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Revealed: Qatar’s ‘World Cup slaves’

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FIFA should strip them of the games because they failed to do what they promised when they won the rights to host the games, alas nothing will happen because FIFA is so corrupt and money talks.

I would love to see what happens when their black gold runs out will they go looking for pearls like their forefathers did? who will pay to build their massive skyscrapers?
FIFA should strip them of the games because they failed to do what they promised when they won the rights to host the games, alas nothing will happen because FIFA is so corrupt and money talks.

I would love to see what happens when their black gold runs out will they go looking for pearls like their forefathers did? who will pay to build their massive skyscrapers?

If the news turned out to be a %100 true, then we might agree that their act is very outrageous, and FIFA should disqualify them.

The Qaaris are sitting under 17 trillion dollars of natural gas not black gold.

As for Pearl hunters, only the Saudis and Kuwaitis were good at it, the Saudis are doing it to this moment though :P
If the news turned out to be a %100 true, then we might agree that their act is very outrageous, and FIFA should disqualify them.

The Qaaris are sitting under 17 trillion dollars of natural gas not black gold.

As for Pearl hunters, only the Saudis and Kuwaitis were good at it, the Saudis are doing it to this moment though :P

You know still to this day being a footie fan I can not understand how Qatar ended up getting the WC for such a small country which has no real football standing and the fact that the games are to be played now in the winter period it just smacks of bribery. Sepp blatter is running FIFA like it's his own toy and acting like a dictator.

Like you said they sitting on **** loads of gas and they have such a small population, I still do not understand why they treat such workers like dirt it's not like they will end of going broke if they just better the conditions a bit. But I feel they think of them as sub-humans or something and not their equal for sure that is why they are mistreated.
You know still to this day being a footie fan I can not understand how Qatar ended up getting the WC for such a small country which has no real football standing and the fact that the games are to be played now in the winter period it just smacks of bribery. Sepp blatter is running FIFA like it's his own toy and acting like a dictator.

Like you said they sitting on **** loads of gas and they have such a small population, I still do not understand why they treat such workers like dirt it's not like they will end of going broke if they just better the conditions a bit. But I feel they think of them as sub-humans or something and not their equal for sure that is why they are mistreated.

Qatar must come up with an explanation to this issue, otherwise things will get ugly. I really don't appreciate treating human beings like this.
It's nothing new.. Such things going on here much longer. It's just due to social media activism, things are coming out of closet. Dead skeletons, hidden things,,, everything!

There is an international LAW, if temperature rises above 46-47 Degree celsius,,, stop any kind of outdoor work you are doing. While in Qatar, Temperature shoots up above 50 degree celsius.. Yet they don't stop labourers from doing the work.

Then comes the Kifaalaa system (Sponsor system). Your sponsor is open to exploit you, screw you in any way he can. If you ever raise your voice. He would terminate your sponsorship and you would be thrown out form here

You have to tread carefully. Obviously educated people working in multinational corporations/stat institutions are less prone to such abuses but labourers, people working private sector are the one whose open to abuse

It's their country, their rules. Suck it up or leave the country.
South Asians? Yup knew it before I read the OP. Feel sorry for our god damn poor South Asian countries
Arab slave states in the Persian Gulf.......ive been saying this all along............this wont last forever.......
You know still to this day being a footie fan I can not understand how Qatar ended up getting the WC for such a small country which has no real football standing and the fact that the games are to be played now in the winter period it just smacks of bribery. Sepp blatter is running FIFA like it's his own toy and acting like a dictator.

Like you said they sitting on **** loads of gas and they have such a small population, I still do not understand why they treat such workers like dirt it's not like they will end of going broke if they just better the conditions a bit. But I feel they think of them as sub-humans or something and not their equal for sure that is why they are mistreated.

Because they are 'Bloody Hindus'.
Typicall zionists wahabits who respect no conventions

Here is a more realiable article (guardian)
They say they want to leave but they are forced to stay and 1 worker die each day

Revealed: Qatar's World Cup 'slaves' | Global development | The Guardian

I remind that ne new leader of Qatar is the son of one JEW wife of the former fat pig, so he's legally JEW

This summer, Nepalese workers died at a rate of almost one a day in Qatar, many of them young men who had sudden heart attacks.

The investigation also reveals:

• Evidence of forced labour on a huge World Cup infrastructure project.

• Some Nepalese men have alleged that they have not been paid for months and have had their salaries retained to stop them running away.

• Some workers on other sites say employers routinely confiscate passports and refuse to issue ID cards, in effect reducing them to the status of illegal aliens.

• Some labourers say they have been denied access to free drinking water in the desert heat.

• About 30 Nepalese sought refuge at their embassy in Doha to escape the brutal conditions of their employment.

"We'd like to leave, but the company won't let us,"

Records of death


Protesters demonstrate against the perceived exploitation of workers in Qatar, the location of the 2022 World Cup, before a UEFA Congress in central London on May 24, 2013. (AFP Photo / Carl Court

One construction worker a day dies as Qatar seeks to build facilities for the 2022 FIFA World Cup. That’s the finding of The Guardian newspaper, which characterizes the conditions facing migrant workers in the country as “slave labor.”

Qatar, along with other Gulf nations, uses the so-called “kafala” system, under which each foreign worker hired to in the country needs a “sponsor,” usually their employer. Permission from the sponsor is needed to enter or leave country, or to change jobs. The company is also responsible for issuing IDs, without which workers are reduced to the status of foreign aliens with no legal protection.

The system in practice leaves the migrant workers at the mercy of their employers, who can refuse to pay wages, withhold documents and thus leave workers stranded, force them to work long hours in hazardous conditions and exploit and abuse them in other ways.

Qatar has the highest ratio of migrant workers to domestic population, according to the nation’s cable TV network Al Jazeera. The Arab monarchy, enriched by the sale of natural gas, has a population of roughly 1.7 million, with 94 per cent believed to be foreigners, mostly unskilled workers. The country is expected to hire up to 1.5 million more laborers to build the stadiums, roads, ports and hotels needed for the 2022 tournament.

The Guardian reported Wednesday that desperate people from Nepal, one of Asia’s poorest nations, make up 40 per cent of the laborers in Qatar. Between June 4 and August 8 at least 44 of them died, the newspaper said, citing documents obtained by the Nepalese Embassy in Doha. More than half the deaths were due to heart attacks, heart failure and workplace accidents, the newspaper said.

Other evidence cited by the newspaper points to horrific conditions for migrant workers. Some said they were forced to work long hours in temperatures of up to 50 degrees Celsius without access to drinking water. Many complained that they were not paid for months and were unable to pay off their debts to recruiting agents at home, yet alone send money back to their families.


A construction worker rests during his lunch break in Doha (Reuters)

One worker told journalists how his manager assaulted him for complaining about being forced to work on an empty stomach for an entire day. He was then kicked out of the labor camp and had to beg for food from other workers.

Some of the reports came from Lusail City development, a $45 billion city where Qatar plans to erect a 90,000-seater stadium that will host the World Cup final. FIFA pledged that it will address concerns over labor rights in Qatar after giving the kingdom the right to host the World Cup.

“The evidence uncovered by the Guardian is clear proof of the use of systematic forced labor in Qatar," said Aidan McQuade, director of Anti-Slavery International. "In fact, these working conditions and the astonishing number of deaths of vulnerable workers go beyond forced labor to the slavery of old where human beings were treated as objects. There is no longer a risk that the World Cup might be built on forced labor. It is already happening.”

Qatar is to spend an estimated $100 billion on infrastructure projects to support the World Cup. As well as nine state-of-the-art stadiums, the country has committed to spend $20 billion on new roads, $4 billion for a causeway connecting Qatar to the island nation of Bahrain, $24 billion for a high-speed rail network, and 55,000 hotel rooms to accommodate visiting fans. In addition, Qatar has almost completed a new airport.

When asked for a response, the Qatari Labor Ministry said it had strict rules governing working conditions and the prompt payment of salaries.

"The ministry enforces this law through periodic inspections to ensure that workers have in fact received their wages in time,” the ministry said in a statement. “If a company does not comply with the law, the ministry applies penalties and refers the case to the judicial authorities."

The Qatar 2022 Supreme Committee, the body tasked with organizing the World Cup, said it was "deeply concerned with the allegations that have been made against certain contractors/sub-contractors working on Lusail City's construction site and considers this issue to be of the utmost seriousness."

"We have been informed that the relevant government authorities are conducting an investigation into the allegations," it added.

Lusail Real Estate Company said: "Lusail City will not tolerate breaches of labor or health and safety law. We continually instruct our contractors and their subcontractors of our expectations and their contractual obligations to both us and individual employees. The Guardian have highlighted potentially illegal activities employed by one subcontractor. We take these allegations very seriously and have referred the allegations to the appropriate authorities for investigation. Based on this investigation, we will take appropriate action against any individual or company who has found to have broken the law or contract with us."
It's nothing new.. Such things going on here much longer. It's just due to social media activism, things are coming out of closet. Dead skeletons, hidden things,,, everything!

There is an international LAW, if temperature rises above 46-47 Degree celsius,,, stop any kind of outdoor work you are doing. While in Qatar, Temperature shoots up above 50 degree celsius.. Yet they don't stop labourers from doing the work.

Then comes the Kifaalaa system (Sponsor system). Your sponsor is open to exploit you, screw you in any way he can. If you ever raise your voice. He would terminate your sponsorship and you would be thrown out form here

You have to tread carefully. Obviously educated people working in multinational corporations/stat institutions are less prone to such abuses but labourers, people working private sector are the one whose open to abuse

It's their country, their rules. Suck it up or leave the country.

Rules ?
Since when does Qatar follow rules.
The little ***** has created enemies which will react once the US leaves the state, goodluck to cuntar.
Rules ?
Since when does Qatar follow rules.
The little ***** has created enemies which will react once the US leaves the state, goodluck to cuntar.


They may change their policies to suit their situation.

After all there is a famous quote by Keynes: In the long run we are all dead.

Anyway they are forging pacts with other countries.

India’s defence pact with Qatar | Pragmatic Euphony

“The defence and security cooperation agreements are the only one of the kind that India has signed with any country,” he [government official] said.

Under the agreements, New Delhi has committed to protect assets and interests of Qatar from external threats. “The agreements are short of stationing troops,” the official said but did not elaborate the form in which India will go to Qatar’s rescue in case of a threat.

Qatar has a large US troops stationed on its soil but wanted more “comfort” and had been pursuing the deal with India since 2005
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