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Record number of Pakistanis visited India last year

Who with his right mind will go to a country like India?

BTW Who know most of them would be on spying missions.

India offers several tourist attractions to its visitors,for people from countries like Pakistan,better medical care.
at first - I am no Sir, so you can address me as a fellow member ---
secondly then my dear you should have though about it first before tagging an entire nation as extremist ---being religious is one thing and being radicalized & extremist is another --- you have religious population in UAE and Gulf, but you cannot tag them as extremist --- are you going to limit their numbers too??

Its time we started taking our National security seriously. Yes generalizing the whole of Pakistan might not be right, but given the trust deficit and hot atmosphere in which we two nations work sometimes seeing every man though a lens becomes necessary. Mankind is notorious for not learning from History. As an Indian, I am bound to think of your Country's support for Khalistan movement and the continuing support for Muslims to Jihad against India. This is fact. So instead of reacting why not be pro active? Are we in agreement when I say it is easy to brainwash Muslims in the name of Islam?

Middle East becomes a totally different case. They bring to the table things which are necessary for us. Oil and Investment. Also cases of them supporting extremism in our country is limited. Pakistan becomes a totally different case.

that is why i mentioned in first post of mine - a fully comprehensive Policy must be drawn up - that will limit the quality & the quantity, but basing you Policy on the fact that only business men and Elite should be allowed then that in itself is wrong and I have given the reasons above ----
the point of this thread is to bridge gaps & change perception ---- or did i miss the point altogther???

Yes. That is our own mistake that we have not framed our policy that way. Sir let me tell you India is not in a hurry to mend her ties with Pakistan. Certainly not till we see how Afghanistan situation pans out. But you are right we are to blame ourselves if we continue letting Pakistanis in such big numbers.
No, I dont.

There are protocols in place to prevent terrorists and their known sympathisers.

But I reiterate, this is not about terrorists and their sympathisers. This is about the common Pakistani's. Those Pakistani's who do not condone terrorism.

But even they have their social outlook which is very - dare I say - Contrarian - to the generic Indian social outlook.
Their views on Islam, blasphemy, Shariah, jihad, and Ahmadis, non-Muslims are very distinct thanks to decades of creeping radicalization injected in their society.

And they will undoubtedly leave their mark on those they interact with. In limited numbers, this would not be a problem at all. But looking at massive numbers like 1 lakh per annum, it will leave a major impact in 1 decade's time.

I went through all your posts on this thread and while you do make a interesting point, I think the solution you suggest is both extreme & unworkable.

While you have given an example of your friend being influenced, I remain unconvinced that those Pakistanis who come to India necessarily harbour only that type of mindset. Influence does work both ways & if there are people in India so easily influenced, they will find ways for it regardless of the solution proposed.

Another important point is that the largest interactions between Indians & Pakistanis does not happen in India (which is actually a more favourable territory for slightly more liberal influences), it can equally happen in 3rd countries. There is far more chance of someone being influenced in the UK or in the Middle East than in India. Unlike the interaction in India, we have absolutely no control whatsoever of the both the type of people involved or the type of interaction that might follow. There is no telling what influences those Indians so influenced in 3rd countries, by Pakistanis or others, would have on the people back home. That is our biggest problem regarding such influence (Indian returnees), not as much involving Pakistanis in India.

On practicality grounds alone, your proposal suffers from severe drawbacks

Btw, blocking people coming in for medical reasons is more than a bit extreme. Hardly likely that people spending time in hospitals waiting for loved ones to recover are in the least bit interested in spreading religious dogma.
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that is why i mentioned in first post of mine - a fully comprehensive Policy must be drawn up - that will limit the quality & the quantity, but basing you Policy on the fact that only business men and Elite should be allowed then that in itself is wrong and I have given the reasons above ----
the point of this thread is to bridge gaps & change perception ---- or did i miss the point altogther???
why not simply draw up a comprehensive Immigration/ Visa Policy as many other developed countries have done, leaving the matter in the hands of the Immigration officer either to grant the visa or simply refuse.
Allowing only the elitist is not going to do any good as because elitist only represent a fraction of Pakistani population, and that indeed is not going to change perception of general public about india. Middle class families should be allowed and must be encouraged to visit india and vice versa to promote tourism and trade
The comprehensive policy is there.

The last GoI decided to follow a policy to have more and more people to people contacts. The results of that effort were that 1 lakh Pakistani's came to India in the last year.

It was their belief that more people to people contacts(euphemism for common Pakistani's meeting common Indians) will make Pakistani's less hostile to India and see India with their own eyes instead of what they are told by their text books.

Now the question is - was that policy right.

Do common Pakistani's add anything of value to the Indian society apart from tourist economic value? And what are the costs they impose on Indian society - in the form of their views they pass off to Indians.

I have already explained that the most conservative people and most radicalized part of any society is the middle class and lower middle class.

It is these people who form the bulk of those visiting India. The poor donot cannot afford to come to India and queue up to get a visa. The elite have been coming for a long time.

This is the point we must ask ourselves. What is the value of a common Pakistani in their society. We know the answer to that question. Pakistani society is very character/individual leadership based. So supporters of Imran Khan support everything he does, supporters of Nawaz, support everything he does. Same for Bhuttos and others. The only exceptio to that is support to an institution - military. But even there it has become a cult support - Supporters of military support everything the military does.

So, if we have the wide ranging support of the 1% society of Pakistan, we will automatically have support from the 99%. When I say 1%, I dont just mean the political elite. I also mean the cultural elite, the military elite, the business elite, the opinion elite(media). Along with one more category - Students. Those who will become the future of Pakistan. We must encourage students to come and study in India instead of having tourists.

If we can manage that - which would not take more than 20,000 visas a year, we do not need the rest of the Pakistani's. They will follow their leaders, and those who donot will have their opinion moulded by the opinion makers(media).

This way, we can limit the exposure of Indians to common Pakistani's while continuing on the common goal to improve State to State relations and reduction of hostilities.
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Pakistani's visiting India get more influenced by India than the other way around.

There are multiple threads, one even running now about Indian influence spreading in Pakistan, who do you think are the carriers of that influence?.

Pakistani's are and will end up getting influenced by India rather than the other way around because there's nothing to offer at their end. Other than a couple of ghazal singers - I don't see any kind of influence forthcoming from their shores.

The Muslims of India, as much as they are happy about India's growth, they are the most disappointed by Pakistan's performance over the years though.

As for the wahaabi / jihadi element - we know the source of that.
Got it,

upto 48k Indian visited Pakistan in 2010.

Thread to be made regarding indian cultural imposition on Pakistan(Defecating in open and rapes) After Aftari

Tourism inflow remained highest from the UK, as more than 270,000 tourists from that country visited Pakistan since Britain maintains the maximum business ties in the region. The next was US from where 108,786 visitors came. More than 48,100 Indians also visited Pakistan besides over 29,100 Chinese and 36,600 Iranians. India and China topped the list when it came to most tourists visiting Pakistan after relaxation in visa restrictions

2 About 0.9m tourists visited Pakistan in 10 months - Newspaper - DAWN.COM


Stop being a racist bigot shan

naya naam, purana kaam ?

Indus river


Ganga river


Got it,

upto 48k Indian visited Pakistan in 2010.

Thread to be made regarding indian cultural imposition on Pakistan(Defecating in open and rapes) After Aftari


Sir 48k Indians visiting pure land is to much. Hopefully reduced to 0 by next year.
Record number of Pakistanis visited India last year
Himanshi Dhawan,TNN | Jul 5, 2014, 02.53 AM IST
READ MORE Pakistanis visited India last year|Pakistani PM Nawaz Sharif|Foreign tourist arrivals

Travel from Pakistan rose to a six-year high, touching 1.11 lakh tourists in 2013.

NEW DELHI: In a year where India-Pak relations nose-dived because of frequent LoC skirmishes and the beheading of two Indian soldiers, tourists from Pakistan appeared undeterred. Travel from Pakistan rose to a six-year high, touching 1.11 lakh tourists in 2013. This is the highest since 2007 when India received 1.06 lakh tourists from Pakistan.

Latest data on foreign tourist arrivals from the tourism ministry reveals that arrivals from Pakistan registered a 86.80% growth since 2012, increasing from 59,846 to 1.11 lakh in 2013. This is the highest growth among the top 45 source countries for India. Incidentally, there has been no promotion or liberalization of visa norms with Pakistan. In fact, in 2012, the two countries had signed a liberalized visa agreement but it was not rolled out because of ceasefire violations across the LoC and killings on the border.

Industry sources said expanding business opportunities and better healthcare facilities in the country drew Pakistani nationals to India. There has been a recent thaw between the two countries after PM Narendra Modi invited Pakistani PM Nawaz Sharif for his swearing-in ceremony at Rashtrapati Bhavan.

Other high growth countries include the Russian Federation where the number of tourists increased from 1.77 lakh in 2012 to 2.59 lakh in 2013, recording a 45.96% growth. Countries in the West Asia region including Kuwait and Saudi Arabia also registered growth. Tourists from Kuwait increased by 60% from 5,256 in 2012 to 8,461 last year while travelers from Saudi showed an increase of 33.5% from 32,127 tourists in 2012 to 42,892 in 2013.

The top 10 source countries for India remained constant including the US, UK, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Russian Federation, Canada, Germany, France, Malaysia and Japan. About 10.08 lakh tourists from the US came to India in 2013 as compared to 10.03 lakh while UK was a distant second with 8.09 lakh tourists last year compared to 7.88 lakh in 2012. Travelers from Bangladesh increased by 7.70% from 4.8 lakh in 2012 to 5.2 lakh in 2013.

Year....tourists from Pakistan

2007....1.06 lakh






2013...1.11 lakh
Record number of Pakistanis visited India last year - The Times of India
Good to see we got money to go on vacation!

Though people should be a aware of these types:

Ignorant Isalamophobe are the worst breed

My views on the matter as expressed on another thread:

You bridge gaps with people who are better, you dont bridge gaps with a population that has been radicalized over decades, that has not been living in a pluralistic society and is a violent society.

If they are given visas, they will come here and transport their ideas of shariah and non-Muslims to people living here.
No idea what this means but yea you can expect anything from him!

We need to have a transactional relationship with Pakistan - one in which they dont trouble us in Kashmir and we do not trouble them in other areas. Where we can have mutual trade.
Mutual means benefiting both sides not only your views on Kashmir and your ordering...With already your narrow minded phobia...not much can be said there!

Other than that, we dont require anything else. And this can be accomplished by giving visas to just the various elites of Pakistan. They are the ones who actually make decisions in Pakistan.
Sadly it is the poor who still have relatives in India who would like to visit India not really the elites who prefer Dubai, UK and USA over India for their "visits"...But your mindset speaks heaps itself! Greedy of money as though elites dont have their hands dirty but then again for you they are prob pure

We must actively reduce the number of common Pakistanis coming to India. 1 lakh Pakistani's coming to India each year is nothing short of a travesty!Even if they influence 2 Indians, that is 2 lakh Indians with Pakistani vision of shariah and non-Muslims each year!
Talk about being far worse than racist then they say we are the ones who are taught crap about India! Wonder how much brainwashing this one went through ^^
Indian culture must be pathetic than that 2 Indians can be influenced by every 1 Pakistan :agree:

Now that we have a different Government in charge, it must reduce this number to less than a quarter!
See the pure panic!
@niaz sir, @Icarus We can continue our discussion from the other thread here. It is more relevant.

Pakistanis come for medical treatment too. But this is wrong. The number should be under 1000. We don't want them here. Indian Hospitals should say no to treating Pakistanis. Let them treat their own people as per Islam.

Should not apply to Pakistanis.
Give up the moral high ground my friend. We don't want them here.
@Sidak You did not read the entire post which you reported....:)

on topic.... Good that more people visit India, and this trend should increase (both ways)..... The more we meet each other the trust grows further....
Its not trust trust that will increase.Terrorism and radicalism will increase with more contacts.For sake of nations security such things should be checked thoroughly we been at war since 60+ years.No need for such trust.
But why? Its good, people to people contact, and btw, what the hell even means visa ease. As the visa ease increases, definitely number of tourist from Pak increases.

And hospitals, if they can treat Pakistanis well, then what the problem with them, we are happy to treat westerns but not Pakistanis. Thats a hypocrisy bro,
Why should we treat people whose country wants to bleed us through thousand cuts and been at war with us since its inception?Why?they are not doing us any favors so why should we?
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Why should we treat people whose country wants to bleed us through thousand cuts and been at war with us since its inception?Why?they ate not doing us any favors so why should we?
All the more reasons to treat them and treat them better.

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