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Rents soar in Rawalpindi with influx of Afghan refugees

I thought our borders are now well fenced and well defended,, last time I checked our army was shelling us.
Rents where??

They mostly lives in shanty towns, Katchi Abadis.

Maybe the middle men renting the jhuggis have risen the rents.
Now im against afghan refugees but this article is pure bs (as most english pakistani news articles) grammar aside…

Globally rents and property prices are at an all time high. I doubt afghan refugees contributed to sky high rents very minimal especially taking into account inflation and local growth. On top of this most of these refugees are dirt poor and receive aid… how will they even be able to afford rentals in a city like rawalpindi? Makes absolutely 0 sense
Just take a drive or a walk around Islamabad, and every single person you find begging, cleaning those car windshields on signals, raddi wala, sun glasses sales, everything is Afghani. Mehrabadi is filled with them.

Every Friday, a house in my street gives out a deg. The line is of around a 100 people, and 80 of them are Afghans, I kid you not.

I am not one for closed borders, or doing any discrimination. But there needs to be a mechanisms to ensure that we aren't a country for free loaders to leech off from.

Sultan ki khui jao, and every single shop over there is owned by an Afghan. Badshah tyres, one of the largest second hand tyre shops there, is of an Afghan.

And in this Afghan hostile environment, the local Pukhtoons are also getting dragged, case in point, Sindh.

Magr in ko bhi ajeeb Pakhtoon wali ki zyada fikr hoti hai, aur mulk ki kam.
Khuda ka khof kar, bhai. A large proportion of the beggars in Islamabad are nomads. Mehr Abadi is filled with Punjabis, not Afghans.
Khuda ka khof kar, bhai. A large proportion of the beggars in Islamabad are nomads. Mehr Abadi is filled with Punjabis, not Afghans.

Mehrabadi is pretty big you know :P
Jag Punjabi Jag, if you go to RWP you can see how they have infested our lands. There should be legislation and only Refugee with proper paperwork should be allowed, rest send these Namak Harams Back as they claim our land as their own.
I went to Faisal Masjid few years ago and I could barely find Punjabis in it. I came to know there is a nearby School/Uni/Madrissah where Afghans study and that is the reason they were seen everywhere.

My assumption is half of Afghanistan is probably Pakistani national openly or covertly. Those who are abusing Pakistan on the social media probably have a secret Pakistani passport hidden somewhere in their cupboard.

In my city I see too many Afghans and when you ask them… their first answer is always they are from Peshawar or nearby city and if you inquire further like whereabout in Peshawar their instant reply is… basically I am originally from Jalalbad, Kabul or Kandahar but I have also lived in Peshawar for some time.
Thanks to nadra
So how many refugees have Mother India taken from Afghanistan? The thing here is, we as Pakistanis in terms of our approach to risk management are our own worst enemies. At a time when every nation in the world is increasingly protectionist and reviewing their borders and migration policy.
Conveniently, India does not share a border with Afghanistan. First destination for refugees is typically the border states and Pakistan picked the winning lottery. Also, thanks to Pakistan for protecting India's border from influx of refugee population :enjoy:
Conveniently, India does not share a border with Afghanistan. First destination for refugees is typically the border states and Pakistan picked the winning lottery. Also, thanks to Pakistan for protecting India's border from influx of refugee population :enjoy:

For this reason alone, Pakistan has every single right on every inch of Afghan soil, All their natural resources should only be used by Pakistan. If our people were smart, they'd use all these situations to slowly but surely grab all their natural and human resources.
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