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Remembering Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

Contrary to what you may believe, i find this behaviour by the Indians quite appalling.

Whatever the secrets of his personal life, he was a man of peace.

Let me spoon feed you on the highlighted part.....i find the behaviour (desecrating his statue) by the Indians quite appalling..... do you get the drift..... hell foot print of the very beast one may detest. :rolleyes:

They are just ragging you. You are quite correct. Indians are appalling. And they don't seem to like you very much on this forum. Perhaps it is because you are a 1965 war veteran. :D

Do you know Indians did that even before an initial investigation :woot:
On the contrary you are celebrating this event as if Indians did that :sniper:

Regarding the secrets of his personal life if you have any thing to discuss which we don't know you can enlighten and guide us towards peace :lol:

I suspect that it was an ISI/CIA/Mossad conspiracy to desecrate the statue of the Mahatma :D
They are just ragging you. You are quite correct. Indians are appalling. And they don't seem to like you very much on this forum. Perhaps it is because you are a 1965 war veteran. :D
Yea, the damn idiots haven't read about my heroics of 1947 partition. :D

I suspect that it was an ISI/CIA/Mossad conspiracy to desecrate the statue of the Mahatma :D

May be it was one of those ISI trained pigeons designed to attack Indians. ;)

Edhi trust would have given him some clothes!
Edhi trust would have given him some clothes!

Great :woot: you are talking about the MAN who give youR nation shelter to hide and food to eat when flood swept your Nation after the partion and if he wouldn't have insisted on the release of the funds then only your Allah would have know what happen to your country

Wondering off topic again happens to be a trend for Indians.......

Gandhi is what is at topic and thread, and as an Indian started the thread it isn't going to be a one way street where everyone will praise such a man, hence why discussing such topics is against forum rules.

If some idiot here wishes to drag religion into it and berate Muslim Prophets as some Indians here have tried then do so, but don't be surprised when insults fly back about elehpant heads and monkey Gods with Hindu scriptures talking about sex with horses and women abuse also, the door swings both ways so please refrain from your silly Indian mentality and get back to the discussion of Gandhi, not Islam or Hinduism........

As I have mentioned clearly from previous posts, Gandhis fascism is open to see in his memoirs....he is a racist....period
Wondering off topic again happens to be a trend for Indians.......

Gandhi is what is at topic and thread, and as an Indian started the thread it isn't going to be a one way street where everyone will praise such a man, hence why discussing such topics is against forum rules.

If some idiot here wishes to drag religion into it and berate Muslim Prophets as some Indians here have tried then do so, but don't be surprised when insults fly back about elehpant heads and monkey Gods with Hindu scriptures talking about sex with horses and women abuse also, the door swings both ways so please refrain from your silly Indian mentality and get back to the discussion of Gandhi, not Islam or Hinduism........

As I have mentioned clearly from previous posts, Gandhis fascism is open to see in his memoirs....he is a racist....period

I read some stuff about your Jinnah's memoirs as well. But then again, I don't buy everything they sell on the internet. Then again, you are entitled to your opinion about Gandhi and I respect that. Freedom of speech. Just like they have freedom of speech when it comes to people who have certain opinions about your religion and your prophet. Yup, the door should swing both ways whether we discuss Gandhi, monkey worshippers or paedophiles. Freedom of speech :cheers:
Edhi trust would have given him some clothes!
Or given and invested money in education and industries in Pakistan would have made Pakistan a much better place ans stable nation as Jinnah imagined rather than what the rest of the world say.

Gandhiji is a world known figure, a beacon of truth and non-violence. Movie made on him has won Oscar.

Should I point out what some nation is beacon of something ? I think everyone knows it. Grow up kiddo.

i am not trying to be funny, but who is this Gandhi person you guys are arguing about
i am not trying to be funny, but who is this Gandhi person you guys are arguing about

Then you got be a small kid :P and it's not the place were kids should be. Go home and do some home work so you will know :D
It's time we let go of this bullying Gandhi family sultanut.... :thinktank:
One of the greatest things that happened in this world is Gandhi ji .
His principles are highlighted in Lage raho munna bhai as well . I am deeply touched after reading so many of his books and several books based upon him . A rare mind he had :tup:

i am not trying to be funny, but who is this Gandhi person you guys are arguing about

What is Pakistan ?? Is it a city or what ?? Dumbo :hitwall:
So just to get it right .......so you dont really care about the person who fought and died for your freedom and rights. You just wants some dirt on him so you can feel better about yourself and you worthless existence.

While you are at it and appear to be in UK do read tabloids like The Sun, daily mirror etc... Lots of stuff about Indian caste system, Toilets, muslim terrorist, and Kates topless pictures there. A daily dose of that should make you make it thought the day.

Aww. What's wrong? You seem awfully annoyed by my comment, take a deep breath and then slowly exhale, releasing all that pent-up tension from your body.

Why would I be interested about Gandhi? There are so many famous personalities that deserve much more of my time than Gandhi. No offence.

Want some 'dirt'? I'm trying to find out if those accusation put against Gandhi's character have any truth. In case you didn't know, Gandhi, is proclaimed as a man who advocated a non-violent approach and wanted to bring humanity together, if claims of him being a racist and sleeping with young girls are true, it would totally rubbish those claims of him being a 'peaceful person'. For someone who claims to adopt a non-violent approach, there are many inconsistencies with regards to his stance as people have stated that he had helped the Brits to recruit Indians during World War 1.

Died for my rights/Freedom? Are you serious, Indian? This guy did nothing for me or my family and opposed the very idea of Pakistan from the onset. I have not one iota of respect for him. If Gandhi is revered in your country, that's cool with me, just stop making fallacious claims that he was the saviour of Pakistan. What utter tripe.
Don't speak like an idiot , can you name one flawless leadership in world history? just tell me are you a gud son/father/brother in your family in every means?.

Do me a favor and change your avatar before trying to pull this moral turpitude bs on me. And if you do not have substance to contradict me, please stay away from me and watch from the sidelines the discussions going on.
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