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Reservation for SC/ST in promotions.

This is getting ridiculous now. But then again this will only stop if the SC/ST's want it to stop. The General category can keep complaining it will not change a thing, or they can all start having ten kids , couple of decades down the line they ll become the majority and the government will get rid of reservations, or better yet give reservation to the general category:woot:
This is getting ridiculous now. But then again this will only stop if the SC/ST's want it to stop.

SC/STs what they will do man ?

This is a political gimmick from a party that is cornered on all sides and new scams getting unearthed every day.

Parliament is already not functioning due to Opposition demand for PM to resign and the congress will conveniently say they wanted to help the SC/ST by passing the bill but the Opposition did not let them to function. Already saw that in the communal violence bill.
Few days ago Mamata banerjee declared a separate hospital for muslims only. These kind of politicians deliberately reminds the minorities that "you are different from others ,you are oppressed and you are in danger". Untill and unless politicians change this attitude nothing is going to change.:angry:
SC/STs what they will do man ?

Not just this issue, am talking about overall reservation bs. If SC/ST themselves stand up and say, hey look we don't want reservation, give reservation to poor people from any religion/caste/community don't give it based on caste. Politicians can't force it on them can they?
SC/STs what they will do man ?

This is a political gimmick from a party that is cornered on all sides and new scams getting unearthed every day.

Parliament is already not functioning due to Opposition demand for PM to resign and the congress will conveniently say they wanted to help the SC/ST by passing the bill but the Opposition did not let them to function. Already saw that in the communal violence bill.
but bjp also doesn't seem to be opposing the bill..rather they are saying they oppose the timing of the bill.

Few days ago Mamata banerjee declared a separate hospital for muslims only. These kind of politicians deliberately reminds the minorities that "you are different from others ,you are oppressed and you are in danger". Untill and unless politicians change this attitude nothing is going to change.:angry:
what separate hospital for Muslims..?
what next separate railway station ?
Not just this issue, am talking about overall reservation bs. If SC/ST themselves stand up and say, hey look we don't want reservation, give reservation to poor people from any religion/caste/community don't give it based on caste. Politicians can't force it on them can they?

Why will they ? Lets not be idealistic.

No one will forego something that is given to them free of cost. And let me be frank if tomorrow reservations are extended to the upper castes, they will be singing paeans about it too. Meritocracy and all that assorted sloganeering would strangely disappear.

And its not like that SC/ST dont deserve reservations. They deserve it, but not in promotions where merit must be the only critera.

but bjp also doesn't seem to be opposing the bill..rather they are saying they oppose the timing of the bill.

Its all politics. You dont want to appear anti-Dalit in UP.
Why will they ? Lets not be idealistic.

No one will forego something that is given to them free of cost. And let me be frank if tomorrow reservations are extended to the upper castes, they will be singing paeans about it too. Meritocracy and all that assorted sloganeering would strangely disappear.

And its not like that SC/ST dont deserve reservations. They deserve it, but not in promotions where merit must be the only critera.

Its all politics. You dont want to appear anti-Dalit in UP.

IF they extend reservation to the "upper" castes too, it won't be so much of a reservation then! Cause everyone will have reservation, which would mean no reservation at all:lol:

Why do you think that SC/ST deserve reservation?
IF they extend reservation to the "upper" castes too, it won't be so much of a reservation then! Cause everyone will have reservation, which would mean no reservation at all

No I meant just take one random upper caste and extend the reservation - no sloganeering guy from that caste would take part in any anti-reservation movement again.

Why do you think that SC/ST deserve reservation?

Yaar you know right -- all those eveeel Brahmins and stuff. No seriously, they have been tradtionally and consistently THE most disadvantaged and abused of all the groups and need this affirmative action to level the ground a bit.

And the lady pushes her boundaries once again !
Calm down Tshering

I am pretty calm, buddy.

Getting angry on forums is a childish thing. What I speak is not with anger but with concern.

Today, the shyte created by Congress and its pet dogs has started affecting the common man slightly.

If we don't put a stop to this, then it will affect everyone's daily life one day.

Do you want that to happen?

I am sure none of us wants this.

We live in this country; it has been our country for hundreds of thousands of years.

From terrorists of central Asia to pesky colonials, we have fought against and defended our nation from every part.

Every region of India had warriors that fought hero's deaths.

For centuries we have fought enemies that are outside our borders.

Today we are faced with an enemy that is bigger threat than Jehadis, pesky missionaries or commie clowns. Congress is that.

We need to stop in-fighting and reflect our anger on the right culprit.

That's all I mean to say.

My country loves me ! I am SC :P

I thought you Kashmiris don't have caste. :D

At least that's what my KP buddies tell me.
I thought you Kashmiris don't have caste. :D

At least that's what my KP buddies tell me.

I am not kashmiri , just staying in Jammu and visited anantnag three days ago but haven't changed location back to jammu after returning . Will do it now . Actually I am from Uttarakhand !:D
Government should see the emotional outpouring of internet warriors on all Indian websites about the grave injustice against forward caste people and urgently give them reservations in posts such as sweepers and manual scavengers. Something like 80-90%
Government should see the emotional outpouring of internet warriors on all Indian websites about the grave injustice against forward caste people and urgently give them reservations in post such as for sweepers and manual scavengers. Something like 80-90%

Believe me a lot of FCs will be happy to get that jobs.
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