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Rising Arab Christian enlistment in Israeli army

Loooool, you people are funny. Im just telling you the truth. Take it from someone who has been to israel. If these people were arabs then they wouldnt hate you as much as they do. Ashkenazis did not brainwash them as they themselves are leftist and more liberal. Mizrahi jews just have more of a eastern mindset with a jewish twist, so it would only make sense that they be more conservative and nationalist since they came from the mideast.

Anyways, believe what you want to believe, dont make any difference to me.
I actually read somewhere that Russian jews are the most radical though even refusing to learn hebrew lol.


Jews are semites they are not Arabs but they are from the same larger family of people I guess you can say.
Jewish is not an ethnity lol zionist propoganda at its finest.
Jews are considered an ethnicity and their own people in modern times, especially by the state of israel. They arent even considered technically white in the west, even if they look 100% european.

You can say its all bullshat, but then so would be the conversion law of the arabs that led to the arabization of iraqis, egyptians, levantines, north africans into modern day arabs aswell.
Loooool, you people are funny. Im just telling you the truth. Take it from someone who has been to israel. If these people were arabs then they wouldnt hate you as much as they do. Ashkenazis did not brainwash them as they themselves are leftist and more liberal. Mizrahi jews just have more of a eastern mindset with a jewish twist, so it would only make sense that they be more conservative and nationalist since they came from the mideast.

Anyways, believe what you want to believe, dont make any difference to me.

They don't hate Arabs you fool. Watch the videos published. They themselves happen to be Arabs that believe in Judaism. This is why there is no difference between us. You cannot tell us apart. So stop your bullshitting anti-Arabs, anti-Muslim etc. posts Zionist. We don't want you people around here trolling.

Zionism is foreign for the people of the ME. It was invented by the Ashkenazis. Now I suggest that you stop trolling.

Well no need to boost about your visits to Israel. We rather don't hear about this.

There is no Jewish race anymore. The Hebrews mixed long ago with the Arabs and other Semitic people.

Jews are considered an ethnicity and their own people in modern times, especially by the state of israel. They arent even considered technically white in the west, even if they look 100% european.

You can say its all bullshat, but then so would be the conversion law of the arabs that led to the arabization of iraqis, egyptians, levantines, north africans into modern day arabs aswell.

Uh I live in the west jews are not considered a seperate race and some people do say jews look white but even the whites know they are semites and that skin color means nothing for ethnicity.

All those countries you mentioned actually had intermarriages so they ethnically Arabs.

Supremacist whites hate Jews because they call them semites. lol
Uh I live in the west jews are not considered a seperate race and some people do say jews look white but even the whites know they are semites and that skin color means nothing for ethnicity.

All those countries you mentioned actually had intermarriages so they ethnically Arabs.

Supremacist whites hate Jews because they call them semites. lol

Well, this is correct. But all Semites are white and Caucasian people but not as light-skinned as the average European obviously, LOL.

But actually the most common haplogroups in terms of Y-Chromosone DNA (father to father etc.) in the ME and Arab world are the J, R, E and G haplogroups. All with an origin in the ME. All commonly found among Semitic speakers today. Ironically those haplogroups are also the most common in Southern Europe, in particular Greece, Italy, Balkans etc. And when I say ME I am talking about Turkey, Iran etc. here despite them not speaking Semitic languages but people are genetically close anyway. In terms of overall DNA then Middle Eastern people (I include Caucasians here) are those most close to Europeans so those so-called "White supremacists" are just ignorant idiots not knowing anything about human genetics, migrations, history etc. Most Europeans also hail from the ME originally as do most haplogroups.
They don't hate Arabs you fool. Watch the videos pubished. They themselves happen to be Arabs that believe in Judaism. This is why there is no difference between us. You cannot tell us apart. So stop your bullshitting anti-Arabs, anti-Muslim etc. posts Zionist. We don't want you people around here trolling.

Zionism is foreign for the people of the ME. It was invented by the Ashkenazis. Now I suggest that you stop trolling.

Well no need to boost about your visits to Israel. We rather don't hear about this.

There is no Jewish race anymore. The Hebrews mixed long ago with the Arabs and other Semitic people.

You were just saying a few posts ago that you could tell the woman was yemeni right away, so If arabs are one race how could you tell? You seem to contradict yourself alot, lol.

By your logic theres no arab race any more cause they mixed with everybody. Jews or hebrews were never a race to begin with, they were ethnicities. Race and ethnicity are not the same thing, theyre more based on languages.
You were just saying a few posts ago that you could tell the woman was yemeni right away, so If arabs are one race how could you tell? You seem to contradict yourself alot, lol.

By your logic theres no arab race any more cause they mixed with everybody. Jews or hebrews were never a race to begin with, they were ethnicities. Race and ethnicity are not the same thing, theyre more based on languages.

I meant no Jewish ethnicity. Don't twist my words because I made one typing mistakes where I wrote race instead of ethnicity. Despite the whole ME being genetically close you can still spot persons who look like like Arabs which by far most Arabs do. She and all the other Jews of Arab origins looked like your regular Arab from Yemen, Iraq, Morocco. Hence the fact that there is no difference between Yemenis that happens to be Muslims or the Jews.

We were talking about the few among them who have been brainwashed to hate their ancestors homeland. They are a minority as all the videos show but it is still remarkable that a newly created ideology (Zionism) which is not native to the ancient ME has been able to make people of that background hate their ancestral homelands. That is highly unusual and due to Zionistic propaganda and nothing more. I only know this syndrome among Iranian immigrants who escaped from the Mullah's.

Now this news concerns Zionists trying to do the same about the Christian Palestinians to erase their identity.

Uh I live in the west jews are not considered a seperate race and some people do say jews look white but even the whites know they are semites and that skin color means nothing for ethnicity.

All those countries you mentioned actually had intermarriages so they ethnically Arabs.

Supremacist whites hate Jews because they call them semites. lol
You answered your own question. White supremacists attack jews, even the white looking ones, for not being white in their eyes, most westerners also view jews as non white.

Even south east asians, Iranians, afghans, turks, arabs are branded under as whites on paper, but society at large views them non white, same with jews.

As for the arabization issue. If youre mixed you are mixed, not arab or whatever and these countries were arabized through time, while the arab migrants were always a minority. Arabs didnt even make up 10% of the mideast prior to islam, lets not even mention north africa which barely had arabs.

So again, if arabs can make conversion laws and create their own rules when ot comes to the arab ethnicity, I dont see why jews or others cant.

I meant no Jewish ethnicity. Don't twist my words because I made one typing mistakes where I wrote race instead of ethnicity. Despite the whole ME being genetically close you can still spot persons who look like like Arabs which by far most Arabs do. She and all the other Jews of Arab origins looked like your regular Arab from Yemen, Iraq, Morocco. Hence the fact that there is no difference between Yemenis that happens to be Muslims or the Jews.

We were talking about the few among them who have been brainwashed to hate their ancestors homeland. They are a minority as all the videos show but it is still remarkable that a newly created ideology (Zionism) which is not native to the ancient ME has been able to make people of that background hate their ancestral homelands. That is highly unusual and due to Zionistic propaganda and nothing more. I only know this syndrome among Iranian immigrants who escaped from the Mullah's.

Now this news concerns Zionists trying to do the same about the Christian Palestinians to erase their identity.

So again, if jews and arabs come from the same stock then how could they be wiped out by mixing with arabs if theyre both semetic? Were talking about ethnicity here, not race. Im sure many arabs are descendant of jews andmvice versa, but reality is that today these people identify with being either arab or jewish, especially when it comes to israel.
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So much for the jewish army for the jewish nation. Israel has to come to terms with the fact that it is a secular republic, no amount of denial is going to change that fact.

The troll continous and does not understand that the ancestors of the Arabs, who are about 3000 years old, were themselves those ancient Semitic peoples and civilizations that existed all over the ME. Later one branch of those descendants that came to be known as Arabs moved into areas inhabited by other fellow Semitic people and they mixed. In many of those areas that are now the Arab world, Arab had lived there nearly 1500 years PRIOR to Prophet Muhammad (saws) birth. I mean even Yemen and most of KSA got Arabized after the expansions outside of Makkah. How ignorant can one be? Southern Semitic languages were spoken in Yemen 1500 years ago. Now grouped as Southern Arabian languages although they are not understandable for any Arabic speaker outside of few words.

On the other hand then 33% or so of the modern day Jews don't even have a relation to the ME. Only a complete idiot and ignoramus would thus make such comparisons. So that's the difference.

A Jew is not a ethnic group contrary to an Arab, Turk, Persian, Azeri etc. despite all 4 being mixed like all other people. Jews have come to be known as one although we know that this is not the case really outside of a small number of Jews. The Hebrews have long gone extinct since they mixed with all kind of Semitic people of the region including Arabs.

Half of the Israeli population who are either Sephardic or Mizrahi Jews have ties to the ME, which is clearly visible by how they look, they look Middle Eastern, mostly Arab, and they are either the descendants of the Hebrew or in most cases just local peoples of Yemen, Iraq, Morocco etc. who adopted Judaism long ago.


Just ignore the dumb anti-Arab, anti-Muslim etc. troll that shows Zionist tendencies. His words matters nothing anyway. He knows that I am right and look how he ignores facts and twists our words and even ignores the videos posted by us which shows the reality and how he makes empty conclusions.
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Hey alhassan or whatever your name is, if ashkenazis created zionism then why is it that most are non zionist liberals and leftists while mizrahis pro zionist nationalists?


The troll continous and does not understand that the ancestors of the Arabs, who are about 3000 years old, were themselves those ancient Semitic peoples and civilizations that existed all over the ME. Later one branch of those descendants that came to be known as Arabs moved into areas inhabited by other fellow Semitic people and they mixed. In many of those areas that are now the Arab world, Arab had lived there nearly 1500 years PRIOR to Prophet Muhammad (saws) birth.

On the other hand then 33% or so of the modern day Jews don't even have a relation to the ME. Only a complete idiot and ignoramus would thus make such comparisons. So that's the difference.

A Jew is not an ethnic group. It's come to be known as one although we know that this is not the case really outside of a small number of Jews. The Hebrews have long gone extinct since they mixed with all kind of Semitic people of the region including Arabs.
Wtf are you even getting at? If we go all the way back everybody has the same ancestory, still doesnt mean that the world isnt made up of thousands upon thousands of ethnicities.
You answered your own question. White supremacists attack jews, even the white looking ones, for not being white in their eyes, most westerners also view jews as non white.

Even south east asians, Iranians, afghans, turks, arabs are branded under as whites on paper, but society at large views them non white, same with jews.

As for the arabization issue. If youre mixed you are mixed, not arab or whatever and these countries were arabized through time, while the arab migrants were always a minority. Arabs didnt even make up 10% of the mideast prior to islam, lets not even mention north africa which barely had arabs.

So again, if arabs can make conversion laws and create their own rules when ot comes to the arab ethnicity, I dont see why jews or others cant.

The people of those countries call themselves Arabs on their own accord, the difference is Arab is an actual ethnicity so if one wants to say he is an ethnic Arab he can but Jewish is a religion so you claim to be a Jew but that doesn't make you a specific ethnicity.

The point is Israelis are trying to turn Jewish into a nationality which is why they invite Jews from all over the world to return and have the right to return but that is simply their wishful thinking.
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