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Return of Pandits to Kashmir, illegal immigrants on MHA list for Modi

Kashmiri Muslims are scared of Dogras. Outsiders are not acquainted with Kashmiri mentality; we are. During winter, half of kashmir is in Jammu to escape the chill of the valley. Guess what? During that time, there are no protests, no freedom slogans, no nothing in Jammu. Dogras are not like other Hindus.

If dogras were so supreme race then why there is no mention of dogras in the history. Whereas kashmir and kashmiris have found their place even in the history of herodotus 5th century BC. Kashmir is the only place in south asia whose name kashmir has persisted over thousands of years, During the first millenium most of north punjab, easten parts of kpk were under the kings of kashmir. I have never seen any reference to "dogras" before ghulab singh of jammu.
Because they know how to fight back. :)
Mute spectators???
Hard to believe!!
The KPs thats I know of ,are known for being raucous and for their feral attacks.
Or has the violence streak seeped in after '89??
Kashmiri Muslims are scared of Dogras. Outsiders are not acquainted with Kashmiri mentality; we are. During winter, half of kashmir is in Jammu to escape the chill of the valley. Guess what? During that time, there are no protests, no freedom slogans, no nothing in Jammu. Dogras are not like other Hindus.
Been to Jammu and didnt see much "action" there.Though I failed to observe that winters were calmer on the streets. Lol.
But I do remember this incident where there was an attack in the railway station just before the new year's eve not to mention it was winters.
And whenever I had to go out shopping during christmas vacations ,I had to go with guards.I remember that well.

That is not a crown,but the battlefield.If we considered India accordinly,Most wanted the Capital of India in south,But Nehru prevails again and Delhi was made capital.In his book Nehru claimed if we reversed the Indian map, then it would be apt.(South was the thinking part,North was the fighting part).Not that i am a fan of him.

Why impractical to live with guns?didn't i say we need surveillance and weapons.If the government wants to push people, they should give weapons as the demand goes,small investment considering large returns.Why do you think Pakistan employs jihadis against India instead of Conventional war?They lost big time in face to face wars with us, so they are employing the cost effective ratio they can afford with us.Militants come cheap than bullets there,so why not use them :D
Capital in south would not have been practical at all.
67 years back south Indians felt very alienated from rest of India.But yes ppl there were more educated and sophisticated ,ergo bureaucracy was full of them.So if at all Nehru got those weird ideas it must 've been the southern bureaucrats like Mr.Menon who would must've influenced him. (plsss dont misunderstand my lines, I dont want anyone to think that I am comparing north and south Indians)
And about the proxy war...you're forgetting one thing ...woh ek kahavat hai which goes "thief isnt a thief till you catch him red handed". :P
Mute spectators???
Hard to believe!!
The KPs thats I know of ,are known for being raucous and for their feral attacks.
Or has the violence streak seeped in after '89??

Been to Jammu and didnt see much "action" there.Though I failed to observe that winters were calmer on the streets. Lol.
But I do remember this incident where there was an attack in the railway station just before the new year's eve not to mention it was winters.
And whenever I had to go out shopping during christmas vacations ,I had to go with guards.I remember that well.

Capital in south would not have been practical at all.
67 years back south Indians felt very alienated from rest of India.But yes ppl there were more educated and sophisticated ,ergo bureaucracy was full of them.So if at all Nehru got those weird ideas it must 've been the southern bureaucrats like Mr.Menon who would must've influenced him. (plsss dont misunderstand my lines, I dont want anyone to think that I am comparing north and south Indians)
And about the proxy war...you're forgetting one thing ...woh ek kahavat hai which goes "thief isnt a thief till you catch him red handed". :P
Delhi as capital is people holding onto Mughal legacy, mughals had Delhi as capital,so the idea arose out of it,to make Delhi the capital,The British followed it and we are following it without asking a question.It makes sense to keep a capital away from Enemy hands,Delhi is close to pakistan when compared to south india,strategic reasons should be taken into consideration.I know Nehru was in love with socialism and Menon was part of it.
I donno how much south indians felt alienated must be in parts of TN and kerala as they had this Dravida movement, to counter the Aryan thing invented by the british.Both Aryan and Dravidian history and support for it's organizations were nurtured and supported by British to drive a wedge between north and south.
"Divide and rule policy".
In the case of pakistan many times it was caught but still it persists as it thinks in it's dreams by continous haranguing India by thousand cuts, the majority might lose patience and turn on the minority creating the ideal ground for pakistan to lend that group weapon and other support, just like Mukthi Bahni of Bangladesh did to pakistanis with Indian help.
But what they don't realize is by supporting such strategy,they have to nurture the extremist elements in pakistan,who are indoctrinated into wahabi islam and they don't like what they see in pakistan and moral debauchery in that nation &society Example -Music,films etc.,so some of them are turning against their own masters.
What India needs to do is ignore pakistan build a large wall with electric fencing,deploy landmines,cctv camers and drones for surveillance on border.
Resolve border issues with china and concentrate on economy.In a span of 10 years pakistan will turn into chaos as they neither will have the economy to support such proxy war when the enemy is targetting them.
Just ignore and watch them kill themselves.
Jealousy is a powerful tool,All India has to do is ignore Pak ,the more our economy develops the more they will try to catch up with us in military equipment thereby putting a strain on their economy.While we will have to put our army on only Pakistan side once the border with china is resolved.
Return of Pandits to Kashmir, illegal immigrants on MHA list for Modi | The Indian Express
  • Return of Pandits to Kashmir, illegal immigrants on MHA list for Modi

Press Trust of India | New Delhi | May 21, 2014 7:25 pm

Return of Kashmiri Pandits to Kashmir Valley, checking of influx of illegal immigrants from Bangladesh and improving Centre-state relations are among the key issues to be flagged by the Home Ministry for action by Narendra Modi when he assumes charge as Prime Minister.

However, the issue of setting up of the controversial National Counter Terrorism Centre, which Modi had vehemently opposed as Gujarat Chief Minister, has not figured in the report which Home Ministry is likely to present next week before Modi.

Home Ministry has put together its plan for rehabilitation of Kashmiri Pandits, many of whom are still living in camps in Jammu, and how they are to be provided with security once they return to the Valley. The report notes that infiltration from Bangladesh has come down to a great extent but not stopped totally as fencing along the 4,096km-long Indo-Bangla border is yet to be completed due to various factors, including existence of riverine areas.

Return of Kashmiri Pandits to the Valley and zero tolerance towards Bangladeshi immigrants are two key areas of focus for BJP. Home Ministry has stressed on frequent interactions between the leaders of the central and state governments to improve relations as cooperation among them is necessary for the implementation of the Union government’s development and security agenda.

The ministry has suggested that the Inter-State and Zonal Councils should be reactivated with active participation of chief ministers and central leaders. Tackling of home-grown terror outfits like Indian Mujahideen, the Maoist problem, security of women, revamping of intelligence agencies and reform of the criminal justice system are few of the other issues which have been highlighted by Home Ministry in its report submitted to Cabinet Secretary Ajit Seth.

The ministry stressed on the need to expedite reforms of police forces and strengthening of paramilitary forces from “teeth to tail”. The report concentrates on four critical areas – ‘achievements’, ‘gaps’, ‘vision’ and ‘low-hanging fruits’. The ‘achievements’ note the successes of the ministry, including the arrest of many terrorists in the recent past, reduction of terror incidents in the hinterland and enactment of the tough anti-rape law.

The ‘gaps’ highlight the areas in which the government has to give priority, like intelligence gathering, coordination among states and the Centre in tackling Maoists and the things which could have been done differently. ‘Vision’ mentions the long-term goals and plans which can be implemented in a phased manner along with steps which can be taken to strengthen the country’s internal security apparatus. ‘Low hanging fruits’ lists out short-term action plans which can be implemented for immediate results on a priority basis, like reduction of casualties among security forces engaged in tackling Maoist ultras.
game on..
those who have right and was denied will get their due
Delhi as capital is people holding onto Mughal legacy, mughals had Delhi as capital,so the idea arose out of it,to make Delhi the capital,The British followed it and we are following it without asking a question.It makes sense to keep a capital away from Enemy hands,Delhi is close to pakistan when compared to south india,strategic reasons should be taken into consideration.I know Nehru was in love with socialism and Menon was part of it.
I donno how much south indians felt alienated must be in parts of TN and kerala as they had this Dravida movement, to counter the Aryan thing invented by the british.Both Aryan and Dravidian history and support for it's organizations were nurtured and supported by British to drive a wedge between north and south.
"Divide and rule policy".
In the case of pakistan many times it was caught but still it persists as it thinks in it's dreams by continous haranguing India by thousand cuts, the majority might lose patience and turn on the minority creating the ideal ground for pakistan to lend that group weapon and other support, just like Mukthi Bahni of Bangladesh did to pakistanis with Indian help.
But what they don't realize is by supporting such strategy,they have to nurture the extremist elements in pakistan,who are indoctrinated into wahabi islam and they don't like what they see in pakistan and moral debauchery in that nation &society Example -Music,films etc.,so some of them are turning against their own masters.
What India needs to do is ignore pakistan build a large wall with electric fencing,deploy landmines,cctv camers and drones for surveillance on border.
Resolve border issues with china and concentrate on economy.In a span of 10 years pakistan will turn into chaos as they neither will have the economy to support such proxy war when the enemy is targetting them.
Just ignore and watch them kill themselves.
Jealousy is a powerful tool,All India has to do is ignore Pak ,the more our economy develops the more they will try to catch up with us in military equipment thereby putting a strain on their economy.While we will have to put our army on only Pakistan side once the border with china is resolved.
Pak's issue is that they have 2 centers of power.One is their government,another is their army.It is not hard to guess that external forces including US,Russia and China use the Indo-Pak war to their advantage.I am really apprehensive about China-India border issue getting resolved.
May better sense prevail among those who support such proxy wars.
Enough of kashmir ....seriously.
India needs to cocentrate on other states too..just too much of money and effort is wasted on kashmir.And ostensibly this is what India gets in return....
Any attempt to revoke Article 370 will be over our dead bodies: Omar | Tehelka.com

carps and craps!!!
1. He is not Hindu.

2. Your post is extremely offensive (the toilet reference, not the animal one)

3. No they are not. More are converting out of it - but that is not an issue anymore. India has one of the highest atheist Muslim populations.
u can either be an athehist or myslims ..cant be both ..some practice religion and some dnt ..that doesnt make them athehist ... hy the way u said more are converting out of it ..so u mean they are becoming hindus or atheist>??
u can either be an athehist or myslims ..cant be both ..some practice religion and some dnt ..that doesnt make them athehist ... hy the way u said more are converting out of it ..so u mean they are becoming hindus or atheist>??
I've so many muslim frnds who dont follow their religion religiously, takes it casually , even drinks but still claim to be muslims
I've so many muslim frnds who dont follow their religion religiously, takes it casually , even drinks but still claim to be muslims
if someone comit sin they are not thrown out of religion ...
Delhi as capital is people holding onto Mughal legacy, mughals had Delhi as capital,so the idea arose out of it,to make Delhi the capital,The British followed it and we are following it without asking a question.It makes sense to keep a capital away from Enemy hands,Delhi is close to pakistan when compared to south india,strategic reasons should be taken into consideration.I know Nehru was in love with socialism and Menon was part of it.
I donno how much south indians felt alienated must be in parts of TN and kerala as they had this Dravida movement, to counter the Aryan thing invented by the british.Both Aryan and Dravidian history and support for it's organizations were nurtured and supported by British to drive a wedge between north and south.
"Divide and rule policy".
In the case of pakistan many times it was caught but still it persists as it thinks in it's dreams by continous haranguing India by thousand cuts, the majority might lose patience and turn on the minority creating the ideal ground for pakistan to lend that group weapon and other support, just like Mukthi Bahni of Bangladesh did to pakistanis with Indian help.
But what they don't realize is by supporting such strategy,they have to nurture the extremist elements in pakistan,who are indoctrinated into wahabi islam and they don't like what they see in pakistan and moral debauchery in that nation &society Example -Music,films etc.,so some of them are turning against their own masters.
What India needs to do is ignore pakistan build a large wall with electric fencing,deploy landmines,cctv camers and drones for surveillance on border.
Resolve border issues with china and concentrate on economy.In a span of 10 years pakistan will turn into chaos as they neither will have the economy to support such proxy war when the enemy is targetting them.
Just ignore and watch them kill themselves.
Jealousy is a powerful tool,All India has to do is ignore Pak ,the more our economy develops the more they will try to catch up with us in military equipment thereby putting a strain on their economy.While we will have to put our army on only Pakistan side once the border with china is resolved.

I give you a better solution to get a federal capital in south india, just get south india liberated from bhayyas of north india and then you can have your safe capital in your new dravidian south indian country :sarcastic::sarcastic::sarcastic:
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Mute spectators???
Hard to believe!!
The KPs thats I know of ,are known for being raucous and for their feral attacks.
Or has the violence streak seeped in after '89??

Been to Jammu and didnt see much "action" there.Though I failed to observe that winters were calmer on the streets. Lol.
But I do remember this incident where there was an attack in the railway station just before the new year's eve not to mention it was winters.
And whenever I had to go out shopping during christmas vacations ,I had to go with guards.I remember that well.

Capital in south would not have been practical at all.
67 years back south Indians felt very alienated from rest of India.But yes ppl there were more educated and sophisticated ,ergo bureaucracy was full of them.So if at all Nehru got those weird ideas it must 've been the southern bureaucrats like Mr.Menon who would must've influenced him. (plsss dont misunderstand my lines, I dont want anyone to think that I am comparing north and south Indians)
And about the proxy war...you're forgetting one thing ...woh ek kahavat hai which goes "thief isnt a thief till you catch him red handed". :P

Lol why did you expect to see "action" in Jammu? I feel safer in Jammu city than in Delhi. There is far less crime, everybody knows each other, and no terrorism these days. You definitely don't need guards accompanying you everywhere :lol:
I give you a better solution to have a federal capital in south india, just get south india liberated from bhayyas of north india and then you can have your safe capital in your new dravidian south indian country.

Hazaaron khwahishen aisi ke har khwahish pe dam nikle. Bohat niklay mere armaan, lekin phir bhi kam nikle. :cray: :enjoy:
Lol why did you expect to see "action" in Jammu? I feel safer in Jammu city than in Delhi. There is far less crime, everybody knows each other, and no terrorism these days. You definitely don't need guards accompanying you everywhere :lol:
Safe in Jammu???
Hmmm I am not sure I think so.I think the mentality and attitude of ppl in Jammu comes close to Delhites though delhi is much worse.
Since I am from an army background,security was a must when we went out.But I did hear the situation is better now.
I didnot expect any action as such as I knew Jammu is a sleepy city....the shops sometimes closed as early as 8:30 -9pm.
I remember KCs and Punjabi da dhaba....is it still there??
Pak's issue is that they have 2 centers of power.One is their government,another is their army.It is not hard to guess that external forces including US,Russia and China use the Indo-Pak war to their advantage.I am really apprehensive about China-India border issue getting resolved.
May better sense prevail among those who support such proxy wars.
Enough of kashmir ....seriously.
India needs to cocentrate on other states too..just too much of money and effort is wasted on kashmir.And ostensibly this is what India gets in return....
Any attempt to revoke Article 370 will be over our dead bodies: Omar | Tehelka.com

carps and craps!!!
China is eager to resolve the border issue and we are too, The indo china border issue could have been resolved earlier if political will was there.Now we have a decisive leadership,it will be finished.Once the border is settled we can have trade going through those areas which will benefit the N-E states a lot.
As i said ignore pakistan if it doesn't want to settle border issue. Build our economy and watch them go into a deeper pit they dug themselves and keep digging.
if omar wants to die for article 370? then we shall take it after they are dead over their dead bodies.Its simple.

I give you a better solution to get a federal capital in south india, just get south india liberated from bhayyas of north india and then you can have your safe capital in your new dravidian south indian country :sarcastic::sarcastic::sarcastic:
We were talking could indian capital have been in south in historical context, not that anyone wants the capital now in south india,nor do any south indians believe that aryan invasion and dravidian theory crap, its only pakistanis who peddle that BS and think that south indians think that way.Take it from me as a south indian,you guys are different country and you don't know us.
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