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Revealed: The biggest cause of early death is not smoking or alcohol

ہر پینے والے کے ظرف کی بات ہے ورنہ پیمانہ کوئی چھوٹا نہیں ہوتا حضور
ہمیں نام سے کیا غرض مرنے کے بعد ہمارا مقبرہ بنایا جائے جہان سبیل میں شراب اور لنگر میں کباب بانٹے جائیں
wah imran bhi kya bat kar gain hain app.app ki shan main maqbra to hum bna dain magar dar lagta hay kay kahin mullah hazrat usay hamarey smait masmar na kar dain.
Hahah. Hum nahi to koi nahi. :p

in other words :

hum toh doobenge sanam
tumhe bhi le doobenge


Bachion kay sath ab sheshay ka koi scene nahe sab bars band ho gayein

all's well that ends well. :enjoy:

haan par apnay dostoan kay sath har friday ya saturday scene hota hay redbull sheeshay ka :D

i had redbull only once in life... found it to be a bitter thing... never understood what the fuss is about.

and what is "redbull sheesha"??

Ab log chars aur vodka sheeshay shoro ho gaye thay aur ban becharay ham jaisey logoan par laga :-(



Is sham kay naam aik kash aur sahe

i really don't like these scenes... i want to go full commie on them.

truly, instead of wasting time in sheesha bars and engineering colleges they should be joining a socialist movement and contribute to making desi land free from oppressions and injustice... how can they sit so uncaring when there is so much wrong in the society surrounding them?? :)

"obesity" is a capitalism-invented non-problem and a hoax continued by herd mentality[1] :

This week, Health Affairs published a new study showing that--quel surprise!--obesity accounts for an ever growing share of our health care costs. They put the number at about 10%. So I decided to ask Paul Campos, the author of The Obesity Myth, what he thought. The book, which everyone should read, argues that the health benefits of losing weight are largely imaginary; that we are using "health" to advance our class bias in favor of thin people, particularly thin women.
Paul: It's a terrible idea on all sorts of levels. There are three big problems with attempting to control health care costs by reducing so-called "obesity." First, it's a fake problem. Second, the solutions for the problem are non-existent, even assuming the problem existed. Third, focusing on making Americans thinner diverts resources from real public health issues.
Megan: So why is the public health community so set on this issue as the major driver of our health care costs?

Paul: Because we're in the midst of a moral panic over fat, which has transformed the heavier than average into folk devils, to whom all sorts of social ills are ascribed.
Megan: Aside from rising health care costs?

Paul: Well according to the obesity mafia our kids are all going to die sooner than their parents, which sounds like a moral problem as well as one of health care costs. It's all complete nonsense.
Adding to the absurdity of all this, people with BMIs in the mid to high 20s actually have the best overall health and longest life expectancy -- ,more so than those in the so-called "normal" BMI range.
Now lets talk about excess health care costs. if you look at the study, nearly half of the excess health care costs associated with being fat are from higher rates of drug prescription. But why are fat people being prescribed more drugs than thin ones? Largely, because they have the "disease" of being fat, which is then treated directly and indirectly by prescription drugs!

For instance, statins. Statins are a multi-billion dollar business, but there's very little statistical evidence that they benefit the vast majority of people to whom they're prescribed. Basically the only people who have lower CVD [cardiovascular disease] mortality after taking statins are middle-aged men with a history of CVD.

But the heavier than average are prescribed statins at higher rates simply because they're heavier than average, even though there's no evidence this is beneficial for them. And of course this doesn't touch on the costs of all the treatments for "obesity" itself, which are uniformly ineffective.
Paul: Gastric bypass is surgically induced bulimia. People starve for the first few months so of course their blood sugar levels go down. At five and ten year followup the average weight loss from these procedures is about 10% to 15% of body mass (it's actually less than that since lots of people drop out of the studies) which means most of these people end up still "morbidly obese." And they can never eat normally again.Why do you think you never see the actual stats for weight loss from stomach stapling? If they were good they'd be on billboards 50 feet high.
Paul: Oh that's certainly true. The idea that people pursue thinness primarily for health reasons is laughable.
Paul: Of course. People aren't dumb. They do the experiment, the experiment doesn't work in the vast majority of cases, so they quit until they get desperate again. Or (llke the upper West Side women) they stay on a permanent restricted lifestyle that the vast majority of people don't have the combination of willpower and social privilege to maintain. There's an important class angle here. Thinness is a sign of social status, and is to some extent a product of it, which is one reason -- probably the main reason -- why it's so prized, especially among women.

the real problem is females being imposed on by the "health and wellness" industry to become thin and more thin until they look anything but feminine.


[1] America's Moral Panic Over Obesity - The Atlantic
Last edited:
in a non-food context it could have been :

hum toh doobenge sanam
tumhe bhi le doobenge


all's well that ends well. :enjoy:

i had redbull only once in life... found it to be a bitter thing... never understood what the fuss is about.

and what is "redbull sheesha"??


i really don't like these scenes... i want to go full commie on them.

truly, instead of wasting time in sheesha bars and engineering colleges they should be joining a socialist movement and contribute to making desi land free from oppressions and injustice... how can they sit so uncaring when there is so much wrong in the society surrounding them?? :)

"obesity" is a capitalism-invented non-problem and a hoax continued by herd mentality[1] :

the real problem is females being imposed on by the "health and wellness" industry to become thin and more thin until they look anything but feminine.


[1] America's Moral Panic Over Obesity - The Atlantic

If instead of water in base you add a different liquid the taste changes singnificantly and clay bowl you add flavours of your choice and a coal on top and ap ka shesha tayar :D

Nope obesity is a problem its the root of half the diseases why do you think fat people live a lower quality of life than normal or thin folks ?
Obesity killing three times as many as malnutrition - Telegraph

For some strange reason i see more people with careless eating habits suffering from bp problems and diabetes than those who watch what they eat hmm i wonder why ?
there are 2 types of dying happening 1 is obesity which basically is one killing themselves and their future generation due to ignorance and BS like its in my genes
2nd one is dying basically coz their food/ haq is being eaten by someone else who is eating to death :unsure:
there are 2 types of dying happening 1 is obesity which basically is one killing themselves and their future generation due to ignorance and BS like its in my genes
2nd one is dying basically coz their food/ haq is being eaten by someone else who is eating to death
3rd when you are at place where you shouldn't.
4th when your time is up........
I already know that but no one listens .

Just like the relationship between Oil and Vehicle , We and our body has relation to Food we eat .
This year I have Nutrition for the community and I am surprised how people neglect Nutrition .
I already know that but no one listens .

Just like the relationship between Oil and Vehicle , We and our body has relation to Food we eat .
This year I have Nutrition for the community and I am surprised how people neglect Nutrition .
That is a pretty girly thing to study :rofl:
Are you a girl in a man's body?
Another one :D
What's up?

A poor diet – which involves eating too few vegetables, fruits, nuts and grains and too much red meat, salt and sugar – was shown to be a bigger killer than smoking and alcohol.
I love eating meat.Usually ask my mom add salt or sth contain salt...
Hate vegetable....Fruits okay.
I have started to eat some kinds of vitamin,but usually forget to eat..

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