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Ren Zhengfei: Many of the technologies we are developing, the Americans have not yet begun.


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Ren Zhengfei: Many of the technologies we are developing, the Americans have not yet begun
China Economic Net 2019-05-27 07:56:55
Source: Daily Economic News

On May 21, Huawei founder and CEO Ren Zhengfei accepted an exclusive interview with CCTV reporter CC Dong from the Central Radio and Television Administration. At 21:30 on the evening of May 26, the interview was broadcast on the CCTV news channel "Face to Face" program.

Less than ten hours later, at 6 am Beijing time today (27th), Ren Zhengfei also appeared on the Bloomberg TV show on the other side of the ocean. Every Xiaobian (micro-signal: nbdnews) noticed that this broadcast was an interview clip taken by Ren Zhengfei at Huawei headquarters on the 25th.


Bloomberg TV live screenshot

Considering that before this, he has been interviewed by Japanese media and group visits by domestic media. In such a high-density and high-intensity interview in just a few months, after Ren Zhengfei founded Huawei in 1987, it was almost never seen.

In the words of Bai Yansong, the host of CCTV, "Before more than 120 days ago, the situation he faced was the house under the jurisdiction of his daughter Meng Zhouzhou. Now, Huawei is under house arrest by some countries."

In the face of the current situation, CCTV reporter Dong Qian bluntly asked questions in an interview. "Is Huawei the most dangerous and difficult time?"


Image source: CCTV video screenshot

In the face of such a rather sharp issue, Ren Zhengfei gave a series of exciting and wonderful answers.

At 6 am on the 27th, Beijing time, Bloomberg TV broadcasted an interview with Mr. Tom McKenzie, an Asia-Pacific reporter, at the Huawei headquarters. After the interview, Mackenzie also told the host of the New York studio that he was deeply impressed by the calmness of the total weightlifting.

Ren Zhengfei is impressed by American reporters

On the 27th, the Bloomberg Daybreak section of Bloomberg Television's Asia-Pacific early news broadcast the first time that Ren Zhengfei was interviewed.


Bloomberg TV live screenshot

At the beginning of the column, the reporter sitting in the Beijing studio, Tom Mackenzie, told the host of the New York headquarters that he was deeply impressed by Ren Zhengfei’s temperament during the interview.

"In the eyes of our outsiders, Huawei seems to be facing the same moments of life and death, but the impression given to me is very relaxed and calm. He is also very talkative. We talked a lot of topics and he has nothing to say, knowing nothing."

When talking about Trump’s decision on the ban, Ren Zhengfei laughed. In his opinion, many of Trump’s tweets were ridiculous and contradictory and could not be justified.

"The United States has never bought anything from me. How can I talk to me? I want to buy it in the future. I don't necessarily sell it to him. There is no need to talk about this situation. I will ignore Trump, then he also looks for it. No one is coming to negotiate."

Then, Mackenzie threw a sharp question: Some people in the world believe that Huawei's development achievements are derived from the theft of American technology. What do you think of this view?

Ren Zhengfei said that

"Then I am stealing the technology of the United States tomorrow, because (the things that Huawei is doing now) the United States has not made it. Where can I steal his technology?

It is more likely that the United States is stealing our technology, because we are currently ahead of the United States. If we are backward, then Trump will not hit us so hard. He hit us because we advanced him to fight. ”

Mackenzie later suggested that there were concerns that China would impose sanctions on Apple products as a counter-attack. Ren Zhengfei firmly said that it will never!

"If there is (this kind of situation), I must be the first to object. Apple is the world's greatest company, there is no apple to show the Internet world, and we can not appreciate the beauty of the world.

Apple is also our teacher. As a student, why should we go to the teacher? I will never do this. ”


Image source: Mackenzie personal Twitter account

Mackenzie also expressed his deep impression on Ren Zhengfei's broad mind and open mind.

In the face of an interview with CCTV reporters, Ren Zhengfei talked for 150 minutes and answered questions in various aspects in more detail.

Huawei is now at its best, ready to fight for a long time.

CCTV Moderator: When many people know that I am coming to interview you, they all hope that the first question I ask is, is Huawei the most dangerous and difficult time?

Ren Zhengfei: No, when the Meng Zhouzhou incident did not happen, our company was at the most dangerous moment. Everyone has money in their pockets, disobeying distribution, and not willing to work in hard places. This is a dangerous state.

Now, our company is full of excitement, eradicating mediocrity, and fighting power. How did we get to the most dangerous time at this time? It should be at its best.


Image source: CCTV live screenshot

CCTV Moderator: How are you going to face the long-standing Sino-US trade frictions in the future?

Ren Zhengfei: We are prepared to fight a protracted war. We are not prepared to make short-term assaults. If we fight for a long time, we will probably be stronger.

Not worried about Meng Zhouzhou, she is going to read a "Prisoner in Prison"

CCTV moderator: This time in this context, you are not worried about her future?

Ren Zhengfei: Don't worry. Because now my daughter is also very optimistic, she is self-study five or six homework, she is going to read a "doctor in prison" to come out and complete this doctoral degree in prison.

She is not idle, she is very busy every day. Every time I call, her mother answers the phone or her husband answers the phone and says that she is very busy. I said that I was too busy to pick up the phone. She said that she was very busy and very fulfilling.


Image source: Huawei for the picture

CCTV host: Where is she now?

Ren Zhengfei: In Vancouver, under house arrest. She is under house arrest and not imprisoned. She is surrounded by police, but life is still free.

CCTV moderator: If she continues this situation for a long time.

Ren Zhengfei: The key US and Canada are the rule of law. You have to prove through evidence that she is guilty. We are completely in the right place, and the world is sensational. The main headline of Canada’s largest newspaper headline reads that the Meng’s night boat incident is a typical national violation. Just like the headline of our People’s Daily is written about this incident, do you think that we are not rational, will people write such things?

Hai Si was a hero. He went home to have a wife’s praise.

CCTV presenter: Hai Si has been almost like a hero in the minds of everyone in recent times.

Ren Zhengfei: It was originally a hero. How much do you want their medals to take? How high is this rank and how much income is in all aspects. I asked them, they said they were unknown. I said that the money is less? Quite a lot. That's it.

CCTV moderator: Why do you want to use the standard of money to ask?

Ren Zhengfei: Just kidding, they also want to publicize it, not allowed. Their mobile phone research and development people also ran to the stage to give a speech, we criticized, honestly go back to the research room, do not go to the community to talk about, let them engage in sales, do not talk about your research and development.

CCTV host: Why?

Ren Zhengfei: Working hard, not doing well, what is the result of Zhang Yang?

CCTV moderator: If they are always squatting, can they prove that they are doing well or not doing well?

Ren Zhengfei: How can they lie? Going back to his wife to praise him, his wife went out to buy a few bags a day, and came back and said that you can see this package is not good, isn’t it to praise him? He doesn't earn so much money, what does his wife buy to buy?

CCTV host: The outside world does not know.

Ren Zhengfei: Why do you know the outside world? I don't think it needs to be known outside. Those who go to the country to receive the awards are not true inventors. They will not let the real inventors go to the awards, and they will stupidly put his photos on the Internet. You see that the photos of He Tingbo are fake on the Internet. I have often seen it recently that her photos are real in a small amount, and most of the time she is not her.


Huawei Director, President of Hisilicone, President of 2012 Lab He Tingbo Photo source: Huawei official website

CCTV moderator: Others call it a spare tire. They also call themselves a spare tire. What do you call them?

Ren Zhengfei: They are not asked to have spare tires. They are the same departments as our market system and R&D system. They are usually getting wages and getting bonuses. Everyone is wearing the same red flowers.

Almost sold to American companies

CCTV moderator: Just in 2004 or even earlier, Sino-US relations are all normal, and the international supply chain is all right. Why do you expect that if the world is not normal?

Ren Zhengfei: I said this thing. We used to sell the company to a US company for 10 billion US dollars. Because we all know that we will collide with the United States when we continue to develop, and we must collide.

When it was sold to others, the contract was signed and all the procedures were completed. Then we put on the flower clothes, run on the beach, run the game, and play table tennis. But the board of directors of the US company changed that week, and the new chairman rejected the acquisition. So good, let's talk back and we will sell it again.


Financial Times related reports

I am a surrender and a compromise in our company. I want to let everything happen. The young radicals are determined not to sell. I said that after ten years and the United States encountered on the hill, we must not fight their bayonets. When they climbed the southern slope, they climbed with beef and coffee. We climbed the slope with dry food. It might not be as good as the mountains. We must have thoughts. Prepare and prepare a spare tire plan.

Some people say that 5G will split into two standards in the future? I don't think so. Because humans have finally unified a standard and serve the common global cloud society, the two standards are two clouds, which are difficult to blend.

Under such a premise, the United States today hit us down from the north slope, and we slid down a little bit of snow and climbed up the slope. But one day, the two armies will climb to the top of the mountain. At this time, we will never fight with the Americans, we will hug, we cheer, for the human digital, information service victory conference, a variety of standard victory teachers, our ideal is to serve humanity, not to make money, but Isn't it better to eliminate others? Is it better to be able to serve humanity together?

I never want to be a hero.

CCTV moderator: When the United States is in a downturn, I feel that you are a national hero. Would you like to accept such a title?

Ren Zhengfei: Do not accept, bear. I am not a hero at all, I never want to be a hero. At any time we are doing a commercial thing, the sale of goods does not represent a political attitude.

How to buy an Apple mobile phone is not patriotic? How can I see this? That is still open to people. Commodities are commodities, and goods are made up of personal preferences. There is no relationship at all. Media hype is sometimes extreme, and radical ideas are prone to populism, which is not good for a country.


Image source: CCTV video screenshot

CCTV presenter: Then, do you think that you want the people to face a company like Huawei with a mentality?

Ren Zhengfei: I don't need it. I hope they don't have a mentality. They are quiet and honest. They should do what they do. It is a contribution to the country for the country to produce a potato. To say a word, waste other people's ears, right?

Poorly poor teachers

The fundamental problem is the level of science and technology education.

CCTV presenter: Your parents have told you not to be a teacher for the rest of your life.

Ren Zhengfei: Yes.

CCTV moderator: But you look back at your life and have been paying attention to education almost all the time. Why?

Ren Zhengfei: Because my parents are rural teachers, my parents told us that this life is not allowed to be a teacher. We are not allowed to be a choice for our life. But we are not allowed to be teachers in this life. We are very impressed. Sure enough, we did not have a teacher later.

But the teacher is the engineer of the human soul. What if there is no teacher? The problem is to change the policy for teachers. So I said that we can't be poor and poor teachers, that is to say, we must invest in the future, just like our strategic investment. The amount of money we give to the professors every year is huge.

If our country is also like education, education is also the future of the country. If our education is like Japan, like Northern Europe, like Germany, like this, then what is our country worried about the competition with the United States? This year, I can't do it. I will come out with a few excellent people next year, and I will lead and rush to Shangganling. If our teachers are not treated well, children and excellent people are not willing to be teachers. It will only be a Matthew effect, getting worse and worse. Good people are willing to be teachers, and they will only get better and better.

CCTV moderator: We have put this education background a little wider. If education is such a status quo, how can we face the Sino-US trade dispute that is likely to continue now and in the future?

Ren Zhengfei: I think that the fundamental problem of Sino-US trade is the level of science and technology education. The country must be open to have a future. However, opening up must be to keep fit, and the ultimate in physical fitness is to have a cultural quality.

CCTV moderator: So I can understand why you are reperposing Sino-US trade disputes in everyone. In the context of this concern, when you are in the future of Huawei, you don't care about this. What you care about is our education.

Ren Zhengfei: Yes, Huawei's future does not need to think about it. The people below us should think clearly. They just want to get my support. I don't need to worry about Huawei's too many things. I am already awkward at Huawei. This is why people come to ask you if you count, don't ask me, I don't know.

(This article is based on CCTV News "face to face" program, Bloomberg TV Bloomberg Daybreak program, etc., without the speaker review)
中国经济网 2019-05-27 07:56:55













在27日,彭博电视台亚太早段新闻Bloomberg Daybreak栏目第一时间播出了任正非接受采访的片段。


















华为现在在最佳状态 准备打持久战


















海思本来就是英雄 回家有老婆表扬












华为董事、海思总裁、2012 实验室总裁 何庭波 图片来源:华为官网








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(本文根据央视新闻《面对面》节目、彭博电视台Bloomberg Daybreak节目等听译整理,未经演讲者审阅)
I read some news based on some leaked USA government documents.

It said that USA government is snooping on Huawei and many other Chinese companies.

I think USA government know much about Huawei inside, that Huawei is developing and researching many great things.

That is why USA is trying to kill it.

USA government is not lying, but not tell you everything I guess, that makes you think that the security threat of Huawei is in the security issue over the telecom business.

But the real is in the Huawei RnD capability of as whole that became a threat to USA.
I read some news based on some leaked USA government documents.

It said that USA government is snooping on Huawei and many other Chinese companies.

I think USA government know much about Huawei inside, that Huawei is developing and researching many great things.

That is why USA is trying to kill it.

USA government is not lying, but not tell you everything I guess, that makes you think that the security threat of Huawei is in the security issue over the telecom business.

But the real is in the Huawei RnD capability of as whole that became a threat to USA.
America's 5G techs are backward LD techs compared to Huawei's advanced 5G techs as DVD techs.
When Americains become the weak side,seems fair biz and trade do not work any more.
Gestures like taking interviews with American trash rags such as Bloomberg that have only been hurling out thinly veiled lies, slander and biased agitating propaganda against China under the most farcial pretenses of "professionalism" and "neutrality", just for the sake of signaling you are reaching out hand and staying "cool" is utter naivety.
Gestures like taking interviews with American trash rags such as Bloomberg that have only been hurling out thinly veiled lies, slander and biased agitating propaganda against China under the most farcial pretenses of "professionalism" and "neutrality", just for the sake of signaling you are reaching out hand and staying "cool" is utter naivety.
REN Zhengfei is China' MAO Zedong in techs field.
America's 5G techs are backward LD techs compared to Huawei's advanced 5G techs as DVD techs.
When Americains become the weak side,seems fair biz and trade do not work any more.
When you need to create fake 5G to show the world you are on par with China shows just how desperate the US has become. And some geniuses like Hamartia aka fake Indian are cheering like K-pop fans.
True, the muricans are so primitive and inferior compare to the Chinese.

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