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Reject terrorism and fight TTP (Video)

Peace will only return to Pakistan when they finish TTP ,TTP is a ghost organisation under direct command of CIA ,getting all the logistic and weapon and training support .they are highly train private militia force hired from all over Afghanistan,pakistan,uzbek,uighur may be from around the world they don't care about religion or human life they just work for money .this is the time for PA to finish this KHWARIJ MUNAFIQEEN and show the world that they are ready to finish this disease call TTP .

Pakistan should attack TTP location and its leader in Afghanistan and its supporter in Pakistan.Start using chinese arem drones and attack helicopter and redesign the army to fight this menance.TTp won't have place to hide after 2014 withdraw of Nato from AF so they will try to negotiate with PA but once the enemy is always the enemy .

You have misinformation about the rise of TTP. The rise of TTP lies in the Pakistan government support to America in war on terror which has angered the radicalized Pashtuns in FATA and Pakhtunkhwa. The military action by Musharraf on Lal Masjid further intensified their anger. During 2010 floods TTP was more involved in rescue operation compared to pathetic response by Pakistan government.

You can watch vice documentary on Youtube "Taliban in Pakistan."
Pakistan / India were divided on religious lines and even a 4th grader can tell where should kashmir had been

200 million Indian Muslims out of which just 7 million Kashmiri Muslims(count the percentage). So, your religion based logic failed.
ISI supporting TTP to attack its own army thats a news to me ,why should pakistan government give gaurantee to a terrorist responsible killing thousand of civilian and army personal.They should not even catch them ,kill them in cold blood ,killing innocent people in market place .its mandatory for all believer to fight and kill KHWARIJ MUNAFIQEEN

Through out attacks on Pakistani installations, ISI and armed forces personnel have been arrested - and you should ask how the whole idea of radicals taking over Pakistani nuclear weapons came about, after all how did it come about that the same force that could be trusted to defend such facilities, now came to regarded as amongst those who threaten, necessitating the creation of a new force under SPD? - BTW, How many attempts were made to kill Musharraf ? And how many have been made to kill Zaradi - And who was ISI boss during the time the attempts on Musharraf's life were made?

I'll make a wager, look for TTP to chill out and out of the limelight as US withdraws and look for Kashmir to heat up
Actually your information is wrong TTP are not local they are hired gun paid millions of dollar and in direct control of CIA.if anybody see their sophisticated weapon system and training will tell you that .
First CIA use Drone to kill Innocent people and then TTP sympathiser recruit them to become suicide bomber .Lal masjid is like
golden temple attack by our forces they don't have a choice but to illiminate their recruiting hub.
Radacalisation of population started from ZIA time when he let saudi money to start madarsas and they teach extremist form of islam[wahabi,deobandi,ahle hadis] which don't have to do any thing with real islam the religion of peace.

You have misinformation about the rise of TTP. The rise of TTP lies in the Pakistan government support to America in war on terror which has angered the radicalized Pashtuns in FATA and Pakhtunkhwa. The military action by Musharraf on Lal Masjid further intensified their anger. During 2010 floods TTP was more involved in rescue operation compared to pathetic response by Pakistan government.

You can watch vice documentary on Youtube "Taliban in Pakistan."

Bhai there are many shades and variations among people who wage Jihad by weapons (you already know that all jihad is not with weapons). Among those who targeted India, there seems to have been a consensus not to target Pakistan. I know this because I knew someone trained to go to IOK, but because of change in GOP policies did not do so. He and his cell-mates kept themselves occupied by being weekend warriors. I tried to get as much information out of him as possible about their methods and philosophy. He was very clear about not being anti-GOP. He was very clear about being anti-India. He specifically stated that their 'Ameer' (leader) had told them to disband and to make private effort in keeping themselves in good shape. He was just waiting for a better time to visit IOK. So you see it is not a one-size-fits-all thing.

If anything Musharraf's U turn did India a big favor. A lot of people who had not joined IOK-centric organizations turned their attention to TTP and thus turned on regime of Musharraf and so have continued to be anti-GOP.

If India heads along the direction of peace process, then there would be a reason and willingness to tackle these people. But if there is no headway, then just wait a couple of years and see what happens. Indian planners must know this. For this reason let me predict that GOI would try to come up with some sort of an understanding with Pakistan regarding Kashmir within next two years. The only thing that could come in the way is the pressure of Indian public opinion. Some in Pakistan understand why GOI can not move as fast and as far as needed for some tangible progress on this issue.

Even if GOP becomes indifferent, then private organizations by themselves would be able to maintain a steady trickle of people into IOK for a sustained low-intensity conflict. Chatter coming out of Kashmir seems to indicate bad mood among Kashmiris in the valley. Not good for India.
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Don't worry about kashmir we are ready for this bas**** TTP .we have special treatment waiting for them.
Attack on pakistan installation was plan so perfectly that only CIA or any good Intelligent agency can do afcourse from some inside help.their are some insider in PA but not ISI ,I am sure its not possible to recruit anybody in nuclear installation with extremist mind .who ever plan to kill musharaf was under CIA paycheck because was not letting them to use pakistan at will.Zardari is destroying pakistan so CIA is happy with him .

Through out attacks on Pakistani installations, ISI and armed forces personnel have been arrested - and you should ask how the whole idea of radicals taking over Pakistani nuclear weapons came about, after all how did it come about that the same force that could be trusted to defend such facilities, now came to regarded as amongst those who threaten, necessitating the creation of a new force under SPD? - BTW, How many attempts were made to kill Musharraf ? And how many have been made to kill Zaradi - And who was ISI boss during the time the attempts on Musharraf's life were made?

I'll make a wager, look for TTP to chill out and out of the limelight as US withdraws and look for Kashmir to heat up
Actually your information is wrong TTP are not local they are hired gun paid millions of dollar and in direct control of CIA.if anybody see their sophisticated weapon system and training will tell you that .
First CIA use Drone to kill Innocent people and then TTP sympathiser recruit them to become suicide bomber .Lal masjid is like
golden temple attack by our forces they don't have a choice but to illiminate their recruiting hub.
Radacalisation of population started from ZIA time when he let saudi money to start madarsas and they teach extremist form of islam[wahabi,deobandi,ahle hadis] which don't have to do any thing with real islam the religion of peace.

Isn't it great, after 12 years nobody knows or can agree as to who runs these -That's pretty good
what about those satans who had tatoos in their body when they attacked peshwar airport??:pop:
Brother everybody knows who are behind it ,the main reason to occupy Afghanistan was to wage a war against PAkistan,why pakistan because its only nuclear power in islamic world and a danger to israel [Future war in which israel is going to attack syria,egypt,jordon and saudi arabia]

Isn't it great, after 12 years nobody knows or can agree as to who runs these -That's pretty good
Actually your information is wrong TTP are not local they are hired gun paid millions of dollar and in direct control of CIA.if anybody see their sophisticated weapon system and training will tell you that .
First CIA use Drone to kill Innocent people and then TTP sympathiser recruit them to become suicide bomber .Lal masjid is like
golden temple attack by our forces they don't have a choice but to illiminate their recruiting hub.
Radacalisation of population started from ZIA time when he let saudi money to start madarsas and they teach extremist form of islam[wahabi,deobandi,ahle hadis] which don't have to do any thing with real islam the religion of peace.

Lal Masjid siege was the catalyst in increasing terror attacks in Pakistan. I have listened to accounts by reporters from Pakhtunkhwa and others from Pakistan who acknowleged that Pakistan government's support to America in War on terror which toppled Taliban and leading to blodshed in Afghanistan is the main reason for TTP's rise. Outsiders are not responsible for massacre of Shia Turi Pashtuns in Kurram agency, they are local radicalized Pashtuns.

Deobandi school in Pakistan have completely became opposite of the Indian Deobandi school, all because of Zia and Saudi money
they all look like disgusting creatures.....a bullet awaited, or still awaits them.

enemies of Pakistan would never be spared.....support the Army, and support the people of FATA b/c they need your support

200 million Indian Muslims out of which just 7 million Kashmiri Muslims(count the percentage). So, your religion based logic failed.

Kashmiris aren't indian so you shouldnt be including them.

how did Kashmir or indian Muslims figure in this conversation :what:
Through out attacks on Pakistani installations, ISI and armed forces personnel have been arrested - and you should ask how the whole idea of radicals taking over Pakistani nuclear weapons came about, after all how did it come about that the same force that could be trusted to defend such facilities, now came to regarded as amongst those who threaten, necessitating the creation of a new force under SPD? - BTW, How many attempts were made to kill Musharraf ? And how many have been made to kill Zaradi - And who was ISI boss during the time the attempts on Musharraf's life were made?

I'll make a wager, look for TTP to chill out and out of the limelight as US withdraws and look for Kashmir to heat up

Your knowledge I am sorry to say is pathetic ..SPD is not new it was formed way back in 2000... Pakistan formally instituted an elaborate Nuclear Command and Control mechanism in February 2000 that comprises National Command Authority (NCA), Strategic Plans Division (SPD) and Strategic Forces Command. India created a National Command Authority (NCA) and a tri-Service Strategic Forces Command (SFC) to manage the country's nuclear arsenal in January 2003.
Strategic Planning Directorate (SPD) / Combat Development Directorate (CDD) - Pakistan Special

Rest I have seen ISI much more closely than you and I am sure of that and never saw any arrests on the issues you mentioned just give us some proof regarding arrests of ISI men about defence attacks??????even one would be appreciated...

But yes you are very right that after 2014 attacks in disputed kashmir are gonna be the highest but that would not be because ISI and TTP would find their lost love thats just because partly India is getting stronger and as more times pasees it would be more difficult to bend her especially when in 2020 they will have their nuke subs in arabian sea and so even if we destroy the whole indian land installations we would still be in danger so it has been decided in principle to fight a do or die war in kashmir by 2015 and also ISI wanna avenge the havoc RAW created in PAK in recent years by supporting TTP and BLA through front men.
Above that its been calculated that once kashmir will be settled after few years of wound licking india would come to normal term to PAK owing to her energy needs and once the current animosity will be gone Pak would be able to become a regional power by serving half the population of world in India,china,Car's,Iran and russia by means of rail,road and pipelines.

I dont know how you take ISI but her sincerity to Pak is beyond doubts and her aims are very progressive but as that can happen with any organization she may attimes get some stupid commanders but her long terms goals are very enthusiastic and well planned and thats the reason you will always see CIA,RAW,Mossad and western world spitting venom against ISI because they know its only ISI that can change their game plan in asia.

You may call me anything but only time will tell whats gonna happen and who was right and who was wrong..
what about those satans who had tatoos in their body when they attacked peshwar airport??:pop:

Wasn't he Uzbek, I heard tattoos are very common in Uzbekistan because of Soviet rule.

what about those satans who had tatoos in their body when they attacked peshwar airport??:pop:

Wasn't he Uzbek, I heard tattoos are very common in Uzbekistan because of Soviet rule.

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