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Release of Taliban detainees: Pakistan took money, claims ex-Afghan spymast

I agree that the dynamic is different now. As I understand it, here is the script of Pakistani military. US leaves Aghanistan -> Pak army starts operation in FATA and Quetta -> Deal with the crazies to leave Pak for Afghan territory or kill them. -> Empty the craziness to Afghanistan

This part is clear.
There are more possibilities depending on how much risk Pak's army is going to take. One such scenario:
The ones who got a deal from Pak get facilitated to Afghan govt -> They show gratitude to Pak for the deal

If you disagree, then what do you think is the reason for not starting operation in NW?

With your permission, allow me to present what I think you may be missing - The Fauj and the US have a difference in approach, that's the most basic of disagreements - now, the Us and the Fauj's position is evolving, there is a strong possibility that the US will come to see the position the Fauj thinks to be more productive, as one they can support. Keep in mind the influence of the Sodie on all three parties, the Talib, the Fauj and the US.
Pakistanis are well known for this they never do anything for free and money is everything for them at least I am proud that we can now even feed some top brass Pakistani establishment for the release of Taliban :D

Your leader was getting spoonfed and living comfortably in Pakistan until his NATO protectors propped him up and gave him a throne

You shouldn't forget that, bud
And this full fledge Islamic lecture is coming from whom ? :azn: The person who harbors hate against every race and openly expresses it with pride ? The one who spits venom against every ethnicity in every single post of his ? The one who cant reply a single post without attacking a person's origins and cant see anything rather than with the lens of racism ? The one who talks about inter marriages with detest and specially talks of polluting the Pashtun blood ? The one who still follows the old tribal mentality of blood significance and dominance thinking that race means everything ? The one who says that patriotism comes from marrying with Punjabis ? How you have got a problem with every single person and cant address without mentioning Urdu speaker , Hindkowan , Farsiwan or Punjabi ? How often do you make post like these ? Nearly every single ! Ask me and I will quote the posts made by you ... Then how can you , hypocrite , dare lecture anyone on Islam :azn: That is why I asked you not to go this religious route since you yourself dont follow it ... A classic example of pot calling the kettle black and this time whilst playing dumb and playing the " Islam " card trying to prove that you are the only Muslim out there and no other person knows nothing about the religion , normally usually done when one has made a mockery of himself by previous actions , cant reply and needs to distract attention from what he does ... Maybe it works for others for you in a debate , but not with me ...

@Hyperion @Abu Zolfiqar @haviZsultan @SHAMK9 @Armstrong Have you ever seen me make any racist post or a post against Pashtuns ? Enlighten this nutjob for me ...

Stop this " we " Pashtun thing , you aren't appointed as the leader of all Pashtuns and neither anyone agrees with you on this matter whether it be the tribal law or the case ... I have seen the severe disagreement with you by every single members except Afghans on your racism ...

Whatever I do , whether I got to mosque or not , whether I pray 5 times or not is not for you , this is a matter between me and my God , no one's belief can be judged in this world so stop this " religious than thou " attitude ... This isn't allergy to Islam , I just didn't want a bigoted racist like you to tell us about Quranic verses because it doesn't look good coming from a hypocrite ...

I have lost all hope in Luffy. I lack the willpower to challenge him continously on one front or the other though he and many others like him know that they cannot stand against me in a debate since I am in every way mad about Pakistan and have studied Pashtun affairs deeply. I would rather integrate fully as a Pashtun before challenging his childish ideas otherwise he will keep pulling the you are not Pashtun card.

I can only say Luffy is not a sensible person. There is no logic, no reason a Pashtun from Pashtunkhwa should or has to be attached to Afghanistan in one way or the other and challenge everything another Pakistani says about Afghanistan. Personally my views on the said topic have already been shared.

Also @Secur is one of the most tolerant members on this forum and a member fit to be in the think tank. Luffy you cannot accuse someone of something the moment he disagrees with you.
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Too many contradictions or I don't understand them...

We took money to release them... Why does Afghanistan want to release Taliban, their enemies?

It means we had arrested them, to release them at some point

If we arrested them then how can we harbor them?

If we arrested them then how can we push them for peace?
Thanks for mentioning the interview. I watched it and he was amazing. He not only held out against the onslaught on the anchor, but also drove home his points with vigor.


Notice when anchor says yr an anti pakistani, then what answer he gives:rofl:

This shows what this guy really is n how much educated he is!!!!!!

Believing in him just because he is anti pak will be most stupendous thing ever.
Notice when anchor says yr an anti pakistani, then what answer he gives:rofl:

This shows what this guy really is n how much educated he is!!!!!!

Believing in him just because he is anti pak will be most stupendous thing ever.
Bro you should now by now Anti-Taliban, Anti Iran, Anti Pakistan is the stuff which is sold the most....it sells like a hot cake, Mushsaraf was right to say on his face
Pakistan admits released Afghan Taliban prisoners rejoined insurgency;

Farhan Bokhari, Islamabad Section:

Last posted:

The future release of about 100 Afghan Taliban prisoners in Pakistani custody has been jeopardised by revelations that up to half of the 26 Afghan Taliban prisoners released by Islamabad in November and December 2012 may have returned to fight for the insurgency in Afghanistan.

The prisoners' release had been viewed as a precursor to the future release of all Afghan Taliban militants in Pakistani custody that would form part of a peace settlement for Afghanistan.

However, a senior Pakistani security official said the failure of Afghan authorities to monitor the insurgents once they crossed the border from Pakistan had forced Islamabad to consider halting the release of more Taliban militants until Kabul puts guarantees in place.

The releases followed a request in late 2012 by Afghanistan's high peace council - the main representative body dedicated to seeking a negotiated settlement between President Hamid Karzai's government and the Taliban. The released men included at least three former provincial governors who served under the Taliban regime, which was forced from power by US-led forces following the 11 September 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States.

The men still in Pakistani custody include Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, a former Taliban chief of staff who is considered the second most influential figure in the movement after Mullah Mohammad Omar.

"This experiment [of releasing Taliban prisoners] was meant to generate some badly needed goodwill with the Taliban," the Pakistani security official stated . However, "the virtual absence of a security framework in Afghanistan to deal with the menacing effect of this long conflict has meant that people who return [to Afghanistan] will likely be free to go anywhere".

A second Pakistani security official confirmed the Afghan authorities had lost track of the freed prisoners. "I know the stakes are very high. "The problem is that while the Afghans have demands, they don't have the means to enforce their writ on their own country."

However, Western diplomats in Islamabad said that in spite of concerns over the freed Taliban militants, it was essential for Pakistan to keep on screening the Afghan Taliban prisoners in its custody with the intention of eventually releasing them.

"You can't halt this [reconciliation] process permanently. Sooner or later, there will have to be a settlement between President Karzai and the Taliban," said one Western diplomat. "While Pakistan has a legitimate concern over activities of the Taliban on its soil and across the border in Afghanistan, the [Pakistani] authorities must persevere rather than halt the process."

With your permission, allow me to present what I think you may be missing - The Fauj and the US have a difference in approach, that's the most basic of disagreements - now, the Us and the Fauj's position is evolving, there is a strong possibility that the US will come to see the position the Fauj thinks to be more productive, as one they can support. Keep in mind the influence of the Sodie on all three parties, the Talib, the Fauj and the US.
What is this more productive approach of the Fauj? We do not see anything moving on the ground now, let alone something productive. And what are the disagreements between US and the Fauj about the operation?

Please also explain what sodie means.
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