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IQ is not related to genetics

The Truth About IQ

Last week, I argued that our 21st century understanding of genetics invalidates the idea of fixed, innate abilities. Genes influence everything but determine almost nothing on their own.

What, then, is IQ? Conventional wisdom says that IQ scores reveal our native intelligence. According to this view, IQ tests are different from school grades, different from SAT scores, different from any other test you will ever take, because they somehow reveal the core, innate abilities of each person's brain: your clock speed, your RAM, your absolute limit.

That's what Stanford psychologist Lewis Terman wanted us to believe when he introduced the American version of the IQ test in 1916. (This was quite the opposite intention of the test's original co-inventor, Alfred Binet. But that's a history lesson we'll return to another time.)

What Terman had actually come up was a deceptively simple system for ranking academic progress. His Stanford-Binet tests measured many different skills, and then scored the results so that the median was always 100. If you had an IQ score of 100, it simply meant that half of the test-takers your age had done better and half had done worse.

These tests were impressively stable, which meant that, over time, most people ended up in roughly the same place in the pack. If you had tested in the 60th percentile at age 10, chances were pretty good that that you'd test close to the 60th percentile at age 12 and age 14.

But did this stability prove that the tests revealed innate intelligence?

Far from it. The reality is that students performing at the top of the class in 4th grade tend to be the same students performing at the top of the class in 12th grade, due to many factors that tend to remain stable in students' lives: family, lifestyle, resources, etc.

Being branded with a low IQ at a young age, in other words, is like being born poor. Due to family circumstances and the mechanisms of society, most people born poor will remain poor throughout their lives. But that doesn't mean anyone is *innately* poor or destined to be poor; there is always potential for any poor person to become rich.

The happy reality is that IQ scores:
A) measure developed skills, not native intelligence.
B) can change dramatically.
C) don't say anything about a person's intellectual limits.

Can your IQ score change over time?
Absolutely. "IQ scores," explains Cornell University's Stephen Ceci, "can change quite dramatically as a result of changes in family environment (Clarke, 1976; Svendsen, 1982), work environment (Kohn and Schooler, 1978), historical environment (Flynn, 1987), styles of parenting (Baumrind, 1967; Dornbusch, 1987), and, most especially, shifts in level of schooling."

The Truth About IQ - David Shenk - The Atlantic

LOL, did you read the article? It not only said that their are differences in IQ, this guy (David Shenk) also said their is a genetic argument. Do you guys even bother to read the articles before you post them?

"In childhood h2 [heritability] and c2 [environmental effects] are of the order of .45 and .35; by late adolescence h2 is around .75 and c2 is quite low (zero in some studies)."

So he is basically saying that the differences between a White person having an IQ of 100 and a Black person with an IQ of 85 are only up to 35% environmental and 75% genetic.

This means that the potential IQ of Blacks, in his viewpoint, is 85+5.25= 90.25
your so-called "tough" tests are taken part by millions of low IQ indians

all the other IQ tests, PISA, TIMSS are taken part by all ranks of pupils and people across the world (except in some cases there is a chronic dropout - india)

So what ???
That do not mean we cannot do it??

We are good at science and mathematics and we have a long traditions regarding those two fields, the guys who are doing well in silicon valley, NASA etc...etc.. are the kids who came from these traditions.

the topic is about academics, academic cheats, and the quality of education so the discussion is relevant
IQ is directly correlated with Inventiveness

Prove it??

then accept the fact that Chinese have a supremacy of IQ scores over incapble indians

Another low IQ Chinese :lol:, read the context and posts ten times and try to understand it then post :lol:

We are in control of the islands patrolling the vicinity day and night
Since when does the japanese include indians in their payroll as cheerleaders?

You don't know what is the difference between Cheerleaders and critics is right ??:lol: high IQ chinese :lol:

SCS and East sea debacles will do more damage to China than anybody else. No even Hitler is that stupid, he only took one enemy at once, until one mistake of invading Russia turned everything upside down. Again high IQ CCP :lol:

So you think Hiltler is indian? On this remark I think you have earned you INR 10 for the day!

Explain me the context of this comment and 10 rs part, again high IQ chinese logic :lol:
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LOL, did you read the article? It not only said that their are differences in IQ, this guy (David Shenk) also said their is a genetic argument. Do you guys even bother to read the articles before you post them?

"In childhood h2 [heritability] and c2 [environmental effects] are of the order of .45 and .35; by late adolescence h2 is around .75 and c2 is quite low (zero in some studies)."

So he is basically saying that the differences between a White person having an IQ of 100 and a Black person with an IQ of 85 are only up to 35% environmental and 75% genetic.

This means that the potential IQ of Blacks, in his viewpoint, is 85+5.25= 90.25

I agree with you on genetics part :cheers:

But the reason why I am stressing IQ or any other measure is not the way to measure intelligence is because, nobody knows the truth about intelligence :cheers:
in both topics indians are champions

of IQ and PISA tests from the bottom up - and you are the chronic drop-out too

of Rape cases - indians top the chart

:lol: I never believed in your BS IQ test scores anyways and going by the rampant cheating that goes on in Chinese Exam halls - my doubts been proved right.

As for rapes - check the statistics both have same numbers of rapes over the years. Ours get reported in the media - yours don't and that's the difference.
why is there an IQ debate here? I'm pretty sure we are all about equal in terms of IQ. There are smart people in both countries.

Race and whatever else doesn't really play a role in my opinion. To say one race is superior to the other is stupid.

The University Entrance exam in China is really competitive. It pretty much determines your whole future. When the next 40-60 years of your life is riding on this you can understand how some may be a little irrational.

Side note, there are still people here that post things about China as if they don't themselves live in a third world country. Did I fall asleep and suddenly India joined the US and EU as developed?

Statistics for rape cases are hard to quantify worldwide, and China is no exception. The U.S. Department of State reported 31,833 rapes in China in 2007, though the Chinese government has not released official statistics for that year. In 2005, the last year for which official Chinese statistics are available, the official number was merely 15,000.

"Only one out of ten cases happened is likely to be reported," said Luo Tsun-yin, a social psychologist at Shih Hsin University in Taiwan, and some estimate that the ratio is even greater. Even if a case is reported, the woman may be pressured by the authorities, her family or the attacker himself to recant.

The majority of these crimes are committed by someone the victim knows. "In the idea of the ‘rape myth,' the victim and rapist are said to be strangers, but what we saw from real-life cases were mostly acquaintances," said Zhang Qi, whose graduate research at the Chinese Academy of the Social Sciences centered on media reports of rape. Her MA thesis looked at hundreds of Chinese legal newspaper reports of rape cases in 2004, finding the following data, below.*

US-China Today: Rape in China
:lol: who told you that? both have similar numbers - around 22K each

what similar numbers I congratulate you are the running away rapists champions! is that not enough?
New delhi the rape capital and every 20 minutes a woman is raped! happy now?
what similar numbers I congratulate you are the running away rapists champions! is that not enough?
New delhi the rape capital and every 20 minutes a woman is raped! happy now?

On an average a woman is raped in every 3 hours that too going by fake chinese CCP stats and the if the real ones come out they will be on par with India :cheers:
what similar numbers I congratulate you are the running away rapists champions! is that not enough?
New delhi the rape capital and every 20 minutes a woman is raped! happy now?

High IQ my @ss :lol: you jokers have done nothing else other than go off topic about IQ and rapes, you and the other two karim and wholegrain.

BTW, check the statistics and the article I posted for the numbers - you'll be surprised that the numbers are almost the same - in fact china leads sometimes - and going by the fact that only 1 in 10 rapes get reported in China - you guys have an epidemic going on in the middle kingdom.
:lol: I never believed in your BS IQ test scores anyways

just because incapable indians fail most intelligence and academic tests miserably

and going by the rampant cheating that goes on in Chinese Exam halls - my doubts been proved right.

cheating is disgusting I want to penalise hard on cheaters but no need to prove indian's cheating at exams, you are again in another abyss

As for rapes - check the statistics both have same numbers of rapes over the years. Ours get reported in the media - yours don't and that's the difference.

we never tolerate heinous crimes like rapes
indians seem to go on series of beserk rape cases one after the other non stop

High IQ my @ss :lol: you jokers have done nothing else other than go off topic about IQ and rapes, you and the other two karim and wholegrain.

BTW, check the statistics and the article I posted for the numbers - you'll be surprised that the numbers are almost the same - in fact china leads sometimes - and going by the fact that only 1 in 10 rapes get reported in China - you guys have an epidemic going on in the middle kingdom.

No one foreigner has ever reported they are violated sexually when the tourisits coverage are all over China in large cities and small villages They are the best evidence

We have many many many times of tourists visits than scary dismal india year on year

As I said rape cases are heinous crimes that we do not tolertate these to happen because of our much better culture
just because incapable indians fail most intelligence and academic tests miserably

cheating is disgusting I want to penalise hard on cheating but no need to prove indian's cheating at exams are again another abyss

we never tolerate heinous crimes like rapes
indians seem to go on series of beserk rape cases one after the other non stop

You tolerate no voting, restricted media, restricted information, no more than one child etc so no surprise that CCP doesn't give a damn what you think or what's your tolerance level - BTW stay on topic.
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