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Riot after Chinese teachers try to stop pupils cheating

Cheating in school board exams is also common in India and Pakistan in many rural areas. But I was expecting better from the Chinese.
Read the comment from the Chinese parents and then talk, In India our parents will never talk like this :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

yep,cheating does happen a lot especially in the indian states of U.P and bihar..

but that's not the topic

relatively small city of Zhongxiang in Hubei province has always performed suspiciously well in China's notoriously tough "gaokao" exams, each year winning a disproportionate number of places at the country's elite universities.

Hubei is an agricultural, mostly rural province in the middle of China, and it supplies former peasant migrant laborers to developed coastal Chinese provinces.

You Indians often throw several northern Indian states (bihar, etc.) under the bus when it comes to topics like rape, overpopulation and now cheating. I assume these states are more agricultural, rural and underdeveloped than other areas.
Indians are not used to these kind of exams and we need some time and we will score in these tests too , Indian IIT exam is the toughest in my view :cheers:

How much time exactly? Your best schools scored last and 2nd last on the reading and Math. Only Kyrgyzstan was below you guys.

"Of the 74 countries tested in the PISA 2009 cycle including the "+" nations, the two Indian states came up 72nd and 73rd out of 74 in both reading and maths, and 73rd and 74th in science"

"India's poor performance on the PISA test is consistent with India's poor performance in the only other instance when India's government allowed an international organization to test its students and consistent with India's own testing of its elite students in a study titled Student Learning in the Metro 2006. These studies were conducted using TIMSS questions. The poor result in PISA was greeted with dismay in the Indian media. The BBC reported that as of 2008, only 15% of India's students reach high school"

"India pulled out of the 2012 round of PISA testing, in August, with the Indian government attributing its action to the unfairness of PISA testing to Indian students. :omghaha: :omghaha: The Indian Express reported on 9/3/2012 that "The ministry (of education) has concluded that there was a socio-cultural disconnect [Amazing excuse] between the questions and Indian students. The ministry will write to the OECD and drive home the need to factor in India's "socio-cultural milieu". India's participation in the next PISA cycle will hinge on this". The Indian Express also noted that "Considering that over 70 nations participate in PISA, it is uncertain whether an exception would be made for India".

BBC NEWS | Business | India still Asia's reluctant tiger


Database - PISA 2009

Poor PISA ranks: HRD seeks reason - Indian Express

India backs out of global education test for 15-year-olds - Times Of India

Poor PISA score: Govt blames ‘disconnect’ with India - Indian Express

Indians are not used to these kind of exams and we need some time and we will score in these tests too , Indian IIT exam is the toughest in my view :cheers:

'Toughest' because no one can compare Indian students to students of other countries. If you could then it would all the sudden not be so tough, would it?
Indians are not used to these kind of exams and we need some time and we will score in these tests too , Indian IIT exam is the toughest in my view :cheers:

With questions like "How many calls can you make/handle per hour"?

Per my experience, they're doing a pretty job so far. Though, I would suggest them to work on their accents.
How much time exactly? Your best schools scored last and 2nd last on the reading and Math. Only Kyrgyzstan was below you guys.

"Of the 74 countries tested in the PISA 2009 cycle including the "+" nations, the two Indian states came up 72nd and 73rd out of 74 in both reading and maths, and 73rd and 74th in science"

"India's poor performance on the PISA test is consistent with India's poor performance in the only other instance when India's government allowed an international organization to test its students and consistent with India's own testing of its elite students in a study titled Student Learning in the Metro 2006. These studies were conducted using TIMSS questions. The poor result in PISA was greeted with dismay in the Indian media. The BBC reported that as of 2008, only 15% of India's students reach high school"

"India pulled out of the 2012 round of PISA testing, in August, with the Indian government attributing its action to the unfairness of PISA testing to Indian students. :omghaha: :omghaha: The Indian Express reported on 9/3/2012 that "The ministry (of education) has concluded that there was a socio-cultural disconnect [Amazing excuse] between the questions and Indian students. The ministry will write to the OECD and drive home the need to factor in India's "socio-cultural milieu". India's participation in the next PISA cycle will hinge on this". The Indian Express also noted that "Considering that over 70 nations participate in PISA, it is uncertain whether an exception would be made for India".

BBC NEWS | Business | India still Asia's reluctant tiger


Database - PISA 2009

Poor PISA ranks: HRD seeks reason - Indian Express

India backs out of global education test for 15-year-olds - Times Of India

Poor PISA score: Govt blames ‘disconnect’ with India - Indian Express

The education and the parents attitude is evident with this incident in China, Now .... Stop posting B.S.

The tests are not the standard for knowing inventiveness or smartness.
Atleast Chinese teachers stop students from cheating.
With questions like "How many calls can you make/handle per hour"?

Per my experience, they're doing a pretty job so far. Though, I would suggest them to work on their accents.

Chinese are more like workers in factories with minimum wages, crushed under inhuman policies of CCP.

With minimum to no human rights, always fearing CCP party workers and police men.
Cheating in school board exams is also common in India and Pakistan in many rural areas. But I was expecting better from the Chinese.

Is there a statistics estimating exam cheating by countries? We could be better than india!
The education and the parents attitude is evident with this incident in China, Now .... Stop posting B.S.

The tests are not the standard for knowing inventiveness or smartness.

Why yes they are. These tests have a >0.9 correlation with IQ, and are also good predictors for individual student performance in other subjects. Why don't you listen to facts for once?

"Lynn and Meisenberg (2010) found very high correlations (r>0.90) between mean student assessment results from PISA, TIMSS, PIRLS and others and IQ measurements at the country data level."

How much time exactly? Your best schools scored last and 2nd last on the reading and Math. Only Kyrgyzstan was below you guys.

"Of the 74 countries tested in the PISA 2009 cycle including the "+" nations, the two Indian states came up 72nd and 73rd out of 74 in both reading and maths, and 73rd and 74th in science"

"India's poor performance on the PISA test is consistent with India's poor performance in the only other instance when India's government allowed an international organization to test its students and consistent with India's own testing of its elite students in a study titled Student Learning in the Metro 2006. These studies were conducted using TIMSS questions. The poor result in PISA was greeted with dismay in the Indian media. The BBC reported that as of 2008, only 15% of India's students reach high school"

"India pulled out of the 2012 round of PISA testing, in August, with the Indian government attributing its action to the unfairness of PISA testing to Indian students. :omghaha: :omghaha: The Indian Express reported on 9/3/2012 that "The ministry (of education) has concluded that there was a socio-cultural disconnect [Amazing excuse] between the questions and Indian students. The ministry will write to the OECD and drive home the need to factor in India's "socio-cultural milieu". India's participation in the next PISA cycle will hinge on this". The Indian Express also noted that "Considering that over 70 nations participate in PISA, it is uncertain whether an exception would be made for India".

BBC NEWS | Business | India still Asia's reluctant tiger


Database - PISA 2009

Poor PISA ranks: HRD seeks reason - Indian Express

India backs out of global education test for 15-year-olds - Times Of India

Poor PISA score: Govt blames ‘disconnect’ with India - Indian Express

'Toughest' because no one can compare Indian students to students of other countries. If you could then it would all the sudden not be so tough, would it?

What is PISA...never heard of it...Even the 99.999% world would not be knowing it and would be bothered about it

is this big deal for you guys that you beat your teacher....
Why yes they are. These tests have a >0.9 correlation with IQ, and are also good predictors for individual student performance in other subjects. Why don't you listen to facts for once?

"Lynn and Meisenberg (2010) found very high correlations (r>0.90) between mean student assessment results from PISA, TIMSS, PIRLS and others and IQ measurements at the country data level."


IQ tests 'do not reflect intelligence' - Telegraph

IQ tests 'do not reflect intelligence'
IQ tests are misleading because they do not accurately reflect intelligence, according to a study which found that a minimum of three different exams are needed to measure someone's brainpower.

Chinese are more like workers in factories with minimum wages, crushed under inhuman policies of CCP.

With minimum to no human rights, always fearing CCP party workers and police men.

incapable indians are like doped drug addicts all the time when their brains gotten half blanked before their indian cheerleading governments persistent cheap talks about shining indian democracy which is the biiggest joke of the human race
The education and the parents attitude is evident with this incident in China, Now .... Stop posting B.S.

The tests are not the standard for knowing inventiveness or smartness.

A county level city in the middle of a rural agricultural province which supplies migrant laborers to other provinces is represenative of China..... Ok, all the peasants, gang rapists and families having 20 kids in Bihar, Haryana and other states represent all Indians.

This is the second time you referred me to this *same* article. It seems that this is your standard default position everytime someone even references IQ. You just copy paste the same article link (that you probably have yet to read) and send it over.

This is the second time I am laughing in your face while quoting what you just wrote:
according to a study which found that a minimum of three different exams are needed to measure someone's brainpower

So IQ tests are relevant, when they are done in the right way. In addition, this is one study saying this, while virtually all the others argue that IQ tests are the best predictors of intelligence. Why, if you are trying to be unbiased and objective, do you go for the one outlier study that no one else listens to, instead of the >99% majority consensus that there is no issue with the IQ tests?

Just a thought for you....

What is PISA...never heard of it...Even the 99.999% world would not be knowing it and would be bothered about it

is this big deal for you guys that you beat your teacher....

PISA is probably the most important standardized educational test that is taken internationally. For comparing student achievement across countries, it is more important than all others.

"The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) is a worldwide study by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in member and non-member nations of 15-year-old school pupils' scholastic performance on mathematics, science, and reading. It was first performed in 2000 and then repeated every three years. It is done with view to improving education policies and outcomes. The data has increasingly been used both to assess the impact of education quality on incomes and growth and for understanding what causes differences in achievement across nations.

470,000 15-year-old students representing 65 nations and territories participated in PISA 2009. An additional 50,000 students representing nine nations were tested in 2010.

The Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) and the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) by the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement are similar studies."
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