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'Restricted UNSC prevents small nations' voice to be heard'

You mean it's about India's ego, because as others have pointed out, the addition of more countries to the UNSC with veto powers does nothing to change the fact that the existing P5 will still not allow any movement on issues that benefit the 'underrepresented', unless all of the P5 agree on it. The only thing the addition of India does is make the whole process even more complicated.

I personally am against the whole concept of veto. But by addition of India and other countries it definitely becomes more representative than in its current form.
Lool When you stop having our language as your national language and when you can build a simple jet trainer without our BAE systems help(even then you are still facing problems jeezzzz), then i will say India is more advanced than us. Then we can be your slaves like your advert of India in 2020 @Luca1 . :sarcastic:

Its just ridiculous to even compare any major european power with India to be honest. You are not there yet. So calm down my man. dont take it personal. :cheers:

National language ??
English is just another language that is helpful to us .We accepted Persian ,Arabic etc.Do you know anything about Indo -European language?
Sanskrit was the first then German developed and India had an advanced civilization when you brits were in caves ,shivering and scratching each others back.

BAE ,And US powerful companies will decide BAE past,present and future.
Virtually Great Britian balls is in the hands of US or a good chipmunk of US.
When the US ask you to jump your response would be how much high :haha:
When we got independence Jawarhalal Nehru used a British vehicle brand for his official duty .
But now your Jaguar and Land Rover is in TATA's hand .
And that TATA started their defence investment in India around 5 years ago.
So dont take it personal .Get used to this fact :sarcastic:
National language ??
English is just another language that is helpful to us .We accepted Persian ,Arabic etc.Do you know anything about Indo -European language?
Sanskrit was the first then German developed and India had an advanced civilization when you brits were in caves ,shivering and scratching each others back.

BAE ,And US powerful companies will decide BAE past,present and future.
Virtually Great Britian balls is in the hands of US or a good chipmunk of US.
When the US ask you to jump your response would be how much high :haha:
When we got independence Jawarhalal Nehru used a British vehicle brand for his official duty .
But now your Jaguar and Land Rover is in TATA's hand .
And that TATA started their defence investment in India around 5 years ago.
So dont take it personal .Get used to this fact :sarcastic:

Loool Are you by any means the guy called @Indian Patriot ? :undecided::what:
India is just playing real politiks, They have their own hegemonic objectives so how the feck are they a supporting voice for smaller nations ?? Hilarious

Never gonna happen, Them getting in to the UNSC that is.. Size of the population does not matter in this case, Given that India has simply nothing else to add of value to the equation.. It's only argument is on it's massive population.. End of

And we dont give a shit whether you like it or not.
India has massive population ,a 7+ % economy ,advanced space and nuke technology ,world largest welfare programs.
Defence is already privatized .Though it was a late development after 2010 .It is really working.

Loool Are you by any means the guy called @Indian Patriot ? :undecided::what:

Dont need to divert the topic.
Counter my points if you have any.
If you cant then stop boasting.
European powers ?:lol:
Germany will decide EU future.
Germany is way better than UK in UNSC.
I personally am against the whole concept of veto. But by addition of India and other countries it definitely becomes more representative than in its current form.
And what tangible benefit does that bring to the rest of the world?
And we dont give a shit whether you like it or not.
India has massive population ,a 7+ % economy ,advanced space and nuke technology ,world largest welfare programs.
Defence is already privatized .Though it was a late development after 2010 .It is really working.

Dont need to divert the topic.
Counter my points if you have any.
If you cant then stop boasting.
European powers ?:lol:
Germany will decide EU future.
Germany is way better than UK in UNSC.

Arguing with you is just waste of time to be honest. :fie:
And we dont give a shit whether you like it or not.
India has massive population ,a 7+ % economy ,advanced space and nuke technology ,world largest welfare programs.
Defence is already privatized .Though it was a late development after 2010 .It is really working.

Sorry mate but likewise the UNSC P5 doesn't give a shit about India begging to get in to the big boys league either.. Nor does rest of the world.. Does not matter how bad the hissy fits you blokes make on Internet forums.. The only argument India has is it's massive population nothing else significant that a half dozen other better potential candidates like Germany,Brazil or Japan has.. But neither will they get in, Let alone India which is back of that pack

Dont take it personally bub.. That's the reality :-)

PS: Btw this is a international forum called Pakistan Defence forum.. So too bad even if some of you Indians like it or not posters will comment on any country or any issue they like.. Crying blue murder over it wont matter shit to others if the posts doesn't contravene forum rules.. G'day

Well i already said the same thing. Its funny India even thinks its fooling anybody. We all know its only looking after its own interests, and wants to get into the exclusive club of the P5 BY ALL MEANS NECESSARY. If it was already in, it too will not want others in as it will dilute/reduce its own influence. It doesnt care one bit about the so called voice of small poor developing countries like Iran(huh....though Iran is even wealthier than India) or whatever. lol

I find it normal though, since if i was India, i too will do the same thing. Every country only looks after his/her own interests first and foremost, every other thing comes secondary. That's normal, but when some indian members here are trying so hard to convince people they genuinely care about the voice of poor deveoping nations and want to be their representative , then HOUSTON WE HAVE A PROBLEM. :help:

nobody here is a fool or naive(maybe apart from some very few Iranian members? Lol):whistle:

Delusions of grandeur.. I'm afraid
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Sorry mate but likewise the UNSC P5 doesn't give a shit about India begging to get in to the big boys league either.. Nor does rest of the world.. Does not matter how bad the hissy fits you blokes make on Internet forums.. The only argument India has is it's massive population nothing else significant that a half dozen other better potential candidates like Germany,Brazil or Japan has.. But neither will they get in, Let alone India which is back of that pack

Dont take it personally bub.. That's the reality :-)

PS: Btw this is a international forum called Pakistan Defence forum.. So too bad even if some of you Indians like it or not posters will comment on any country or any issue they like.. Crying blue murder over it wont matter shit to others if the posts doesn't contravene forum rules.. G'day

I am a little surprised by your BS. So in your opinion the only argument India has is its population? Take a look at graph below, this is projected to 2030. India's economy is expected to be bigger than all but two of the members in P5 nor is India's military or diplomatic heft as negligible as you seem to think. Don't embarrass yourself by making such remarks.

Why does Great Britain have a seat but not Germany?
Why does Russia have a seat but not Brazil?

P5 merely reflects the winners of WW2 - 70+years ago.

The UN is not a country club, it actually has genuine responsibilities and it should reflect actual power structures in the real world. If it does not reflect actual power structures, all that will happen is that other more representative fora like G20 or WTO or NATO will take over the responsibilities of the UN.

In my opinion I don't think the UN matters anymore. It gets bullied about all the time. A permanent seat in the UN is not worth all this hot air. better to get work done through the many many many other alliances and groupings available to all.
What is the uses of these P5 when an outside nation has more power than that .?

So India has more power than the P5? :cheesy:

Do you even hear yourself when you talk? Even BOTH Britain and France have larger economies and larger defence budgets than India, and that's not even counting their technology and soft power which is light-years ahead of India. (Unless you believe Rafale and Eurofighter are Indian?)

In fact India has the smallest economy among the G4 (Germany/Japan/Brazil/India).

Do you know English is the de facto official language and link language of India? Do you know all of India's borders are named after white British people like Henry MacMahon?

Check this thread alone, not a single member of any other nationality agrees that India should be a part of the P5. Literally only Indians believe this.
EVERY non-Chinese member of pdf knows what will happen to the extended families of Chinese pdf members if they speak the truth on this forum. Even most Pakistanis have corroborated this.

Does anybody know if West or Russia will give permanent shelter to the families of Chinese Maoists who have their families in West for fear of anti-Maoist uprising?

Does anybody know that this site is banned in China like most others for fear of exotic treatment to.......??
EVERY non-Chinese member of pdf knows what will happen to the extended families of Chinese pdf members if they speak the truth on this forum. Even most Pakistanis have corroborated this.

Does anybody know if West or Russia will give permanent shelter to the families of Chinese Maoists who have their families in West for fear of anti-Maoist uprising?

Does anybody know that this site is banned in China like most others for fear of exotic treatment to.......??
Go to sleep troll!
EVERY non-Chinese member of pdf knows what will happen to the extended families of Chinese pdf members if they speak the truth on this forum. Even most Pakistanis have corroborated this.

Does anybody know if West or Russia will give permanent shelter to the families of Chinese Maoists who have their families in West for fear of anti-Maoist uprising?

Does anybody know that this site is banned in China like most others for fear of exotic treatment to.......??

OK I admit it, India is a superpower, and more powerful than all the P5 nations combined.

Happy? :lol:

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