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Retooling Pakistani Military

MOHA199 -

Off topic, but Egypt gets close to the same amount of aid from the US, and what have they done with it?

Its not just about money, and its not just about Faith - This is why Israel is where it is:

Israel has the highest concentration of engineers in the world and the most scientists per capita than any other developed country, noted the Industry Trade and Labor Ministry's Chief Scientist's Intellectual Capital Report, which was released on Tuesday in conjunction with that office's annual conference.

For every 10,000 employees, Israel boasts 140 scientists and technicians and 135 engineers.

"Israel has a highly educated work force along with first class educational institutions," the study said.

In addition to considering human capital, it also factored financial, market, process and renewal and development capital when formulating an overall outlook of the country's intellectual capital sector.

Intellectual capital is comprised of the knowledge, wisdom, capability and expertise that provide an organization or country with a competitive advantage over other organizations/countries and determine its potential for future growth.

"The singular importance of human capital is portrayed by its central position in the model of intellectual capital - the human factor is the most important link in the process of value creation."

According to the Global Competitiveness Report of 2006, Israel was ranked first in availability of scientists and engineers.

Industry, Trade and Labor Minister Eli Yishai, speaking at the conference, noted the important role that hi-tech scientists and engineers play in Israel's economy. "The technology sector is what makes this country's economy so successful and based off of its success, we will see growth in other sectors as well."

The Intellectual Capital Report also said that Israel has the second highest publication of new books per capita, as Israelis purchase some 12 million books every year, and it reported that the number of physicians in Israel per 100,000 people was 382, placing the country 7th out of 63 developed countries.

"The profile of Israel that emerges from this comparative study is clearly one of a nation that is a superior partner for global business and worldwide collaboration," said Chief Scientist Dr. Eli Opper.
MOHA199 -

Off topic, but Egypt gets close to the same amount of aid from the US, and what have they done with it?

Its not just about money, and its not just about Faith - This is why Israel is where it is:

Israel leads world in per capita scientists and engineers | Jerusalem Post
Brother sorry to tell you this but i totally disagree with it. Israel do everything with money and the faith an ill walk you with the point now. Israel gets the most aid by USA from they buy all these sopisticated equipments and their faith also plays a big role in it aswell since they are JEWS and they belive that they are god's chosen people. We are fighting with muslims and Pakistanis and arab BUT IN OUR OWN LAND unlike Israel. Israel has mad the stone wall around all the dangerous sides of her borders and how do they afford it the answer is MONEY which means they have close to none trasspassing. They fight with muslims not jews!!! they pick their radio signals plus they have their agents in enemy territory since they have safgarded their land by puting walls high walls so, thier agents won't have to get busy inside israel. they take setalite pictures pick satelite phone signals locate them and bomb them in which they kill civilians some times in 20-50 sometimes in hunderds. On the other side Pakistan can't do any of this because we don't get much aid and the one we get it goes the drain by instaling PA 80'000-90,000 troops. comeon bro do the math. when Israel goes to palestine their soilders die aswell in fair numbers. Remember the hamas and fatah and other organizations are not well traind as Pakistani terroists. Remeber what happend to Isreal couple of years ago!!! what these people are talking about learning from Israel haaah we need money give Pakistan the same amount of money we will show the world how better job do we do with their help in both aid and support. Peace THE PEOPLE OF PAKISTAN WHO ARE SERVING PAKISTAN ARE WAY BETTER THEN ANYOTHER BESIDE SOME. MEANING USA UK but again at the end if we kill these terrorists same way like Israeliez or Americans or british we will not see another day by our people. :pakistan::welcome::sniper:
MOHA199 -

Off topic, but Egypt gets close to the same amount of aid from the US, and what have they done with it?

Its not just about money, and its not just about Faith - This is why Israel is where it is:

Israel leads world in per capita scientists and engineers | Jerusalem Post

Yes you nailed it. Combined the entire Islamic world does not produce as many PhDs as Israel does alone. This is something that requires rectification more than trying to keep up militarily with Israel on borrowed (US) technology.
A book I've read called the crisis of Islam by Professor Bernard Lewis of the university of Princeton gives a very bleak outlook on education in the Islamic world with some of the lowest literacy rates around the world.
Yes you nailed it. Combined the entire Islamic world does not produce as many PhDs as Israel does alone. This is something that requires rectification more than trying to keep up militarily with Israel on borrowed (US) technology.
Brothers you guys are right but what do you need for all this education professors education aid in gov level dont get me wrong Iam talking about the aid by pakistani gov in education sector again it cost money you give us money like Israel get from usa Pakistan will fund more since we will be left with little too much money and after our defence and other important money draining sectors we will be left to fund alot in education sector and here you go you will see the most PHDs in the world produced by Pakistan. Every thing cost money and this is why i am keep repeating they are no batter then us we do what we have a little bit but our on meaning Pakistan and we still produce the best people in the world in the present of all the lacking!!! I don't know today i remember the words of President Musharraff that we are the best people on earth we have resorces we have brain all we need money are some pride what we lack we lack the self confidence. You say israel produce the more Phd's then entire islamic world then let me amaze you that India produce the most PHDs in the entire world go and do reserch about it give your self a favor then i would say india should be the best nation on earth :coffee: But i am Born American but Pakistani and proud Pakistani I say one thing we lack nothing but money if we have money we will improve all the sectors of our lifes You name it we will fix it. For this we need good GOV non corrupt Which will bring alot of Business and which will fight terrorism so world will safe to do business with us and become the better place. Don't forget that their will be Two forces of IMAM mahdi one will fight with hind and one will fight will rest and we are the force which will fight with HIND be proud and be happy your and our kids will be served in ISLAMs and worlds peace. Whats the matter with your guys get some confidence what we had nothing in 1947 not even proper GOV we were not fed by AID but ISRAEL were and were we are or where they are not much difference. We are important people in the world. World look up to us when they need peace because we were the one who made USA won cold war we were the one who brought US and China close. We are the one who are fighting aginst terrorists. World depends on us and you are telling me to depend or look on ISRAEL. funny (not that i have anything against Israel they are humen too and they bleed blood too but i just don't want to accept anyone better then PAKISTANIs, beside USA against don't take me wrong if we have the same money like USA we would do way better i guess again money buys power):pakistan::usflag::cheers::sniper: If anyone has something else to say come let me clear him/her
Brothers you guys are right but what do you need for all this education professors education aid in gov level dont get me wrong Iam talking about the aid by pakistani gov in education sector again it cost money you give us money like Israel get from usa Pakistan will fund more since we will be left with little too much money and after our defence and other important money draining sectors we will be left to fund alot in education sector and here you go you will see the most PHDs in the world produced by Pakistan. Every thing cost money and this is why i am keep repeating they are no batter then us we do what we have a little bit but our on meaning Pakistan and we still produce the best people in the world in the present of all the lacking!!! I don't know today i remember the words of President Musharraff that we are the best people on earth we have resorces we have brain all we need money are some pride what we lack we lack the self confidence. You say israel produce the more Phd's then entire islamic world then let me amaze you that India produce the most PHDs in the entire world go and do reserch about it give your self a favor then i would say india should be the best nation on earth But i am Born American but Pakistani and proud Pakistani I say one thing we lack nothing but money if we have money we will improve all the sectors of our lifes You name it we will fix it. For this we need good GOV non corrupt Which will bring alot of Business and which will fight terrorism so world will safe to do business with us and become the better place. Don't forget that their will be Two forces of IMAM mahdi one will fight with hind and one will fight will rest and we are the force which will fight with HIND be proud and be happy your and our kids will be served in ISLAMs and worlds peace. Whats the matter with your guys get some confidence what we had nothing in 1947 not even proper GOV we were not fed by AID but ISRAEL were and were we are or where they are not much difference. We are important people in the world. World look up to us when they need peace because we were the one who made USA won cold war we were the one who brought US and China close. We are the one who are fighting aginst terrorists. World depends on us and you are telling me to depend or look on ISRAEL. funny (not that i have anything against Israel they are humen too and they bleed blood too but i just don't want to accept anyone better then PAKISTANIs, beside USA against don't take me wrong if we have the same money like USA we would do way better i guess again money buys power) If anyone has something else to say come let me clear him/her

Tell this to the house of sauds or the ****** rich emirs of those emirates, money alone cannot bring in education, it needs vision and the will to decide whether to invest in advanced science and technology univs when the money can be channeled for populist schemes and above all how much education is valued in society. In this regard I think both Pakistan and Turkey are leaders in Islamic world in that though they lack the depth or finance the Sauds or emirates have they have still able to be heads over them as far as education is consider. Consider this my friend, in India when Nehru planned to set up IITs in 50's everyone critisized his idea as to whether the nation needs such sophisticated institutions requiring considerable resource when people were dying on starvation and hunger and what not, yet still he proceeded and the fruits are there for all of us to say, here I am not trying to thump my chest but just trying to point out that money is not the be all for setting up good educational facilities and such but it requires conviction and vision.

If anyone has something else to say come let me clear him/her

You haven't cleared the matter at all.

By your logic Pakistan should spend aid money on weapons instead of education to invest in its future.

In political posts you mock the uneducated people for voting for corrupt individuals yet if you blow all aid money to have shiny new gear thats exactly whats going to happen when money is not spent on public services.

Agnostic Muslim has highlighted the fact that Egypt gets the same amount of aid as Israel (they have alot of M1A1 Abrams) and IndiaPakistanFriendship has clearly pointed out that certain muslim countries have enormous wealth yet appalling education standards.

Its not all about the money its how it is used and given the squandering of money by the politicians of the 1990s Pakistan could potentially have been something greater than it is today.

A very poor analysis on the abilities and capabilities of the israelis. I would say a total lack of understanding of the psyche of the israelis---an analysis based on pure emotion and a lack of knowledge of history---. Take the emotions out of your thinking and then try to find the answers---why israel is where it is and the arabs are where they are---your words "get some confidence" seem to be non-chalant and based on false bravado and hot air.

You need to stop being defensive and stop protecting the muslim world---when you go to fight a war---the adversary is not going to ask you if you had enough american aid to build the weapons or are you fighting on your own resources---your battles will be fouhght with your cumulative resources---regardless of the source.

A very poor analysis on the abilities and capabilities of the israelis. I would say a total lack of understanding of the psyche of the israelis---an analysis based on pure emotion and a lack of knowledge of history---. Take the emotions out of your thinking and then try to find the answers---why israel is where it is and the arabs are where they are---your words "get some confidence" seem to be non-chalant and based on false bravado and hot air.

You need to stop being defensive and stop protecting the muslim world---when you go to fight a war---the adversary is not going to ask you if you had enough american aid to build the weapons or are you fighting on your own resources---your battles will be fouhght with your cumulative resources---regardless of the source.
Guys you got me all wrong here first read the tpoics before me what we were discussing. The point one bro made was that we should learn tactics from Israel ( military tactics and get traind from them) I didn't say that we should not invest money in education department I say spend all the money in education as much we can and as much it get under budget!. Some people were talking to let israeli come to Pakistan some were talking we should learn from them they are the Spatans of this age. What i tried to explain that don't call them spartans if we Pakistan would have had the same amount of aid like israel has been getting for years and years ever since its creation we would off been Arkiliez forget the spartans. Some of you guys said to me that my analysis are wrong!!! :cheesy: You tell me if we have the same amount of money and look at our nation does it look like dumb or idiots? If you think so then i will distance myself from you lol. Not being Emotional here trying to get through some people head that we are not the worst nation on earth like some think. Nor i am trying to be defensive about the muslim world. What is belive that is belive. And who is talking about fighting a war here if you read my thingi rightly you will get this correctly. I say the that and i will stand by my point that worlds stability depends on Pakistan's stability. Now let me put it right here. I am not denying Israel's capabilities misters what i am say we dont want their dirty *** here. Talking about arabs on education!! who said that we should not invest in education.????? Arabs are payng the price but if you want to make education strong We need to make our high school free like americans. Do you know what it means it means Goverment will be paying everything even books pens aswell. Now let me ask you guys how are you going to provide all this? Without money or with money. I think some brothers need to come out of fantasy land and smell the coffeeeee that's all i am gonna say if you get it good if not then read it twice or more to get what i am saying. :pakistan::sniper:
You haven't cleared the matter at all.

By your logic Pakistan should spend aid money on weapons instead of education to invest in its future.

In political posts you mock the uneducated people for voting for corrupt individuals yet if you blow all aid money to have shiny new gear thats exactly whats going to happen when money is not spent on public services.

Agnostic Muslim has highlighted the fact that Egypt gets the same amount of aid as Israel (they have alot of M1A1 Abrams) and IndiaPakistanFriendship has clearly pointed out that certain muslim countries have enormous wealth yet appalling education standards.

Its not all about the money its how it is used and given the squandering of money by the politicians of the 1990s Pakistan could potentially have been something greater than it is today.
Who said buy all the shiny weapons. I am not saying buy all the weapons but don't tell me that israel is the best out their. Indeed its very well but how i ask a question how? The entire world literally give money to israel meaning westren world if not then their people who are abroad Literlly every jew. But its totally opposit in pakistan. how much do we get aid and how much israel does. How much aid have we got since 1947 and how much israel did. NOW don't take me wrong that i want us to live on aid but i will say one thing we did best in 68 years surly we could off done way better if we had good leaders. On the otherside Israel is totally different. a little help for you guys. Vist this and do the math before putting yourself down on israel or anyother country. Last thing but not least I don't compare Pakistan with egyt. We are Pakistani. lol The Center for Public Integrity
Get this i am not against ISAEL but i say we stand better. Look at their population size look at the amount of money they get. Look at who supports them look at where are we. Look at our population look at envirment we live in? look at how much money do we have? every thing cost money even if your need to take your national resorces like gas, oil anything you name it .We can't force anyone to do business with us but they can because USA policy makers even debate in their elections how benifitial a president hopey will be to israel. And on the otherside You know what iam trying to say atleast i hope lol;)
Comparing Pakistan and Israel ... the thread has really taken a new dimension here .... We are against Israel .. emotionally we always will be ... Over the yrs we have been made to believe that Israel is the root cause of all problems in the Islamic world ... just like that we take the burden of blame and ask the israelis to please carry it on for us ...Just like that ...
to begin with, I see no reason for comparison b/w Pakistan and Israel .... just because both the nation trace their reason for independence to some ideological name game, does not bring us at par for the comparison game as well ....
just a thought ....
Get this i am not against ISAEL but i say we stand better. Look at their population size look at the amount of money they get. Look at who supports them look at where are we. Look at our population look at envirment we live in? look at how much money do we have? every thing cost money even if your need to take your national resorces like gas, oil anything you name it .We can't force anyone to do business with us but they can because USA policy makers even debate in their elections how benifitial a president hopey will be to israel. And on the otherside You know what iam trying to say atleast i hope lol

Again and again you are coming round in cycles, if money is the case what prevents Saudi, UAE,Quatar etc becoming centres of learning with top of the line universities.Money is not the main issue here albeit being an important one money is not the be all and end all for education, in that case who poured money into Japan, or Germany or france, but look at their R&D , it requires will my friend and also depends on how much importance is given to education, I am not sure, but from what I am seeing in middle east I am assuming that acumulating wealth, fighting for glory takes more precedence then education, just my 2 cents
Again and again you are coming round in cycles, if money is the case what prevents Saudi, UAE,Quatar etc becoming centres of learning with top of the line universities.Money is not the main issue here albeit being an important one money is not the be all and end all for education, in that case who poured money into Japan, or Germany or france, but look at their R&D , it requires will my friend and also depends on how much importance is given to education, I am not sure, but from what I am seeing in middle east I am assuming that acumulating wealth, fighting for glory takes more precedence then education, just my 2 cents
Again and again iam say that Don't compare Pakistan with Middel eastren countries Pakistan is pakistan it is in South asia not in middle east.!!!!!! I AM DECLARING IT NOW... EDUCATION IS IMPORTANT EDUCATION IS IMPORTANT. But we have this problem what is the salution you tell me the solution?????????? Any one tell me the solution??????:azn:
Comparing Pakistan and Israel ... the thread has really taken a new dimension here .... We are against Israel .. emotionally we always will be ... Over the yrs we have been made to believe that Israel is the root cause of all problems in the Islamic world ... just like that we take the burden of blame and ask the israelis to please carry it on for us ...Just like that ...
to begin with, I see no reason for comparison b/w Pakistan and Israel .... just because both the nation trace their reason for independence to some ideological name game, does not bring us at par for the comparison game as well ....
just a thought ....
You are very right brother lmao its funny i guess i should not reply anymore!!! what do you think?
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