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Rehman Malik thrown off PIA flight by passengers

“This should be recorded, Rahman Malik has been off loaded”

This was one of the best parts in the video.

Maybe he was busy finding the nara for his Shalwar
Maybe he got stuck in the traffic
Maybe he was waiting for a security report form his contacts in MOI before boarding the plane.

Snow ball has rolled from the top of the mountain and is gaining mass and momentum day by day as it is coming towards the politicians, but the politicians are seeing it coming and running away and also denying it’s existence.
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and the famous Rehman Malik saab

And Rehman Malik saab Tweeted Later On

The PIA flight was not delayed for me.I saw one guy looked to be drunk shouting at PIA and I decided to return as the door was closed
I demand open enquiry if it was delayed for me.i sensed it that some one is playing dirty and it was good avoid the situation.No delay forme
I hv morale courage to apologise if I had caused the delay and what influence do I hv on PIA to delay it.i demand an enquiry into it.
I am neither a VIP nor ever I behave VIP.I travel economy class.i saw two passengers abusing PIA.i saw them and returned to the lounge.
shahidalabbasi: SenRehmanMalik i think PIA higher authorities must investigate.”yes I agree sir the two hour delay was not for me.
The flt was announced to be delayed at 6pm till 830.i suffered equally.i reached at 835.it is wrongly thought that delay was b/c of me
I think I shd not waste more time on this .Shouting on others with out fault is not justified.let us hv some decency to respect others.
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This is just start. Still long way to go... We should hang corrupt politicians, bring money at home. Here, VIP culture is everywhere. They are powerful , They kills people anyone standing for their right, threatens their families, kidnap them.
We need to change this system.
Thread is Already posted in poltical video section of this forum
There has been 4 threads about it so far. Specially when where one users put PMLn in title and only lists PMLn mpa. Funny how he had posted in 2 other threads before making seperate thread to push his agenda.

Mods need to combine all threads

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