or the puppets base inside the post.

17. KUNAR, May 23 – Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate attacked the military outpost of the enemy with rockets, firing at least 7 rocket grenades at the target killing or wounding a dozen of the enemy’s soldiers in the post in Nari district of Kunar province on Monday morning.

18. LOGAR, May 23 - At least three missiles were fired by Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate at the Miss Aianak business corporation of the invaders in Logar’s provincial capital on Monday but no losses of life and injury have been confirmed yet.

19. NANGARHAR, May 23 - Some four US invaders suffer fatalities as a result of roadside bomb blast that that went off under their tank in Khogiano district of Nangarhar province on Sunday.

20. PAKTIA, May 23 In the province’s Chamkani district, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate attacked the US invaders’ military campaign with missiles Monday one of which hit the helicopter leaving it completely wrecked.

21. KUNAR, May 23 – On Monday, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate attacked the enemy foot patrol in Marwara district of Kunar province killing three puppets and wounding several more.

22. JUZJAN, May 23 – At least three puppets were killed and two more wounded with one of their vehicle destroyed during the clash with Mujahideen that unfolded in Fiazabad district, Juzjan province on Monday.

23. KUNAR, May 23 – In the province’s Noorgal district, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate fought a bloody battle with joint enemy last night, the report said, adding that due to the darkness full scale of the fatalities and casualties were not apparent, but one of the Mujahids took minor injury during the exchange of fire.

24. GHAZNI, May 23 – Mujahideen f the Islamic Emirate waylaid the military supply convoy of the US invaders in Andar district of Ghazni province killing 9 security soldiers and wounding another 7 with three of the Surf vehicles destroyed on Monday morning.

25. GHAZNI, May 23 - More that 11 puppet got killed and many others wounded with three of their vehicles destroyed during a two-hour long fighting that occurred in Qarabagh district of Ghazni province.

---------- Post added at 08:24 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:24 AM ----------

1. PAKTIA, May 24 – In the provincial capital of Paktia province, some two US invaders were killed and some wounded when Mujahideen got their tank blown up with IED on Tuesday.

2. GHAZNI, May 24 – At least three US invaders were killed or wounded Monday when their tank rolled over a landmine blast in Ghazni city, the capital of the province of the same name.

3. WARDAG, May 24 – Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate killed and wounded three puppets in clash that erupted in near the provincial capital of Wardag province on Monday.

4. PAKTIKA, May 24 – At four missiles were fired by Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate at the joint US-Afghan military base but no losses of life and injury have been confirmed yet.

5. PAKTIKA, May 24 - On Tuesday, according to a report from Paktika province, some three US invaders were killed in a roadside bombing that hit and destroyed enemy’s tank in Mata Khan district of the province.

6. KUNAR, May 24 – On Tuesday, morning, a roadside bomb blast in the province’s Wata Pur district tore through a US tank killing 4 invading American traveling in the tank.

7. WARDAG, May 24 – At least five puppets were killed and many others wounded in a remote-control bombing, previously planed in the checkpoint, which set off as soon as the enemy returned to their checkpoint on Tuesday.

8. PARWAN, May 24 – At least four invaders were killed in Parwan’s Koh-e-Safi district when their tank got targeted by Mujahideen IED on Tuesday.

9. KHOST, May 24 – A heavy fighting erupted as the US invaders’ patrol came under Mujahideen attack in Khost’s Sabro district on Monday, but it is unclear how many US invaders were killed or wounded.

10. PAKTIKA, May 24 – At least 4 US invaders were killed and 3 more wounded in a clash with Mujahideen caused Mujahideen attack on their foot patrol in Yahiya Khel district of Paktika.

11. KANDAHAR, May. 24 – A vehicle of local police commander of Shahwalikot district (Tor Jan) was blown to bits at 12:00 pm yesterday after hitting a mine in Chinar village of the mentioned district. The commander along with 6 of his bodyguards were killed in the powerful explosion.

12. HELMAND, May. 24 – A 1-hour clash took place between Mujahideen if Islamic Emirate and US invaders at 09:00 am this morning in Musa Kala’s Chaghali area in which 2 invaders were killed and 2 wounded as well as 1 Mujahid Martyred (may Allah accept him) and another injured.

13. NOOIRSTAN, May 24 – On Tuesday, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate conquered Do Aab district of Nooristan province overrunning all the security check points of the enemy forces and killing or wounding several puppets, while Mujahideen seized two tanks 5 ranger

vehicles, 20 Kalashnikov rifles and other heavy machine guns and ammo, a Mujahideen official said on Tuesday.

The reinforcements, while on the way to battlefield, came under Mujahideen attack engaging the enemy into heavy battle which is still in progress.

14. KABUL, May 24 – On Tuesday morning, at around 6:00 am local time, a Mujahid of the Islamic Emirate, Islam-ud-Din, in martyrdom-seeking operation, in what he slammed his explosive-stuffed vehicle into the convoy of the vehicles of puppet intelligence with the two leading Cruisin vehicles carrying top-level foreign officials followed by a number of other vehicles for the sake of security in Arzan Qimat area of Kabul city, the capital of the country, killing 11 top-level foreign invaders and intelligence officers of the puppets as well as destroying 6 of the enemy vehicles, the report indicated.

The incident comes two days before a number of the high-ranking intelligence officers were killed outside the presidential Palace in a shootout mission by Mujahideen in the heart of Kabul city.

15. BADGHIS, May. 24 – AT least 6 ISAF invaders lost their lives when their tank was blown apart at 12:00 pm today in Qabli Chah area of Maqur (Maghur) district.

16. HELMAND, May. 24 – At 01:00 pm in Shaban area of Musa Kala district, a roadside bomb ripped through a US tank, instantly killing all invaders onboard. It is worth mentioning that a US tank was also destroyed in the district’s Eidgah area earlier this morning.

17. FARAH, May. 24 – Reports from Bakwa district say that Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate ambushed a police military convoy at 09:00 am this morning Syawo Agha area while on its way from Farah city.

Reports add that he fighting lasted for about an hour during which 19 puppets were killed, 5 wounded and 2 captured alive besides 4 enemy vehicles torched and destroyed. It is said that Mujahideen also seized the weapons and equipment of the dead enemy corpses which are still lying at the scene along with the wreckage of the vehicles.

18. WARDAG, May 24 – At least three puppets were killed and five more wounded during a clash the unfolded on the out skirt of Wardag city, the capital of the province of the same province on Monday.

19. GHAZNI, May 23 – At least two puppets were killed and two more wounded when their tank got hit and destroyed in IED blast, acording to a report from Ghazni province.

20. WARDAG, May 24 – Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate, in an attack on the invaders’ supply convoy, destroyed 3 supply trucks and military vehicles besides killing or wounding a dozen of the puppets.

21. PAKTIA, May 24 – At least 6 puppets were killed in an powerful explosion that set off under their tank in the provincial capital of Paktika province on Tuesday.

22. WARDAG, May 24 – At least 4 puppets were killed and 3 more wounded with two of their vehicles in a clash with Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate in Wardag’s Syedabad district.

23. GHAZNI, May 24 – On Tuesday, according to a report from Ghazni province, two Polish invaders were killed and two more injured as a roadside bomb went off under their tank, ripping apart in Qarabagh district of Ghazni province.

24. PAKTIKA, May 24 – At least four NATO invaders and 7 puppets killed and 9 more wounded during a clash with Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate in Naka district of Paktika province on Tuesday.

---------- Post added at 08:25 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:24 AM ----------

1. PAKTIKA, May 25 - At least 3 American invaders were killed on Monday evening as their tank got hit and destroyed in IED blast, while scores of the joint enemy were killed and wounded with 6 of their vehicles and tanks destroyed in clashes with Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate in separate clash that continued through much of the day.

2. LOGAR, May 25 – Later on Tuesday, Mujahideen shot one of the US invaders’ tanks while traveling in convoy leaving 4 US killed or wounded in Kharwar district of Logar province.

3. PARWAN, May 25 – Some four US invaders were killed Tuesday as their armored tank got hit and destroyed in a roadside bombing in Bagram district of Parwan province.

4. PARWAN, May 25 - Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate, in a clash with the puppets, killed 4 policemen and wounded 5 more, while two of their vehicles got destroyed with rocket grenades in Jabul Siraj district of Parwan on Tuesday.

5. PAKTIKA, May 25 – In the province’s Khusamand district, some 5 US invaders were killed, and 4 more wounded when their tank got hit and destroyed in a powerful blast on later Tuesday.

6. HELMAND, May. 25 – Mujahideen detonated a remote-controlled mine on a US invaders foot patrol in Marjah’s Badullah Qulf area at 09:00 am this morning, killing 1 invader and fatally wounding 2 others.

7. KANDAHAR, May. 25 – Reports from Zhiri’s Nalgham area say that late yesterday afternoon, Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate clashed with US invaders, causing the enemy deadly casualties, the extent of which Is not known.

8. KANDAHAR, May. 25 – A puppet police was killed along with 3 others wounded yesterday at around 05:00 pm when Mujahideen ambushed their patrol in Dand district’s Nakhoni area.

9. NANGARHAR, May 25 – At least four US invaders were killed or wounded in Nangarhar’s Khogiano district when their got struck in landmine blast on Tuesday.

10. KABUL, May 25 – On later Tuesday, three French are said to have been killed as their tank fell off the mountain in Sarubi district of Kabul province.

11. NANGAHAR, May 25 – At least 6 puppets were killed and wounded when their tank was shot in an attack by Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate in Bati Kot district of Nangarhar province on Tuesday.

12. NANGARHAR, May 25 – In the province’s Ghani Khel district a roadside bomb blast hit and destroyed one of the invaders oil tanker leaving ablaze which burned down completely on Wednesday morning.

13. LOGAR, May 25 – Later on Tuesday, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate attacked a team of the foot patrol of the enemy in Muhammad Agha district of Logar province, killing one American cowardly soldier besides wounding two more.

14. NOORISTAN, May 25 – At least 10 puppets were killed when Mujahideen caused two of their vehicles to fall down in the river during the fighting in Do Ab district of Nooristan province on Tuesday, while of the puppets were killed and several more wounded during the fighting.

The fatalities caused to the enemy as Mujahideen attacked the convoy the reinforcements called for to back the enemy soldiers surround by Mujahideen in Do Ab district on Tuesday.

15. NANGARHAR, May 25 – At least 8 puppets were killed in an attack carried out by Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate on their military base in Naziano district of Nangarhar province last night.

16. NOORISTAN, May 25 – As many as 15 puppets if ANA were captured, one killed and several more wounded by Mujahideen of the as the enemy’s a major outpost got overrun last night in the fighting that have been underway for the last two days in Do Ab district of Nooristan province, whereas the said district was conquered yesterday, a Mujahideen official said on Wednesday.

The rest of the enemy soldiers managed to flee the scene leaving their post abandoned which has been under Mujahideen siege for the last 24 hours, while Mujahideen seized two tanks and 2 ranger vehicles as well as a sizable amount of arms and ammo from the possession of the enemy.

Separately, Mujahideen killed 10 US-NATO invaders and wounded scores during the battle with the invading forces in Noorgram district of Nooristan province on Wednesday. The fighting is said to be going in several points of Nooristan province.

17. HELMAND, May. 25 – About 5 days earlier, huge US military convoy had arrived in Zamindawar’s Aabdar desert, Kajaki district to carry out an operation and build check post, but fled yesterday morning time. Reports say that 4 US tanks were destroyed by land mines, killing and wounding all invaders inside in Injirano area, forcing the convoy to come to a halt. The invaders convoy is still parked in the area today and is surrounded by mines while coming under Mujahideen strikes at the same time.

18. KANDAHAR, May. 25 – A 1-hour clash took place in Khakrez’s Baghk area between Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate and US invaders late yesterday afternoon however there are no confirmed reports about the number of enemy casualties.

19. ZABUL, May. 25 – At around 09:00 am this morning in Kakarhano China area near Qalat city, Mujahideen carried out an armed attack on a NATO logistical convoy, destroying 2 logistical and a security vehicle as well as killing 8 puppets.

20. ZABUL, May. 25 – Reports from Qalat city say that barbaric US invaders raided the homes of locals in Kharjoe area late yesterday afternoon during which an Imam of a local mosque along with 4 other civilians were apprehended and taken back to their bases.

Locals from the area say that all the arrested persons are civilians from this area and are in no way connected to the Islamic Emirate.

21. FARAH, May. 25 – An ISAF invaders jet airplane which was shot down by Mujahideen in Balbalak area near Bakwa district center yesterday afternoon is still lying at the crash scene and the invaders are unable to retrieve its wreckage or the dead corpses of French invaders as the area is rigged with land mines.

22. KANDAHAR, May. 25 – Mujahideen from Arghasan district’s Spini Gharhi area state that later yesterday, a US tank was obliterated by a land mine, instantly killing all 4 invaders inside and then a few moments later, a similar blast took out an ANA vehicle in which 4 puppets lost their lives while 3 others were seriously wounded.

Another report from the district adds that at 06:00 pm yesterday, at least 3 puppet police were killed when an IED detonated on their foot patrol.

23. PAKTIKA, May 25 – A dozens of the US-NATO invaders are reported to have been killed or wounded with three of their tanks destroyed in a series of Mujahideen attacks and bombings in Khusamand district of Paktika province.

24. KUNAR, May 25 – At least 14 missiles rounds were fired at the enemy base near the provincial capital of Kunar province killing a dozen of the US invaders on Tuesday.

25. KABUL, May 25 – In the province’s Sarubi district, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate attacked a team of the foot patrol of the French invading army on Tuesday, however, it is not yet clear how many were killed and wounded.

26. PAKTIKA, May 25 – At least two invaders of so-called ISAF or NATO invaders were killed and two more wounded in clash with Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate in Khusamand district of Paktika province on Wednesday.

27. KAPISA, May 25 – At least two French invaders were killed Tuesday in clash that took place in Tagab district of Kapisa after Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate attacked their patrol in Tagab district of Kapisa province.

28. WARDAG, May 25 – At least five US invaders were killed Wednesday morning when their tank got hit and destroyed in Sayedabad district of Wardag province.

29. WARDAG, May 25 – At least 7 puppets were killed early Wednesday morning when their tank got hit and destroyed in bombing in Sayedabad district of Wardag province.

Also Wednesday, a roadside bomb blast killed 4 Polish invaders and wounded three more as a roadside bomb set off under their tank in the same district.

30. ZABUL, May. 25 – Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate, using heavy and light weapons carried out attacks on Shahjoe district headquarters, police headquarters, Intelligence office and a joint US-Afghan military base on Monday night (May. 23), causing the enemy deadly casualties and losses, the exact extent of which is not known.

31. NIMROZ, May. 25 – A police vehicle travelling on the road near Muhammad Isa Petrol Pump located near Delaram district center was blown apart by a roadside bomb at 08:30 am this morning, killing and wounding all 8 minions onboard.

32. HERAT, May. 25 – At least 2 ISAF invaders and 3 of their puppet ANA soldiers were killed with 2 more seriously wounded in an ambush carried out by Mujahideen of their joint patrol in Kushk-e-Kohna district’s Tangi area.

33. HERAT, May. 25 – A vehicle of puppet security personnel was blown apart at 08:00 am this morning, killing all 5 minions inside in Siyah Dara area of Korokh district.

34. KANDAHAR, May. 25 – An IED on the road near Mirawaise Hospital of Kandahar city ripped through a police vehicle at 07:00 am this morning, killing and wounding all 6 puppets inside.

35. HELMAND, May. 25 – A US tank was destroyed b a land mine in Babji regions Raheem Khel area, killing and wounding all invaders onboard at 01:00 m today.

36. ZABUL, May. 25 – A NATO logistical convoy was travelling on Kabul-Kandahar main highway through Shahr-e-Safa’s Jaldak area when Mujahideen attacked it, destroying 2 security and 2 logistical vehicles besides 7 puppets killed.

37. ZABUL, May. 25 – 2 ANA minions lost their lives in an IED blast which hit their foot patrol at 03:00 pm local time in Nawrak area located near Qalat city.
Surprising that they still hold fort.

And keeping pushing the date of drawdown further away from the dates announced!
1. WARDAG, May 26 – A dozen of the US invaders were killed and wounded in a clash with Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate occurring in Chak district of Wardag province, the report indicated on Wednesday, adding two of the Mujahideen embraced martyrdom during the fighting.

2. LAGHMAN, May 26 – Some three US invaders were killed and another wounded in a roadside bombing that targeted their tank in Qarghayee district of Laghman.

3. PAKTIKA, May 26 – A recent report from Nooristan province states as many as 30 innocent noncombatant civilians including one Mujahideen left martyred in the US invaders blind airstrikes in Do Ab district of Nooristan.

The airstrikes coma after the people gathered around the district center of Do Ab which had been conquered by Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate, while a lager number of the joint enemy soldiers airdropped by the helicopters fighting back to recapture the district and heavy fighting is going on.

4. PAKTIKA, May 26 – A new report indicates that Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate shot down one of the US invaders’ apache-like helicopters while flying over Janant Khel area in Naka district of Paktika province on Thursday at approximately 10:00 am, local time. Witnesses say the wreckage of the struck helicopter is still lying at the scene.

5. KANDAHAR, May. 26 – At 01:00 pm yesterday, a NATO fuel tanker was torched by Mujahideen in an attack on the enemy logistical convoy in Noorzo’s Shahburj area, Kandahar city.

6. HELMAND, May. 26 – A security puppet vehicle in Spin Masjid area near Gerishk district center was destroyed in an armed Mujahideen ambush on their military convoy at 04:00 am this morning but there are no confirmed reports about the number of enemy casualties.

7. HELMAND, May. 26 – At least 2 US invaders were killed and 3 fatally wounded at 05:00 pm yesterday when an IED in Musa Kala’s Doaab area detonated on their foot patrol.

8. HELMAND, May. 26 – American invaders along with their puppet militia suffered deadly casualties and losses yesterday when they came under IED and armed Mujahideen attacks upon entering Choto’s border town of Daisho district.

9. KANDAHAR, May. 26 – A tractor tailor filled with heavy explosives material in Shurabak district’s Wali Shah Maghzi area detonated on American forces at 02:00 pm today when they arrived for investigation as a result 8 invaders lost their lives while several others were severely wounded.

10. HELMAND, May. 26 – A mine blast at around dusk time yesterday near Safar bazaar area of Gerimsir district on a US patrol killed 2 invaders including their puppet translator and fatally injured 2 others.

11. KANDAHAR, May. 26 – Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate, using heavy and light weapons carried out a 2-hour assault on a US outpost located in Zhiri’s Raz Muhammad Khan village late yesterday afternoon time however the exact extent of damage and casualties caused is not known.

12. KANDAHAR, May. 26 – A US military convoy travelling through Maiwand’s Garmawok area was struck by land mines yesterday afternoon, taking out 3 tanks besides killing and wounding all invaders onboard.

The powerful blasts forced the enemy convoy to come to a halt and is still parked in the area this morning.

13. ZABUL, May. 26 – Reports from Shahr-e-Safa district say that a NATO logistical convoy was attacked by Mujahideen in Sangar Pul area while travelling on Kabul-Kandahar main highway, destroying 4 logistical and 1 security vehicles as well as killing 7 puppets onboard.

14. HELMAND, May. 26 – A US foot patrol came under an armed Mujahideen attack at 08:30 am this morning, killing 1 invader and seriously wounding 2 others in Nad Ali district’s Sayedabad area.

15. FARAH, May. 26 – Haji Najeeb and Najeebullah, 2 police commanders were killed after being put on trial in a Mujahideen court for killing and imprisoning many Mujahideen.

Officials reporting from Farah add that the 2 puppets were captured alive on Tuesday (May. 25) after an ambush attack on the puppets military convoy during which 19 other minions were also killed.

16. KAPISA, May 26 – The attack carried out on the French invaders occurred early Thursday morning at about 6:00 am, local time in Tagab, Kapisa sparking a fighting in which two French cowardly troops got killed and several more wounded.

17. KUNAR, May 26 – The US invading forces; military base located in Wata Pur and Manugi district of Kunar comes under Mujahideen attack causing the enemy deadly losses while it is not clear how many were killed or wounded in the attacks.

18. KAPISA, May 26 – Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate attacked the governor office with rockets last night in Kapisa’s provincial capital, however, no losses of life and injury have been confirmed

19. NANGARHAR, May 26 – At least three puppets killed many others hurt in an attack carried out by Mujahideen on their outpost in Lal Pura district of Nangarhar province.

20. PAKTIA, May 26 – A dozen of the US invaders were killed and wounded early Thursday when their tank got hit and destroyed in Mujahideen IED in Zurmat district of Paktika province.

21. PAKTIKA, May 26 - Three of the US invaders’ military tank have been destroyed in Paktika’s Khusamand district killing and wounding scores of the invading American soldiers traveling in the tank through much of the day.

22. GHAZNI, May 26 – In the province’s Deh Yak district, a roadside bomb ripped through the US military tank blowing to pieces and killing or wounding all those inside the tank on Thursday.

23. WARDAG, May 26 – Seven policemen including deputy chief of police of Syedabad district of Wardag province Wednesday when vehicle got shot and destroyed in rocket fire in the same district.

24. BALKH, May 26 – Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate, in a clash the puppet forces that continued for about 6 hours, killed and wounded some 8 minions of ANA and captured two more in Balk province, while a civilians got hurt in cross-fire.

25. GHAZNI, May 26 – At least four puppets were killed and 2 more wounded as the enemy car got shot with rockets in Ghazi’s Waghiz district on Wednesday.

26. PARWAN, May 26 – Two of the US invaders tank got struck and destroyed in roadside bombings killing or wounding a dozen of the invading American soldiers traveling in both tanks inn Koh-e-Safi district of northern Parwan province last night.

27. KUNDUZ, May 26 – Later on Thursday, Mujahideen attacked the patrol of the NATO invaders in Dasht-e-Arachj district of Kunduz sparking a fighting ending up causing the enemy deadly losses.

28. KABUL, May 26 – At least 6 puppets were killed Thursday when their tank got hit and destroyed in roadside bombing in Khak-e- Jabar district of Kabul province.

29. PAKTIA, May 26 – In Wazi Zadran district of Paktia province, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate got locked in deadly battle with join enemy Thursday which lasted about an hour killing 6 NATO invaders and their local puppets and wounding another 7 with destroying 2 tanks and vehicles.

30. PAKTIKA, May 26 – At least 7 invading American terrorists were killed and two more badly wounded in two separate clashes with Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate in Naka district Paktika province on Thursday.

31. WARDAG, May 26 – On later Thursday, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate ambushed the US military supply convoy in Sayedabad district of Wardag province, prompting a deadly gun battle that resulted in killing 9 security guards of the convoy and wounded 10 more with three of their oil tanker annihilated, nevertheless, one of the Mujahideen got martyred in exchange of fire.
Operation Badar: 35 top level NATO troops and Afghan officials killed, 80 injured

35 top-level puppets including chief of police, commander of zone (303) and provincial governor killed, 80 wounded in Takhar operation

Zabihullah Mujahid | Afghan Taliban Spokesperson

35 top-level puppets including chief of police, commander of zone (303) and provincial governor killed, 80 wounded in Takhar operation

TAKHAR, May 28 - Mujahid Amad-ud-Din, resident of Takhar, carried out martyr attack Saturday at about 4:40 local time, aiming at the provincial governor office where a meeting headed by Abdul Jabar Taqwa, the provincial governor of Takhar province, was in progress with the a number high-ranking figures of the puppets and NATO invaders.

As per details, as many as 35 top-level military and government officials of the puppets including the general commander of zone (303) of northern regions, Gen Dawood, the chief of police of Takhar province, Shah Jahan Noori along with four German top-level invaders were killed and more than 80 got wounded, while Abdul Jabar Taqwa, the governor of Takhar province was seriously injured, who succumbing to the injuries, died on the way to the hospital.

The operation comes as the joint enemy was about to plot a fresh offensive in the name of ‘Hope’ to clear the northern areas out of Mujahideen which has ended up ‘Hopeless’ in the martyrdom operation in the course of ‘Operation Badar’ intensifying across the country.

Mujahedeen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan have, on the other hand, conducted stunningly successful operations since ‘Operation Badar’ began on May 01, 2011 and have made considerable gains so far.
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