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Record of Mosque Hints at Muslims’ Long History in New York

So the definition doesnt define a mad man shooting as a terrorist crime but if they happen to be brown suddenly they have an agenda and a label to fit the agenda?

What about those looneys who have an agenda to white wash America? How is thart not an agenda? How is that not fitting the bill? but rather fits insanity? the white kid who shot at the Black church had an agenda to get rid of Black folks but was never called a terrorist even if terrorized a community! :o:

USA is a land of the law. we have to abide to what the law say. You obivious did not do much research and blinded by racial hatred and cannot see straight.

Here are the LAW in the US, you can have your own, but if you are talking about the US, then you have to use the US Federal Code

18 U.S.C. § 2331 defines "international terrorism" and "domestic terrorism" for purposes of Chapter 113B of the Code, entitled "Terrorism”:

"International terrorism" means activities with the following three characteristics:

  • Involve violent acts or acts dangerous to human life that violate federal or state law;
  • Appear to be intended (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and
  • Occur primarily outside the territorial jurisdiction of the U.S., or transcend national boundaries in terms of the means by which they are accomplished, the persons they appear intended to intimidate or coerce, or the locale in which their perpetrators operate or seek asylum.*
"Domestic terrorism" means activities with the following three characteristics:

  • Involve acts dangerous to human life that violate federal or state law;
  • Appear intended (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination. or kidnapping; and
  • Occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the U.S.
18 U.S.C. § 2332b defines the term "federal crime of terrorism" as an offense that:

  • Is calculated to influence or affect the conduct of government by intimidation or coercion, or to retaliate against government conduct; and
  • Is a violation of one of several listed statutes, including § 930(c) (relating to killing or attempted killing during an attack on a federal facility with a dangerous weapon); and § 1114 (relating to killing or attempted killing of officers and employees of the U.S.).
* FISA defines "international terrorism" in a nearly identical way, replacing "primarily" outside the U.S. with "totally" outside the U.S. 50 U.S.C. § 1801(c).

FBI — Terrorism Definition

Read the red part

There are a lot of Brown, Black, Red, Yellow Serial Killer and mass murderer that does not classified as Terrorist.

There are a lot of White being labelled Terrorist as well.

The law said if an attack were aimed to change or alter the US government Policy, only then can be classified as Terrorist attack. You can say what you want, but fact is fact, what you don't understand does not mean other people also don't. If you have to see this world as White vs Color, then be my guest, I am not gonna argue with you on that.

By the way, the dude that shot up the black church IS NOT a terrorist. Not everyone that killed a lot of people is a terrorist. That dude did not coerce the civilian population, did not attack a Federal Employee nor did not attack a Federal Building. His crime is very obviously racially motivated.

Yet same media thinks its their business to know about the local mishaps of other countries? and sell them to their viewers? How is that right in any language?

You know as much as what happened in the US as I know as much as what happened in Pakistan, Not every Jim Dick and Jane were reported, I don't know what you say "Local Mishap" unless it warrant to know in the US, we simply don't care. You cannot sell TV rating or Paper in US by covering "Local Mishap" in Pakistan or anywhere else in the world

So there is a big time and small time?

There are.

What about that bomber whose bomb did go off in a mall but wasnt called a terrorist?

Don't know which bomb in a mall you are talking about
Refer to 18 USC I quoted above and see it for yourselves

Then why are Masjids vandalized? Browns targeted and assumed to be evil? Black slammed by police? Muslim women abused and scarfs pulled? But the white ladies arent abused by the white barbarians nor are the whites told to leave the land and go back home......

Why the double face?

Again, you are biased on the issue. You have to be naïve to think White and Christian Church were not being vandalize.

All women: 17.6%
  • White women: 17.7%
  • Black women: 18.8%
  • Asian Pacific Islander women: 6.8%
  • American Indian/Alaskan women: 34.1%
  • Mixed race women: 24.4%
Who are the Victims? | RAINN | Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network

Problem with you, again, you only see thing happened in your own circle, You never have been to the United States, but you see a country you have never been with your instinct and what other people tell you, which is extremely biased. Of course, you can have your biased view, I am merely pointing out the truth, believe it or not is up to you.

About Temple or mosque vandalize, as I said, it DOES NOT only happened to Muslim. You want to know why people do that? Beats me, why people steal stuff, assault others and kill other people? You said as if Muslim is the only religion being targeted, and I have shown you all other have been too, what more do you want?

And yet no one tells the red neck to go bury themselves in their ignorance and dont show their face in public now do you?

They came out in protest with guns outside a place of worship thanks to media showing them to be fearful of something they havent heard of (Islam) but have viewed from tv which tells them ISIS which when it started was a local problem which somehow got enough international coverage to cause hatred for a group! Media is somehow causing terrorism against Islam ( according to definition that fits! )

So does no one tell those extremist to kill the infidel, why they do it? You are as ignorant as those hillbilly I mention, aren't you also never been to the US but start judging a country on its face value?

1) Yes I am a Muslim
2) Yes I am well aware other people's places of worship are also vandalized...But half of the ignorant troops mention they taught it was linked to Islam so aagain it is back to hatred for Islam and of course alot for race (Chinese and INDIANS TAKING MY JOB BS)!

So you are saying people mistook LDS church as Islam Mosque? LOL

People don't like a particular religion, some people don't like Islam, as well as some people don't like Jewish, when there are freedom of religion, they will also harbor hatred of particular religion, not say hatred of Islam does not exist, just saying it exist alongside Hatred of Buddhist and Hatred of Christianity.

Well, it is not the 70s, we don't all chant (Indian or Chinese took my job BS) Unless I want to be a waiter or a cab driver, Chinese or Indian won't take my job.

So it is news to you that some women got their headscarf either made fun of or got it ripped off their heads?
Or some men talking Arabic were not allowed on flights just coz some bigot couldnt understand what they were saying? fear of the unknown unseen unheard is self fed fear?

As I said, I am not pretenting this does not happen and there were no bigot in America, but then it happened to different religion too,

So people wont listen when it involves their skin colour or their look alike unless its a different people of colour race and religion? Interesting level of ignorance!

I did not say that, I said, I cannot speak for others. You were asking how other people digest those information, hell if I know, I can only speak for myself, and they were covering those incident, but whether or not the reader digest the story is another issue


But then same benefit of the doubt should be allowed for EVERY country, right?

What benefit of the doubt, you are the one accusing American being bigotry, it would be at your responsibility to prove proof, not mine, so for me, I am defending the value of America, I would enjoy the benefit of the doubt, not you.

As I said, your view is extremely biased, kind of like I was toward Muslim before I went to Iraq and Afghanistan. You saw some thing in a corner of thousand of information, and you pick it up and treat it like every other piece of information funnel thru the news or media is hostile to Muslim. I can tell you this out right, American don't really care about Muslim, they care about Kim Kardashian, Taylor Swift and whoever have sex with the top model this week, that is the information currently flooding our media.

Every American came from some place excelpt the locas i.e. American Indians....who were called that by the white guy who got lost and thought he landed in India :)

SO if a 3rd generation Brown can be told to go back where he/ she came from so can a 2nd or 4th generation white, right?

Oh btw, does this mean a 2nd generation Brown is not local enough to fit in domestic terrorism? Why the difference? Why call him / her by their descend and not say a child of British/ Spanish/ Norwegian descendant opened fire at school today? :undecided:

Again, you are talking about the "Dumb Down" level of America, not all of us go around and tell color folks to go back to where you came from, by the way, I saw some white dude telling another white dude just last week during NYE celebration to go back to wherever he claw out of for speaking German in a Pub.

I don't know who you are referring to. EVERY terrorist attack happened within America is Domestic Terrorism. EVERY Terrorist attack happened outside America is International Terrorism as per 18 USC, the deciding factor is not on WHOEVER carry out those attack, he can be a White American who bomb a Baghdad US Army barrack and it would still be international terrorism, Or he could be a brown people and bomb a federal building and be called a Domestic terrorist attack.
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USA is a land of the law. we have to abide to what the law say. You obivious did not do much research and blinded by racial hatred and cannot see straight.
1) I did my research and hence dont blame a typical American got too many friends to know that isnt true!
2) Hence i am highlighting only a particular type which misses the media and the same types in other countries are highlighted...hence the imbalance and why USA is seen law abiding while rest of the world isnt!

Appear intended (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population;

how does it not fit the white guy shooting in schools?

None of the whites who did so were labelled terrorist....nor was that guy who tried to bomb the mall....

influence or affect the conduct of government
white crimes in black neighbourhood doesnt fit the bill? Arent their crimes intending to influence the conduct of the govt against the black?

The law said if an attack were aimed to change or alter the US government Policy, only then can be classified as Terrorist attack. You can say what you want, but fact is fact, what you don't understand does not mean other people also don't. If you have to see this world as White vs Color, then be my guest, I am not gonna argue with you on that.
And the fact is fact the whites who shot the black church, opened fire in schools, the whites who killed the 3 Muslim teans, NONE were labelled terrorists....are the blacks in the churches not American enough to call the white a terrorist? Or are the children in the school not American enough to label the guy a terrorist?

You are talking about majority I am talking about the few cases that escape this labeling and the media prefers to label them mentally unstable or "troubled kids"

By the way, the dude that shot up the black church IS NOT a terrorist. Not everyone that killed a lot of people is a terrorist. That dude did not coerce the civilian population, did not attack a Federal Employee nor did not attack a Federal Building. His crime is very obviously racially motivated.
And there you have it ....however the law says this:

  • Involve acts dangerous to human life that violate federal or state law;
  • Appear intended (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination. or kidnapping; and
  • Occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the U.S.
So were the blacks NOT intimidated?
Did he not say out that he wishes to get rid of the blacks out of his area? He said it in his testimony! He said he only wanted to get rid of the blacks! Not terrorist enough?

AMAZING then the brown who ONLY wants to put up Shariah in "his" country (since America is also his country) should also not be a terrorist!
Problem with you, again, you only see thing happened in your own circle
Blacks are not my circle...I brought them up also....and I am talking about your news and how some people make others on high alert :enjoy:
And please dont deny it..even Americans say it now!
Help yourself to the biased side of your law :enjoy:

We avoid the word terrorism when the victims are black – not just when the killer is white | Jamiles Lartey | Opinion | The Guardian
Why don't Americans call mass shootings 'terrorism'? Racism | Jessica Valenti | Opinion | The Guardian
Terrorism: For Muslim crimes only? - Al Jazeera English
Shooters of color are called ‘terrorists’ and ‘thugs.’ Why are white shooters called ‘mentally ill’? - The Washington Post
King: White mass shooters are never called terrorists - NY Daily News

So you are saying people mistook LDS church as Islam Mosque? LOL
No I was talking about the temples...We all also know about what happens to abortion clinics which doesnt hit the news!

Again, you are biased on the issue. You have to be naïve to think White and Christian Church were not being vandalize.
I never said they NEVER were!

So no idea what gave you that idea!

You know as much as what happened in the US as I know as much as what happened in Pakistan, Not every Jim Dick and Jane were reported, I don't know what you say "Local Mishap" unless it warrant to know in the US, we simply don't care. You cannot sell TV rating or Paper in US by covering "Local Mishap" in Pakistan or anywhere else in the world
You think? We all know how gaga Americans become when some 5 Shia/ Ahmadi or even 5 Sunni (usually reported without a group) die in Pakistan...dont get me wrong sure their lives are worth it but it makes some idiots go gaga enough to make anyone throw up with the biased/ double face attitude with domestic or local mishaps!

What benefit of the doubt, you are the one accusing American being bigotry, it would be at your responsibility to prove proof, not mine, so for me, I am defending the value of America, I would enjoy the benefit of the doubt, not you.

As I said, your view is extremely biased, kind of like I was toward Muslim before I went to Iraq and Afghanistan. You saw some thing in a corner of thousand of information, and you pick it up and treat it like every other piece of information funnel thru the news or media is hostile to Muslim. I can tell you this out right, American don't really care about Muslim, they care about Kim Kardashian, Taylor Swift and whoever have sex with the top model this week, that is the information currently flooding our media.
Last bit might be 100% true...but please do explain how those news which I quoted and this one Terrorism v hate crime: How US courts decide - BBC News

arise if all is jolly good in America? I am not saying all is wrong...Nope the country is better than many no doubt but I hate it when people deny there is a wrong! I never deny any BS happening so I do (to a certain extent) expect others to do the same ...be true!

Don't know which bomb in a mall you are talking about
This one: Fishergate Shopping Centre in Preston evacuated over 'explosive device' | Daily Mail Online

You said as if Muslim is the only religion being targeted, and I have shown you all other have been too, what more do you want?
I never said ONLY religion but it is 1 of the most so bad that people vandalize the mosque and abuse the ladies....thats what I said

Again, you are talking about the "Dumb Down" level of America, not all of us go around and tell color folks to go back to where you came from, by the way, I saw some white dude telling another white dude just last week during NYE celebration to go back to wherever he claw out of for speaking German in a Pub.
lolz that is funny and insane :unsure:

I have also seen on youtube this white lady saying a lot of shit to Brazilians and telling them to go back to Arab land or something she was soo noisy I couldnt watch it for more than 1 min :unsure:

I don't know who you are referring to. EVERY terrorist attack happened within America is Domestic Terrorism. EVERY Terrorist attack happened outside America is International Terrorism as per 18 USC, the deciding factor is not on WHOEVER carry out those attack, he can be a White American who bomb a Baghdad US Army barrack and it would still be international terrorism, Or he could be a brown people and bomb a federal building and be called a Domestic terrorist attack.
ok then answer these:

All lies?
So the definition doesnt define a mad man shooting as a terrorist crime but if they happen to be brown suddenly they have an agenda and a label to fit the agenda?

What about those looneys who have an agenda to white wash America? How is thart not an agenda? How is that not fitting the bill? but rather fits insanity? the white kid who shot at the Black church had an agenda to get rid of Black folks but was never called a terrorist even if terrorized a community! :o:

You are arguing just for the heck of it. Definition is pretty clear on the criteria.

If you go and blow up a school just because you thought it would make a good sport then you are obviously insane and won't qualify as a terrorist. However, if you blow the same school because you want to die for cause of your religion or ethnicity or something similar, want to send a message/take revenge from a particular country by targeting its citizens somewhere else that surely qualifies as terrorism.
You are arguing just for the heck of it. Definition is pretty clear on the criteria.
No I am not...do explain to me these then:
We avoid the word terrorism when the victims are black – not just when the killer is white | Jamiles Lartey | Opinion | The Guardian
Why don't Americans call mass shootings 'terrorism'? Racism | Jessica Valenti | Opinion | The Guardian
Terrorism: For Muslim crimes only? - Al Jazeera English
Shooters of color are called ‘terrorists’ and ‘thugs.’ Why are white shooters called ‘mentally ill’? - The Washington Post
King: White mass shooters are never called terrorists - NY Daily News

If you go and blow up a school just because you thought it would make a good sport then you are obviously insane and won't qualify as a terrorist.
and what if you do shoot a black church coz you hate blacks or stand outside a Mosque with all types of guns with "peaceful" labels of go away we dont want you ....and intimidate them with the large guns?

What if some Muslim man did that in front of a church or a synagogue?

However, if you blow the same school because you want to die for cause of your religion or ethnicity or something similar, want to send a message/take revenge from a particular country by targeting its citizens somewhere else that surely qualifies as terrorism.
again what about if you want to cause the same type of mischief against blacks or in a mall? terrorizing is terrorizing....
and what if you do shoot a black church coz you hate blacks or stand outside a Mosque with all types of guns with "peaceful" labels of go away we dont want you ....and intimidate them with the large guns?

What if some Muslim man did that in front of a church or a synagogue?

again what about if you want to cause the same type of mischief against blacks or in a mall? terrorizing is terrorizing....

No waving guns don't qualify as terrorism !

The definition of terrorism covers ethnicity. Broadly it would include races as well as organized violence directed against a particular skin color.

The definition of terrorism is debatable at some level I accept but it's not as trivial as most lot here makes it out to be. E.g. Assertions like one man's freedom fighter is a terrorist for another is utter non-sense.
No waving guns don't qualify as terrorism !
thats the sad part...what if a Muslim was waving his gun or a black?

The definition of terrorism is debatable at some level I accept but it's not as trivial as most lot here makes it out to be. E.g. Assertions like one man's freedom fighter is a terrorist for another is utter non-sense.
fair enough
No I am not...do explain to me these then:
We avoid the word terrorism when the victims are black – not just when the killer is white | Jamiles Lartey | Opinion | The Guardian
Why don't Americans call mass shootings 'terrorism'? Racism | Jessica Valenti | Opinion | The Guardian
Terrorism: For Muslim crimes only? - Al Jazeera English
Shooters of color are called ‘terrorists’ and ‘thugs.’ Why are white shooters called ‘mentally ill’? - The Washington Post
King: White mass shooters are never called terrorists - NY Daily News

and what if you do shoot a black church coz you hate blacks or stand outside a Mosque with all types of guns with "peaceful" labels of go away we dont want you ....and intimidate them with the large guns?

What if some Muslim man did that in front of a church or a synagogue?

again what about if you want to cause the same type of mischief against blacks or in a mall? terrorizing is terrorizing....

As I said, you are BIASED, I don't believe I can change your biased point of view, my post is actually not for you, but for general public whom happened to see this post so they can have a second opinion.

I have already listed the requirement, the proper law that govern what is terrorism and what is not. Waving a gun at school can achieve what? Demand a proper syllabus? It have to be coercing civilian population into doing something, Shooting up a school did not coerce anyone to do anything, same as shooting up a church or shooting up bank. A shooting is not automatically an assassination in the context. And if I plant a bomb in a mall, it will not always be an act of terror. It will be an act of terror if you try to coerce the civilian NOT to go to that mall, or if you want to bomb the mall to force Government to change their policy on building Mall in residential area, bombing a mall just because they refuse to give you a discount on an item is not an act of terrorism.

I have also included example on white people and domestic terrorism, and in fact, US Government called more white as terrorist than any of other race. Again, take it in or not is up to you

And finally you are talking about a place not Islamic majority but you want them to respect Muslim culture and even strictly enforce them, in the US, nobody actually care about Turban, Burqa or anything, but If I were a women and I go to Iraq and I need to cover up even I ain't Muslim, ain't that some sort of discrimination as well? Aren't you Muslim then would be a bit "Hypocritical"?

You can say this is how our country do stuff, we are an Islamic Country and you have to cover your head if you want to come to us, you can always choose to stay away, but then we can also say the same thing, we are NOT an Islamic Country, if you don't like your women being treated in Western Standard, you can also stay away from the US.

As I said, I have done my bit, I am gonna step out of this discussion. You have a nice day Ma'am
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I have already listed the requirement, the proper law that govern what is terrorism and what is not. Waving a gun at school can achieve what? Demand a proper syllabus? It have to be coercing civilian population into doing something, Shooting up a school did not coerce anyone to do anything, same as shooting up a church or shooting up bank. A shooting is not automatically an assassination in the context. And if I plant a bomb in a mall, it will not always be an act of terror. It will be an act of terror if you try to coerce the civilian NOT to go to that mall, or if you want to bomb the mall to force Government to change their policy on building Mall in residential area, bombing a mall just because they refuse to give you a discount on an item is not an act of terrorism.
Well said. But for those who wish to call a shooting done by a mentally troubled man as 'terrorism' is because they want to broaden the context of terrorism outside its current political cage, and they want to broaden it so they can drag the US and Americans down to that level of inhumanity. That is why they say the nun's habit, which is completely voluntary, the same as the burqa when the burqa is enforced by its own police.
The fact remains that America is a land of diverse cultures and acceptance. Whereas in certain cities it is acceptable and is done so to have a full blown prayer and milad out into the streets next to a bustling highway.. there are places where prayer will get you a redneck's rant.

However, when one weighs that in.. that level of tolerance versus the level of intolerance is in a much lesser ratio as compared to ANY muslim country.

Where the countries military ensures that Halal food is provided to its Muslim soldiers.. that is all you need to measure its maturity.

Trump and all the neo conservatives are a phenomenon of rural blue collar America feeling left out to the more affluent coastal areas(seriously, what the heck does Iowa have that would give it an attractive quality? Even Idaho has them potatoes).
. .
The fact remains that America is a land of diverse cultures and acceptance. Whereas in certain cities it is acceptable and is done so to have a full blown prayer and milad out into the streets next to a bustling highway.. there are places where prayer will get you a redneck's rant.

However, when one weighs that in.. that level of tolerance versus the level of intolerance is in a much lesser ratio as compared to ANY muslim country.

Where the countries military ensures that Halal food is provided to its Muslim soldiers.. that is all you need to measure its maturity.

Trump and all the neo conservatives are a phenomenon of rural blue collar America feeling left out to the more affluent coastal areas(seriously, what the heck does Iowa have that would give it an attractive quality? Even Idaho has them potatoes).
Problem is not USA internal policies problem is USA external policies. Until those policies world will continue to become a dangerous place
As I said, you are BIASED, I don't believe I can change your biased point of view, my post is actually not for you, but for general public whom happened to see this post so they can have a second opinion.
I am not biased I am ONLY voicing out which the media doesnt...I mentioned that in 1 of my earlier points but I see you are as interested in pointing that out as an indian would be to point out the flaws of their system/ govt/ policies!

I know TONS of good stuff, law and order is great considering how big the country is! BUT I ONLY voice out for the cases I pointed out as this thread IS ALSO pointing out a selection out of all the cases!

NOW if you think I am biased, so is Washington post, NY TIMES nad BBC for questioning the SAME points I brought up? Coz I took them from those newspapers! :enjoy:
I am not biased I am ONLY voicing out which the media doesnt...I mentioned that in 1 of my earlier points but I see you are as interested in pointing that out as an indian would be to point out the flaws of their system/ govt/ policies!

I know TONS of good stuff, law and order is great considering how big the country is! BUT I ONLY voice out for the cases I pointed out as this thread IS ALSO pointing out a selection out of all the cases!

NOW if you think I am biased, so is Washington post, NY TIMES nad BBC for questioning the SAME points I brought up? Coz I took them from those newspapers! :enjoy:

You are biased because you did not accept other view but your own, that's what Biased means, I have my own view but I do accept that your view is different than mine, hence I am not biased.

Media are ALWAYS biased. You cannot have a media report all side from one story, cause that would not sell. Or you would end up a headline of something like this. "Is Middle East our fault? It is and it isn't"
You are biased because you did not accept other view but your own,
what other view? Did I deny that other churches and temples get attacked? No I never denied it you on the other hand ARE biased coz you refuse to talk about the topic in hand but are diverting it!

I have my own view but I do accept that your view is different than mine, hence I am not biased.
When did you accept the case we are arguing on this thread? You have been picking up EVERYTHING ELSE but the topic :unsure: In English that actually is a definition of biased, no?

Media are ALWAYS biased.
That is true...Their job once upon a time was to inform us and be neutral but they rarely are! No doubt. But my question is based on THOSE articles, not one but I think I posted 5 and I used the words from THOSE articles hence those views are not mine....but I am curious to know why one would write like that?

You cannot have a media report all side from one story, cause that would not sell.
Now that is the fault of capitalists now isnt it? What doesnt sell doesnt need to be told...

Or you would end up a headline of something like this. "Is Middle East our fault? It is and it isn't"
Is it not? There were stories where everyone wanted war...then few yrs ago Iraq was a mistake started arising even when people outside American (yes there is life outside America) ALWAYS said Iraq was a mistake...World trade towers fell in America and Bush came on international press claiming its a war on the world? World was not the best but not torn as it is now....not a single sorry for deceiving creating hate and blowing half the world out of proportions where Hillary Clinton claims you are fighting the same people you created few yrs back....

YET not a single sorry not a single sign of humility nothing....

Who do we thank? your very media for fueling hatred.....anyway that is of the past, but why shy off from discussing that America does have problems? Why change topic when problems are brought up? Why deny? No country is perfect but delusional nation is a dangerous nation!
what other view? Did I deny that other churches and temples get attacked? No I never denied it you on the other hand ARE biased coz you refuse to talk about the topic in hand but are diverting it!

When did you accept the case we are arguing on this thread? You have been picking up EVERYTHING ELSE but the topic :unsure: In English that actually is a definition of biased, no?

That is true...Their job once upon a time was to inform us and be neutral but they rarely are! No doubt. But my question is based on THOSE articles, not one but I think I posted 5 and I used the words from THOSE articles hence those views are not mine....but I am curious to know why one would write like that?

Now that is the fault of capitalists now isnt it? What doesnt sell doesnt need to be told...

Is it not? There were stories where everyone wanted war...then few yrs ago Iraq was a mistake started arising even when people outside American (yes there is life outside America) ALWAYS said Iraq was a mistake...World trade towers fell in America and Bush came on international press claiming its a war on the world? World was not the best but not torn as it is now....not a single sorry for deceiving creating hate and blowing half the world out of proportions where Hillary Clinton claims you are fighting the same people you created few yrs back....

YET not a single sorry not a single sign of humility nothing....

Who do we thank? your very media for fueling hatred.....anyway that is of the past, but why shy off from discussing that America does have problems? Why change topic when problems are brought up? Why deny? No country is perfect but delusional nation is a dangerous nation!

As I said, you are biased, you did not accept my view on Muslim in America, and have been arguing in circle.

And no, while you do think this had happened to other religion, you still think American is targeting Muslim, hence forth, you are biased even tho I have shown you that this happen a lot across different various religion.

On the other hand, I accepted that you are Muslim and see thing in a certain way, I am not trying to argue with you, nor persuade you to change your view, how am I biased on the opinion?

As I said, I do not want to argue with you on the topic, if winning is so important for you ,then I declare you win and I lost, happy?

I bid you a good day.

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