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Record number of Pakistanis visited India last year

our concerns about changing the outlook of Indian society is thus misplaced, also, if a person is able to transform the social structure of your people in a month, then you should seriously consider that the danger lies in your social structure that it is so easily corrupted by foreign influence.

You are right. The danger lies in our social structure. Remember we had "secular" "liberal" "progressive" commies ruling over us for much of the last 7 decades. They have managed to brainwash a huge section of the population that everything Indian and Hindu is bad. Everything Islam and Western is good. So our society is very vulnerable to foreign influences. Now until we sort out our history and our fools, we need to be extremely careful.
Rofl, bro, the foreign ministry do a vigorous check of background before allowing to enter in India, the visa granting still taking as high as six month. They dont allow everybody.
Just like how 50,000 Pakistanis out of 1 lakh tourists who came to watch cricket world cup in India vanished without trace?very thorough checking by MEA and police don't you think?
So, first I insult you and then I say that I was joking/trolling......that's ok for you mate??
secondly, don't you think he should get an infraction/negative rating for trolling??.........I've got infractions so many times before.....and the reason given was 'trolling'/'troll post'........and here you're supporting a person who admitted himself that he was trolling......
I was trolling op and i didn't insult him.

He insulted all Pakistanis by saying we are terrorists minded and our kind shouldnt be allowed in India. Why? Because some people are terrorist. So i gave example of how Indians commit crime abroad. It doesn't make all Indians bad. Just like that, not all pakistanis are bad.

Your trolling is probably insulting.

Also rating dont matter. internet is not the place to have feelings

Shall I post what the culture of muslims is? well we will all have a blast then.
Then I'll post Hindu culture.

He said Pakistanis are awful, I said Indians are too. Just cuz some of us areawful doesn't male all of us awful. Don't take it personal bud
Good to see we got money to go on vacation!

Though people should be a aware of these types:

Ignorant Isalamophobe are the worst breed

No idea what this means but yea you can expect anything from him!

Mutual means benefiting both sides not only your views on Kashmir and your ordering...With already your narrow minded phobia...not much can be said there!

Sadly it is the poor who still have relatives in India who would like to visit India not really the elites who prefer Dubai, UK and USA over India for their "visits"...But your mindset speaks heaps itself! Greedy of money as though elites dont have their hands dirty but then again for you they are prob pure

Talk about being far worse than racist then they say we are the ones who are taught crap about India! Wonder how much brainwashing this one went through ^^
Indian culture must be pathetic than that 2 Indians can be influenced by every 1 Pakistan :agree:

See the pure panic!
Try to avoid quoting my posts in the future.
You rarely if ever add anything informative to posts or a thread(unless its a thread discussing the qoran/hadith) apart from one liner responses to quotes. You rarely bring a fundamental rethink or critical analysis to any situation instead of your usual accusations of islamophobe,xyz.

Completely different from other Pakistani's like icarus, waz, niaz, notorious, even aeronaut, people who actually add an opinion and try to substantiate it.

I was trolling op and i didn't insult him.

He insulted all Pakistanis by saying we are terrorists minded and our kind shouldnt be allowed in India. Why? Because some people are terrorist. So i gave example of how Indians commit crime abroad. It doesn't make all Indians bad. Just like that, not all pakistanis are bad.

Your trolling is probably insulting.

Also rating dont matter. internet is not the place to have feelings

Then I'll post Hindu culture.

He said Pakistanis are awful, I said Indians are too. Just cuz some of us areawful doesn't male all of us awful. Don't take it personal bud
I dont begrudge you your troll post. Next time, try to answer factually instead of attacking back. Maybe you will learn it as you grow up. Learn from members who I respect even if I dont agree with them like @Icarus , @waz @notorious eagle, @niaz @Aeronaut @Hyperion
They tend to give opinions backed by fact or anecdotal evidence, not by attacking back. They accept when they are proved wrong and I accept when I learn something new.

I only give this advice to you because you have the intellectual potential to transcend the usual BS of this forum and become someone whose views are truly worth following - a rarity I assure you.
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Try to avoid quoting my posts in the future.
You rarely if ever add anything informative to posts or a thread(unless its a thread discussing the qoran/hadith) apart from one liner responses to quotes. You rarely bring a fundamental rethink or critical analysis to any situation instead of your usual accusations of islamophobe,xyz.

Completely different from other Pakistani's like icarus, waz, niaz, notorious, even aeronaut who actually add an opinion and try to substantiate it.

I dont begrudge you your troll post. Next time, try to answer factually instead of attacking back. Maybe you will learn it as you grow up. Learn from members who I respect even if I dont agree with them like @Icarus , @waz @notorious eagle, @niaz @Aeronaut @Hyperion
They tend to give opinions backed by fact or anecdotal evidence, not by attacking back. They accept when they are proved wrong and I accept when I learn something new.

I only give this advice to you because you have the intellectual potential to transcend the usual BS of this forum and become someone whose views are truly worth following - a rarity I assure you.

Factually? Jow about you be factual? Can you prove every pakistani has terrorist mind?
Here is my factual proof, pakistani live in every corner of world. India is no special. Now how about you act like an adult and not recall your fantasies.
Factually? Jow about you be factual? Can you prove every pakistani has terrorist mind?
Here is my factual proof, pakistani live in every corner of world. India is no special. Now how about you act like an adult and not recall your fantasies.
I have. Follow my post to icarus and you will get the fact I post and the response he posts instead of the usual troll BS.
Factually? Jow about you be factual? Can you prove every pakistani has terrorist mind?
Here is my factual proof, pakistani live in every corner of world. India is no special. Now how about you act like an adult and not recall your fantasies.

You are relatively new to this forum I see.

I think a lot of Pakistani veterans on this forum and even I know where Contrarian comes from.

I don't know if he is a right winger, but in terms of national security paradigm, Contrarian is on the right I think. His posts are a study in dichotomy. He can come up with excellent posts not related to Indo-Pak relations. But he can be jingoistic at times.

I agree with your view point.

I think a lot of Pakistani veterans on this forum and even I know where Contrarian comes from.

He comes from dirty ganga land, being dravid midget he is obsession with pure land is hardly surprising.
Try to avoid quoting my posts in the future.
You rarely if ever add anything informative to posts or a thread(unless its a thread discussing the qoran/hadith) apart from one liner responses to quotes. You rarely bring a fundamental rethink or critical analysis to any situation instead of your usual accusations of islamophobe,xyz.
I always do add just that you troll soo much you are incapable of seeing information but only love to see further agreement to your trolling! How about you prove to me that you are not an Islamophobe...Coz so far I have not seen any of your posts which have not shown otherwise!
Completely different from other Pakistani's like icarus, waz, niaz, notorious, even aeronaut, people who actually add an opinion and try to substantiate it.
Unlike in India...we in Pakistan vary in opinion and are not clones...I have added soo much info in threads about Islam debating with you alot yet you are stuck on square one and your insecurities!

I dont begrudge you your troll post. Next time, try to answer factually instead of attacking back.
I dont atack I stated facts! Show me 1 of your posts where you have not shown Islamophobe!

Maybe you will learn it as you grow up. Learn from members who I respect even if I dont agree with them like @Icarus , @waz @notorious eagle, @niaz @Aeronaut @Hyperion
They tend to give opinions backed by fact or anecdotal evidence, not by attacking back. They accept when they are proved wrong and I accept when I learn something new.
Mind you in about 5-6 posts on Islam (yes the very topic that bites you....Yet you had only trolled those threads so pry do tell me why should I explain the same topic again to the very person who is back on square one with nothing but insecurities....Looking at you I could paint every Indian as Islamophobe but I dont...just you and a handful...not all but you paint every Pakistani with the narrow window you look out of!
I only give this advice to you because you have the intellectual potential to transcend the usual BS of this forum and become someone whose views are truly worth following - a rarity I assure you.
My views are mine I dont impose...However if I give substantial researched answers backed with articles I do expect a respectful reply which you never offered!
Anyone having the latest number of indian visiting Pakistan per year

As per 2010,48k indian visited Pakistan while as per OP,58k Pakistanis visited india in 2010

The difference is not huge if we take 2010 as example.
Good to see we got money to go on vacation!

Though people should be a aware of these types:

Ignorant Isalamophobe are the worst breed

No idea what this means but yea you can expect anything from him!

Mutual means benefiting both sides not only your views on Kashmir and your ordering habuts...

Sadly it is the poor who still have relatives in India who would like to visit India not really the elites who prefer Dubai, UK and USA over India for their "visits"...But your mindset speaks heaps itself! Greedy of money as though elites dont have their hands dirty but then again for you they are prob pure

Indian culture must be pathetic than that 2 Indians can be influenced by every 1 Pakistan :agree:

See the pure panic!
BTW @Contrarian what is wrong with my post? All is answer to what you said out of your phobia!

Anyone having the latest number of indian visiting Pakistan per year

As per 2010,48k indian visited Pakistan while as per OP,58k Pakistanis visited india in 2010

The difference is not huge if we take 2010 as example.
I dont really care much bro....The topic at hand is Pakistanis visiting India...his concern is genuine about the influx on their tourism....And sadly he added his phobia openly making the whole article seem useless rather....

Why they visiting,
why they being granted visa and so on...
why should Indian docs cure Pakistani people even if the docs are paid really well...
Only Elites ...you know them who make decisions who can visit UK, USA and Dubai should come to India...
I have. Follow my post to icarus and you will get the fact I post and the response he posts instead of the usual troll BS.
Like I said, I don't have personal fantasies. I read what world thinks, not what one guy on pdf comes up with. The world gives visas to Pakistani and doesn't say only 1000 people are allowed to come because if more came, extremism will prevail.
You're a disease in humanity and nothing will please you. People like you need an excuse to treat others awfully. Some fight over religion, some sects, some over nationalism or ethnicty. You're that person, who'll always find a way to have a fight. And God forbid, had you held any 'sane' position of gov't cabinet or military, both countries would be burned to ashes.

Now here, let me give you a slap, would you like one Osama bin laden in India, who is known terrorist, or 1lakh pakistanis, who are known not to be terrorist? This is your mentality.

And speaking of your mentality, you aren't worth my time, so don't expect a response. Keep spewing your dillusion.
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