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Record of Mosque Hints at Muslims’ Long History in New York

Have you been to the US of A buddy? If not, STOP listening or watching all that USA is bad propaganda. It will screw your mind. Why do you think our Embassy in Pakistan is being flooded with GAZILLION request for visas of all sorts?
The irony...

I live in the U.S. A loyal U.S citizen. But lets be real...you know there's a huge section of our society that is insecure of the changing American realities, is willing to paint "others" (non-whites) with broad brushes, and holds bigoted view of minorities.

Its not all anti-U.S propaganda. When a leading Republic candidate says stuff like "Mexicans are rapists" or "Muslims (not radicals, Muslims!) should be banned from entering US" and uses Japanese internment as an example to follow and STILL consistently polls at 45% in GOP primaries...you know that its not only anti-US propaganda that is making the U.S look bad in the world. And how about call of Republicans to let "christian Syrians" in while keeping the "Muslim Syrians" out. Yes, explicit calls for religious discrimination even by "moderate" Republicans like Jeb Bush (who is a governor of one of the biggest state of our union).You think that doesn't have any effect on how people view us?

Non-Americans aren't used to the pre-primaries over the top rhetoric and do take it more seriously than many Americans do.

@Akheilos There's an old, insecure, and bigoted America that is being replaced by new, vibrant, young, and diverse America. American coastal metropolis and population centers are just fine to live and that's where majority of American population lives.

Life for U.S Muslims is kind of nervous but not bad. Even when there are hundreds of hate crimes, do understand that these hundreds of hate crimes are in relevance to millions of Muslims living all across the nation. So although it might sound bad in the news, but in real life--things are fine for now.

However, there is NO doubt that Muslim-Americans today are relatively the worst-treated group when it comes to bigoted rhetoric and insult/humiliation in the media. Major American news channel peddle anti-Muslim conspiracy theories to tens of millions of Americans without even checking wikipedia!! (Can give examples after examples, if my fellow Americans find it hard to believe. Again, I'll give examples from prime-time mainstream television, and not from some unknown American website and all).
@AUz , brother what I did not like in his comment is calling our children mentally ill. You see maybe you have noticed here in PDF that people are getting kicks from bashing good ol'e USA. Muslims have been here for a long time and will continue to do so in the future. If these people who seem to get a high bashing our country does not like Americans why come here in the first place? You know well that the media does not represent the American people. Its not as if their country or wherever he is from is the best place in world right?
@AUz , brother what I did not like in his comment is calling our children mentally ill. You see maybe you have noticed here in PDF that people are getting kicks from bashing good ol'e USA. Muslims have been here for a long time and will continue to do so in the future. If these people who seem to get a high bashing our country does not like Americans why come here in the first place? You know well that the media does not represent the American people. Its not as if their country or wherever he is from is the best place in world right?

Anti-Americanism is a useful tool to keep the faithful in line and hating a created enemy rather than looking at the real causes of their discontent.
When did I say I "think I was the protector of American"? And you start by calling names? And you said you have been in the US of A? I highly doubt you've ever been here! And who you calling mentally ill? Look who is talking.. Are you one of the visa applicant who got rejected?

@gambit , @Providence , @jhungary Do you agree with our friend here?

Bigotry exist EVERYWHERE in the world, this is not just a problem of America, the question is, I challenge you or anyone to show me which country are not bigoted?

The question is, you cannot judge a whole nation just because a what a fraction of their people do, if you go to the Southern State as a homosexual, of course you are targeted, does that mean the whole country is not Gay-Friendly?

It's strange people here using politician as a yard stick to measure the national morality. While Politician around the world are famous for selling short just about everything to get voted. There were this Women called Jackie Lambie in the Australian Parliament, basically doing the same stuff what Trump is doing, nobody treat her seriously. She does that so she can sell her vote to her fellow bigoted people.

And in the end, she was simply cornered and now I don't even know what had happened to her.

As an American-Australian of Chinese Descent, I can tell you this, I got discriminated all the time by Australian and American, but does that mean I was being discriminated by all the Australian and American I encountered? No. In fact, probably 1% of my life was being discriminated, 99% of my life is discrimination free.

Most of the time, it was based on your own perspective of things, if you live your life prepared to be discriminated, then what do you think your life is gonna turn out? It's like what do you expect if you go surf the Storefront Homepage? Of course you are going to feel discriminated.

yes I have....not once!

Can I just ask a general question since you think of yourself as the protector of American...Why are White children becoming mentally retarded in USA? I mean they easily get brain washed and go and kill.... (media calls them mentally ill)....while the child brought up in war torn Iraq, Afghanistan or Africa HAS TO BE A TERRORIST and cant be mentally ill when he does the same?

Actually, more White American were called Terrorist then Brown people in the US. And If I remember correctly, Muslim Terrorist group is the 5th or 6th biggest group that's carry out Terrorist Attack in the United States.

It is a misnomer that people think American only label Middle Eastern "terrorist" while White or whatever other race would only be "Mass Killing" in fact, under FBI classification of Terrorist Attack and Under the USC18,the definition of Terrorist Attack. Only about 30% were carry out by Muslim/Middle Eastern people. In the last 16 attacks labelled "Terrorist Attack" during the last 5 years, only 5 were carry out by Muslim, if I remember correctly 3 of them are actually white American which converted to Islam

Domestic Attacks are the number 1 source of Terrorist attack in the United States, but since you don't live in the US, this is something you will hardly heard of, but I can tell you this, White Supremacist group and Anarchy group are more of a problem then Muslim extremist in the US.

Terrorist attack within United States between 2010-2015

2010 Ausstin Suicide Attacks - White, IRS/Anti-government
2010 Pentagon shooting - White - Anarchist/Anti-Government
2010 Discoveries hostage crisis - Asian (Korean-Japanese) Motive not known
2012 Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting - White, white supremacy group
2013 Boston Marathon bombing - White, Extremist Islamic Political group
2013 ricin letters - Unknown Prep, unknown motive
2013 Los Angeles International Airport shooting - White, Anti-Government (TSA)
2014 Overland Park Jewish Community Center shooting - White, Neo-Nazi, White Supremacy
2014 Las Vegas shootings - White, Anti-Government (Police)
2014 Queens hatchet attack - White, Converted Muslim Extremist
2014 Austin Mexican consulate attack - White, white supremacy
2014 Sony Cyber Attack - Asian (North Korean) Governmental Attack
2014 New York City Police Attack - Black, Muslim/Revenge Attack
2015 Curtis Culwell Center attack - 2 White and 1 Mid-Eastern Muslim/ISIS Related

2015 Charleston Shooting - White, White Supremacy Group

Source: https://defence.pk/threads/charleston-church-shooting-who-is-dylann-roof.381659/page-6#ixzz3rlL7JOkA
. . .
When did I say I "think I was the protector of American"? And you start by calling names? And you said you have been in the US of A? I highly doubt you've ever been here! And who you calling mentally ill? Look who is talking.. Are you one of the visa applicant who got rejected?

@gambit , @Providence , @jhungary Do you agree with our friend here?

he is himself mentally challenged to grasp the meaning of terrorism. The UN definition of terrorism explicitly states

"Criminal acts intended or calculated to provoke a state of terror in the general public, a group of persons or particular persons for political purposes are in any circumstance unjustifiable, whatever the considerations of a political, philosophical, ideological, racial, ethnic, religious or any other nature that may be invoked to justify them"

So when a person just like that goes to a school and shoots he is definitely mentally ill. If he thinks irish folks dont deserve to go to school and hence deems it suitable to shoot innocent school kids then it is terrorism. Understand the difference.

Bigotry exist EVERYWHERE in the world, this is not just a problem of America, the question is, I challenge you or anyone to show me which country are not bigoted?

The question is, you cannot judge a whole nation just because a what a fraction of their people do, if you go to the Southern State as a homosexual, of course you are targeted, does that mean the whole country is not Gay-Friendly?

It's strange people here using politician as a yard stick to measure the national morality. While Politician around the world are famous for selling short just about everything to get voted. There were this Women called Jackie Lambie in the Australian Parliament, basically doing the same stuff what Trump is doing, nobody treat her seriously. She does that so she can sell her vote to her fellow bigoted people.

And in the end, she was simply cornered and now I don't even know what had happened to her.

As an American-Australian of Chinese Descent, I can tell you this, I got discriminated all the time by Australian and American, but does that mean I was being discriminated by all the Australian and American I encountered? No. In fact, probably 1% of my life was being discriminated, 99% of my life is discrimination free.

Most of the time, it was based on your own perspective of things, if you live your life prepared to be discriminated, then what do you think your life is gonna turn out? It's like what do you expect if you go surf the Storefront Homepage? Of course you are going to feel discriminated.

Actually, more White American were called Terrorist then Brown people in the US. And If I remember correctly, Muslim Terrorist group is the 5th or 6th biggest group that's carry out Terrorist Attack in the United States.

It is a misnomer that people think American only label Middle Eastern "terrorist" while White or whatever other race would only be "Mass Killing" in fact, under FBI classification of Terrorist Attack and Under the USC18,the definition of Terrorist Attack. Only about 30% were carry out by Muslim/Middle Eastern people. In the last 16 attacks labelled "Terrorist Attack" during the last 5 years, only 5 were carry out by Muslim, if I remember correctly 3 of them are actually white American which converted to Islam

Domestic Attacks are the number 1 source of Terrorist attack in the United States, but since you don't live in the US, this is something you will hardly heard of, but I can tell you this, White Supremacist group and Anarchy group are more of a problem then Muslim extremist in the US.

Terrorist attack within United States between 2010-2015

2010 Ausstin Suicide Attacks - White, IRS/Anti-government
2010 Pentagon shooting - White - Anarchist/Anti-Government
2010 Discoveries hostage crisis - Asian (Korean-Japanese) Motive not known
2012 Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting - White, white supremacy group
2013 Boston Marathon bombing - White, Extremist Islamic Political group
2013 ricin letters - Unknown Prep, unknown motive
2013 Los Angeles International Airport shooting - White, Anti-Government (TSA)
2014 Overland Park Jewish Community Center shooting - White, Neo-Nazi, White Supremacy
2014 Las Vegas shootings - White, Anti-Government (Police)
2014 Queens hatchet attack - White, Converted Muslim Extremist
2014 Austin Mexican consulate attack - White, white supremacy
2014 Sony Cyber Attack - Asian (North Korean) Governmental Attack
2014 New York City Police Attack - Black, Muslim/Revenge Attack
2015 Curtis Culwell Center attack - 2 White and 1 Mid-Eastern Muslim/ISIS Related

2015 Charleston Shooting - White, White Supremacy Group

Source: https://defence.pk/threads/charleston-church-shooting-who-is-dylann-roof.381659/page-6#ixzz3rlL7JOkA

You summed it up pretty well. I wanted to quote these stats but couldn't because of some weird site bug not letting me post !
Anti-Americanism is a useful tool to keep the faithful in line and hating a created enemy rather than looking at the real causes of their discontent.

I was sent to Florida to complete a course on behalf of the Army and I have many fond memories of that place. The people were good to me, loud but very friendly, I found them very open to diversity. Undoubtedly a lot more at ease with a brown guy in their midst than a lot of European states, though many of my friends did tell me that the situation was slightly different in the more rural central states. However, the present trends do scare me a little, what would you say? Is it true that the melting pot has broken?
BTW I think Bernie Sanders is a really sound guy, comments?
I was sent to Florida to complete a course on behalf of the Army and I have many fond memories of that place. The people were good to me, loud but very friendly, I found them very open to diversity. Undoubtedly a lot more at ease with a brown guy in their midst than a lot of European states, though many of my friends did tell me that the situation was slightly different in the more rural central states. However, the present trends do scare me a little, what would you say? Is it true that the melting pot has broken?
BTW I think Bernie Sanders is a really sound guy, comments?
No the "melting pot" certainly is not broken. We do have a number of "racist nutjobs". America is not perfect my friend. Like any country in the world there are bad apples mixed in the basket. Let me guess you were in Eglin right?
No the "melting pot" certainly is not broken. We do have a number of "racist nutjobs". America is not perfect my friend. Like any country in the world there are bad apples mixed in the basket. Let me guess you were in Eglin right?

I don't know if its the media coverage or the hype for the presidential elections but the situation is beginning to look kind of skewed but obviously its the local that knows best, to the outside world, the situation looks completely one sided with a vocal minority often suppressing the voice of the silent majority.
I was actually at Tampa.
I don't know if its the media coverage or the hype for the presidential elections but the situation is beginning to look kind of skewed but obviously its the local that knows best, to the outside world, the situation looks completely one sided with a vocal minority often suppressing the voice of the silent majority.
I was actually at Tampa.
Its all media hype that is all. Some mofo's just want the limelight because of the elections. Nobody takes them seriously. or at least that's what I think. The media just make it look bigger than what it is. Well a lot bigger.
Its all media hype that is all. Some mofo's just want the limelight because of the elections. Nobody takes them seriously. or at least that's what I think. The media just make it look bigger than what it is. Well a lot bigger.

That's a relief. I was just joking around during a dinner with the Americans a few days ago about how they were taking back all the wrong ideas from Afghanistan.
That's a relief. I was just joking around during a dinner with the Americans a few days ago about how they were taking back all the wrong ideas from Afghanistan.
Afghanistan for me is a big SNAFU. The US screwed up in the 80's now we are paying the price. After the Soviet withdrawal in Afghanistan, the US should have helped rebuilding the country... Well that is for another thread buddy!
Afghanistan for me is a big SNAFU. The US screwed up in the 80's now we are paying the price. After the Soviet withdrawal in Afghanistan, the US should have helped rebuilding the country... Well that is for another thread buddy!

I am so delighted to see that someone shares my concerns. We were having a debate about this the other day with a member of the local SOCOM-FWD who was wondering why the ME quagmire just keeps on worsening. I was of the opinion that the US and allies have not committed themselves to the region like they did during the post WWII stage where they literally built states from the ground up as a part of the Marshall Reconstruction Plan. The Americans left the people better off in Europe and Japan and thus won themselves key allies but they have shied away from adopting the same approach in Afg and Iraq. Then the troop concentration is also an issue, its much lower now.
I was sent to Florida to complete a course on behalf of the Army and I have many fond memories of that place. The people were good to me, loud but very friendly, I found them very open to diversity. Undoubtedly a lot more at ease with a brown guy in their midst than a lot of European states, though many of my friends did tell me that the situation was slightly different in the more rural central states. However, the present trends do scare me a little, what would you say? Is it true that the melting pot has broken?
BTW I think Bernie Sanders is a really sound guy, comments?

The Great Melting Pot is hot and boiling, as always, Sir. The present environment is only being stoked by the silliness of the election campaign, and does not represent any long lasting changes with US society itself. Much of rural America remains conservative and even views both the coasts as being hippies and liberals (just like in any other large country).

Don't believe me? Let's wait for the nominations to finalize for both parties and the elections to proceed. If I am still here, we can talk about how all the present hoopla was just electioneering as the new administration gets to work. I will predict that much of the policies will remain unchanged, no matter who gets the White House.

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