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Rents soar in Rawalpindi with influx of Afghan refugees

Afghanistan and Pakistan is basically one country as far as freedom of movement is concerned

Like it or not - it'll stay that way in the future just like it was in the past

If wot couldn't change it than nothing else will

Lol mardan is actually a decent mid tier city, doubt they'd need to migrate to such extent that that's all you see in your surrounding

Culturally and ethnically yes they are basically the same and ideally should be one single country. However, under current circumstances they are a liability like North Korea is to South Korea. We are waiting for the day Afghans become mature. Until they do, we should look at our own interests and act responsibly as a sovereign nation.
India didn't cause the Afghan situation, you guys did and you have to deal with the refugees. We played a role in Bangladesh and have taken in millions of refugees from there over the decades. Whoever is responsible has to bear the consequences. We didnt train millions of young men in extremism in the Soviet-Afghan conflict, Pakistan and US did. We didn't let US use our territory for war on terror to kick out the Taliban in 2001, you guys did. We were cheering for them, yes, but barely any military and monetary support involved. Finally, we didn't help Taliban kick out the legitimate Afghan govt in 2021, you did. We have had 0 military role in Afghanistan, why should we take a single refugee. US, Pakistan and Russia have caused the Afghan mess and they should take them in. You were well aware of their ideology and the economic menace the Taliban will cause by not letting women work, by forcing businessmen, engineers and doctors to flee, but still you helped them get into power anyway for strategic depth. You got strategic depth, so you also deserve the baggage that comes with it.
Those in glass houses... So kindly STFU

Oh yeah…guess the BLA were being funded out of thin air and the tens of Indian consulates just happened to be there for altruistic purposes. Hypocrites.. the entire lot of you.

As for the legitimate government.. they don’t fall like a domino and their leader doesn’t flee with cash…

Please keep your sanctimonious self fellatio crap to yourself.
People like him don't listen, they just come here to pontificate. Well I've had enough of these sermons.
I doubt if most Pakistanis are willing or wanting to rent out to some refugees from afghanistan, due to security risks. Its trouble and hard to get it vacated later on
Anyone giving them property is very stupid/ignorant and inviting problems sooner or later

If they hav so much money they can fly abroad from kabul, no need to come here anyway
So few weeks ago what my taxi driver told me is true. He said Afghans coming to rawalpindi, Islamabad have a lot of money. They are having houses here in bahria town and other posh areas. They have more money than the locals.
Most of this money came from the US ,because most of these Afghans were directly or indirectly connected with US military in Afghanistan and got paid in US dollars.
These are the types of people we are facing in pakistan who were not even loyal to their own country and now probably will bad mouth against the host country.
I live in i-10 and you wont believe how wealthy these people are
Some had vigos back in kabul

I doubt if most Pakistanis are willing or wanting to rent out to some refugees from afghanistan, due to security risks. Its trouble and hard to get it vacated later on
Anyone giving them property is very stupid/ignorant and inviting problems sooner or later

If they hav so much money they can fly abroad from kabul, no need to come here anyway
They pay double
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