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Remembering the Pakistani Soldiers who got martyred in NATO attack.

It was a pre planned trap and every move would have been counted upon... you don't walk into trap of best airforce in world ... u simply don't do that.... paf did right thing at that moment...
This is true.

USAF was up there, during the course of assault.
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it was pre planned attack. worse part is that Americans returned back to kill off survivors even after being contacted by high command
there was no doubt or confusion in their mind they went in to destroy these posts on a weak excuse that these posts had fired at at Afghan American forces conducting a raid across the border that was well beyond any weapon range that these posts had.

some begairat has put a wrong video clipping in the middle

there is no other word to describe the begairat
the cobra gunship shown is Pakistani who actually came to help on an unrelated different event .. a Pakistani convey came under attack of taliban
. the begairat who compiled this video has plagiarized jsut like some asholes used Faluja Iraq videos to make Lal Masjid operation videos showing charred bodies of Iraqis as Lal Masjid guys killed by Pakistan army

Lanat on liers

the begairat has stolen footage from this video
So what's the response time of our interceptors ?..f7s and even a5 carries simple short range AAM against siole gunships around 100 miles from peshawar air base ...response time will probably be less than 10 minutes once known attack was happening

So let's keep the narrative that it was hit and run rather than anything else because than someone needs to be court martialed
I disagree, US don't do that with Iran or NK, and with russia china, US fears the most. Yes no military can match US, but its not the numbers that makes the difference, its your determination to defend your sovereignty and dignity.
You would be surprised how much US have hurt Iran and DPRK over the long-term. I can highlight and compile specific incidents for you.

Trump administration was absolutely willing to strike at DPRK with full force in 2017. China realized what was going to happen and conveyed to Kim Jong-Un to come to the negotiation table or his country is on his own. I have covered this development in great detail [with timeline of developments] in another thread and can dig it out for you.

Why do you think Kim Jong-Un commenced negotiations with Trump administration? He understood that this particular administration was not bluffing. When push comes to shove, nobody will save you.

And there is a reason why Iran is not a nuclear power yet. Iran have not faced major form of aggression so far due to following reasons:

1. US was preoccupied with Iraq
2. Iran is one of the largest suppliers of oil in the world

US have settled its score with Iraq but Iran being a major oil producer is still a problem. You can see that scores of countries are exerting pressure on US to allow them to import oil from Iran even in the face of sanctions and not strike at the country.

However, not sure how long Iran will escape judgement.


We are not a coward and not afraid to fight to protect our country. However, leadership needs to think of the consequences before commencing a shooting contest. What if the matter escalated to the point of no return? Pakistan would have lost everything.

US is not India, mind you. India is a neighbor and have to live with Pakistan. US will not tolerate direct attack on its soldiers, and let it slide - great power make difference. Proxies are a safe bet and/or political pressure. Direct confrontation not advisable.
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Personally knew this unit, OC was on leave i believe, what a coincidence. 7 AK one of the best units of the regiment. Too unfortunate we can't do anything accept words. Ghulam ibne ghulam.
Sorry to hear this.

The soldiers were highly skilled and did a fine job in defeating terrorists in that harsh terrain.
We will never forget and never forgive. We know it was pre-planned. May the martyrs rest in peace.

The beauty is that the agressor is stuck in Afghanistan after 17 years and still begging others to do more. Karma is certainly doing its bit.
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Almost every sensible citizen of Pakistan knows it was preplanned and our military top brass was part of it sitting in their lavish offices and selling off the lives of our young officers and soldiers who fought till their last breaths. Sad part is no internal inquiry was conducted and no-one was sacked, had it been some other govt institution, the story would have been different. someone would've been behind bars paying for these martyrs.
Why didn't the army call for air support, when this bullshit went on for almost an hour. Airforce response time is less than ten minutes. Had the airforce been called in, at least the attack would've been repelled, atlas a few more of our men would've survived, it surely would've made a difference, even if they didn't engage.
Look at Kiani and Pasha today, enjoying the high life. One is sitting at a high paying job in the gulf while the other has minted enough money through his brothers to last him for a few centuries. WHYYY!
Why doesn't our military prosecute and bring to justice the black sheep in their own ranks!
it was pre planned attack. worse part is that Americans returned back to kill off survivors even after being contacted by high command
there was no doubt or confusion in their mind they went in to destroy these posts on a weak excuse that these posts had fired at at Afghan American forces conducting a raid across the border that was well beyond any weapon range that these posts had.

IMO the worse part was the fact that even when these bastards returned to kill the survivors PAF did not took off to intercept. I mean how low can we get? I remember somewhere reading that our soldiers kept asking for backup but it never came and so the americans and NATO returned again to hit and kill any one alive. This is most embarrassing moment after losing battle of 71 in Pakistan's history.
there is no such surety when there is such stark disparity in power between the two parties
anyone with power such as the Americans can do that to any country in the world at will. its got nothing to do with betrayal or trust or morality or honour its power projection very simple.
Well isn't that a bit oversimplification, Pakistani forces other than the covert support of logistics to Taliban continued to poke the US forces continuesly, and in addition there wers some overt actions by PA too, you did not expect US forces to respond?

Gora Prai airstrike:

On 10 June 2008, 10 Pakistani paramilitary troops from the Frontier Corps and a Pakistan Army major, were killed by a US airstrike in Pakistani tribal areas, along with 8 Taliban fighters. The airstrike occurred following clashes between Taliban fighters and US troops along the Afghanistan-Pakistan border. Taliban fighters had fled across the border into Pakistan, and two US F-15E strike fighters and a B-1 bomber then entered Pakistani airspace and dropped about a dozen 500-pound laser-guided bombs.

Angoor Ada:

Seven US helicopter gunships and two troop-carrying Chinook helicopters landed on the Afghan side of the border, in the Afghan province of Paktika, where US troops then tried to cross the border into Pakistan. As they did so, Pakistani paramilitary soldiers at a checkpoint began firing warning shots into the air and the US troops decided not to continue forward. The firing reportedly lasted for several hours.

Kurram incident:

On 30 September 2010. U.S. helicopters entered Pakistani airspace after ground troops determined that a mortar attack by militants in Pakistan was imminent, according to the Coalition. Pakistani Frontier Corps troops manning the Mandata Kadaho border post fired warning shots, and the helicopters responded by firing two missiles that destroyed the post. Three soldiers were killed and another three wounded. Pakistan responded by closing a key NATO supply route for eleven days.

Datta Khel incident:

On May 17, 2011, a skirmish between a U.S. helicopter and Pakistani forces took place in the Datta Khel area. According to NATO, an American base along the Afghanistan-Pakistan border took direct and indirect fire from Pakistan. Two U.S. helicopters flew into the area. According to the Pakistani military, the helicopters had breached its airspace.

Salala incident:

On 26 November 2011, 28 Pakistani soldiers, including 2 officers,were killed and the remainder injured in an attack on
two Pakistani border posts in Mohmand tribal region by NATOApache helicopters, an AC-130 gunshipand fighter jets.

None of them seem to be friendly fire... Operational awareness seemed to exist in every incident.
US was clearing routes for their Assets to move in and out of Pakistan without much trouble , Kiyani was Pu$$y .
26th Nov 2011,when US Fighters and gunships shelled 2 Pakistani border posts at Bajour Agency,killing around 24+ Pakistani soldiers while ,15 got wounded.Pakistani soldiers deployed at those posts only had small arms which they kept on using until each and every one on the post got martyred.

Pakistan soldiers were poorly armed during the rule of Asif Ali Zardari, who sucked all funds even the funds allocated for new GHQ building.
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