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Retooling Pakistani Military


May 21, 2006
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Retooling Pakistani Military

By Adnan Gill

One doesn't put a call to a blacksmith to get a piece of jewelry fixed, because blacksmith’s sledgehammer lacks the precision achieved only from a jeweler’s craft hammer. Similarly, it's a mistake to send an army to put down highly elusive and mobile terrorists. For the last 60 years, Pakistani military had been indoctrinated and trained to fight a foe six times larger of its size. But the rules of the game have changed: ‘real-time intelligence’, ‘speed’, and ‘precision’ are the reigning principles modern militaries live by now.

Fairly or unfairly, the rules of game have been changed by the terrorists. The Pakistani military will have to start carrying jeweler’s craft hammer in their toolkit too, right next to the sledgehammer. The terrorists operate in fluid situations and rely on toxic mixture of ambiguity, guerrilla warfare, modern communications, and most importantly their ability to blend in with the civilians.

In a 2002 border standoff with India, Pakistani military proved beyond any shadow of doubt that it was prepared to rise to the occasion even if challenged by world’s 4th largest military. Then came the long simmering Lal Masjid standoff. Pakistani Army was called upon to clear the mosque from well-armed and heavily barricaded militants. To add to the complexity, the militants thoroughly blended themselves with the odd population of some 2,000 students, including women, and children. It was an intelligence nightmare. Unfortunately, the Pakistani Army found itself thrown in a situation where identifying and isolating the enemy was next to impossible. It was well trained and well equipped to flatten the mosque, but it was ill-trained and ill-equipped to conduct hostage rescue operation of such proportions. In the ensuing cleanup operation, massive loss of life and property on both sides exposed the soft underbelly of the Pakistani military. While it was ready to give a run for its money to the Indian army, it lacked the sophistication required to conduct antiterrorist operations.

Pakistan Army’s critical deficiency is not a secret anymore. Americans Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates publicly exposed its weakness. He said, “The Pakistani army is an army that essentially has been trained and equipped to potentially fight India. They are now going to have to reorient themselves and figure out how to do counterinsurgency.”

Ironically, Americans are also relatively new players in this deadly game of cat and mouse, but their unlimited resources and their constant quest to overcome the odds have become their saving graces. Since 9/11, US dove headfirst into the uncharted waters of global terrorism. They learned hard lessons from the experiences in Afghanistan and Iraq.

American Ex-Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld was obsessed with transforming the American military into a smaller but highly lethal force that depended on speed and accuracy. He was slightly ahead of time. When he tried to apply this modal in Afghan and Iraqi wars things went out to control, because at the time, the US military was still going through the transformation.

Since then, the Americans have managed to reorient their Cold-War military into a nimble and extremely flexible war machine; that can simultaneously fight two major conflicts, while successfully executing multiple covert and overt military operations worldwide. Its warbirds, in a single mission, can deliver nuclear weapons, shoot down enemy airplanes, and still stealthy loiter over the areas of interest to eavesdrop on the elusive enemy only to finish them off with a precision weapon. US Navy now ferries around Navy SEALs more often than the nuclear tipped missiles. SEALs have mastered in conducting real-time intelligence missions, designating targets, training foreign operators, and executions of targets of opportunity. Similarly, US Army has transformed itself into a highly nimble and lethal war machine that mostly revolves around its Airborne Brigades and Green Berets. They along with the US Navy SEALs and the US Marines have become America's first line of defense, rather offense, to deal with crisis anywhere on the globe within the 36 hours of notice.

Thankfully, Pakistani military doesn't have to reorient and retool itself to the levels of what the US had to, because its mandate doesn't require global presence or global rescue missions. Nevertheless, the internal threats to Pakistan’s sovereignty have risen to a level where status-quo is not an option anymore. Pakistani Army is in dire need of sophisticated real-time intelligence gathering platforms like longer-range and long-endurance unmanned aircrafts, which can provide a constant stream of actionable-intelligence. It needs to secure precision weapons and a generous supply of air assets at its disposal, like military helicopters configured for night operations. Most importantly, it needs to exponentially increase the numbers of its Special Services Group (SSG); specializing in real-time intelligence gathering, close-quarters combat, hostage-rescue operations, and neutralization of threats through covert means.

Incidentally, Pakistan Navy has a lead on the Army and the Air Force in the transformation process. Its procurement of latest P3-C Orion Maritime Surveillance and Command & Control equipped with sophisticated sensors will go a long way in gathering intelligence and coordinating military operations against the elusive enemy.

Similarly, Pakistan Air Force (PAF) is in dire need of a fleet of new military transport aircrafts dedicated to shuttle SSG troops and their equipment at short notices, along with Airborne Early Warning & Control (AEW&C) aircrafts to monitor multiple threats and to maintain Command & Control of multiple air and ground assets. The transport aircraft has to be a mix of light to medium lift capacity with the ability to operate in an out of makeshift strips. Finally, the PAF needs modern aircraft equipped with ultra-precision guided weapons (to minimize the collateral damage) to exploit the actionable intelligence within the limited window of time. These aircrafts will complement the unmanned aircraft; similar to the CIA’s ‘MQ-1B Armed Predator’ (UAV) armed with the Hellfire missiles.

Luckily, at this time of need, Pakistan has an ally who is more than keen to retrain and retool Pakistani military. Americans have offered to step up its training of Pakistani forces as part of a new $750 million program. It's Assistant Defense Secretary for Special Operations and Low-intensity Conflict, Michael Vickers said, “Sites [in Pakistan] are being chosen for a five-year program to train and equip the Frontier Corps, a paramilitary unit, to confront al Qaeda and the Taliban in Pakistan's northwestern tribal region.”

According to Mr. Vickers, there are already fewer than 100 American personnel present in Pakistan. They are focused on what he called "targeted training." He further elaborated, "It's been ongoing for a while... They're expanding their capability substantially; they're essentially doubling their force. So we're helping them with that expansion and trying to improve their capabilities at the same time. There's also some aviation training. It's been ongoing for several years." The training includes teaching SSG specialized fighting techniques, such as helicopter assaults. The US military advisers are helping the Pakistanis double the size of its elite commando force to blunt the rising threat of terrorism and anti-government militants.

It's not a coincidence that the Americans are in the mood to retrain and retool the Pakistani military, Americans are doing it to prepare a proxy force. Nonetheless, there should be no shame in learning from the best. Besides, it's not like terrorists are going to vanish into thin air, once the Americans leave Afghanistan and the Iraq. Lal Masjid fiasco should have served as a wake-up call to the Pakistani planners as to how ill-prepared Pakistani Army was to deal with the faceless modern enemy that can come from any direction, at any time, and worse, in any appearance. The terrorists have no regard for age or gender of civilians, but the Army cannot afford flattening whole neighborhoods. The key to success lies in actionable intelligence, intelligence, intelligence, and lightning-fast response.

As apparent from the fighting in the NWFP, the retooling of Pakistani military has to be done on war footings. Another Lal Masjid fiasco could turn out to be one too many.

Courtesy: Defence Journal (February)
What will this $750 million be spent on specifically?
i say get body armour n new vehicals bullet proof ones ied resistant
I think this might be a little bold to say but how about trying to learn from Israeli tactics and use them to fight these terrorists along with equipping a few tousand soliders with spesilized equiptment to help take these guys out.
Yeh i guess it is little too bold of you for inviting Israeliz. I don't know what to say i mean you just lost it there. So you are looking for inviting them into Pakistan and then letting them do the maximan damege possible to pakistan. Great idea lol i need to know what were you smoking when you but this idea up here lol no offence ok .............but really we don't want to pigs on our soil thats it they can live in their **** hole but will not be invited into Pakistan thank you so much peace:pakistan:
I think this might be a little bold to say but how about trying to learn from Israeli tactics and use them to fight these terrorists along with equipping a few tousand soliders with spesilized equiptment to help take these guys out.
Yeh i guess it is little too bold of you for inviting Israeliz. I don't know what to say i mean you just lost it there. So you are looking for inviting them into Pakistan and then letting them do the maximan damege possible to pakistan. Great idea lol i need to know what were you smoking when you but this idea up here lol no offence ok .............but really we don't want to pigs on our soil thats it they can live in their **** hole but will not be invited into Pakistan thank you so much peace:pakistan:

I think he meant learning their way of doing things. Israeli soldiers on Pakistni soil was not even considered.

And I agree with him that learning Israeli tactics like assasination of group leaders is useful.
I think they're looking at taking a large number of paramilitary soldiers and upgrading them into specialized interior-security regulars. We have seen how effective a properly trained army is in SWAT and the Tribal Areas - and the Army isn't technologically fantastic. Now imagine 20 000 paramilitary soldiers put through proper training exclusive to interior security...COIN, urban warfare, mountain combat, irregular warfare & military policing.

Fighting internal threats will be a long-haul war, and it is very fortunate for us to have foreign funds to essentially turn tens of thousands of rear-line troops into first-line assymetrical regulars. Over the course of this indefinite war we could have 150 000 proper interior security troops guarding the Western border & ensuring security. We need to break the spine and confidence of the terrorists...hence our primary forces involved in this war MUST be very well equipped and trained.

I would strongly advise the set up of a joint lead council to ensure the interior-security soldiers get the right equipment at the right time.
Precisely, Pakistan needs following, to wage successful operations, in Waziristan area:

1. Intelligence Gathering training and sophisticated gadgetry for this.
2. Highly trained Special ooperation forces (suited for COIN warfare)
3. Helicopters, both gunships and utility/medium transport (to ferry assault troops in/out of the area).
Precisely, Pakistan needs following, to wage successful operations, in Waziristan area:

1. Intelligence Gathering training and sophisticated gadgetry for this.
2. Highly trained Special ooperation forces (suited for COIN warfare)
3. Helicopters, both gunships and utility/medium transport (to ferry assault troops in/out of the area).

I AM SORRY TO SAY THAT PAK ARMY WILL NEVER DEFEAT MUJAHIDIN......its our ignorance.....spirit of fight is the main reason....when two people of fight...one is overcomed by other......but here the reality is that two ideologies are fighting......one idiology is of $...or false order...one is idiology of strong faith....So Allah gave hidayat to Army k Gumrah Generals..And also some Stress to Mujahidin.....Bcoz both are sons of same nation
baber, i'm afraid it isn't that simple. These are not the mujahideen who bravely fought the soviets, these are imposters. They pose as mujahids, yet they kill innocent civilians, children, unprepared soldiers. I have prepared a hadith to shed light on this matter:

Sahl bin Sa'd Al-Sa'idi, may Allah be pleased with him, related:
There was an encounter between Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) and the polytheists, and they fought (against one another). At the conclusion of the battle Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) bent his steps towards his army and they (the enemies) bent their steps towards their army. And there was a person among the Companions of Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) who did not spare a detached (fighter of the enemy) but pursued and killed him with the sword. They (the Companions of the Holy Prophet) said: None served us better today than this man. Upon this Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) remarked: Verily he is one of the denizens of Fire. One of the people (Muslims) said: I will constantly shadow him. Then this man went out along with him. He halted whenever he halted, and ran along with him whenever he ran. He (the narrator) said: The man was seriously injured. He (could not stand the pain) and hastened his own death. He placed the blade of the sword on the ground with the tip between his chest and then pressed himself against the sword and killed himself. Then the man (following him) went to Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) and said: I bear testimony that verily you are the Messenger of Allah. He (the Holy Prophet) asked: What is the matter? He replied: The person about whom you just mentioned that he was one among the denizens of Fire and the people were surprised (at this) and I said to them that I would bring (the news about) him and consequently I went out in search of him till I found him to be very seriously injured. He hastened his death. He placed the blade of the sword upon the ground and its tip between his chest and then pressed himself against that and killed himself. Thereupon Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) remarked: A person performs the deeds which to the people appear to be the deeds befitting the dweller of Paradise, but he is in fact one of the denizens of Hell. And verily a person does an act which in the eyes of public is one which is done by the denizens of Hell, but the person is one among the dwellers of Paradise.
Hadith number in Sahih Muslim [Arabic only]: 163
the soldiers that are being killed, are not fighting, rather they are unarmed. to kill them is an act of hypocrisy and shame, better yet, it's downright treacherous. However, this is meant towards the self-proclaimed taliban leader Mehsud. Besides that, please explain to me how these bombers are getting C4's? Don't you sense something terribly wrong and fishy here?
WOW ...Baber ... fight for $ and for Ideology. WOW ....Let me ask you ... what ideology are we really talking about here .. where in Islam, have they really been told to kill innocent people .... I have personally viewed videos made by these so called Mujahideen ... in which a suicide bomber gives an elaborate speech before he embarks on his SO CALLED HOLY MISSION .... Most of them are men in their late teens or early twenties .... obviously recruited for this preposterous crime at a tender age, by an elaborate system of brainwashing and coercion as well as monetary advantages... these men mostly are speaking a well rehearsed speech, which is clear from the fact that they are mostly looking at the ceiling while delivering their last speech. In most of the videos, the suicide bomber clearly makes a mention of the money of the that he will be leaving behind for his family. That is an indicator that the poor brainwashed soul is a poor man, who is made to beleive that he is a worthless entity in the world and is better off dead, and in return will be able to do something for his family ...
Another interesting fact is the man's conviction that heaven waits for him. How can he be so sure or for that matter anyone. Only ten People in Islam have been given the blessing of heaven in their life time, and even those prayed to Allah till their last days, to be forgiven and not persecuted for their worldly deeds. ANd here we are , a group of people, giving out certificates of heaven to anyone who is willing to blow himself up, and along with himself, kill innocent men, women and children. How amazing it really is!!!!
The so called Mujahideen are infact who are really working for $s that have mentioned. Not the bombers themselves. They are nothing but tools, dispensable items just as a hand grenade or a landmine. The real culprets are the ones who are masterminding their acts and planning and funding it all, and that too in the name of Allah. they are tying lies in the name of Allah and miscommunicating these illiterate idiots into doing the unthinkful. My dear friend, a true muslim can never even imagine killing an innocent man, no matter what the circumstances are. Islam is about salamti. Not about killing indiscriminately.

The fact of the matter is that these so called Mujahideen are infact nothing more than Mercenaries. Paid for a job and then sent about to do it. The suicide bombers are infact the biggest idiots in the world, who are naive enough to fall trap to the masterminds of this entire saga of pain and suffering. When will i see a man in his 40s and 50s or when will i listen to the news that a major player of the terrorist game has also blown himself up. Never, dude never. And y is that. Since they know for sure that this a really big hoax they are pulling and that the drama does not really deserve their lives. So here we are, the masterminds getting their hands on the naives and preparing them for the greatest crimes against humanity. Who are they to decide who is really a good Muslim and who is not. Is that not the privilage of the Almighty himself to assess that.
These masterminds, the real mullahs are like that Maulvi Abdul Aziz saab, who would like to see everyone else lay down his life for the cause of Islam, but at the same time, wants to remain in Burqa and not lay down his life at all for the holy cause. Y because they all know that whatever they are doing is wrong and fires of hell is waiting for them, if they do what they preach ...............
Wake up people. dont fall victim to this drama of fire and blood. We need to stop it, not perpetrate it.
err. actually i put the wrong hadith, i'll bring you another hadith later.


Please post the hadith in an appropriate thread. By posting ahaadith here, you will take readers/posters away from the topic of the thread. By all means open up a thread "Current/FATA situation in light of Islam" etc. and that would serve the purpose.

WOW ...Baber ... fight for $ and for Ideology. WOW ....Let me ask you ... what ideology are we really talking about here .. where in Islam, have they really been told to kill innocent people .... I have personally viewed videos made by these so called Mujahideen ... in which a suicide bomber gives an elaborate speech before he embarks on his SO CALLED HOLY MISSION .... Most of them are men in their late teens or early twenties .... obviously recruited for this preposterous crime at a tender age, by an elaborate system of brainwashing and coercion as well as monetary advantages... these men mostly are speaking a well rehearsed speech, which is clear from the fact that they are mostly looking at the ceiling while delivering their last speech. In most of the videos, the suicide bomber clearly makes a mention of the money of the that he will be leaving behind for his family. That is an indicator that the poor brainwashed soul is a poor man, who is made to beleive that he is a worthless entity in the world and is better off dead, and in return will be able to do something for his family ...
Another interesting fact is the man's conviction that heaven waits for him. How can he be so sure or for that matter anyone. Only ten People in Islam have been given the blessing of heaven in their life time, and even those prayed to Allah till their last days, to be forgiven and not persecuted for their worldly deeds. ANd here we are , a group of people, giving out certificates of heaven to anyone who is willing to blow himself up, and along with himself, kill innocent men, women and children. How amazing it really is!!!!
The so called Mujahideen are infact who are really working for $s that have mentioned. Not the bombers themselves. They are nothing but tools, dispensable items just as a hand grenade or a landmine. The real culprets are the ones who are masterminding their acts and planning and funding it all, and that too in the name of Allah. they are tying lies in the name of Allah and miscommunicating these illiterate idiots into doing the unthinkful. My dear friend, a true muslim can never even imagine killing an innocent man, no matter what the circumstances are. Islam is about salamti. Not about killing indiscriminately.

The fact of the matter is that these so called Mujahideen are infact nothing more than Mercenaries. Paid for a job and then sent about to do it. The suicide bombers are infact the biggest idiots in the world, who are naive enough to fall trap to the masterminds of this entire saga of pain and suffering. When will i see a man in his 40s and 50s or when will i listen to the news that a major player of the terrorist game has also blown himself up. Never, dude never. And y is that. Since they know for sure that this a really big hoax they are pulling and that the drama does not really deserve their lives. So here we are, the masterminds getting their hands on the naives and preparing them for the greatest crimes against humanity. Who are they to decide who is really a good Muslim and who is not. Is that not the privilage of the Almighty himself to assess that.
These masterminds, the real mullahs are like that Maulvi Abdul Aziz saab, who would like to see everyone else lay down his life for the cause of Islam, but at the same time, wants to remain in Burqa and not lay down his life at all for the holy cause. Y because they all know that whatever they are doing is wrong and fires of hell is waiting for them, if they do what they preach ...............
Wake up people. dont fall victim to this drama of fire and blood. We need to stop it, not perpetrate it.

Very well said. :tup:
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