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Republic of Naswaristan

No .. That makes my dad a boy :o .. No way!!

The child inside us menfolk is resilient dear. It refuses to let go till it is mortified by the grey hair and being the fickle fellow that he is he scurries away leaving us alone with our accumulated wisdom, only then do the rudiments of mature manhood finally shine through.
You are saying there is a 75 % chance i m none??:o

I called him a pedo cause i dont know his age .. That gives me the advantage of calling him whatever i want to...
25% respectively I meant 25% for each of those. You never know who's who on internet.
Many members thought a member was a girl, they had no idea about him, he is our friend, but has disappeared recently after some members teased him. :D
Lala is 22 - 23....... he can hit on anything (8 - 16 years younger) provided they have passed age of consent. He calls you a pedo not because of age difference, rather.... well, you know what. :D

So if a 14 year old kid has a fling with another 14 year old, he's a pedo ???

Every teenager does that yes ??? o_O
Again... it wasn't because of that......... :p:


So if a 14 year old kid has a fling with another 14 year old, he's a pedo ???

Every teenager does that yes ??? o_O

And Naswaristan is the best place to get aquatinted with awesome people..... o_O

Pdf is really a nice platform, I have learned many things from here. Hope you do so. Its really a fun being here too. :D

So if a 14 year old kid has a fling with another 14 year old, he's a pedo ???

Every teenager does that yes ??? o_O

Enhh..no, he was referring not to teenage flings (in which case both parties being minors the term pedophile is not even remotely applicable) but rather alluding to Rampage's unfortunate proclivities...related to nubile boys and fairies like @hinduguy.:lol:

Although don't let him fool you, Hype himself has a disturbing attraction towards goats and Buttsy has always wanted to sit on him for some reason. Kinks abound in Naswar. I myself find bearded circus ladies to be particularly and inexplicably attractive.
And Naswaristan is the best place to get aquatinted with awesome people..... o_O

Yea, we have had a great time here, it used to a good place in the old days, it still is.

@faeza you will also have good time here :enjoy: and take things lightly.
@RAMPAGE besides the rampage has the indulgence of Hype these days, so how come he has not set up his own harem?

@Hyperion since the nom de guerre "Hype" and "The Rampage" are iconic, I have decided to consistently refer to them in the third person even when addressing the two of you. It adds to the effect.
Not in the least child. Its just that I have enjoyed the spectacle of you taking digs at Aero so much that I am overcome with the urge to prod you into shining the light of your wit in our general direction too. The likes of me and Hype have always been appreciative of irreverent people.

I m not taking digs on him. .grr.. I m pretty sure you will find some one for yourself...
Ha! Thats some choice you two have...
The child inside us menfolk is resilient dear. It refuses to let go till it is mortified by the grey hair and being the fickle fellow that he is he scurries away leaving us alone with our accumulated wisdom, only then do the rudiments of mature manhood finally shine through.

Sounds like experience though
25% respectively I meant 25% for each of those. You never know who's who on internet.
Many members thought a member was a girl, they had no idea about him, he is our friend, but has disappeared recently after some members teased him. :D

My point ... You never know....
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