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Rio Olympics 2016: Team China News and Images

A recap of the women's 10m diving event yesterday.
LIU Huixia + CHEN Ruolin scored GOLD in women 10m platform sync diving. Chen now equals the legendary Wu Minxia's 5 Olympic gold medals in her honour. This is Chen's 3rd gold in a row of the same event when she also took the crown in Beijing and London respectively . However, Chen has less overall Olympic medals in diving than Wu who has a total of 7 medals (5 gold 1 silver and 1 bronze). News said she will likely be retiring due to injury after this diving event. I hope this is not true and she can keep holding China's great prestige in Diving in the coming Olympics
She is just 23 years old, still has plenty of time for 2 more Olympics if she plans to retire like Wu at 31.

In any case, all the best Ruolin and you are one of the greatest Olympians
You've made China very proud






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A recap of the women's 10m diving event yesterday.
LIU Huixia + CHEN Ruolin scored GOLD in women 10m platform sync diving. Chen now equals the legendary Wu Minxia's 5 Olympic gold medals in her honour. This is Chen's 3rd gold in a row of the same event . However, Chen has less overall Olympic medals in diving than Wu who has a total of 7 medals (5 gold 1 silver and 1 bronze). News said she will likely be retiring due to injury after this diving event. I hope this is not true and she can keep holding China's great prestige in Diving in the coming Olympics
She is just 23 years old, still have plenty of time for 2 more Olympics if she plans to retire like Wu at 31.

In any case, all the best Roulin and you are one of the greatest Olympians







Women's volleyball has just finished 5 min before.
China vs Aus 2:0

Women's volleyball has just finished 5 min before.
China vs Aus 2:0
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Beach Volleyball and Congrats

Now our girls' Vollyball Team is up against Puerto Rico leading 2-0 now into the 3rd set
I think we can go through but all the best

It was said by the commentator that Zhu Ting's salary is about 1.2 million Euros a year
Pretty good for our girls to work hard and play hard for this sport



Nathan Adrian (The great US swimmer won 2 gold in 2012 games, and 1 in 2016 with Michael Phelps) is also half Chinese half American. His mother is a Chinese from Hong Kong. Imagine him representing Hong Kong or China instead of the US.

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Also, Siobhan Haughey representing Hong Kong

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Also representing Hong Kong in 2008 Beijing Game, Hannah Wilson

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One advantage that the United States will have over China will be its ability to make any human being in the world American. It is a big soft power advantage, as well as an economic one, inviting talent from all over the world!
Beach Volleyball and Congrats

Now our girls' Vollyball Team is up against Puerto Rico leading 2-0 now into the 3rd set
I think we can go through but all the best

It was said by the commentator that Zhu Ting's salary is about 1.2 million Euros a year
Pretty good for our girls to work hard and play hard for this sport





Providing them the best salary is fair and encouraged, they deserve it!
Yes we win in straight sets 3-0 against the Puerto Ricans
25-18 in the 3rd set
Well played China and good luck to Puerto Rico in your coming matches

Now 2 victories under our belt
Next match is going to be a very tough one against the Serbians
Best wishes



Providing them the best salary is fair and encouraged, they deserve it!

Agreed and long overdue actually for all of our world class athletes
We are a nation very capable of producing world champions
This is the actual meaning of demographic "dividends"
Women FS 4x200m relay
We get a silver after USA and Hungary a bronze
Not, it's still heat.
China makes it to the final, ranking 3rd in the final list.




It's raining in Rio, the temperature is quite low.
Many outdoors games have been postponed.
Hope everyone there could keep warm!


Next, gymnastics, diving and weightlifting at 3:00am Beijing time.
Which one will you choose? :-)

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屏幕快照 2016-08-11 04.05.01.png
屏幕快照 2016-08-11 04.06.58.png
Not, it's still heat.
China makes it to the final, ranking 3rd in the final list.

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View attachment 324759

Yes you are correct and I was too late to make the edit (see my correction please)
We are third best in overall ranking into the next round after USA (7:47.77) and Australia (7:49.24) and our time was clocked at 7:49.58

ADD OIL China!!:-):china:
GBR and Germany are usually quite well balanced They can get many medals from cycling rowing, equestrian, the rapids+ other aqua sports as well as track and field
One advantage that the United States will have over China will be its ability to make any human being in the world American. It is a big soft power advantage, as well as an economic one, inviting talent from all over the world!

This is an advantage that any nonestablished or newly established country has, if you consider that an advantage.

At same time, established countries have longer collective memories and shared experiences, culture and heritage that they can draw inspiration from. Inviting in incompatible people will destroy that harmony.

And why only the United States or China? Are they the only two countries in the world?

What matters in the end is higher IQ, work ethic, dedication, discipline, planning and execution abilities.

Chinese are in good hands here, except their inability to think out of the box at the very highest level talking about a Riemann, Newton, Gauss, Fermat, Poincare or Euler here.
One advantage that the United States will have over China will be its ability to make any human being in the world American. It is a big soft power advantage, as well as an economic one, inviting talent from all over the world!

Well, he (Nathan Adrian) was born in the US, the only connection with him and China (or Hong Kong) is his mother. So, I don't see why he was "Made" an American. He is an American, he choose to represent USA, a country he was born and grow up in, I don't see any problem with that.

The same story with Hannah Wilson. she once said in 2008, she was born in Hong Kong, she have nothing related to the UK (Where her folks was from) and she want to represent Hong Kong but not the UK, that's totally understandable, you have no relation or lingering feeling with one place and only connected by nationality, then you should not represent that country, not all of us can be a "traitor" like Rebecca Hammond...

The country welcome people in, whoever they are, that itself should not be under-shadowing these people willing to be American, if you want to be an American, America would not say no, and that's where you lies with your loyalty. This should also be said by any country in the world.

National pride is what your own people make out of, just because you don't look like an average American, that does not mean u don't have national pride, although I do know many Chinese here will simply disagree.
China women swim team sucks


Canada is better than China in swimming. We have only 33 million people. Our women's team is really made up of one person.
China women swim team sucks


China was leading and then didn't even get a bronze.


Canada came 3rd.

Chinese swimming has collapsed. Women are doing poorly and men even worse.

How can China go backwards from 2012? What is going on?


Heads must roll :mad:
China was leading and then didn't even get a bronze.


Canada came 3rd.

Chinese swimming has collapsed. Women are doing poorly and men even worse.

How can China go backwards from 2012? What is going on?


Heads put roll :mad:

Because the Chinese swimmers are in magazines, etc . In Canada, you win first than you achieve fame and glory. China is opposite. Oh look, this Ning is so handsome! This girl swimmer is so pretty--yet they win nothing to deserve a spot in any magazine.

It will get worse here just like Chinese men's basketball

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