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Recent Sino-Indian border conflict

Slave, can't you read thats said by the same idiot, Chinese FM! Don't take your master's word like bible!

Chutye I would always take words of Chinese foreign ministry over your government and your army that are still to provide even a single proof of that so called surgical strike they did last year.

Those losers didn't share anything with their gullible nation even.
Doklam standoff: India, China agree to disengage troops after talks, says MEA
China, which accused India of preventing its soldiers from building a road, had taken an aggressive stand and even warned of a war. Bhutan and India maintain that Doklam, or Donglang as the Chinese call it, is a Bhutanese territory.

INDIA Updated: Aug 28, 2017 14:00 IST

India and China have agreed to an “expeditious disengagement” of their troops who have been locked in a two-months-long face-off along the disputed Doklam region bordering Bhutan and China, the foreign ministry in New Delhi announced on Monday.

“In recent weeks, India and China maintained diplomatic communication in respect of incident at Doklam... we were able to express our views and convey our concerns and interests. On this basis, expeditious disengagement of border personnel at the face-off site at Doklam has been agreed to and is on-going,” the ministry of external affairs said in a short statement, without giving any details of the disengagement.

Within the hour, Chinese foreign ministry said Indian forces “have already withdrawn to the Indian side of border”. “Chinese forces will continue to patrol in Doklam region,” China’s ministry of foreign affairs (MFA) spokesperson Hua Chunying said during the daily briefing

The decision put a lid on of the most serious disputes between the two neighbours who share a 3,500-km disputed frontier. It also comes day before a summit of the BRICS nations — a grouping that also includes Brazil, Russia and South Africa — in China early next month that Prime Minister Narendra Modi is expected to attend the summit.

Troops from both sides were involved in a showdown at the India-China-Bhutan tri-junction Doklam since June 16.

India has said its troops acted in coordination with the Bhutan government to oppose the construction of a road by Chinese troops in the strategic region that Thimphu claims as its own territory.

China blamed Indian of trespassing on its territory, and over the past weeks, went to the extent of warning New Delhi that the impasse could lead to a wider military confrontation. Its state-controlled media also launched a PR campaign against India.
“On the afternoon on August 28, India has pulled back all trespassing personnel, equipment to the Indian side of the boundary. Chinese personnel on the ground have verified this,” Hua said on Monday.

“The Chinese side will continue to exercise its sovereignty, uphold territorial integrity in accordance with the historical conventions,” she said.

“Chinese government attaches its friendly relations with India. We hope India can earnestly abide by historical relations and norms governing the international law based on the mutual respect of sovereignty to uphold the peace tranquillity of the border with India,” Hua added.


Your PC is chinese. Your smartphone is Chinese. Your country is all made up of Chines eproducts.

Now go spend more time accepting that Chinese have got their land back and would continue to do whatever they want to there.
Not to mention the Indian flag. :rofl:

Doklam standoff: India, China agree to disengage troops after talks, says MEA
China, which accused India of preventing its soldiers from building a road, had taken an aggressive stand and even warned of a war. Bhutan and India maintain that Doklam, or Donglang as the Chinese call it, is a Bhutanese territory.

INDIA Updated: Aug 28, 2017 14:00 IST

India and China have agreed to an “expeditious disengagement” of their troops who have been locked in a two-months-long face-off along the disputed Doklam region bordering Bhutan and China, the foreign ministry in New Delhi announced on Monday.

“In recent weeks, India and China maintained diplomatic communication in respect of incident at Doklam... we were able to express our views and convey our concerns and interests. On this basis, expeditious disengagement of border personnel at the face-off site at Doklam has been agreed to and is on-going,” the ministry of external affairs said in a short statement, without giving any details of the disengagement.

Within the hour, Chinese foreign ministry said Indian forces “have already withdrawn to the Indian side of border”. “Chinese forces will continue to patrol in Doklam region,” China’s ministry of foreign affairs (MFA) spokesperson Hua Chunying said during the daily briefing

The decision put a lid on of the most serious disputes between the two neighbours who share a 3,500-km disputed frontier. It also comes day before a summit of the BRICS nations — a grouping that also includes Brazil, Russia and South Africa — in China early next month that Prime Minister Narendra Modi is expected to attend the summit.

Troops from both sides were involved in a showdown at the India-China-Bhutan tri-junction Doklam since June 16.

India has said its troops acted in coordination with the Bhutan government to oppose the construction of a road by Chinese troops in the strategic region that Thimphu claims as its own territory.

China blamed Indian of trespassing on its territory, and over the past weeks, went to the extent of warning New Delhi that the impasse could lead to a wider military confrontation. Its state-controlled media also launched a PR campaign against India.
“On the afternoon on August 28, India has pulled back all trespassing personnel, equipment to the Indian side of the boundary. Chinese personnel on the ground have verified this,” Hua said on Monday.

“The Chinese side will continue to exercise its sovereignty, uphold territorial integrity in accordance with the historical conventions,” she said.

“Chinese government attaches its friendly relations with India. We hope India can earnestly abide by historical relations and norms governing the international law based on the mutual respect of sovereignty to uphold the peace tranquillity of the border with India,” Hua added.

Indian media will counter the rubbish being vomitted by chinese media. Be prepared chinese for the slaughter from Indian media.
Sooner the truth will be out. Indian Army would not pull back from upper hand without having negotiations with the Chinese. That means Chinese have come to the table to talk before IA has pulled back after mutually agreed mutual pull back. Which means chinese have agreed to indian terms of having talk first. Finally chinese have bent their knees ( I love this phrase, copied from other thread).
Indian media will counter the rubbish being vomitted by chinese media. Be prepared chinese for the slaughter from Indian media.
Sooner the truth will be out. Indian Army would not pull back from upper hand without having negotiations with the Chinese. That means Chinese have come to the table to talk before IA has pulled back after mutually agreed mutual pull back. Which means chinese have agreed to indian terms of having talk first. Finally chinese have bent their knees ( I love this phrase, copied from other thread).
Errr.....the news report i posted is from Hindustan Times. :D
Which are based on actual news reports instead of assumptions like you guys have that Chinese won't build a road.
Show me the report where it says road construction will continue
India, China agree to 'expeditious disengagement' of Doklam border dispute
By James Griffiths, CNN
Updated 4:46 AM EDT, Mon August 28, 2017

Story highlights

  • Dispute is over territory in the Himalayas
  • Had brought back memories of a deadly 1962 border conflict between India and China
(CNN)India and China have agreed to deescalate a months-long territorial standoff in the Himalayas, ahead of a major economic summit involving both countries.

In a statement Monday, India's Ministry of External Affairs said the "expeditious disengagement of border personnel at the face-off site at Doklam has been agreed to and is ongoing."

China's official Xinhua news agency said India had withdrawn its personnel and equipment "that had crossed the border back to the Indian side."

"Chinese personnel verified this at the scene," Xinhua reported. "China will continue to exercise its sovereign rights and preserve its territorial sovereignty in accordance with historical border agreements."

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chinese President Xi Jinping are expected to meet at the BRICS summit -- alongside leaders from Brazil, Russia and South Africa -- in the southern Chinese city of Xiamen later this week.

Diplomacy at work

The standoff between India and China, the two largest BRICS economies, comes as Beijing seeks to expand the five nation grouping to include other emerging nations, many of which are seen as sympathetic to China's interests, according to Sudheendra Kulkarni, chairman of the Observer Research Foundation Mumbai.

China has invited the leaders of Thailand, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Egypt and several other nations to the Xiamen conference.

But the quick deescalation of the situation ahead of the summit shows that Modi has withstood Chinese pressure and forced Beijing to back down, said Manoj Joshi, a fellow at the Observer Research Foundation in Delhi.

The summit will provide a good opportunity to solve the two sides' differences, he said, "provided the two sides understand that the time for posturing is over and diplomacy should be allowed to work."

Dhruva Jaishankar, an analyst at Brookings India, said Monday's announcement was a positive sign that "despite differences both sides can resolve their concerns about each other peacefully and through diplomatic channels."

But Dan Wang, China analyst at the Economic Intelligence Unit, warned the "risk of both sides getting back to military standoff is not eliminated."

"We are likely to see more spats and conflicts between China and India," he said, adding that while outright conflict was unlikely, both countries may seek to punish each other economically by placing restrictions on Chinese and Indian firms accessing their respective markets.

Tense stand-off

The Doklam dispute began in July, over a thin strip of land bordering both countries and Bhutan, in the Himalayas. Though not a part of Indian territory, the area is close to the "chicken's neck," a strategic corridor that serves as a vital artery between Delhi and its far northeastern states.

The stand-off was sparked after Bhutan accused China of constructing a road inside its territory in "direct violation" of treaty obligations. China, which does not have formal diplomatic relations with Bhutan, denied the accusation, contending that Doklam is part of Chinese territory.

India and Bhutan have maintained historically strong relations. Bhutan co-operates closely with India in determining its foreign policy, and the Indian Army is involved in the training of its armed forces.

Beijing accused India of sending troops into Bhutan, further escalating the dispute. In the weeks since, both countries had upped their military presence in the region, China engaged in live fire drills near the border, and a war of words erupted, culminating in a racist video published last month by China's official Xinhua news agency in which a Chinese actor wearing a turban and fake beard mocked Delhi for "shooting itself in the foot."

Long-running tension

The Doklam dispute is the latest in a long-running series of territorial flare-ups between India and China. In 1962, the two countries engaged in a bloody border war, and skirmishes have continued to break out sporadically in the decades since.

On June 26, China accused Indian border guards in the state of Sikkim of crossing into its territory in southwestern Tibet, in an attempt to obstruct the construction of a new mountain road.

India has not denied its troops were present in the area. According to a statement released by the Indian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Indian personnel "approached the Chinese construction party and urged them to desist from changing the status quo."

In response, China blocked religious pilgrims from India from visiting the Manasarovar shrine, accessible only via the Himalayan Nathu La that runs alongside the border between the two nations, "out of security concerns."

The moves come at a time of steadily deteriorating ties between the two countries, say analysts, who point to Chinese investment in Pakistan-administered Kashmir, and Chinese frustration with India's unwillingness to join its One Belt One Road (OBOR) development initiative as points of contention.
Errr.....the news report i posted is from Hindustan Times. :D
Yes, which they quoted from their global times. When I say Indian media i meant the Indian news channel not the print media. You will lots of debate on this coming days. Currently the linelight is on another internal news of a baba.
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