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Republic of Naswaristan

Never thought of it like that........ maybe yes!!! Maybe that's why she never grew up.... she is exactly like the day I met her....... she jokes the same, behaves the same...... we both never grew up it means! :D
because growing up n turning mature means having a clue of what wrong u been doing:enjoy: n both of u dunt wanna face this fact haha jk:p:

@Marshmallow @Talon
So what do your girl friends think about you being on a defense forum?

because growing up n turning mature means having a clue of what wrong u been doing:enjoy: n both of u dunt wanna face this fact haha jk:p:

Why aren't there more women on the forum?
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Btw, my IQ is way up there! :o:o_O:-)

I mean..... way way way way up there.......... don't you feel ticklish when you chat with me... that's our grey matter rubbing off-of each other........ :p:

What the hell guys??
@Marshmallow you should be supporting me -its a flower power rule

@Aeronaut - its you who couldnt keep up

@Hyperion it let be the cheeky something person .. Your aging brain is no match for mine...
Over confidence is trait that suits me. I'm also extremely arrogant and opinionated. Does that tickle you more? :p:

Isnt this the time you should be worrying more about keeping your teeth rather than getting girls?

And no , no tickles felt here -_-
I let my dentists worry about such issues. Let me concern myself with you today..... you sound sweet-n-tasty..... yum yum......I need to munch on you to destroy my teeth further..... who cares if I have to get one additional root canal! :D

Isnt this the time you should be worrying more about keeping your teeth rather than getting girls?

And no , no tickles felt here -_-
Hey @Hyperion

What do you think about the tapes released today. The one which number 2 of TSK, Chief of intelligence, minister of MFA were talking about national relevants regarding Tomb of Süleyman Şah and ISIL were on the table
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