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Recent Pattern of Indian Consuls in New York allegedly abusing Maids


Nov 20, 2009
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United States
Please discuss the Recent Pattern of Indian Consuls in New York allegedly abusing Maids.

Devyani Khobragade

We all know about Ms. Devyani Khobragade allegedly abusing her Maid by enforcing her in slavery like employment. However, this is not the first time an offence of this type allegedly committed by an Indian Consul posted in New York.

Read on,

Neena Malhotra

Indian diplomat asked to pay $1.5 million to ex-maid - The Hindu

A New York City Magistrate Judge on Wednesday recommended that an Indian diplomat, Neena Malhotra, and her husband Jogesh be required to pay out nearly $1.5 million for forcing an Indian girl, Shanti Gurung, at the time said to be underage, to work without pay and meting out “barbaric treatment” to her in their plush East 43rd Street Manhattan apartment.

According to reports the Malhotras induced Ms. Gurung to “work without pay by seizing her passport and visa, restricting her ability to leave their apartment, and constantly warning her that if she traveled on her own without their permission, she would be arrested, beaten, raped and sent back to India as ‘cargo',” in the words of Magistrate Judge Frank Maas.

In 2010 Ms. Gurung's lawyer, Mitchell Karlan, had said to The Hindu, “Shanti's story is one of almost unimaginable cruelty. Over three years without pay, without a passport, without freedom to leave, without friends or family, and unable to speak English to get help.” He added that she continued to live with the emotional scars of this ordeal.

Prabhu Dayal, Consul General New York

Housekeeper Santosh Bhardwaj Sues Indian Diplomat Consul General Prabhu Dayal In New York City Over Wages « CBS New York

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork/AP) — A former housekeeper for the top diplomatic official at India’s consulate in New York filed a lawsuit on Monday saying he took her passport and intimidated her into a year of forced labor, where she was subjected to 105-hour workweeks for only a few dollars an hour in pay.

The woman, Santosh Bhardwaj, said in her lawsuit that she finally “escaped” the arrangement after Consul General Prabhu Dayal made what she thought was an inappropriate sexual advance by allegedly asking her to massage his legs. She said she had been getting paid $300 per month — far less than the $10 per hour in her contract.

Dayal denied that Bhardwaj had been paid any less than what she was promised, or that he did anything to keep her in his household against her will. He also expressed anger that she had “absconded” from the job without warning and said he had “never, ever asked her to give me a massage.

US is consumer and media perception driven place. Once more of US media picks up the story, india brand will suffer the most. Then india and indian companies will pay millions to US lobbyist and PR firm to run some more propaganda. Someone will be laughing all the way to bank. No matter which way it goes, india is loses.
So this is fascinating indeed about, 'The Incredibly Rising & Shining Superpower India'! & all the 'Crap' and fixin's that the Injins profess about, over & over, on this forum.....

Oh & not to forget the 'Most Favorered Nation' Status they get from various Governments....and the countless self praise of economic 'accolades'!

What's going on here, Injins?!!!! This is definitely 'Appalling'! (I'm quite sure not to you folks......It's business as usual)
So this is fascinating indeed about, 'The Incredibly Rising & Shining Superpower India'! & all the 'Crap' and fixin's that the Injins profess about, over & over, on this forum.....

Oh & not to forget the 'Most Favorered Nation' Status they get from various Governments....and the countless self praise of economic 'accolades'!

What's going on here, Injins?!!!! This is definitely 'Appalling'! (I'm quite sure not to you folks......It's business as usual)

wtf is Injins?
This explains why the Marshals acted the way they did. They literally wanted to get this State Dept approved message across that do not mistreat your maid.

I still do not support what happened to the Deputy Consul. I think they could do without strip searching her. She was not a risk to anyone.
Who cares
Now John kerry has regretted to India's NSA & has clarified the Indian diplomat will no longer be prosecueted as she noq has full diplomatic immunity.
God I miss Nixon/Kissinger who just hated Indians (and with good reason). Hope the next US pres is like Nixon/Kissinger.
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