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Retiring Pakistan army chief Raheel Sharif may seek bloody hurrah

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The Giant of PA just has to visit the troops on the front... nothing more.

His men, rank and file, are dead sick with the carnage that indian sponsored and designed terror has done in Pak.

These PA professionals have burried their own in thousands. And they want revenge at every level. He and other leaders in PA have kept it under control. Underestimating the rage within the PA will be the mistake of highest order.

Only the Giant has shown wisdom and true courage to keep his men calm and focused on eliminating the terror from Pak lands.

His men will die for Pak without a second thought...so indians must stop this childish behaviour... If anything, the Giant sees through the indian plot and has wisely avoided it.

What indians need to understand that after General the Giant, an other Pak Son will replace him. Yet the policy of Pak Sate will continue. It is not dependent of one person. There is a new Game in town....

The indian media could have shown maturity and praised the Giant for his professional restraint and keeping the indian manufactured tensions to managable level.

But then we are asking for sanity and constructive behaviour... perhaps too much to ask.

I am just deeply relieved and happy that the GHQ has acted with great maturity and professionalism. the sick and dark indian plot has been neutralised without making any noises. The sick plan for indian war of agression is in the cold room...at least for now.

Only great things await us....remain vigilent.
"Do not think of those who are killed in Allah's cause as dead. Nay! they are alive, and they are given sustenance from their Sustainer." (Surah No. 3, Al Imraan, Ayat No. 169)
This phenomena was described by Ustad Bediuzzaman Said Nursi (1877-1960) - a great scholar in contemporary Turkey . It was the time of WW1 and the Ustad was commanding a battalion consisting of students from Medrasas as a part of the general mobilization. They were defending a town on the Turkish-Russian border. The Russians attacked and one of his nephews, who was also his student, became Shehid. Years later after the war, the Ustad had a reality like dream where his nephew was telling him that he understood that the Ustad had in fact died. Moreover, he (the nephew) was still defending the town. It appears that Allah-u Azimushshan, in HIS infinite Mercy, creates a virtual world for Shehidan and they don't feel they are dead and they continue with their noble tasks. Only at the time of Kiyamet, they'll understand the reality....

La Galibe IllAllah...
This phenomena was described by Ustad Bediuzzaman Said Nursi (1877-1960) - a great scholar in contemporary Turkey . It was the time of WW1 and the Ustad was commanding a battalion consisting of students from Medrasas as a part of the general mobilization. They were defending a town on the Turkish-Russian border. The Russians attacked and one of his nephews, who was also his student, became Shehid. Years later after the war, the Ustad had a reality like dream where his nephew was telling him that he understood that the Ustad had in fact died. Moreover, he (the nephew) was still defending the town. It appears that Allah-u Azimushshan, in HIS infinite Mercy, creates a virtual world for Shehidan and they don't feel they are dead and they continue with their noble tasks. Only at the time of Kiyamet, they'll understand the reality....

La Galibe IllAllah...
very fascinating
This phenomena was described by Ustad Bediuzzaman Said Nursi (1877-1960) - a great scholar in contemporary Turkey . It was the time of WW1 and the Ustad was commanding a battalion consisting of students from Medrasas as a part of the general mobilization. They were defending a town on the Turkish-Russian border. The Russians attacked and one of his nephews, who was also his student, became Shehid. Years later after the war, the Ustad had a reality like dream where his nephew was telling him that he understood that the Ustad had in fact died. Moreover, he (the nephew) was still defending the town. It appears that Allah-u Azimushshan, in HIS infinite Mercy, creates a virtual world for Shehidan and they don't feel they are dead and they continue with their noble tasks. Only at the time of Kiyamet, they'll understand the reality....

La Galibe IllAllah...

So does the fighting continue in this virtual world when Muslim dies while fighting another Muslim in war?

On topic, General Raheel will take decisions based on what is needed, not what his family history would indicate. He is a soldier, above all.
So long we Pakistanis were told that since we are taught Islamiyat and pak studies so we come up with nonsense. I want to know what happened to the people who studies "Unbiased" history and were exposed to "better" education? The current Indian newspapers are full of shit even Pakistani islamist could not produce.
Indian intelligence agencies think as if Pak army is as unprofessional jingoist as Indians and their army and media.
Never Ever Under Estimate Brahmin's Arrogance.
I doubt it, he's already a legend there, legacy in bag etc, not going to risk it by acting foolishly.
This phenomena was described by Ustad Bediuzzaman Said Nursi (1877-1960) - a great scholar in contemporary Turkey . It was the time of WW1 and the Ustad was commanding a battalion consisting of students from Medrasas as a part of the general mobilization. They were defending a town on the Turkish-Russian border. The Russians attacked and one of his nephews, who was also his student, became Shehid. Years later after the war, the Ustad had a reality like dream where his nephew was telling him that he understood that the Ustad had in fact died. Moreover, he (the nephew) was still defending the town. It appears that Allah-u Azimushshan, in HIS infinite Mercy, creates a virtual world for Shehidan and they don't feel they are dead and they continue with their noble tasks. Only at the time of Kiyamet, they'll understand the reality....

La Galibe IllAllah...

A great scholor? Are you s-e-r-i-o-u-s?

Mind if I ask you who taught Turkey's most wanted fugitive (it's Fetullah Gulen btw)?

Who encouraged rebellions throughout Eastern Turkey at his time?

Bingo! It was that other freak called Said Nursi, Said-i Kürt or whatever they call him.

For others, he was imprisoned numerous times including by his separist books. After the 27th May coup, his tomb was destroyed and moved to a classified location by the order of the Turkish government.

Praising the tutor of a terrorist and blaming that terrorist for anything must be an everyday practice for AKP nowadays.
It's quite the opposite actually. We overrate your capabilities.

Most likely another terror attack is going to happen soon.
Oh for that you need to check with Indian muslims. they have certainly got beef with you lot and Pakistan is just blamed for no reason
Oh for that you need to check with Indian muslims. they have certainly got beef with you lot and Pakistan is just blamed for no reason
Pakistan is not just a country, but also an idea. It is an ideological state. Indian Muslims incapable of treating non Muslims as equal or afraid(or with a dislike) of being ruled by non Muslims are no longer Bharatiya.

There is some truth in your statement. The Mumbai attacks for instance was orchestrated from Pakistan, true. But the vast terror infrastructure lies intact in our country as well. With ties to every Islamic network in the world. They have gone scot-free and only the handful of Pak mujaheedin were blamed alone. Same goes for every Islamic attack in our interior areas. The infrastructure exists - manned by 'Indians'. Just like 'Indians' going to Syria to fight for the Khilafat.

I don't deny it.
Indian intelligence agencies think as if Pak army is as unprofessional jingoist as Indians and their army and media.
They think we eulogise in war and do not know anything about peace !


by Rajat Pandit

India is keeping its guard up because of the assessment that Pakistan Army Chief General Raheel Sharif may unleash “some cross-border action plan“ in the run-up to his November end scheduled retirement.

  • The Indian security establishment feels Gen Sharif is unlikely to go home quietly after Thursday's "surgical strikes"
  • Raheel Sharif is due to retire in November this year
  • He might do something silly, Indian security agencies feel
NEW DELHI: India is keeping its guard up because of the assessment that Pakistan army chief General Raheel Sharif may unleash "some cross-border action plan" in the run-up to his November end scheduled retirement.

The Indian security establishment feels Gen Sharif, who has a strong anti-India agenda, is unlikely to go home quietly after Thursday's "surgical strikes". Having projected himself as a crusader against terrorism and corruption, often overruling PM Nawaz Sharif on several issues, Gen Sharif is "capable" of going in for a strong counter-move against India+ to redeem his legacy, say officials.

Nawaz Sharif, of course, would like to see the back of Gen Sharif, with four Lt-Generals in the reckoning to succeed him. If Nawaz actually succeeds in this endeavor, Lt Gen Javed Iqbal Ramday, commanding the 31 Corps at Bahalwalpur, could take over the reins of the Army.

"Ramday is third in seniority among the four. But his family has political links with Nawaz's Pakistan Muslim League (N)," an official said. The other three Lt Gens are Zubair Mahmood Hayat (chief of general staff), Ishfaq Nadeem Ahmed (Chief of the 2 Corps at Multan) and Qamar Javed Bajwa (I-G training and evaluation at the GHQ).

"Gen Sharif, who's become a bit of a megalomaniac and Nawaz Sharif hate each other.This aura of invincibility and greatness that Gen Sharif built for himself received a setback with this attack (India's surgical strikes)," said former ambassador to Pakistan G Parthasarathy.

"Given Gen Sharif 's unpredictability and India hatred (his uncle was killed in the 1965 war and brother in 1971), the threat is he might do something silly. India should be prepared," he added.

Nawaz Sharif has handpicked five Army chiefs during his stints as PM, including Gen Pervez Musharraf (1998) and Gen Sharif (2013). Musharraf went on to oust Nawaz Sharif in 1999, exiling him to Saudi Arabia.
The Pakistan Army has over the years been the prime driver behind Islamabad's Kashmir policy+ to "bleed'' India. But despite its history of interventions within and adventurism vis-a-vis India, it remains a motivated, force.

If there is a change in guard this November, India won't have much to cheer about. "Pakistan Army's professional hostility towards India will continue, though it may not be as visceral and personal as under Gen Sharif," said Parthasarathy.
if he was so eager to respond or wanted to initiate war then he could have done because there was suitable environment as no doubt this act is an act of war but he showed restrain as "Pak comes first for him" and Pak can better respond to India if Pak has strong economic footprints ehich
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