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Rising Arab Christian enlistment in Israeli army

Mizrahi jews are usually the ones who vote for right conservative parties, while ashkenazis lean towards liberal leftism. Mizrahis are the nationalist israelis and they dont wanna return to the countries of their parents, and I cant blame them.

The videos clearly did not show that. Zionism is foreign for the Arab Jews. Anyway do you have proof of that? This does not matter to the countless of facts that I and @Hazzy997 namely that they can be as Zionistic as they want but it still want change the fact that they are not different from me and Hazzy aside from believing in a slightly different fellow Abrahamic religion native to our ancient region.

This news concerns another Zionist attempt of erasing the PALESTINIAN ARAB culture of the Christian Palestinians in favor of a made-up ideology called Zionism.
We have a right to point this out and discuss this since it has happened before. Now many full-blooded Yemenis, Iraqis, Egyptians, Moroccans etc. that only differ in the fact that they are Jews, sometimes not even believing in any religion, have been brainwashed and become ignorant about their ancestral homelands as evidenced by the videos I posted in SOME cases. Which is sad. That's all there is to it.

Don't start this bullshit of Israel being a "democracy" and a perfect state when they are a widely condemned oppressing state and a discriminating one who hosts and celebrates war criminals like Ariel Sharon. Which also plots against our region and people and attack them.
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The videos clearly did not show that. Zionism is foreign for the Arab Jews. Anyway do you have proof of that? This does not matter to the countless of facts that I and @Hazzy997 namely that they can be as Zionistic as they want but it still want change the fact that they are not different from me and Hazzy aside from believing in a slightly different fellow Abrahamic religion native to our ancient region.

This news concerns another Zionist attempt of erasing the PALESTINIAN ARAB culture of the Christian Palestinians in favor of a made-up ideology called Zionism.
We have a right to point this out and discuss this since it has happened before. Now many full-blooded Yemenis, Iraqis, Egyptians, Moroccans etc. that only differ in the fact that they are Jews, sometimes not even believing in any religion, have been brainwashed and become ignorant about their ancestral homelands as evidenced by the videos I posted in SOME cases. Which is sad. That's all there is to it.

Don't start this bullshit of Israel being a "democracy" and a perfect state when they are a widely condemned oppressing state and a discriminating one who hosts and celebrates war criminals like Ariel Sharon. Which also plots against our region and people and attack them.

Its common knowledge in israel that mizrahi jews vote right and are extremely pro zionist.

Btw, most of them dont consider themselves as arab jews either, but just as jews, mizrahi jew to be exact.
Its common knowledge in israel that mizrahi jews vote right and are extremely pro zionist.

Btw, most of them dont consider themselves as arab jews either, but just as jews, mizrahi jew to be exact.

Whatever they call themselves of newly created entities they are still just Arabs from Arab country x or y who happen to believe in Judaism. There is no other difference.
Well if this is the case, I would still like to see official statistics, then this just proves that the Zionists have been successful with their brainwashing and attempts of making people hate their own ancestral homelands.


Thanks for notifying me in the ACS thread about that certain Israeli. I do believe that he has ties to the Zionist establishment and is out to defame Muslims and the people of the ME. I will keep an eye on him.
Whatever they call themselves of nwly created entities they are still just Arabs from Arab country x or y who happen to believe in Judaism. There is no other difference.
Well if this is the case, I would still like to see official statistics, then this just proves that the Zionists have been successful with their brainwashing and attempts of making people hate their own ancestral homelands.


Thanks for notifying me in the ACS thread about that certain Israeli. I do believe that he has ties to the Zionist establishment and is out to defame Muslims an the people of the ME. I will keep an eye on him.
Ooooooor, that these mizrahi jews are alot more realistic when it comes to the mindset and politics of mideasterners and the mideast in general, while ashkenazis are delusional. Ashkenazis are actually the ones voting for liberal parties that want "peace".

If all ashkenazis left israel, the country would become probably 90% zionist.

Well, jews are considered their own ethnicity, even if its made up (according to you). Many modern day "arabs" also arent really arab either if we go by your logic.
Ooooooor, that these mizrahi jews are alot more realistic when it comes to the mindset and politics of mideasterners and the mideast in general, while ashkenazis are delusional. Ashkenazis are actually the ones voting for liberal parties that want "peace".

If all ashkenazis left israel, the country would become probably 90% zionist.

Well, jews are considered their own ethnicity, even if its made up (according to you). Many modern day "arabs" also arent really arab either if we go by your logic.

Dude, everybody is Zionist in Israel, you probably mean conservative or liberals...the vast majority is conservative.

As for the rest, are you trolling? What's with these random acts of aggression against Arabs? Keep it to yourself my man...
Ooooooor, that these mizrahi jews are alot more realistic when it comes to the mindset and politics of mideasterners and the mideast in general, while ashkenazis are delusional. Ashkenazis are actually the ones voting for liberal parties that want "peace".

If all ashkenazis left israel, the country would become probably 90% zionist.

Well, jews are considered their own ethnicity, even if its made up (according to you). Many modern day "arabs" also arent really arab either if we go by your logic.

You don't get it do you? Those Jews are called Arab Jews for a reason simply because their ancestors have lived in Arab countries for millenniums and because you can't spot a difference between an Jewish Yemeni and and Muslim Yemeni. Nor an Jewish Iraqi vs an Muslim Iraqi etc. Jews and Arabs are both Semitic speaking people native to the ME and related if you don't know.

You still have not come up with any official statistics.

More importantly you just confirmed what me and @Hazzy997 have voiced our opinion against.

This thread is not intended for Zionists and their supporters or anti-Muslims. Just so you know. We will not tolerate this or attacks against our people.
You don't get it do you? Those Jews are called Arab Jews for a reason simply because their ancestors have lived in Arab countries for millenniums and because you can't spot a difference between an Jewish Yemeni and and Muslim Yemeni. Nor an Jewish Iraqi vs an Muslim Iraqi etc. Jews and Arabs are both Semitic speaking people native to the ME and related if you don't know.

You still have not come up with any official statistics.

More importantly you just confirmed what me and @Hazzy997 have voiced our opinion against.

This thread is not intended for Zionists and their supporters or anti-Muslims. Just so you know. We will not tolerate this or attacks against our people.

Traditional Jews vote Likud-Beytenu, while the Orthodox choose Bennett | The Times of Israel

"Likely Ashkenazi voters are distinctly less religious, with 64% of Ashkenazi voters self-describing as secular. Sephardi/Mizrahi voters describe themselves as more religiously observant than Ashkenazi voters, with 42% saying they are traditional"

Arab is an ethnicity. It would be appropriate to refer to these mizrahi jews by the origin of their parents countries or nationality, but not arab or what not. Ashkenazi jews look like europeans, theyre still considered as jews and not as the ethnicity of their former countries, whats your point?

There isnt even a typical arab look.
Traditional Jews vote Likud-Beytenu, while the Orthodox choose Bennett | The Times of Israel

"Likely Ashkenazi voters are distinctly less religious, with 64% of Ashkenazi voters self-describing as secular. Sephardi/Mizrahi voters describe themselves as more religiously observant than Ashkenazi voters, with 42% saying they are traditional"

Arab is an ethnicity. It would be appropriate to refer to these mizrahi jews by the origin of their parents countries or nationality, but not arab or what not. Ashkenazi jews look like european jews, theyre still considered as jews and not as the ethnicity of their former countries, whats your point?

There isnt even a typical arab look.

Being religious has nothing to do with party affiliations, the Israeli right isn't more religious, they are just more fascist and extreme.

You mean nationality? We aren't speaking of nationality.
Dude, everybody is Zionist in Israel, you probably mean conservative or liberals...the vast majority is conservative.

As for the rest, are you trolling? What's with these random acts of aggression against Arabs? Keep it to yourself my man...
Zionism Is merely jewish nationalism, so if youre not an israeli jewish nationalist youre not a zionist. If you vote liberal or leftist then youre most likely not a zionist. You have to keep in mind that many of these people were born in israel and did not have a choice, so just cause they live there doesnt automatically make em zionists.
Being religious has nothing to do with party affiliations, the Israeli right isn't more religious, they are just more fascist and extreme.

You mean nationality? We aren't speaking of nationality.

Obviosuly he is an anti-Arab troll that knows nothing about the ancient Arab world or anything about our ancient Semitic civilizations. I do recall his avatar by now. A troll in other words.

He is denying the facts that we are mentioning and is meddling in topics that do not concern him as an anti-Arab, anti-Muslim and a person not from the immediate region of Israel/Palestine unlike both of us.
So I believe ignoring him is the best way out.

This is clearly a sign that Zionism propaganda has worked.

Israeli soruces do not tell me anything. Not trusted.
Zionism Is merely jewish nationalism, so if youre not an israeli jewish nationalist youre not a zionist. If you vote liberal or leftist then youre most likely not a zionist. You have to keep in mind that many of these people were born in israel and did not have a choice, so just cause they live there doesnt automatically make em zionists.

Zionism is part of larger ideology which is based off of fascism, however, the term itself people generally refer to as believing in a homeland for Jewish people. The dumb it down to that.

And Arabs are races, now I see what you did here. Get some sensibility and put the trolling aside.

Obviosuly he is an anti-Arab troll that knows nothing about the ancient Arab world or anything about our ancient Semitic civilizations. I do recall his avatar by now. A troll in other words.

He is denying the facts that we are mentioning and is meddling in topics that do not concern him as an anti-Arab, anti-Muslim and a person not from the immediate region of Israel/Palestine unlike both of us.
So I believe ignoring him is the best way out.

This is clearly a sign that Zionism propaganda has worked.

Israeli soruces do not tell me anything. Not trusted.

What a false flagger troll....seriously, we were having a good discussion on Arabic Jews and based it off reality and he comes and wants to attack us over nothing.

He's come here to tell us they aren't Arabs...this guy is unreal and needs to get a life.
Being religious has nothing to do with party affiliations, the Israeli right isn't more religious, they are just more fascist and extreme.

You mean nationality? We aren't speaking of nationality.
Uhhh, being religious in israel has everything to do with party affiliation just like anywhere else in the world. Left is more secular while right is more religious and nationalist, since this is a jewish state were talking about, founded by jews for jews, so it would make sense that israeli nationalism is heavily influenced by religious doctrine.
Last updated: Tuesday, February 11, 2014 12:19 AM

Mohammed Mar’i
Saudi Gazette

RAMALLAH – The Israeli daily Haaretz on Sunday said that there has been a significant rise in the number of Arab Christians joining the Israeli army in the past six months.

The report said that the Israeli army does not provide precise numbers of Christians serving in its ranks but quoted a group that supports and works toward more Christians joining the army as saying that the rise is significant and that there are currently 300 Christians serving in the army, 157 of them in the conscript army.

According to the report, Father Gabriel Nadaf, a Greek-Orthodox priest active in the group which was founded in 2012.

According to figures presented at a meeting sponsored by the Israeli Defense Ministry late last year in Upper Nazareth, 84 Christians joined in the last half of 2013. In the past, Haaretz said, that was the number that joined over 18 months. The forum says there are dozens more waiting in the wings.

Haaretz quoted Maj. Keren Azar, commander of the Tiberias draft office where most Christians come to sign up, as saying that most hopeful new recruits “want to be in combat units. Some want positions or professions they can use when they get out.”

The report quoted the forum, which also keeps statistics on volunteers for national civilian service, as saying that no fewer than 429 young Christian women are now serving within this framework.

The community’s old-timers told Haaretz that the issue of Christians joining the army has arisen every few years since the establishment of Israel, sometimes as a result of internal disputes.

For example, 10 years ago – during the period when the demand was being made to build the Shihab Al-Din Mosque in Nazareth near the Church of the Annunciation – more Christians joined the army.

Supporters of the initiative told Haaretz that, this time, the impetus for the rising numbers might be coming from outside Israel – attacks on churches in Egypt and the beheading of priests in Syria have strengthened the view that the Arab world cannot be relied on, and therefore integration into Israel is the best protection for them.

But opponents say this viewpoint mainly serves the Zionist interests of the right, in a form of “divide and conquer” of Arab Palestinian society in Israel – Druze, Muslims and Christians.

Leaders of the Catholic Church in Israel have recently published a statement against youngsters from their community joining the army. They say Christians are being encouraged to join the army to bring them “into the Zionist melting pot of Israeli society to create a unified national Zionist narrative,” which will lead to a loss of their Arab-Palestinian identity. “This goes against all human values and the national Palestinian conscience,” the statement said.

Rising Arab Christian enlistment in Israeli army | Mid-East | Saudi Gazette

I wonder what the Zionists are up to this time around.

Uhhh, being religious in israel has everything to do with party affiliation just like anywhere else in the world. Left is more secular while right is more religious and nationalist, since this is a jewish state were talking about, founded by jews for jews, so it would make sense that israeli nationalism is heavily influenced by religious doctrine.

Religious doctrine from a cultural point of view, they don't actually observe the 600+ plus commandments in their religion. Right wingers also indulge in all sinful activities as per their religion. They aren't religious, it's more that they feed of their past heritage to occupy land wrongfully in the name of religion. It's more of a exclusivity thing to them, they like to believe God gave them land and God chose them and God only protects them and the rest of gentiles serve them...etc....they don't actually observe religion though, it's just the cultural aspect to them.
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