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Relationship with China or America ? What is more important ?

we should not hop completely in either boat, we should balance both but personally the Chinese seem to be a better option in the long run
Why not ask China whether we stand aside with America?
I that westerners in our eyes
We cannot attribute the comments of that American diplomat to his country. We should recognize that state department has distanced themselves from those comments. The thing that US allowed our diplomat to go back to India, tells how important India is for US.

Indians should ask themselves: What is more important 1) A diplomat spat with US or 2) Regular incursions by Chinese armed forces into Ladhak.
远交近攻which simply means that the distant one to be associated and the nearby one to be attack.
China seeks good relation with America.
Why not ask China whether we stand aside with America?
I that westerners in our eyes

远交近攻which simply means that the distant one to be associated and the nearby one to be attack.
China seeks good relation with America.

Don't get me wrong. India too seeks good relations with China. As two of the largest countries in the world, they share common goals such as economic upliftment of masses, peace and security, but at the same time as two large countries in the same geography, they will compete for resources and strategic influence. This is given, and will put the two countries at logger heads on many strategic issues. This is not the same case with US and India. Hence US is more valuable to India than China in fulfilling its strategic goals.
I was always in favour of a closer relationship with Americans than Chinese but the recent diplomatic spat and the following revelation of the FB comments of the two American diplomats in India has made me wonder , if that is the correct line of thinking. Reading comments from Americans on the internet and the coverage of American media on this issue has made me feel that though Americans may wish to be closer to us , they don't really respect us the way we have been treating them. The only reason they decided to have a strategic partnership with India was probably because India has been growing relatively fast and so is China which Americans feel threatened by. So they wish to have India in its corner if shi* ever hits the fan with China. However, since Indian economy has slowed down in the last couple of years, you don't see the same warmth from America anymore as there was before when we were growing at 8-9 % p.a. YoY.

I realise Chinese have become arrogant as well , especially with their antics at the border , but should that mean that we should ally with USA against China ? or even be closer to the US than we are to the Chinese ?

China or America or balance ? What would you choose ? and Why ? Also, is it possible for India to maintain a balance in the current situation ?

The nasty and inglorious Diplomatic spat between US and India will definitely force some kind of re-assessment of Indo-US ties .

It was a huge set back for India ....It just demonstrated that under the facade of " Strategic partnership of 21'st Century " runs the deep fault lines that separate India and US and those fault lines are big enough to be bridged by any mutual compromises .

If India and US can't manage such a trivial matter behind close doors ...then perhaps all the talk about Indo -US friendship has been a white wash ....

However it will be very imprudent to allow a single incidence to cast a pall of doom over Indo-US relations ....
at the same time this particular incidence has emerged as tell tale sign of deep underlying malaise between India and US which must be addressed .

Some re alignment in Indo-US relations needs to be done . India can't and shouldn't aspire for any strategic relationship with US .It is good that India didn't fall in US trap to pit India against China as its henchman .

India's refusal to join US led Australia , Japan military quadrangle or US -Japan military triangle was one of the most appropriate policy decision by successive Indian governments . Some thing which has clearly irked US .

It will be too much to expect from ' self obsessed ' , ' ' selfish -to the core ' US to ally with India for a noble cause of strengthening world order ....

India needs to maintain working relationship with US .

As far as China is concerned ....the current status quo should be maintained .

US and China both are the most untrustworthy countries ...China more so .

the very fact that China continues to prop us Pakistan against India ...its role in arming Pakistan against India speaks volumes about its Intention towards India .

while US is not India's friend ...china remains the biggest enemy .

India needs to be much more cautious in dealing with China .

And our look east policy needs to be pursued with greater vigor towards that end .

But even as I support cause of SAARC , ASEAN and our Look east policy , I feel our foremost thrust should be that India needs to chart its independent path ....and steer clear of international disputes and achieve massive economic growth to make need for any formal or informal military alliance irrelevant .

Only economically strong India will be able to withstand the challenges in its immediate neighborhood and beyond that ...

History has been testimonial that in her 5000 year old long tradition India never invaded any country ...rather sustained millions of attacks of invasions ...survived onslaughts from all sides and continents ...assimilated its invaders and emerged stronger ....It is in best interest of the world that country like India representing I/10th of humanity be stable , stronger and prosperous .
Yet we are alone in our quest in upliftment of our people .... and we have only ourselves and nobody else to rely upon in that long journey ....
I believe in the great poem by Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore ....It befits our country very well ...It sounds as if a call to our nation ....

Ekla Chalo re .....!!!

" If they answer not to thy call walk alone
If they are afraid and cower mutely facing the wall,
O thou unlucky one,
open thy mind and speak out alone.
If they turn away, and desert you when crossing the wilderness,
O thou unlucky one,
trample the thorns under thy tread,
and along the blood-lined track travel alone.
If they do not hold up the light when the night is troubled with storm,
O thou unlucky one,
with the thunder flame of pain ignite thy own heart,
and let it burn alone "
Indian section shall have more sane thread like this one. If India pay respect to China, we will double feedback it. Mark my word!
Indian section shall have more sane thread like this one. If India pay respect to China, we will double feedback it. Mark my word!
dear we respect you in all sense.......except flexing muscles:-)
Don't get me wrong. India too seeks good relations with China. As two of the largest countries in the world, they share common goals such as economic upliftment of masses, peace and security, but at the same time as two large countries in the same geography, they will compete for resources and strategic influence. This is given, and will put the two countries at logger heads on many strategic issues. This is not the same case with US and India. Hence US is more valuable to India than China in fulfilling its strategic goals.

I really don't agree ...nobody is indispensable to each other.

I really doubt that US is more valuable to India than China in fulfilling its strategic goals ...

what are India's strategic goals ???

who helped China to emerge stronger ??? US ???

China helped itself ....

India just like China , US is a world in itself ....it needs to strengthen itself from inside ....

Depending upon the rest of the world to push ourselves in higher growth of trajectory ...or achieve our strategic goals ....or achieve UN security council seat ....or achieve energy security ...or achieve this ...or achieve that ...will be our greatest mistake ...

we can do it ...just like China did itself !

India similarly needs to look inward not outward ....!!!

while others can help ...unless we do it ..we won't ever be able to achieve what we dream of ....

I personally believe India should maintain working relationships with both US and China ..that's it . No need of any strategic partnerships....!!!
I really don't agree ...nobody is indispensable to each other.

I really doubt that US is more valuable to India than China in fulfilling its strategic goals ...

what are India's strategic goals ???

who helped China to emerge stronger ??? US ???

China helped itself ....

India just like China , US is a world in itself ....it needs to strengthen itself from inside ....

Depending upon the rest of the world to push ourselves in higher growth of trajectory ...or achieve our strategic goals ....or achieve UN security council seat ....or achieve energy security ...or achieve this ...or achieve that ...will be our greatest mistake ...

we can do it ...just like China did itself !

India similarly needs to look inward not outward ....!!!

while others can help ...unless we do it ..we won't ever be able to achieve what we dream of ....

I personally believe India should maintain working relationships with both US and China ..that's it . No need of any strategic partnerships....!!!

I agree that India should have good relations with both US and China.

Most of the Chinese wealth is a direct consequences of US policies of allowing US companies to have their manufacturing units in China. So in that way US has contributed immensely to Chinese economic growth.

Strategic partnerships doesn't mean subservience, it means having similar strategic goals. At this time I personally feel India, US strategic interests match better than India and China's.

It is true that if India has to become great, India has to help itself. But at the same time, outside help will act as a catalyst and should be welcomed.
Both. These will be the two mot powerful nations in the mid to long term, India should continue down its path of improving ties with both.

To be honest no one is going to displace the US as the number 1 power on the global stage in our life times though.
I agree that India should have good relations with both US and China.

Most of the Chinese wealth is a direct consequences of US policies of allowing US companies to have their manufacturing units in China. So in that way US has contributed immensely to Chinese economic growth.

Strategic partnerships doesn't mean subservience, it means having similar strategic goals. At this time I personally feel India, US strategic interests match better than India and China's.

It is true that if India has to become great, India has to help itself. But at the same time, outside help will act as a catalyst and should be welcomed.

strategic partnerships do mean subservience to US ....
That's why US forced India to change policy vis a vis Iran amidst our negotiations for Nuclear deal .
Did our goal of maintaining cordial relationship with Iran met that with US goal of isolating Iran ? You know how we sacrificed our goal ...in this unequal strategic relationship ....

If you are suggesting that we share US goal to contain China ...I am really circumspect about that too .

We will be used as pawn in this game of check mate ..which we should refuse to be part of ....

Nations rise and fall ....If china deserves it ...neither India nor Us will be able to contain it ....
we have been very cautiously refused to be part of any formal anti china alliance ....there are several reasons to do that .

as far as progress of our country is concerned again we should not tie fate of our growth and progress to any particular country or group of countries ....

this is a big mistake which we have done since long ....to depend on others .

moment we start working ourselves we will realize that we have much potential to do all by our self ....

If we keep looking outward support for solution we will never get it ....

China developed without very little Us or west support ....

I would not credit US policies for china's growth !!!
strategic partnerships do mean subservience to US ....
That's why US forced India to change policy vis a vis Iran amidst our negotiations for Nuclear deal .
Did our goal of maintaining cordial relationship with Iran met that with US goal of isolating Iran ? You know how we sacrificed our goal ...in this unequal strategic relationship ....

If you are suggesting that we share US goal to contain China ...I am really circumspect about that too .

We will be used as pawn in this game of check mate ..which we should refuse to be part of ....

Nations rise and fall ....If china deserves it ...neither India nor Us will be able to contain it ....
we have been very cautiously refused to be part of any formal anti china alliance ....there are several reasons to do that .

as far as progress of our country is concerned again we should not tie fate of our growth and progress to any particular country or group of countries ....

this is a big mistake which we have done since long ....to depend on others .

moment we start working ourselves we will realize that we have much potential to do all by our self ....

If we keep looking outward support for solution we will never get it ....

China developed without very little Us or west support ....

I would not credit US policies for china's growth !!!

As regarding China, I have given a clear case how US contributed to Chinese growth. No surprising that today US and Chinese economies so integrated that they can rival EU and US economic integration.

And how is strategic partnership subservient?

And regarding Iran. Iran has sanctions mandated by UN. China too has decreased its trading relationship with Iran.
As regarding China, I have given a clear case how US contributed to Chinese growth. No surprising that today US and Chinese economies so integrated that they can rival EU and US economic integration.

And how is strategic partnership subservient?

And regarding Iran. Iran has sanctions mandated by UN. China too has decreased its trading relationship with Iran.

You did not understand my point ... My point is that no country can ever have strategic partnership with US ....
we would be too naïve to hope to get US help in realizing our common goals ...there can be no common goals while in relationship with US. The agenda will be decided by US and we will have to follow the suit......always !!! ...isn't that 's what UK and EU has been doing with regards to Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere ?

where is the evidence to show that US has actually bent backward to accommodate concerns of its strategic partners like UK , EU ???

Strategic relationship with US is a guilded mousetrap with ' inviting ' piece of Cheese .... that India has to avoid at all costs !

Pakistan was and is strategic partner of US ...look what US has done to it ...

US could have used its 'good' influence to set course within Pakistan right ...but it quite willingly accommodated dictators who have run down Pakistan to its current course ...and US allowed that too happen because it helps them ....in the process cause of Pakistani nation has been turned into a sacrilege on altar of strategic relationship with US !!!

You do not understand that strategic partnership with US is only a mask to cover the hideous face of subservience to US !!!
Already have one Nathula but as for Arunacal it is our own how comes the idea of free trade zone?

I mean both india and china withdraw from all the dispute area, and set up a free trade zone.
I thought this thread was started by a pakistani .. since such retarded and naive line of thnking is typical of them .. why should our relation ship with US be exclusive to China ? We live in a globalized world and relationship with each country has its own status

Your line of thinking about another national, Pakistani in this case, is retarded. If you do not respect another national, than don't expect respect from them in return.
India and China would only get close if China and India Stop claiming the lands of each. which i don't think China would stop even if India stops. Frankly i'm sorry to say China has too much Ego and selfishness

Second We're so much Obsessed with China Like Pakistan towards Us because we lost the war in 62

American's never had the respect for Asians and Never will, @nick_indian Right only because we're little strong in Asia to counter China, americans Needs us and nothing more. If we're in same possition as China now, They'd make Pakistan Stronger to Counter us. Tha's the west's strategy.

I don't know why this is happening when we both nations are very aware of this Plan of the west
China and India are both big and nuke country.

Free trade zone might be a way to go .

Why? What does India have to offer to us besides illegal immigrants, poop, poverty and curry?

It's best to bankrupt that boastful good for nothing nation so we can take back South Tibet.
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