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Remembering Martyrs of 26/11

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No. In India, law and order is a state subject, and the Jammu and Kashmir police is under the state's command. Completely, entirely administered and commanded by the elected representatives of the people of that state. In other words, by kashmiris - whom you profess all your sympathy for. Not the Indian government.

PS : SOrry I altered this post after someone replied to it. Didn't mean to.

you are wrong. central government definitely have control over the activities going on J&K . the chief minister of J&K ,Mr. Omar Abdullah was in Delhi last month ,for asking the central government for taking away the "special act" that the army have in J&K.but the defense minister A.K.Antony was not willing to withdraw the special act ,then he consulted the Army and the army also insisted.
so since India is a perfect Federal nation, central government have very good involvement in law and order maintenance of J&K.

Omar Abdullah meets AK Antony to discuss withdrawal AFSPA - India - DNA
you are wrong. central government definitely have control over the activities going on J&K . the chief minister of J&K ,Mr. Omar Abdullah was in Delhi last month ,for asking the central government for taking away the "special act" that the army have in J&K.but the defense minister A.K.Antony was not willing to withdraw the special act ,then he consulted the Army and the army also insisted.
so since India is a perfect Federal nation, central government have very good involvement in law and order maintenance of J&K.

Omar Abdullah meets AK Antony to discuss withdrawal AFSPA - India - DNA

I am not wrong, you are. India is a federal system, and law and order is completely a state subject, and the police is completely under state control. It doesnt matter whether Omar Abdullah went to Delhi or not. State police belongs to the stae government, and recruitment is entirely from Kashmir. And that was the original point, not about the army. It was the police being talked about, so don't change it now. AFSPA has nothing to do with the police. If you notice the question that I was responding to, he was asking about the police. Don't shift goalposts now.
I am not wrong, you are. India is a federal system, and law and order is completely a state subject, and the police is completely under state control. It doesnt matter whether Omar Abdullah went to Delhi or not. State police belongs to the stae government, and recruitment is entirely from Kashmir. And that was the original point, not about the army. It was the police being talked about, so don't change it now. AFSPA has nothing to do with the police. If you notice the question that I was responding to, he was asking about the police. Don't shift goalposts now.

OK, if it is about police, definitely it is under the control of the state government. so C.M, Mr. Omar Abdullah is the only person to to be blamed for any act from police.
I would like to condemn the attack on innocent civilians (without going in controversy who did this attack). However India must understand that she cant drag issues forever , Kashmir issue needed to be solved as first priority .
we salute you for this sacrifice.....


"On the day terrorists attacked Mumbai, ASI Tukaram Omble, 48, was on the night duty. At 12.30 am on 27 November he had called his family and spoken to them.
Omble's senior told him to take up position on Marine Drive on Wednesday night, after the news of firings at Leopold Cafe, Oberoi and Taj Hotels came in. Around 12.45 am, he got an alert on his walkie-talkie that two terrorists had hijacked a Skoda car and were heading for Girgaum Chowpatty. Just minutes later, the Skoda whizzed past him.
Omble jumped on to his motorcycle and chased the car. A team from DB Marg police station was setting up a barricade at the chowpatty signal. As the car approached the signal, the terrorists opened fire on the police, but had to reduce speed because of the barricades. Omble overtook the Skoda and stopped in front of it, forcing the driver of the car to swerve right and hit the divider. With the terrorists momentarily distracted, Omble sprang toward one of them, Ajmal Kasab, and gripped the barrel of the AK47 rifle with both hands. With the barrel pointing towards Omble, Kasab pulled the trigger, hitting Omble in the abdomen. Omble collapsed, but held on to the gun till he lost consciousness, which likely stopped Kasab from shooting others."
I would like to condemn the attack on innocent civilians (without going in controversy who did this attack). However India must understand that she cant drag issues forever , Kashmir issue needed to be solved as first priority .

No. We, the citizens of India, have better priorities. Our priorities are making money and Bollywood. Your issues are not our problems.

You people keeping sticking to that issue like some broken LP record and you will end up digging a deeper hole, everytime, for your already in deepshyte country/ideology.

Save those hypocritical sympathies for your blown to bits and pieces tali tubbie bozos, NATO's collateral damage that happen to be your citizens and soldiers and the civilians routinely killed in terrorist attacks in your country.
Tarmak007 -- A bold blog on Indian defence: R.I.P. HEROES | 3 years after 26/11 | We're living to fulfil Sandu's wishes: Parents | Special prayers at Taj today


“Every second of my life, I remember him. He is there with us always. He was very particular that I dress well. He too presented himself in grace. He observed the way I dressed and insisted how I should. He gave me directions what saree I must wear. What colour. He had a say in the size and colour of my bindi. He loved me so much. And, like a small child he always followed me whenever he was at home,” late Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan's mother Dhanalakshmi spoke in a voice etched in emotion.
Speaking to Express on the eve of the 3rd anniversary of 26/11, Dhanalakshmi said that she is fulfilling all that 'Sandu Mon' (Sandeep is fondly called at home) wanted. “He has probably left us with a mission to help others. He was a very helpful soul and now he has given me the task of helping others. I am happy that every day I am living for him,” she said.
Sandeep's father K. Unnikrishnan have emerged more stronger over the years since he lost his son, but he says his job is far from over. “I am not a man in a hurry. I take time for everything in life,” he said, amidst preparing to head to Mumbai. “We have a special prayer meeting at the Taj on November 26. It's going to be a special gathering, including a candle-light prayer. We will stay at Taj on November 27 and 28 and will not come out. I wan't to be with Sandeep... I know the place he was killed...First floor of Taj,” Unnikrishnan said.
In Bangalore, the Rotaract Club and Rotary Club of Yelahanka is organising a condolence march to remember the martyrs of 26/11. “We are touched by the love of people. In the last three years we have traveled extensively, meeting thousands of people. We have only one mission in life. To help the needy and I have many options with me. I don't want anyone erecting Sandeep's statue in his memory. It will gather dust out in the Sun. The best way to remember Sandeep is to help others,” said Unnikrishnan.
Among the many who were saved from the terrorists' onslaught at Taj, one family have become very close to Sandeep's parents. “We will be meeting them and they don't want any publicity. They are grateful to our son,” says Unnikrishnan.
I would like to condemn the attack on innocent civilians (without going in controversy who did this attack). However India must understand that she cant drag issues forever , Kashmir issue needed to be solved as first priority .
I don't think solving Kashmir issue is anywhere in our priority list. Even with Kashmir problem we are doing well on all fronts economically, having a say in international issues.
Now it is up to local kashmiri to decide whether they want to reap benefit of economic progress or lag behind other states which are developing very fast. As far as Pakistan is concerned they are already paying the price of feeding terrorists, now with stronger India they can't force India to move a inch from it's stand
Many of the police were unarmed, yet when confronted by automatic assault rifle wielding gunmen, they did not run away (remember a similar case where elite police ran away?). Tukaram Omble, only armed with a nightstick pinned down Ajmal Kasab and his AK47, sacrificing his life. His great sacrifice helped in catching Ajmal alive, the ONLY reason we were able to get Pak to atleast accept that the terrorists were pakistani.

The story of their bravery, of simple men, who we make fun of in movies, not flawless, mere mortals, but their belief in their authority over mumbai, their determination, is inspiring indeed. We are not used to making big martial race noises, but our quiet determinaton will make sure we will prevail in the end. We can criticise many aspects of this episode, but this is about those martyrs, they are my heroes.

The real Martyrs were the ten freedom fighters. The rest are just collateral damage. Go put this propaganda up on your own Indian forum that no one visits.How dare you put up this Garbage on PDF.

May the real perpetrators burn in hellfire, get the drift?

one member had said that Kashmir problem is god sent

due to that problem PAK IND border remains closed

otherwise thousands of Pakistanis would have infiltrated in India due to the sorry state of Pakistan
Do you want us to have a cry about it? People die, it happens, I'm betting most of them had a hand in their own deaths, for the others, **** happens, get over it.

sorry we aint pakistanis brave enough to let go our people and give a "RIP" and wait for the next attack.
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