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Retiring Pakistan army chief Raheel Sharif may seek bloody hurrah

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Indian intelligence agencies think as if Pak army is as unprofessional jingoist as Indians and their army and media.
Each side thinks that the other person thinks like their self. In this case, Indians see Pakistanis like their own Muslim population which lags in education and representation; their Army like their various insurgencies or even their own army, our technology and infrastructure like what Bollywood comes up with.

So it is no surprise that their media reflects the mentality of many of their military officers who are carrying wounds of Kashmir from the 90's and till today.
@hassan zohaib

There can be 2 things , either India did what they are claiming , or they did not do its a political move by us

But they way hafiz saed reacted, he had a anger on his face and not scorn/smirk .
Body language suggests that something has happened which has pinched him .

what do you think Pak responce will be ??
Pakistan is not just a country, but also an idea. It is an ideological state. Indian Muslims incapable of treating non Muslims as equal or afraid(or with a dislike) of being ruled by non Muslims are no longer Bharatiya.

There is some truth in your statement. The Mumbai attacks for instance was orchestrated from Pakistan, true. But the vast terror infrastructure lies intact in our country as well. With ties to every Islamic network in the world. They have gone scot-free and only the handful of Pak mujaheedin were blamed alone. Same goes for every Islamic attack in our interior areas. The infrastructure exists - manned by 'Indians'. Just like 'Indians' going to Syria to fight for the Khilafat.

I don't deny it.
But you are well on course to blame them entirely. And why do you think Muslims in general are very disgruntled ?
Little will they understand the meaning and significance of Shehadet. He's carrying it like a badge of honor and commitment to fight with renewed vigor in all fronts opened against Pak, be it proxies, ANA, IA, CPEC or anything else...

It is God’s job to forgive, it is our job to arrange the meeting – American General Schwarzkopf
I somehow think Pak is feeling low and is upto something .
But seeing Mr Bajwa , it seems maybe they are playing sun tzu deception .

which Mod did, from that Kerala rally,
he said he wants to fight poverty etc etc bla bla

it was simple deception

just like chinese thinkier Sun tzu
Art of war
@hassan zohaib

There can be 2 things , either India did what they are claiming , or they did not do its a political move by us

But they way hafiz saed reacted, he had a anger on his face and not scorn/smirk .
Body language suggests that something has happened which has pinched him .

what do you think Pak responce will be ??
the thing which is deadly sure that both sides restrained and signaled each other that we should not be put in condition where sanity cant be prevailed. as far as response is concerned then i must say when credibility of armies has been put in question then response crosses the limits of sanity so IMO response of PA would be not in Kashmir rather should be in area where Pa can test India`s patience and Indian response would be at that place where PA is weak enough that is on diplomatic front.
@hassan zohaib

thats an apt reply mate

but I would say that diplomatically we are much stronger a force than Pak
though militarilly we are somwhat equal (atleast on the papers )

we have grown economically a lot since past 20 years bhai .

bhai u are talking about 50bn usd CPEC - that is 60,000 crore INR

Now to tell what econoly we have become , I will just list some scams that happened in last few years

coal scam- 2,00,000 crore
2g- scam - 2,00,000 crore
cwg scam- 60,000 crore

even these scam money does not pinch us .

Hence diplomatically, which is somewhat driven mostly be economic forces, we have got much ahead of Pak .

I dont think Pak can create problems for us, until u guys improve your finances bhai.
For me Gen. Raheel is a great General but disappointing at the same time as he too supported treacherous, incompetent & corrupt politicians DEMOCRAZY.
Oh indian media i just don't know what to say........... sigh

2014 was a golden chance for him for a coup.

But after the soft coup it was not necessary then but now it is either coup or retire. Hence it makes sense.

A war with India would ensure extension too.


by Rajat Pandit

India is keeping its guard up because of the assessment that Pakistan Army Chief General Raheel Sharif may unleash “some cross-border action plan“ in the run-up to his November end scheduled retirement.

  • The Indian security establishment feels Gen Sharif is unlikely to go home quietly after Thursday's "surgical strikes"
  • Raheel Sharif is due to retire in November this year
  • He might do something silly, Indian security agencies feel
NEW DELHI: India is keeping its guard up because of the assessment that Pakistan army chief General Raheel Sharif may unleash "some cross-border action plan" in the run-up to his November end scheduled retirement.

The Indian security establishment feels Gen Sharif, who has a strong anti-India agenda, is unlikely to go home quietly after Thursday's "surgical strikes". Having projected himself as a crusader against terrorism and corruption, often overruling PM Nawaz Sharif on several issues, Gen Sharif is "capable" of going in for a strong counter-move against India+ to redeem his legacy, say officials.

Nawaz Sharif, of course, would like to see the back of Gen Sharif, with four Lt-Generals in the reckoning to succeed him. If Nawaz actually succeeds in this endeavor, Lt Gen Javed Iqbal Ramday, commanding the 31 Corps at Bahalwalpur, could take over the reins of the Army.

"Ramday is third in seniority among the four. But his family has political links with Nawaz's Pakistan Muslim League (N)," an official said. The other three Lt Gens are Zubair Mahmood Hayat (chief of general staff), Ishfaq Nadeem Ahmed (Chief of the 2 Corps at Multan) and Qamar Javed Bajwa (I-G training and evaluation at the GHQ).

"Gen Sharif, who's become a bit of a megalomaniac and Nawaz Sharif hate each other.This aura of invincibility and greatness that Gen Sharif built for himself received a setback with this attack (India's surgical strikes)," said former ambassador to Pakistan G Parthasarathy.

"Given Gen Sharif 's unpredictability and India hatred (his uncle was killed in the 1965 war and brother in 1971), the threat is he might do something silly. India should be prepared," he added.

Nawaz Sharif has handpicked five Army chiefs during his stints as PM, including Gen Pervez Musharraf (1998) and Gen Sharif (2013). Musharraf went on to oust Nawaz Sharif in 1999, exiling him to Saudi Arabia.
The Pakistan Army has over the years been the prime driver behind Islamabad's Kashmir policy+ to "bleed'' India. But despite its history of interventions within and adventurism vis-a-vis India, it remains a motivated, force.
Man you Bhartis... If Dg ISPR take some journalists to prove your false claims you guys call PA a Coward
And if G Raheel Sharif brief Pakistanis about Border security and Revenge if Bharat ever conduct Sir G kal strike... You guys call him Blood thirsty...

Besharmi ki inteha hoti hey ya koi nahi?
But after the soft coup it was not necessary then but now it is either coup or retire. Hence it makes sense.

A war with India would ensure extension too.
He don't want an extension NS is ready to give it to him but he has declined the offer if i am not wrong though now after all this drama i personally think he should continue for a few more months.
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