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Recent Sino-Indian border conflict

Little China got itself whooped. Let me know when you have the balls to build the road. Good thing you quietly took your crappy equipment back to your filthy lands - now be a good little China and stay there. We give you permission to patrol - take care of the goats and yaks - a job apt for the Chinese Army. If you try to build a road again, we will kick your little butts again.
First you said we withdrew our troops, then you said we only patrol, now we only patrol and station our troops and withdraw our equipment? So where are the facts? MEA said nothing nor MOFA. As expected, China did not agree to anything and you withdrew.

We will make an overall assessment of the weather conditions and all related factors, and according to the actual circumstances complete construction plans for the Dong Lang (Doklam) area," spokesperson Hua Chunying told a daily news briefing.
Every Chinese have learned a lesson: India likes invading other countries.

In previous time normal people like me thought that India is a potential friend. I personaly have several Indian friends.

Now, like in 1960s, lessons are relearnt, and we should better reconsider India. It is a uncivilized object not suitable for 21st centery. China together with allies should be more aware of this and stop dreaming about peace with those.

Way too many Chinese still refuse to learn the obvious lesson and to accept the actual fact below ... ...
Fact is PRC #1 enemy will ALWAYS be United Scums americese, and United Scum ( americese ) is the slave master or puppets master for ( India, Japan, South Korea, Australia, and many other slavish and submissive nations ).

Sadly and Unfortunately, until today, there are still way too many ZhongGuoRen regard United Scum ( americese ) as friendly nation. And all these ZhongGuoRen and all the HanJian are always going over backward to please United Scum ( americese ). For example by going along to economically sanction our true friend / allies such as ( North Korea, Iran, and others ).

Meanwhile, too many ZhongGuoRen in the power positions ( such as Big Business Owners and PRC Central Leadership Strategic Advisers ) are doing way too little or way too late to strengthen our friend and allies, such as ( IRAN, NORTH KOREA, SERBIA, LAOS, CAMBODIA, THAILAND, BELARUS, and RUSSIA, CUBA, VENEZUELA, and PAKISTAN ).

China is being surrounded by many frontline enemies ( americese, Japan, India, and Australia ) and backline enemies ( UK, Singapore, France, americese slaves in Middle East, and many other western European nations ).
When the real war breakout China will be attacked in all directions by all these lowlifer nations.

Then suddenly, all those ZhongGuoRen who have been going over backward to please the united scums americese ... ...

Sergey Lavrov--Wang Yi--1a.jpg

It is way too little and way too late. :eek: :hitwall:

As regular street level ZhongGuoRen, we all can do our part by posting to defend, and posting something nice, and posting something supportive, and ( Click Thanks Button ) all those posters that defend our allies and friend below ( IRAN, NORTH KOREA, SERBIA, LAOS, CAMBODIA, THAILAND, BELARUS, and RUSSIA, CUBA, VENEZUELA, and PAKISTAN ) at every opportunities.

At the same time, regular street level ZhongGuoRen shall ceaselessly attack ( United Scums americese ) at every opportunities.

Do not belittle all these small gestures, combined they all carry tremendous impacts.

Let me stop now. Forgive me, I said too much already. :china:
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Way too many Chinese still refuse to learn the obvious lesson and to accept the actual fact below ... ...
Fact is PRC #1 enemy will ALWAYS be United Scums americese, and United Scum ( americese ) is the slave master or puppets master for ( India, Japan, South Korea, Australia, and many other slavish and submissive nations ).

Sadly and Unfortunately, until today, there are still way too many ZhongGuoRen regard United Scum ( americese ) as friendly nation. And all these ZhongGuoRen and all the HanJian are always going over backward to please United Scum ( americese ). For example by going along to economically sanction our true friend / allies such as ( North Korea, Iran, and others ).

Meanwhile, too many ZhongGuoRen in the power positions ( such as Big Business Owners and PRC Central Leadership Strategic Advisers ) are doing way too little or way too late to strengthen our friend and allies, such as ( IRAN, NORTH KOREA, SERBIA, LAOS, CAMBODIA, THAILAND, BELARUS, and RUSSIA, CUBA, VENEZUELA, and PAKISTAN ).

China is being surrounded by many frontline enemies ( americese, Japan, India, and Australia ) and backline enemies ( UK, Singapore, France, Turkey, americese slaves in Middle East, and many other western European nations ).
When the real war breakout China will be attacked in all directions by all these lowlifer nations.

Then suddenly, all those ZhongGuoRen who have been going over backward to please the united scums americese ... ...

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It is way too little and way too late. :eek: :hitwall:

As regular street level ZhongGuoRen, we all can do our part by posting to defend, and posting something nice, and posting something supportive, and ( Click Thanks Button ) all those posters that defend our allies and friend below ( IRAN, NORTH KOREA, SERBIA, LAOS, CAMBODIA, THAILAND, BELARUS, and RUSSIA, CUBA, VENEZUELA, and PAKISTAN ) at every opportunities.

At the same time, regular street level ZhongGuoRen shall ceaselessly attack ( United Scums americese ) at every opportunities.

Do not belittle all these small gestures, combined they all carry tremendous impacts.

Let me stop now. Forgive me, I said too much already. :china:

Right now China shall concentrate on maintaining peace. In large wars the human and material losses are far too big. Part of that effort is to create a strong modern military. An important step ahead in the future is going to be the collapse of Western propaganda machinery. To be a real turning point the collapse must be big. That requires that it collapses mostly of it's own weight, only partially pushed by China or others. Right now even Russian media for the most follows Western manners in it's China treatment. The site SouthFront org is, as far as is known, run by Southern headquarters of Russian military. Yet their article maps.southfront org/ doklam-plateau-in-china-india-confrontation-roots-and-tangles is very close to Indian views. Only the commenters are surprised on how come old agreements shall not necessarily be followed, PRC is not necessarily the direct follow-up of Qing Dynasty, if a country eagerly wants something then that item becomes "contested" etc. Right now we can improve the present world by documenting verifiable and reasonable parts of reality. (As a new recruit I'm forced to spoil some part in link addresses, sorry)
why do you take their uber nationalist sentiment this far??

There will be no war, this is not even on the table. Any war in that situation will extremely favour the people occupying the high ground (It's something we, the military personnel, called Reverse (Slope) Defilade position) only a moron of a military commander will try to assault UP THE HILL, without Gunship and Naval Support. Any one with simple tactical training would have suggest that's a suicide If you ask me to attack a hill 3000 meters up and too high for any gunship (Chinese don't have AC-130, only fast air and chopper), I would probably tell you to go to hell and report that over my chain of command. Or you may as well put a pistol on my head and execute me then and there.

There are no other way for China to solve this but peaceful mean via diplomatic dialogue. Military Option is a no go from Day 1. It doesn't take a genius to figure this out.

If you listed to people like @Keel @Jlaw @Martian2 or anyone of these Chinese member, you would probably have to facepalm yourself until your hand stuck in your face forever, there were this time this @Keel guy even say what I said about assaulting Doklam is stupid. Lol, yeah, right, Well, I can tell you this, Chinese Army is always the god almighty when you hide behind a keyboard, but in REALITY, if you ask people who know about this shit, they will probably just laugh it out like me. Yeah right, maybe they should actually assault Doklam and See what happened. For me a place called Tahuk Ghar comes to mind.

Anyway, give not much attention to these people, they are here for your entertainment, and if you take it too seriously, than it will not be good.

I don't take them seriously at all friend lol. I am liberally laughing at them and calling others to enjoy the entertainment they provide too. Water off a duck's back most of it for me hehe.

China non-committal on halting road construction in Dokalam

PTI|Aug 29, 2017, 07.38 PM IST

BEIJING: China today remained non-committal on the issue of stopping road construction in Dokalam, a day after Indian and Chinese troops ended 73-day standoff that was triggered by China's move to build a road in the border area.

"In order to meet the needs of defending the borders, improving the living conditions, China has long engaged in infrastructure development including the road construction," Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunyingsaid.

India and China yesterday ended their standoff in Doklam by withdrawing their troops from the area, just days before Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visit to China to attend the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) summit.

When asked if China will continue with building the road in the area, Hua said, "we will take into consideration all relevant factors, including the weather, to make relevant construction plan in accordance with the situation on the ground."

Hua reiterated that Chinese border troops "will continue to station and patrol the Doklam area. We will continue to exercise our sovereignty with historic conventions."

She also parried a question whether China is in consultation with Bhutan, which has protested the Chinese troops' road building in Doklam.

"So far we have resolved the issue of illegal trespass of the Indian troops," she said.

When asked whether China halted the work on a road in Doklam to end the standoff so that the BRICS summit could be held, Hua said, "Peaceful resolution of the issue through the diplomatic channels serves the common interests of all relevant parties."

"It shows the sincerity and responsible attitude of China as a major country," Hua added.

Welcoming the end of the standoff, senior Chinese scholars said major lesson out of border tensions is that China and India should be sensitive towards each other's concerns to avert future conflicts.

"I am very glad to hear that finally the two governments demonstrated their maturity and far reaching and farsighted decision to peacefully end the conflict," Hu Shisheng, Director of the official China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations, told PTI.

Hu said China and India should be sensitive to each other's concerns.

Rong Ying, Vice President and Senior Research Fellow of the China Institute of the International Relations, which is affiliated to the Chinese Foreign Ministry, said the resolution of Dokalam standoff showed maturity and resilience of India-China bilateral relations.

"This is by far the most the serious incident between the two countries on the boundary. Ten weeks of very serious and grave situation. So the fact that both sides through the diplomatic means solved it in a peaceful (way), I think it should be definitely welcomed," said Rong, who served as a diplomat in the Chinese embassy in New Delhi.
Hmm, don't take us seriously and yet your soldies ran like cow wards? :rofl:

PLA Construction equipment got ejected and never will return. I know the satellite pictures coming in soon are going to hurt your ego very badly (so in time being you want to take leaf out of global times style blah blah). Sucks for you that China has to be bullied around about what it can and can't do in territory it claims...but long precedent already set in SCS and Arunachal Pradesh for it....so you just took more of the same up your derriere.

Xi fired and replaced ("regrouped" - lol) western commander of PLA for a reason after all....I am enjoying the tensions and butthurts in brittle CPC a lot :)

PLA Construction equipment got ejected and never will return. I know the satellite pictures coming in soon are going to hurt your ego very badly (so in time being you want to take leaf out of global times style blah blah). Sucks for you that China has to be bullied around about what it can and can't do in territory it claims...but long precedent already set in SCS and Arunachal Pradesh for it....so you just took more of the same up your derriere.

Xi fired and replaced ("regrouped" - lol) western commander of PLA for a reason after all....I am enjoying the tensions and butthurts in brittle CPC a lot :)

When did construction equipment got 'ejected'? Can MEA confirm this? Ooo wait MEA is awfully suspiciously silent on this? I wonder why? :rofl:

So a country being forced to unilaterally unconditionally withdraw is now the victor?:rofl:. Btw, status quo is the same? Before this we were patrolling and now we are stationed there permanently. Chankian indeed, you basically just handed Doklam to us, you gave us an excuse to militarize Doklam.


"We will make an overall assessment of the weather conditions and all related factors, and according to the actual circumstances complete construction plans for the Dong Lang (Doklam) area," spokesperson Hua Chunying told a daily news briefing


Q: Could you tell us that how many Chinese soldiers are still deployed at the Dong Lang area?

A: This is a very specific question. What I can tell you is that The Chinese border troops continue with their patrols and stationing in the Dong Lang area. China will adjust and deploy its military resources in accordance with the need of guarding the border and the situation on the ground.:rofl::rofl::rofl:

Btw how many meters of road completed till Doka La, roughly 30-40% deep into Doklam did you destroy? The answer is ZEROOOOOOO. :partay:
When did construction equipment got 'ejected'?

Why so impatient? Satellite pictures incoming for rest of the year. But of course you will make up some excuse then too lol....but anyway its other audience we care about than chinese trolls anyway.

"We will make an overall assessment of the weather conditions and all related factors, and according to the actual circumstances complete construction plans for the Dong Lang (Doklam) area," spokesperson Hua Chunying told a daily news briefing

You can complete construction "plans". We care about actual construction on the ground :) and its never going to happen....and it will be verified constantly now.

You can see chinese govt has chosen its words very carefully.

Just like here too:

China will adjust and deploy its military resources in accordance with the need of guarding the border and the situation on the ground.

i.e just patrols now basically, no permanent presence. That can be argued to be the accordance to a "need" too lol.

In the end the "re-adjustment" reality is captured by satellite for all to see soon. Too bad for trolls like you :)
Why so impatient? Satellite pictures incoming for rest of the year. But of course you will make up some excuse then too lol....but anyway its other audience we care about than chinese trolls anyway.
Rest of the year? So Do i have to wait one year? China already officially stated they will continue road construction and also exercise sovereignty. Aren't you supposed to 'mutually withdraw' and get a road cessation concession?:rofl:. You don't find it suspicious that MEA is not refuting Chinese claims as usual, the same case when CHina informed the world India withdrew until 40 soldiers were left? And yet your media was saying the exact opposite? Or when it was obviously a Chinese soldier giving a flying kick while your soldier was holding a stone and yet your media twisted it around?

You can complete construction "plans". We care about actual construction on the ground :) and its never going to happen....and it will be verified constantly now. You can see chinese govt has chosen its words very carefully.
Yup we planned to build roads there, and we are going to complete what we plan. Are you so desperate now that you need to play with semantics? :lol:. Any idiot can tell what it meant. Btw, have you even read MEA statements? Disengagement? Actual construction? Bhai wake up, there is a grade 40 road 100 meters from your border INTACT, in Doka La. That's 30-40% deep inside Doklam, and now you have permanent presence of Chinese troops. You geniuses just strategically handed us Doklam by withdrawing.:rofl:

Just like here too:

China will adjust and deploy its military resources in accordance with the need of guarding the border and the situation on the ground.
This means if India increased their troops deployment on Indian side of the border, China will do the same. Simple English.

i.e just patrols now basically, no permanent presence. That can be argued to be the accordance to a "need" too lol.

In the end the "re-adjustment" reality is captured by satellite for all to see soon. Too bad for trolls like you :)
I guess you are now having selective visual impairment again?:enjoy:

This is a very specific question. What I can tell you is that The Chinese border troops continue with their patrols and stationing in the Dong Lang area. China will adjust and deploy its military resources in accordance with the need of guarding the border and the situation on the ground.
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Just in, second confrimation of permanent troop stationed at Doklam near Doka La.


Question: What role did the Chinese military play in resolving the Dong Lang incident? What measures will the military take to safeguard national sovereignty as well as national interests and rights?

Answer: Since the Dong Lang incident happened, the Chinese military has closely monitored the development of the situation. Not a single moment have we forgotten our responsibility of safeguarding our motherland and upholding peace. Not in a single moment have we relented in our targeted preparation for military struggle. We took on-site emergency response measures, strengthened border control, pushed forward operational deployment and enhanced targeted training so as to firmly safeguard territorial integrity, national sovereignty and our legitimate rights and interests. At the same time, through military diplomacy and border defense exchange channels, we lodged numerous representations with the Indian military and played an important role for the proper settlement of the Dong Lang incident. The Chinese military will continue to carry out its missions and responsibilities, beef up patrol and troop station in the Dong Lang area and resolutely safeguard national sovereignty and security.:rofl:

Question: The spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said the other day that the Chinese border defense troops continued with patrolling and stationing in the Dong Lang area. Could you tell us how they would do that specifically?

Answer: Dong Lang is China’s inherent territory. We will never give up each inch of the beautiful mountains and rivers of our motherland. The Chinese armed forces will firmly carry out its sacred mission of safeguarding territorial sovereignty and protect every inch of the land in the Dong Lang area.
I realise something new.

I am so stupid, Doklam and Doklam plateau are two different things, China wanted to own Doklam not just the plateau, the road till Doka La essentially already covers the whole Doklam plateau. When we station troops there, we have de-facto control of Doklam plateau. Strategically, it was the plateau that mattered, the last big piece of flat land there facing Siliguri. Use google 3D, the plateau area is only at the top left quarter of Doklam, the rest are essentially river valleys with no strategic use.

Map from Indian analyst


Map from Chinese MOFA
The road building on Doka La where the Indians crossed over the border is as good as already completed since it is only 100 meters away from border marked by mountain ridge. The next tasks would be to built bunkers, trench and fox-holes for the PLA troops to be stationed there.

Indians had done some favour for the Chinese as they had built some trench and lookout post on the Chinese side, which would now be used by PLA soldiers.

Note that the Chinese road is less than 200 meters from Indian road in Sikkim. If Chinese cross over through this road into Sikkim. then they can push all the way to cut off the Chicken neck and isolate Assam and rest of Indian territory.

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The road building on Doka La where the Indians crossed over the border is as good as already completed since it is only 100 meters away from border marked by mountain ridge. The next tasks would be to built bunkers, trench and fox-holes for the PLA troops to be stationed there.

Indians had done some favour for the Chinese as they had built some trench and lookout post on the Chinese side, which would now be used by PLA soldiers.

Note that the Chinese road is less than 200 meters from Indian road in Sikkim. If Chinese cross over through this road into Sikkim. then they can push all the way to cut off the Chicken neck and isolate Assam and rest of Indian territory.

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Nice map. Chinese troops are now next to Doka La. Doka La if you look at the map is the end point for Doklam plateau, if we have control till that area, we have de facto control. The original intention of the Indians is not road obstruction or cessation, it was road destruction in the plateau areas. This big piece of flat area facing siliguri is good for artillery, missiles, radars, landing base, etc. Trust me, after this you will see a small radar base or air base.

The purpose of the road extension to Gyomochen/Gyomochi is only for dejure control, no strategic use since Gyomochen is a mountain peak.
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