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protest in NY against indian diplomat

No,standard response for retarded posts.Whites are still the majority in the US,according to you they should elect only blacks.

Never stated anything of the sort written in bold. Anyway, it's obvious you are in no mood to get a little reality check for now.
Never stated anything of the sort written in bold. Anyway, it's obvious you are in no mood to get a little reality check for now.

Blacks are still slaves of whites in America. Yeah I know you have a black president but let's cut the crap , the government is overwhelmingly white. .

You are more racist than most whites.
Standard response when out of words. Alright carry on buddy.

Let's see

1: Whites are by no definition enslaving Blacks in the US or any other country in the world. I wonder what you'd consider the slave labor in India to be if what we have here is slavery?

2. The government is overwhelmingly White because the population is overwhelmingly White. Blacks are 13% of the population, so there is no surprise to anyone with more than one brain cell that they don't constitute a large proportion of government officials.

3. The "police treatment" of Blacks in America is not nearly hard enough. The Black homicide rate is almost 10x higher than the White homicide rate. For sake of comparison, the Male homicide rate is only 8x higher than the Female homicide rate.

Either which way, no one is desperate to migrate to slummy-dummy Delhi, while Indians and Blacks alike are desperate to hop on the next boat/plane/shanty-craft heading for the USA... probably, like you said, to be slaves.
Let's see

1: Whites are by no definition enslaving Blacks in the US or any other country in the world. I wonder what you'd consider the slave labor in India to be if what we have here is slavery?

2. The government is overwhelmingly White because the population is overwhelmingly White. Blacks are 13% of the population, so there is no surprise to anyone with more than one brain cell that they don't constitute a large proportion of government officials.

3. The "police treatment" of Blacks in America is not nearly hard enough. The Black homicide rate is almost 10x higher than the White homicide rate. For sake of comparison, the Male homicide rate is only 8x higher than the Female homicide rate.

Either which way, no one is desperate to migrate to slummy-dummy Delhi, while Indians and Blacks alike are desperate to hop on the next boat/plane/shanty-craft heading for the USA... probably, like you said, to be slaves.

Yeah and that's why most of the population in your jails happens to be black. Please the police and governmental treatment of blacks in America is well documented. You can evade it as much as you want but the rest of the world knows it. Thanks globalisation for it.

As for Indians and blacks moving to America , you are generalising that everybody wants to move there. Shows your intellectual capability and racist tendency. Let's end it right there.

You are more racist than most whites.

Sorry none of these one liners are going to cut it.
Yeah and that's why most of the population in your jails happens to be black. Please the police and governmental treatment of blacks in America is well documented. You can evade it as much as you want but the rest of the world knows it. Thanks globalisation for it.

As for Indians and blacks moving to America , you are generalising that everybody wants to move there. Shows your intellectual capability and racist tendency. Let's end it right there.

Sorry none of these one liners are going to cut it.

Lol,he just gave you crime stats and you're still raving.

One liners won't cut it,your own words will.
@flamer84 @American_Millenium @kal el

Try to reply to my post #93. Cut the rest of BS.

Lol,he just gave you crime stats and you're still raving.

One liners won't cut it,your own words will.

Stats ? prepared by who ? An overwhelmingly white American police :lol: Oh please... Stick to the topic.

I am pretty sure what can get a black guy thrown in jail will only lead to a reprimand for a white guy in most minor cases. That is the unwritten law of America.
@flamer84 @American_Millenium @kal el

Try to reply to my post #93. Cut the rest of BS.

Stats ? prepared by who ? An overwhelmingly white American police :lol: Oh please... Stick to the topic.

I am pretty sure what can get a black guy thrown in jail will only lead to a reprimand for a white guy in most minor cases. That is the unwritten law of America.

Right...falsified stats like those nigerians causing trouble in India ?

How paranoid can you get ? Whites falsify crime stats in the US now...geez....:rofl:

Americans should realise, the problem is not so much with the arrest and prosecution as it is with the strip search and alleged cavity search and being put in jail with common criminals.

Consular immunity and the nature of offence which is purely civil should have prevented this kind of treatment. Indians are taking this as symbolic of how the common American thinks of Indians no matter what the government may talk of us.

America does not value it's relations with India. Plain and simple . I am saying this not because of the arrest and prosecution but the way the woman diplomat was handled.She is representative of the country for god's sake.

If this is 'standard procedure' in America even for an alleged civil offence , then that would be very sad for a so called free and developed country.

The prosecutor is of indian descent dude,he ordered the arest,he built the case !!
The prosecutor is of indian descent dude,he ordered the arest,he built the case !!

Again a pointless one-liner. Prosecutor may be of Indian descent. The arrest and prosecution are not the major issues but her treatment is. Strip search , throwing in jail with common criminals and an alleged cavity search. None of this was required for an alleged civil offence and that too on a woman who has consular immunity.

You want to evade taking up these issues because you know this could have been handled much better. Only your ego and arrogance is stopping you from accepting it.
Again a pointless one-liner. Prosecutor may be of Indian descent. The arrest and prosecution are not the major issues but her treatment is. Strip search , throwing in jail with common criminals and an alleged cavity search. None of this was required for an alleged civil offence and that too on a woman who has consular immunity.

You want to evade taking up these issues because you know this could have been handled much better. Only your ego and arrogance is stopping you from accepting it.

Honestly ? Yes,they could have been handled much better but that was up to the prosecutor and he did it covered by the law.
I am almost very sure that the american establishment would have wanted to avoid the scandal but it was not up to them.
The reason i've mentioned he'[s indian it to yours "whites this,whites that" pointless arguement.If an indian does something to an indian and still the whites are guilty,it's just ridiculous.
Honestly ? Yes,they could have been handled much better but that was up to the prosecutor and he did it covered by the law.
I am almost very sure that the american establishment would have wanted to avoid the scandal but it was not up to them.
The reason i've mentioned he'[s indian it to yours "whites this,whites that" pointless arguement.If an indian does something to an indian and still the whites are guilty,it's just ridiculous.

I only raised the white point when someone ( you ?) starting talking about slavery in India which is completely off topic.

Anyway , thanks for accepting that this could and should have been handled better. That is the whole point of the issue and the Indian anger which is legitimate. If strip search and cavity search is the law in America even for civil offences related to labour laws then that is appalling for any country , let alone a developed country.

Her being a woman and that too a consul only accused of a civil offence should have been spared this kind of treatment.
Don't ever compare your Gandhi dictatorship to an actual democratic country like the US. Calling India a democracy is the biggest insult to a proper democratic country.

Just ask the Sikh protestors in 1984 whether they were allowed to freely protest without getting crushed by the barbaric Indian military. Millions of innocent Sikh protestors were brutally crushed by the Indian military at the orders of the repressive Indian regime.

I agree but I don't think they were millions. :P
I only raised the white point when someone ( you ?) starting talking about slavery in India which is completely off topic.

No,you've raised the whites/slavery debate first.Posts can be checked 2 pages back for posterity.:)
Blacks are still slaves of whites in America. Yeah I know you have a black president but let's cut the crap , the government is overwhelmingly white. Everybody knows the police treatment of blacks in America.

Also, us Indians are not known to be the people who wiped out an entire race of people just in the greed of some land unlike ... .

America should be the last country to preach human rights to anybody.

I think the blacks would whip your *** if you said this to them in person over here. :lol:

Truth is, the government is mostly white because whites are the most educated, now you are seeing more and more Asian Americans in government because they are just as hard working and the trend will continue. Most blacks are still to busy collecting food stamps and playing gangster around here to be in government and it is the same reason why police are most harsh towards blacks.
Kal, the comments are based on cultural aspect of the "strip search" upon a woman... it is knee jerk, but that is where it a coming from. This lady committed fraud no doubt about it...but to be strip searched is the bane of the issue. Should we have exercised the option afforded to many citizens of ROR when arrested ... this issue would not been so enflamed.

here is what I posted earlier

Jay.. I can understand why some are upset by this. Why do you think I waited so long to comment, because I wanted to absorb as much facts about it as I could. Thats why I said I was trying to understand the other side of this. You don't see me making belligerent nationalist over the top posts about it like some though. I could just as easily get into pissing matches with some of these huffers & puffers, but what good would that accomplish? That's not why I come to this forum. it's good you're trying to keep an even keel over all this, as am I.
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