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Reject terrorism and fight TTP (Video)

Why would Lal Masjid animate a bunch in the Mehsud tribe?, We hear these kinds of cover stories, that the TTP are a revenge outfit, revenge for what, what are a bunch in the Mehsud tribe taking revenge for - Wasn't the TTP, known as TTM before - Tehrieek e Taliban e Mehsud? Why has the Pak Fauj such a poor record against the TTP?
You are right their it did increase the recruitment because of deoband follower thought its a war against their belief.TTp is only deals with pakistan not afghanistan its get training and support from afghanistan.

I wish deobandi in pakistan and india are different they are same i have lots of friend from this deoband school of thought i know how they thing . we will see their true color when they are in a position to hurt us.
See if you find what RAW has to say about deobandi its a eye opener.

Lal Masjid siege was the catalyst in increasing terror attacks in Pakistan. I have listened to accounts by reporters from Pakhtunkhwa and others from Pakistan who acknowleged that Pakistan government's support to America in War on terror which toppled Taliban and leading to blodshed in Afghanistan is the main reason for TTP's rise. Outsiders are not responsible for massacre of Shia Turi Pashtuns in Kurram agency, they are local radicalized Pashtuns.

Deobandi school in Pakistan have completely became opposite of the Indian Deobandi school, all because of Zia and Saudi money
PA is still not making its mind to attack TTP they are trying to negotiate with TTP that will only give them time and they will recruite more suicide bomber.Pakistan is very weak if zardari and his gang come back then R.I.P to pakistan.

Why would Lal Masjid animate a bunch in the Mehsud tribe?, We hear these kinds of cover stories, that the TTP are a revenge outfit, revenge for what, what are a bunch in the Mehsud tribe taking revenge for - Wasn't the TTP, known as TTM before - Tehrieek e Taliban e Mehsud? Why has the Pak Fauj such a poor record against the TTP?
Why would Lal Masjid animate a bunch in the Mehsud tribe?, We hear these kinds of cover stories, that the TTP are a revenge outfit, revenge for what, what are a bunch in the Mehsud tribe taking revenge for - Wasn't the TTP, known as TTM before - Tehrieek e Taliban e Mehsud? Why has the Pak Fauj such a poor record against the TTP?

Its the long history everybody failed to own the tribes of FATA, British too failed to own them.
You are right their it did increase the recruitment because of deoband follower thought its a war against their belief.TTp is only deals with pakistan not afghanistan its get training and support from afghanistan.

I wish deobandi in pakistan and india are different they are same i have lots of friend from this deoband school of thought i know how they thing . we will see their true color when they are in a position to hurt us.
See if you find what RAW has to say about deobandi its a eye opener.

Deobandis are like the hardcore Hacidic Orthodox of israel.....they were opposed to the creation of their respective countries

they have no sense of nationalism whatsoever
Wasn't he Uzbek, I heard tattoos are very common in Uzbekistan because of Soviet rule.

Wasn't he Uzbek, I heard tattoos are very common in Uzbekistan because of Soviet rule.

they were trained people of this region by forginers and Each person had different satan tatoos so that they can know AND IDENTIFY each other ............
They are all recreation of british government and are fitna and going to meet their lord i.e Dajjal.
there are so many hadith about them.

Deobandis are like the hardcore Hacidic Orthodox of israel.....they were opposed to the creation of their respective countries

they have no sense of nationalism whatsoever
Wasn't he Uzbek, I heard tattoos are very common in Uzbekistan because of Soviet rule.

Wasn't he Uzbek, I heard tattoos are very common in Uzbekistan because of Soviet rule.

according to some sources --he hailed from the semi-autonomous Daghestan Republic (a beautiful region which has often erupted in revolt against Moscow)

he was probably another 'Zarqawi' -- a former criminal or vagabound type guy who supposedly found his calling after being offered a lot of money

like illegal Afghans, we have an issue with militant elements from Caucuses region...this guy probably slipped in illegally from Afghanistan which is where a good # of these terrorists infiltrate from (no surprise there)
The guy brought partition in the discussion

i heard indian army is preparing for war after elections ....
wat i think is we will have war with india once with or without presence of nato and americans in this regions .....
according to some sources --he hailed from the semi-autonomous Daghestan Republic (a beautiful region which has often erupted in revolt against Moscow)

he was probably another 'Zarqawi' -- a former criminal or vagabound type guy who supposedly found his calling after being offered a lot of money

like illegal Afghans, we have an issue with militant elements from Caucuses region...this guy probably slipped in illegally from Afghanistan which is where a good # of these terrorists infiltrate from (no surprise there)

I know about Chechnya and Dagestan, that's the main reason of Russia's interest in the region. Most of times mostly Uzbeks are killed in drone attacks in Waziristan. Just don't know what are Uzbeks doing in FATA.

i heard indian army is preparing for war after elections ....
wat i think is we will have war with india once with or without presence of nato and americans in this regions .....

Who told you this
You forgot to add ISI among the supporters - hard to believe? pay attention to whom TTP has asked to guarantee talks with govt and the eagerness of the JI to gaurantee

3 guarantees JI, JUI & PML-N
No, not interesting ?? How about this:

Nawaz advises govt to immediately start peace talks with TTP
By Web Desk
Published: February 7, 2013

LAHORE: Advising the government to take the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) peace-talks offer seriously, Pakistan Muslim League – Nawaz (PML-N) Chief Nawaz Sharif said they should immediately start the process.

Nawaz was speaking to media in Lahore on Thursday.

The TTP expressed its willingness to enter peace negotiations on February 4 with the government if three senior politicians – Nawaz, the Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam (JUI-F) chief Maulana Fazlur Rehman and Jamaat-e-Islami amir Syed Munawar Hasan – would act as guarantors.

Interior minister Rehman Malik claimed Nawaz had refused to be an insurer.

Criticising the government today for being unreliable, Nawaz said hardly anyone would agree to act as a guarantor for the process.

Calling for result-oriented negotiations, the PML-N chief said the country is in need of peace.
3 guarantees JI, JUI & PML-N

Jamat Islami

because its anti army, anti Pakistan from begining and justifies terrorist attacks because of Pakistan's involvement in WoT

because it has become anti army, pro red mosque, soft corner for Taliban and supports sectarian terrorist outfits

because it is also anti Pakistan army due to its war against the TTP and also because it is also Deobandi organisation like taliban, Sipah Sahabah and Lashker Jhangvi organisations. who have in recent times acquired the taste for the blood of ordinary Pakistanis and Pakistani AWACs in addition to regular shia murder.

interesting choices to say the least. TTP chose its spokesmen very thoughtfully. whats next? Nawaz Sherif and Jamat Islami will demand the Pakistan military to apologize to TTP leadership for killing its militants.

he is already advising us that war is not the solution. I wonder if he is advising the TTP or the Pakistan military.

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