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Reel Bad Arabs

Watch Part 1 of Aladdin Movie.

I will point out many of the negative stereotypes in the first 10 mins of this movie.

1) Original Introduction (see prev. post) "Where they cut off your ear
if they don't like your face It's barbaric, but hey, it's home
" (Lyrics contained in Aladdin's introduction)

2) 1:35-2:41. Showing a small dark brown Arab man, large Turban, big nose, primitive looking person, dirty clothes, hugs his camel closely, sets up a cheap shop, hookah smoking, broken hookah....

3) 2:55-3:05. Small Arab criminal man, dirty clothes, primitive looking, criminal appearance, the small Arab man in this scene says "I had to slid a few throats but I got it", in other words armed robbery and murder...A constant stereotype of Arabs.

4)7:37-7:53. Shows a stereotypical hairam of women, dressed in belly dancing clothing.

5)8:04. A Flock of sheep, typical stereotype of Arab culture and life.

6)8:16-8:22. Displays Arab guards as brutal primitive brutes with swords, and a obnoxious fat loud women.

7)8:25-8:30. Shows Arabs as clumsy an incompetent.

8)8:34-8:42. Shows Arabs as stupid people. One of the Arab guards say "He's got a sword (frighten)." The Senior guard then yells "You Idiots we all got swords."

9)9:06. Arab guards lying in a pile of fertilizer...Stereotype that Arabs have bad hygiene and are dirty.

I have now before your very eyes shown you these stereotype of Arabs, using a real life Aladdin movie that was broadcast to much of the world.

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Stereotyping is not unique to Americans. All Humans stereotype, because frankly our brains cannot handle the amount of detailed information which would be necessary to fully understand the complex reality of a people.

The Americans are unique in that they are willing to re-examine the stereotypes that they hold about other races/peoples.

I wonder what the stereotypical American looks like in the eyes of an Arab.

I wonder what the stereotypical Jew looks like in the eyes of an Arab. I wonder what a stereotypical Jew looks like in the eyes of a Palestinian.

I wonder what a stereotypical Indian looks like in the eyes of a Pakistani.

I wonder what a stereotypical Pakistani looks like in the eyes of an Indian.
sir rehman, the poster views doesnt seem to convince anyone!!!

the impact of arab stearotypying in western media is clearly visible, if any body talks about arabs there r always four essential types of things come to ur mind immediately.

1- turban
2- primitive/immature
3- desert,camel/backward
4- terrorist/always seeking nuisance

and please sir, dont talk about 9/11, 9/11 has always remained controversial.

in these videos, the Palestinian stereotyping has been also discussed, portraying them as evil, barbaric, and in a movie the hollywood clearly sides with israel portraying them as very innocent and palestinians as barbaric(why israel of today is not potrayed as evil in any american movies, although every body knows about the real-israel today). wht abt the other movie "Rules of Engagement", in a seen a young disabled girl has been shown firing with the gun and women too,with a group of yemeni ppl shooting at americans, now its completely inhumane!!!, in other movie "Time Bomb", its shown an innocent boy holding a grenade throwing at american soldiers, then americans shoot him to death, now its inhumane!!!. I wonder americans want to make people believe in some sort of things which dont exist in the real world!!!, i wonder if americans want to justify the ruthless killings of innocents in iraq and afghanistan!!!

worst enemies of americans today r north koreans!!!, north koreans dont seem to exist in hollywood!!

even in the movie "vertical limits" the dialogue "lets wake up the indians"(and follows with pakistani soldiers shooting at the line of control), whats this???, americans want the world to believe that, pakistan army is the one always that creates nuisances!!!
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If Arabs wouldn't have ever hijacked a plane, or beheaded an Infidel, tell me would it have made any sense for Hollywood to portrayed them in terrorist roles?

with apology, this is the most immature comment i found!!, really!!
Stereotyping is not unique to Americans. All Humans stereotype, because frankly our brains cannot handle the amount of detailed information which would be necessary to fully understand the complex reality of a people.

The Americans are unique in that they are willing to re-examine the stereotypes that they hold about other races/peoples.

I wonder what the stereotypical American looks like in the eyes of an Arab.

I wonder what the stereotypical Jew looks like in the eyes of an Arab. I wonder what a stereotypical Jew looks like in the eyes of a Palestinian.

I wonder what a stereotypical Indian looks like in the eyes of a Pakistani.

I wonder what a stereotypical Pakistani looks like in the eyes of an Indian.

Pakistanis and Arabs are second to none in stereotyping. Why complain against others!

Look at the way they stereotype Americans, Indians, Israelis and everyone else. Why demand a different treatment for themselves?
Brothers, you should live here in America and see what is often said to me by these ignorant people. Often I'm called a "Terrorist", or other names. I remember well when the hostages were taken in Iran.

Most often I just laugh at them, then remind them of history and what their ancestors did in places like Africa, Asia, and America. All the people they killed and enslaved or took oil or other precious stones or metals from. Then I ask them, now who are the real Terrorists? I also remind them of what the Catholic Church did to the natives in all of North, Central and South America all in the name of "God." Or what most of the whites felt toward the natives here in The US and did to them while stealing their land.

Of course the response I get most often is "Well, you are one of them." We are considered all the same to these people. I have dealt with it most of my life. Even though I have served in The US Army, I'm still one of them.

I can not say that all Americans feel badly toward Arabs or Muslims. However I think it is safe to say they all suspect we could be all be terrorists ready to die for Allah if you are Muslim. I can not tell you how many degrading E-mails I get from people bashing Islam. Often if someone inquires into my race and I answer Pakistani, the next question I get is, are you Muslim. I can see by their reaction they are some what affraid by my answer. My reply is I was born Muslim and I leave it at that, however I have and America name due to being adopted by Americans.

I use my responses as a way to educate the ignorant. Most often my answers are well accepted and I feel I can undo some of the brain washing which our media and Hollywood have used for years.
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Pakistanis and Arabs are second to none in stereotyping. Why complain against others!

Look at the way they stereotype Americans, Indians, Israelis and everyone else. Why demand a different treatment for themselves?

my friend, topic here is different, please post comments relevant to it!!! whts up with indians supporting their allies "at any cost" in "every matter" and deviating from the main topic???

and secondly, wht ever the point u r making is just baseless!!!

thanks but no thanks
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Sorry in advance if it hurts someone. What I know about Arabs is, they are the people who did'nt even spare the lives and belongings of their Prophet's (PBUH) family (Ahl Bait). Dont want to say anymore.
why do we care about arabs so much what about stereotyping against pakistanis ? tell me where are the arabs to defend us these days when western media is going on propoganda campaign against us ?
why do we care about arabs so much what about stereotyping against pakistanis ? tell me where are the arabs to defend us these days when western media is going on propoganda campaign against us ?

"Laakh takay ki baat".
why do we care about arabs so much what about stereotyping against pakistanis ? tell me where are the arabs to defend us these days when western media is going on propoganda campaign against us ?

Good point. Muslims identify themselves with Arabs! But Arabs identify and align themselves more with the West. Atleast the Arabs that matter, as in Government(The Sheikhs and royal blunderbuss). One can assure, that no matter what.. If Pakistan is going to be pounded by foreign powers left right and center, labelled as a terrorist power, There will be lot of voices in support of Pakistan from "India" and not Arabia.. Mind you Arabia would be providing the docks and Ports for naval warfare to the invading powers.
Arabs need to worry about their own image possibly due to a bit of hypocrisy on their side while we need to worry about drones and airspace violations right now.
Good point. Muslims identify themselves with Arabs! But Arabs identify and align themselves more with the West. Atleast the Arabs that matter, as in Government(The Sheikhs and royal blunderbuss). One can assure, that no matter what.. If Pakistan is going to be pounded by foreign powers left right and center, labelled as a terrorist power, There will be lot of voices in support of Pakistan from "India" and not Arabia.. Mind you Arabia would be providing the docks and Ports for naval warfare to the invading powers.

quite true plus they treat pakistanis and other south asians like dirt :angry:
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