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'Restricted UNSC prevents small nations' voice to be heard'

I wasn't talking about India.

No one talks about India with regards to the P5+1. It's not relevant. :P

Yeah for Chinese emperor India is not relevant !

Yeah for Chinese emperor India is not relevant !


LOL do you know ANYONE on Earth who thinks India is a part of the P5+1? :P

Whenever there is a big global issue that needs to be tackled, they always talk about the P5+1.
LOL do you know ANYONE on Earth who thinks India is a part of the P5+1? :P

Whenever there is a big global issue that needs to be tackled, they always talk about the P5+1.

Germany will certainly not get the UNSC permanent seat since already two european powers are there in P5, India will get the UNSC seat with veto power.

Things will become difficult for Chinese CCP in UN, since the regime is a contrast to the democratic regimes all over the world.
Germany will certainly not get the UNSC permanent seat since already two european powers are there in P5, India will get the UNSC seat with veto power.

Things will become difficult for Chinese CCP in UN, since the regime is a contrast to the democratic regimes all over the world.

They are already considered when people talk about the P5+1. India is not. :P
What has Sri Lanka got to do with the subject matter mate ? You guys seriously need to get off your massive inferiority complex.. That should be the first step in getting recognition for a global power.. I'm afraid with that kind of mentality Indians and India are far from being anything close.. Seriously

Non of you're predictions above will get India in to the P5, No Indian diplomat in the UN, It's politicians or some random blokes in internet forums is going to change that

Any way how do you intend to protect your security and strategic security by chest beating in random online forums ?? You guys seriously need a shot of realty.. :lol:

As you very well quoted those are projections and predictions 15 years well in to the future, Those are not certainties nor do those figures guarantee a change of the status quo in the UN system.. In the same vain look where India stand TODAY in the same graph you highlighted.. No where close to even Brazil let alone Japan and Germany other more potential candidates for the UNSC seat than India.. So my statement stands.. India has nothing to offer than it's massive population numbers as an argument for the UNSC acceptance.. It's not going to happen

I may agree somewhat with you point on the relevance of the UN these days, But then thats another subject of discussion

What is yourproblem when India made their own statements about UNSC ?
Why should we show inferiority complex in here?:D
And I can see the pinch a jealousy from some posters when India claims its rights in UNSC.
Guys having neutral stance will make balanced opinion.But all I can see here is jealousy and some kind of disturbances :lol:

Of Course . we Indians will go at any extent .That was not a hollow statement
in internet.
GoI was also take such actions including government change in neighbouring nations for our own national and strategic security.
What is yourproblem when India made their own statements about UNSC ?
Why should we show inferiority complex in here?:D
And I can see the pinch a jealousy from some posters when India claims its rights in UNSC.
Guys having neutral stance will make balanced opinion.But all I can see here is jealousy and some kind of disturbances :lol:

Of Course . we Indians will go at any extent .That was not a hollow statement
in internet.
GoI was also take such actions including government change in neighbouring nations for our own national and strategic security.

Govt. change by raw is a rumor mate !
What is yourproblem when India made their own statements about UNSC ?
Why should we show inferiority complex in here?:D
And I can see the pinch a jealousy from some posters when India claims its rights in UNSC.
Guys having neutral stance will make balanced opinion.But all I can see here is jealousy and some kind of disturbances :lol:

Of Course . we Indians will go at any extent .That was not a hollow statement
in internet.
GoI was also take such actions including government change in neighbouring nations for our own national and strategic security.

It is'nt.. Unless Indians make absurdly desperate claims like this one.. It's humiliating actually.. You show you're inferiority complex by dragging in subjects and countries irrelevant to the subject discussed.. Simple

Uh.. Ok.. Is India in the UNSC ? Nope.. Is it going to get in ? Not a hope.. So whats there to be jealous about ? Like i said you guys seriously need a massive dose of a reality check

Oh and good luck on protecting Indian security and strategic interests on a online forum.. What are you ? 8 ? This shit does not get any better :lol:
It is'nt.. Unless Indians make absurdly desperate claims like this one.. It's humiliating actually.. You show you're inferiority complex by dragging in subjects and countries irrelevant to the subject discussed.. Simple

Uh.. Ok.. Is India in the UNSC ? Nope.. Is it going to get in ? Not a hope.. So whats there to be jealous about ? Like i said you guys seriously need a massive dose of a reality check

Oh and good luck on protecting Indian security and strategic interests on a online forum.. What are you ? 8 ? This shit does not get any better :lol:

Humiliating for whom?
We will make claims about anything we want .Who are you to question that?

NSG was created to isolate us .At end what happened ?
Those who moronically support such isolation stupidity didnt earn anything .
India will make their own path and will change everything for us whether youlike it or not .Like NSG we will also create our own unique place whenever we needed.

We,1 billion people voted and elected these GoI .Because previous GoI was also a failure in foreign policies also.
And this GoI successfully solved the boundary dispute and toppled stupid neighbouring govt that threaten our security.
Means every Indian has his/her own share in everything that happens in this nation.
When you pass stupid comments about our nation ,we will also target the nation that you represents for criticsm.
Dont show your jealousy and butt hurting in here.It is quite embarrasing ,like a behaviour of some middle aged aunt .
India should not be UNSC member with veto power. Sorry
Humiliating for whom?
We will make claims about anything we want .Who are you to question that?

NSG was created to isolate us .At end what happened ?
Those who moronically support such isolation stupidity didnt earn anything .
India will make their own path and will change everything for us whether youlike it or not .Like NSG we will also create our own unique place whenever we needed.

We,1 billion people voted and elected these GoI .Because previous GoI was also a failure in foreign policies also.
And this GoI successfully solved the boundary dispute and toppled stupid neighbouring govt that threaten our security.
Means every Indian has his/her own share in everything that happens in this nation.
When you pass stupid comments about our nation ,we will also target the nation that you represents for criticsm.
Dont show your jealousy and butt hurting in here.It is quite embarrasing ,like a behaviour of some middle aged aunt .

Lol.. I'm a global citizen and a registered member of this forum where this absurdly hilarious thread was posted.. So thats who i am to question that claim.. So you're in the wrong forum to question my rights.. It would be more prudent if you stick to one of those Indian forums where you'll be happy with the rest to circle jerk on India and how glorious it is and it's fantasies.. And ofcause throw hissyfits on anything remotely not to the liking of Indians.. This aint the place for that mate

Btw what you have blabbered above has absolutely nothing to do with India's desperate pleads to be accepted in to the UNSC P5.. Now thats what is humiliating.. Why dont you stick to the subject discussed for a change mate.. Without getting your panties in a twist.. Lol

Now again there is absolutely nothing for me as a non Indian to be jealous of India.. Can you be more specific as for reasons for my presumed jealousy and list them ? I think that will be more helpful for all.. Cheers
Lol.. I'm a global citizen and a registered member of this forum where this absurdly hilarious thread was posted.. So thats who i am to question that claim.. So you're in the wrong forum to question my rights.. It would be more prudent if you stick to one of those Indian forums where you'll be happy with the rest to circle jerk on India and how glorious it is and it's fantasies.. And ofcause throw hissyfits on anything remotely not to the liking of Indians.. This aint the place for that mate

Btw what you have blabbered above has absolutely nothing to do with India's desperate pleads to be accepted in to the UNSC P5.. Now thats what is humiliating.. Why dont you stick to the subject discussed for a change mate.. Without getting your panties in a twist.. Lol

Now again there is absolutely nothing for me as a non Indian to be jealous of India.. Can you be more specific as for reasons for my presumed jealousy and list them ? I think that will be more helpful for all.. Cheers

Well we dont give shit whether you are a global citizen or not.
We will question whenever some mentioned about our nation in a wrong way .And we dont care whether the opposite guys likes it or not.
I am also a registered member in this forum.
I will appreciate things that need a neutralstance and balanced opinion.

During early 90s and before 2008 ,a global nuke trade was an impossible dream to India especially after 1998.
Four nations that having nuke weapons was outside of NSG.
But only we got the waiver ,the nation that created NSG came here to gave us that wavering .And now we have global nuke trade
Get used to that fact and analyse it.
Only for India .So a UNSC reform is also not impossible for us.
If this is not jaelousy then what are you posting here with these rants of jealoused middleaged women.

If you are not jealous then please refrain away from showing butthurt in thus thread.
Well we dont give shit whether you are a global citizen or not.
We will question whenever some mentioned about our nation in a wrong way .And we dont care whether the opposite guys likes it or not.
I am also a registered member in this forum.
I will appreciate things that need a neutralstance and balanced opinion.

During early 90s and before 2008 ,a global nuke trade was an impossible dream to India especially after 1998.
Four nations that having nuke weapons was outside of NSG.
But only we got the waiver ,the nation that created NSG came here to gave us that wavering .And now we have global nuke trade
Get used to that fact and analyse it.
Only for India .So a UNSC reform is also not impossible for us.
If this is not jaelousy then what are you posting here with these rants of jealoused middleaged women.

If you are not jealous then please refrain away from showing butthurt in thus thread.

Lol.. Questioning a preposterous claim by some Indian diplomat on it's claimed representation of small nations in the UN is being jealous ? It is equally hilarious ,absurd and shows utter desperation on India's part to be included in the big boys club aka UNSC P5.. Now to have silly hissy fits over what non Indian posters here exposed is not only a clear sign of inferiority complex but actually very immature on your part

Again all the blabber about nuke deal ,NSG, Or TATA's business ventures has nothing to do with the overhaul of the UNSC and the hegemony of the P5.. That status quo stays.. Does'nt matter how much you guys weep over it

Now you keep repeating about alleged butt hurt and jealousy over non Indians posts here.. Again can you be specific on what we are indeed jealous of ? Can you make a list ? Cos that gives some kind of legitimacy over your claims.. Right now it just seem like you just cannot face the facts and getting all wet and bothered throwing toys out of the pram :lol:
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Lol.. Questioning a preposterous claim by some Indian diplomat on it's claimed representation of small nations in the UN is being jealous ? It is equally hilarious ,absurd and shows utter desperation on India's part to be included in the big boys club aka UNSC P5.. Now to have silly hissy fits over what non Indian posters here exposed is not only a clear sign of inferiority complex but actually very immature on your part

Again all the blabber about nuke deal ,NSG, Or TATA's business ventures has nothing to do with the overhaul of the UNSC and the hegemony of the P5.. That status quo stays.. Does'nt matter how much you guys weep over it

Now you keep repeating about alleged butt hurt and jealousy over non Indians posts here.. Again can you be specific on what we are indeed jealous of ? Can you make a list ? Cos that gives some kind of legitimacy over your claims.. Right now it just seem like you just cannot face the facts and getting all wet and bothered throwing toys out of the pram :lol:
India can Dismantle P5 aka UN any time, with following Steps

A) India , Since is not the member of MTCR , India should started exporting Long range IRBM missile of IRAN and Some African/ Latin Countries / Ex Soviet Countries . This will make stomach upset to US and its stoogies especially Aus /UK etc .

B) Since India is also not into Nuclear umbrella Group , India should also start exporting Nukes missiles / Nuke BOMB.
the nuke to IRAN/ Latin / Cuba / African / which make the those US and its stoogies a sleepless night.

If India done above 2 , no one will give a dam about UN or P5, We have seen the P5 in IRAN crises, suppose what happen If armed with Indian IRBM and targeting NY / Whitehouse. US president cant even think of living in US then lol

After sometime when US / UK / West financial power will decline after making of BRICS bank, US and its stooges will do anything to influence India and China will do everything not let West influence India. In short both will be eager to give UN seat after few years.
India can Dismantle P5 aka UN any time, with following Steps

A) India , Since is not the member of MTCR , India should started exporting Long range IRBM missile of IRAN and Some African/ Latin Countries / Ex Soviet Countries . This will make stomach upset to US and its stoogies especially Aus /UK etc .

B) Since India is also not into Nuclear umbrella Group , India should also start exporting Nukes missiles / Nuke BOMB.
the nuke to IRAN/ Latin / Cuba / African / which make the those US and its stoogies a sleepless night.

If India done above 2 , no one will give a dam about UN or P5, We have seen the P5 in IRAN crises, suppose what happen If armed with Indian IRBM and targeting NY / Whitehouse. US president cant even think of living in US then lol

After sometime when US / UK / West financial power will decline after making of BRICS bank, US and its stooges will do anything to influence India and China will do everything not let West influence India. In short both will be eager to give UN seat after few years.
Don't be an a$$ you are talking like a Pakistani. The UN is not a Rambo movie to jump around the world firing out four barreled machine guns

Well i'm not trying to argue on the fairness of the US system or more specifically the UNSC P5.. As you rightly mentioned it's the reflections of the winning side of the WWII.. And it will take another paradigm shift like a world war to change that status quo

You seem to get the gist of my point, So i dont think there is much of an argument there.. The point here is not denying the economic advances India has made on global scale but why the UN system would not change it's power base to accommodate India based on that, Given there are more potential candidates on that criteria in Germany and Japan or even Brazil, Hence my point on the argument put forward by India merely on it's massive population

Remember the UN is a political organization not a economic one, So the numbers really wont count, status does

Unfortunately those at the helm of policy making in India does not seem to have the same view point as you on the relevance of the UN.. They seem desperate enough to make vain even quite preposterous claims like the one highlighted in the OP to plead their case on inclusion
So you agree that claiming that India has nothing going for it other than population is an incorrect argument? To reiterate when China got the veto in 1971, it was as poor as a church mouse and country of famine where people were selling there own children to feed themselves.
The UN was set up to prevent another world war, so far it has been successful. It is as you say a political organization. So as per you India has insufficient status? What status did China have in 1971? Or indeed what status does Russia really have today? It is an isolated country selling gas and oil at rock bottom prices to keep afloat. It is not even able at this point to protect its own legitimate interests without being sanctioned.

Can you tell me which part if the speech you found so annoying? To me the whole thing seems like normal diplomatic speak. A country works for its own best interest at several fronts at the same time. Diplomatic speeches at the UN does not mean that the indian government is not working on other fronts as well.

One last point, Germany is included in the p5+1 but not Japan, where is the fairness in that ? (Yes, I know you agree with me that the whole thing is totally biased) as far as I can see Germany is included despite two other EU nations already with veto power because they are blonde haired and blue eyed and the Japanese are not because they are black haired and slanty eyed - exactly the same reason why during WW2 German and Italian immigrants in America went about their business while Japanese were rounded up into concentration camps.
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