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RIA Novosti: Pakistan intends to purchase Russian tanks T-90

The relationship between T90A and T90s is like Su30sm with Su30MKi. The commanality is that India was taken for a ride.
Pakistan in Talks With Russia on Buying Air Defense Systems – Defense Minister

Pakistani Defense Minister Khurram Dastgir Khan has discussed with Sputnik the issues of Moscow-Islamabad cooperation and the purchases of Russian hardware by Pakistan.

Purchases of Su-35 Jets, Air Defense Systems and T-90 Tanks

MOSCOW (Sputnik) – Khurram Dastgir Khan confirmed to Sputnik that Islamabad was in talks with Moscow on the issue of purchasing air defense systems, adding that Pakistan was interested in such weapons.

"Air defense system is a different kind of weapon we are interested. We are very much interested in a very wide range of the Russian weapons technology. We are in negotiations [on air defense systems] and once we conclude negotiations, we will be able to announce them," Khan said in an interview.

Pakistan and Russia may reach an agreement on Islamabad purchasing Russian Su-35 jets "in the next few years," the talks on the issue are in their early stages,Khan told Sputnik.

Last February, a high-ranking military official in Pakistan told Sputnik that Islamabad had no plans to buy the Su-35.

"Concerning fighter aircraft Su-35: may be in the next few years we will be able to reach that point, we are in the beginning of negotiations now," the minister said answering a corresponding question.

Pakistan is interested in acquiring Russian T-90 tanks as a long-term commitment instead of a single purchase, Pakistani Defense Minister Khurram Dastgir Khan told Sputnik in an interview on Thursday.

"We are interested in tanks T-90 and it is not going to be a one-time purchase but it is going to be a long-term commitment," Khan said.

Situation in Afghanistan

Both Islamabad and Moscow are interested in a stable and democratic Afghanistan as it will positively contribute to security in Central Asia, the minister said.

"We respect Afghanistan's sovereignty. Stability in Afghanistan is important for Pakistan to be able to develop its own prosperous future, to access to the Russian market, for example, by land route. Democratic and stable Afghanistan is in deep the interest of both Russia and Pakistan," Khan said.

Pakistan supports Russia's efforts to bring stability and peace to the region and called on other regional and global powers to jointly devise a plan to end violence and defeat terrorism in Afghanistan, according to the official.

"We are supporting the Russian regional approach to Afghanistan and we hope that not only Russia but also China, Iran and of course the United States can sit together at the table and devise a way in which we can achieve internal peace and reconciliation within Afghanistan," he added.

The minister also praised a new approach by the Afghan leadership when it comes to ending the prolonged conflict in the country.

"One positive step that has happened recently is a genuine approach by President [Ashraf] Ghani when he had said that he no longer wants to win the war, but to end the conflict. To win the war was militarist American approach but now the Afghan approach is closer to Pakistan's position on the matter. Pakistan's highest priority regarding Afghanistan is to have a peaceful democratic stable neighbor," Khan underlined.

Afghanistan has long been suffering from political, social and security instability due to the activity of the Taliban radical movement and the Daesh* terrorist group. To address this issue, Moscow has hosted a number of conferences to achieve peace in the war-ravaged country.

Islamabad, Moscow Agreed to Enhance Defense, Intelligence Cooperation

Islamabad looks forward to expanding defense cooperation with Russia in all areas, including military training, procuring equipment and sharing intelligence, Pakistani Defense Minister Khurram Dastgir Khan told Sputnik in an interview on Thursday.

"In the defense field, we signed a historical unprecedented Pakistan-Russia defense agreement in 2014. As a result, we have been able to conduct joint exercises, Pakistan has purchased Russian helicopters Mi-35 and now we are looking at much wider range of defense cooperation. In terms of training, Pakistani officers are coming to Russia and Russian officers are going to the Pakistani facilities for training. We are also now discussing a wider range of military exercises, we are looking at a wider range of military equipment and intelligence sharing," Khan said on the sidelines of the Moscow Conference on International Security (MCIS).

The official commended the current level of defense industry cooperation, noting that in the future Islamabad hopes to expand the variety of military equipment sold by Russia to Pakistan.

"We are looking towards a great future in certain areas, in which Russia has excellent expertise, such as the tanks and air defense systems," Khan noted.

Even though Pakistan and Russia had differences in the past on the Afghan crisis, the countries have now achieved mutual understanding on regional and international issues, according to the minister.

"Of course we have a history of Afghan war in which we have been on the opposite sides but now as a second decade of the 21st century ends, we will be able to look at world realities with a different eye and I am delighted to say that Pakistan and Russia are largely in agreement on major international issues like Afghanistan, like fighting drug trafficking, situation in the Middle East. We are now looking now at almost all aspects of defense and there is excellent goodwill between our leadership," Khan underlined.

The official went on to say that Islamabad is grateful to Russia for supporting its accession to the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO).

The SCO is a political, economic and military intergovernmental organization founded by China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Tajikistan. Uzbekistan joined the SCO in 2001, while India and Pakistan became members in June 2017.

*Daesh, also known as the Islamic State, IS, ISIS, ISIL is a terrorist group outlawed in Russia



I didn't share this article on the basis of the source is reliable (though it may be), rather I wanted to share an article that provides more information. Take what you want from the information provided, regardless of whether it is true or false.
After Al-Khalid experience, technologically wise Pakistan is in a position to study, select, and acquire any tank system/subsystem, if available, from any other tank in world. If Russians are opening up then it is certainly worth looking at T-90 and get it if it really suits our needs.
AL KHALID is dam fine we are looking for a Tank which can replace our old Tanks like Type 69 and Type 59 and eventually Al ZARRAR for that VT 4 and OPLOT and it seem even T-90 are now in the race
Wastage of time and money invest in loop holes which is long range air defence and radars jammers
What happened to al Khalid. It's shameful. By nowal Khalid 3 or 4 should have come forward. Where has self reliance gone. Very disappointing

Altay, vt4, oplot. Army is all over the place. Indecision at it's worst

Actually it's a good idea. AK capabilities can be analysed and improved with T90 MS presence in the armoury of land forces.

Clearly you don't understand design
Both two T90s of IA broke down in the biathalon competition. The T90s you sell is severely water-down version, I do not think you will sell T90A.

China can fund Pakistan to buy some T90s, we can study together.

Study it's weakness.

If Russia can provide T90A, PA shall consider the offer.

If Russia provide T90A, China will offer T99A2 to compete.

It get funnier.

Most likely it's just another selling propaganda to force IA buy extra T90s.

Chinese tanks also broke down in the biathalon but it doesn’t change the fact that every year Modern Chinese tanks lose in practically every category to T-72s and T-90s.

Iraq operates more advanced T-90s then Russia. Every time there is word of Russia selling equipment to a country many people are quick to dismiss it as marketing, remember the SU-35 deal with China or the S-400 deal with Turkey? Why would russia indulge in something as petty as false rumors? There is a reason they are one of the top military suppliers in the world.

All the talk about the T-90 being easy to destroy is just talk. Show a video of some modern Chinese tank or Al-Khalid surviving direct hits from modern TOW ATGMs and surviving like the T-90.

Say No more comrade

Appearently you missed the part where modern Chinese tanks also broke down and lost every year....
AL KHALID is dam fine we are looking for a Tank which can replace our old Tanks like Type 69 and Type 59 and eventually Al ZARRAR for that VT 4 and OPLOT and it seem even T-90 are now in the race
That's ok. I, however, never meant that AK is not fine (or damn fine). Rather what I meant was Pak has gained vast tank building experience by now and so can integrate sub-systems from other systems (T-90, or T-90A, for example) if such sub-systems are exceptionally high performance. So looking at T-90 is not unusual thing. I said that in response to an Indian who thought it weird for Pak to look at Russian T-90. Anyhow, PA knows it better what they're doing than us keyboard experts.

Pak is developing AK-II... a heavier 1500hp tank... which will come by 2019-20.

And needs more tanks to replace old Type series.. for which Oplot M,VT-4 are competing.

AK already surpasses T-90 on available specs.

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Old specs
Lol in which world r u living? the latest t90 is a 3.5 gen tank which has armata tech incorporated in it. you should check the characteristics again. theres a reason Pakistan and many other countries r buying it, its also been tested in syria successfully. You seriously think that Ukrainian tank is more capable in any way and yes the Chinese vt-4 is definitely on par with the t90. Don't forget the very tanks Pakistan posses r all based or copied soviet/russian tanks. Even the Chinese tanks except the ones they introduced in this decade r Russian/soviet
Lol in which world r u living? the latest t90 is a 3.5 gen tank which has armata tech incorporated in it. you should check the characteristics again. theres a reason Pakistan and many other countries r buying it, its also been tested in syria successfully. You seriously think that Ukrainian tank is more capable in any way and yes the Chinese vt-4 is definitely on par with the t90. Don't forget the very tanks Pakistan posses r all based or copied soviet/russian tanks. Even the Chinese tanks except the ones they introduced in this decade r Russian/soviet
In this fukin world..

Come back when you have anything solid other than rants.

Detailed specs perhaps...

I bet you can’t even name the fukin gun of Oplot,AK or T-90.

Google it.
In this fukin world..

Come back when you have anything solid other than rants.

Detailed specs perhaps...

I bet you can’t even name the fukin gun of Oplot,AK or T-90.

Google it.
So now ur down to abusing that won't help make ur case. N o I don't need to google it read or listen to any expert on this theres no way any tank is better in any way to the t90. you should carry out some research and then compare. You keep forgetting its Russia we r talking about and the t90's SPECS have been confirmed in battle with all the proof you need. plz explain to me how any tank forget the Pakistani has an edge?
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