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Report: Senior IRGC Officer Flees Iran With Top Secret Intel


Mar 11, 2017
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Report: Senior IRGC Officer Flees Iran With Secret Intel
Adam Kredo
6 hours ago

Members of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps / Getty Images

A senior Iranian military officer affiliated with the country's Revolutionary Guard Corps, or IRGC, has fled the Islamic Republic with a cache of secret documents said to contain information on Tehran's military plans, according to reports.

Ali Nasiri, a former IRGC brigadier general who once headed Iran's counterintelligence operations, is reported to have fled Iran and requested political asylum at a U.S. embassy in an unnamed Gulf country, according to a report carried in Iran Commentary, an online news portal that publishes information about Iran's human rights abuses and illicit activity.

"Sources say a probe launched by IRGC counterintelligence units reveals that Nasiri fled a Persian Gulf country, requesting political asylum at the local U.S. embassy," the report claims. "Reports indicate Nasiri had in possession a large volume of documents recording the travels of senior IRGC commanders, intelligence personnel and operational units to foreign countries, all under the cover of diplomatic missions."

While the Washington Free Beacon could not independently verify the report, it could represent a coup for the U.S. intelligence community, which has long sought information on Iran's military apparatus and plans.

"Nasiri's fleeing from Iran has had an extremely negative impact among the hierarchy under his command," Iran Commentary reported. "On April 19, the IRGC-associated Fars News Agency referred to the fate of Nasiri without any further explanation."

Reports of Nasiri's situation could shine a greater light on the surprise decision over the weekend by Iran's Supreme Leader to shake up the IRGC's leadership by appointing a new lead commander. The change in leadership also came several days after President Donald Trump took the unprecedented step of designating the entire IRGC as a terrorist group, the first time America has designated an entire country's fighting force.

A State Department official declined to comment on Nasiri's situation, citing a policy of not providing information on potential asylum seekers.

Meanwhile, Iran has unleashed a flurry of threats on the heels of the State Department's decision Monday to stop granting waivers permitting a host of countries to continue purchasing Iranian crude oil.

Iranian leaders lashed out at Trump and vowed to continue selling crude oil, a main source of revenue for the ruling regime as it faces a cash crunch due to U.S. sanctions on the nation.

"Our oil sales will never decrease to any less than one million barrels a day," Heshmatollah Falahatpisheh, chairman of the Iranian parliament's national security and foreign policy commission, was quoted as saying in Iran's state-controlled press on Tuesday.


Any confirmation of such news from Iranian based news sources?
The news spread from here. I think the site is operated by ISIS.


EXCLUSIVE: IRGC Commander believed to have defected to the West
April 22, 2019 Admin

Brigadier General Ali Nasiri, head of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps Protection Bureau, is said to have fled to the West after a fallout with the representative of the Supreme Leader in the IRGC.

On Thursday, April 11th, during a meeting among the senior IRGC intelligence officials, Nasiri and Hossein Taeb, the representative of the Supreme Leader to the IRGC came to blows. The following days, when Nasiri failed to show up for work, it was revealed that he had actually left the country.

Nasiri, already commander of the Seyyed al-Shohada unit of the Guards in Tehran Province, was appointed in 2017 by Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari, commander-in-chief of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps.

The website of the Al-Mayadin news agency which is affiliated with the Lebanese Hezbollah posted the news without much detail on Saturday, April 13, but removed it only after half an hour.

Nassiri is said to have gone to a US embassy in one of the Persian Gulf countries while carrying important strategic documents, seeking political asylum. The IGGC’s Protection Bureau was established in 1984, to oversee aviation and flight security (hijacking and bombing), as well as protection for regime and government officials, and foreign dignitaries visiting Iran.

On Friday, April 19, without referencing Nasiri, the state-run Fars News Agency, reported: “By the decree of Maj. Gen. Jafari, the commander-in-chief of the Revolutionary Guards, Brigadier General Fathollah Jomayri was appointed head of the Protection Bureau of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps.” Jomayri was previously, commander of the Imam Sadiq Guards Unit of Bushehr Province, as well as the al-Ghadir Guards Unit of Yazd Province.

In an attempt to contain the rumor, the regime’s spin doctors are now claiming that Ali Khamenei, Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran dismissed Nasiri. A source inside the regime told Iranian media members: “Following the leak of classified documents and information to Israel and the US regarding Iran’s nuclear program and secret missile bases, Mohammad Ali Jafari, commander in chief of the IRGC, under Khamenei’s order, dismissed Ali Nasiri, commander of the IRGC security.”

But it all started here. This site claims he was dismissed because of intelligence leaks. But there is no mention of him fleeing


Iran's security forces dismissed after classified information leaked

posted onAPRIL 20, 2019

Ali Khamenei, Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran dismissed the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps’ (IRGC) security commander, Ali Nasiri after classified information was leaked, confidential sources told Avatoday on Saturday.

“After classified documents and information leaked to Israel and the US regarding Iran’s nuclear program and secret missile bases, Mohammad Ali Jafari, commander in chief of the IRGC, under Khamenei’s order dismissed Ali Nasiri, commander of the IRGC security,” the source said on condition of anonymity.

“Instead of Nasiri, Fathollah Jamiri was appointed as the commander of security,” he continued. “Some 100 high ranking commanders of the IRGC have been dismissed so far.”

IRGC security is responsible for protecting the Islamic Republic officials as well as providing security for flights in Iran.

Washington designated the IRGC as a foreign terrorist group on April 15. The IRGC is highly criticized for supporting terrorism in the Middle East.

It is possible that he fled in case they would blame him for the leaks.
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I truly hope they make everything public
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This general already gave an interview in Iran to end this rumors.

Even though fake news is inseparable part of western media, yet they really aren't afraid of their lies being exposed few days later!

Poor western sheeps (society)!
به گزارش مشرق، در پی انتشار برخی شایعات در فضای مجازی مبنی بر اینکه فرمانده سابق حفاظت اطلاعات سپاه از کشور خارج شده و درخواست پناهندگی سیاسی داده است، سردار علی نصیری این شایعات را تکذیب کرد. نصیری، فرمانده سابق حفاظت سپاه در گفت‌وگویی افزود: مراسم تودیع بنده در روز شنبه انجام شد و این مسأله عادی سازمانی است.


The news spread from here. I think the site is operated by ISIS.


EXCLUSIVE: IRGC Commander believed to have defected to the West
April 22, 2019 Admin

Brigadier General Ali Nasiri, head of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps Protection Bureau, is said to have fled to the West after a fallout with the representative of the Supreme Leader in the IRGC.

On Thursday, April 11th, during a meeting among the senior IRGC intelligence officials, Nasiri and Hossein Taeb, the representative of the Supreme Leader to the IRGC came to blows. The following days, when Nasiri failed to show up for work, it was revealed that he had actually left the country.

Nasiri, already commander of the Seyyed al-Shohada unit of the Guards in Tehran Province, was appointed in 2017 by Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari, commander-in-chief of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps.

The website of the Al-Mayadin news agency which is affiliated with the Lebanese Hezbollah posted the news without much detail on Saturday, April 13, but removed it only after half an hour.

Nassiri is said to have gone to a US embassy in one of the Persian Gulf countries while carrying important strategic documents, seeking political asylum. The IGGC’s Protection Bureau was established in 1984, to oversee aviation and flight security (hijacking and bombing), as well as protection for regime and government officials, and foreign dignitaries visiting Iran.

On Friday, April 19, without referencing Nasiri, the state-run Fars News Agency, reported: “By the decree of Maj. Gen. Jafari, the commander-in-chief of the Revolutionary Guards, Brigadier General Fathollah Jomayri was appointed head of the Protection Bureau of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps.” Jomayri was previously, commander of the Imam Sadiq Guards Unit of Bushehr Province, as well as the al-Ghadir Guards Unit of Yazd Province.

In an attempt to contain the rumor, the regime’s spin doctors are now claiming that Ali Khamenei, Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran dismissed Nasiri. A source inside the regime told Iranian media members: “Following the leak of classified documents and information to Israel and the US regarding Iran’s nuclear program and secret missile bases, Mohammad Ali Jafari, commander in chief of the IRGC, under Khamenei’s order, dismissed Ali Nasiri, commander of the IRGC security.”

But it all started here. This site claims he was dismissed because of intelligence leaks. But there is no mention of him fleeing


Iran's security forces dismissed after classified information leaked

posted onAPRIL 20, 2019

Ali Khamenei, Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran dismissed the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps’ (IRGC) security commander, Ali Nasiri after classified information was leaked, confidential sources told Avatoday on Saturday.

“After classified documents and information leaked to Israel and the US regarding Iran’s nuclear program and secret missile bases, Mohammad Ali Jafari, commander in chief of the IRGC, under Khamenei’s order dismissed Ali Nasiri, commander of the IRGC security,” the source said on condition of anonymity.

“Instead of Nasiri, Fathollah Jamiri was appointed as the commander of security,” he continued. “Some 100 high ranking commanders of the IRGC have been dismissed so far.”

IRGC security is responsible for protecting the Islamic Republic officials as well as providing security for flights in Iran.

Washington designated the IRGC as a foreign terrorist group on April 15. The IRGC is highly criticized for supporting terrorism in the Middle East.

It is possible that he fled in case they would blame him for the leaks.

ISIS/Daesh or MOSSAD + CIA Nexus?
They keep echelons in the Terrorist organizations such as Daesh/ISIS. At the siege of Raqqa 2017, Iraq there were 300-400 Israeli MOSSAD Operatives who were evacuated prior to this Operation.

But the ISIS/Daesh Assets who were qualified, more LOYAL & Subservient to Israel were relocated to different European Countries. This, my friend is like an planting a bomb in a location, which nobody knows when it goes on! Clearly, Millions of Shiites were executed by ISIS/Daesh in Iraq & Syria which includes Syrian & Iraqi Soldiers, Men's, Young Peoples, Women's and Children's and Old citizens too, in an attempt to cleanse the area from Shiites.

ISIS/Daesh has claimed responsibility for attack on Churches in Sri Lanka, and if you watch the footage of the suicide bomber closely, you can analyze him and you can draw a lot of conclusions. Both bombers were brothers, and they look like a wealthy tourists.

However, Iran must Stay Strong & stability in Iran means stability in Pakistan.
A good chance to see how and who spreads these rumors even in this forum without checking the facts.

In a recent speech at Texas University he finally told the truth about the CIA and the neocons – they lie and cheat and steal.
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They don't need better lies when they already have a legion of brain dead morons ready to slurp up any sh!t they serve up. Just look at the Islamic Republic's "opposition".
As I said if you do a Trace back you will notice how this rumor started for this forum in this topic and you will see names that started this in here....same as Dr. Salehi being a "western spy" rumor so be careful many foreign intelligence paid operatives in this forum too.
at this point the credibility of rumors do not matter as long as the rumor is spread...the atomic archive rumor was an example...looked ridiculous but they used the chief monkey himself to do the performance....all dirty tools are now being used....shows the desperation of the enemy.
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